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University of Bohol

College of Nursing

Name: Joana Jane C. Pañamogan


Footnote to Youth

A. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the story all about?


The story is about a 17-year-old boy named Dodong wanted to marry the love of his life,
Teang. Dodong told his father about the decision that they have made and was asked if
he should really marry. His father told him that he was too young to marry but he insisted
on it. Dodong was really eager of how he wanted to marry Teang get the consent of his
father and immediately got it. Later on, they had some children and one was named as
Blas. They have both experienced and realized how hard it is to be a parent and live a
real life. Teang, on the other hand, wondered what will happen if she had not married
Dodong and married her other suitor in the past instead. But she remembered the reason
why she had married Dodong, whom made life ugly, was because she loved him. Dodong
had lots of questions in his mind about why such things happen to him. Then when Blas
turned eighteen, he told his father that he wanted to marry some girl. It was just like how
things happened in the past. He also said to Blas about the same thing that his own father
told him before. He couldn’t do anything but to allow Blas on what he wanted to do. In the
end, Dodong felt very sad and sorry for his son.

2. Analyze the structure of the story, Footnote to Youth”, by describing the

part of the story that would clearly illustrate the following


Exposition- The exposition in the short story is when Dodong is going to tell his parents
that he had decided that he is going to marry Teang since he was already of age to live
separately with them. He had already asked for the hand of Teang and he just needed
the permission of his parents to make it official. When he finally told his father, he said it
without any effort at all and without self-consciousness but when he looked at his father,
there were questions in his eyes but Dodong insisted that he is of age and can stand by
his decision so his father was left with no choice but to agree since it was his son’s wish.

Complication- The complication of the story is Man vs. Man and Man vs. Himself. Man
vs. Man, because there is an implied conflict which is the conflict between the father and
the son. First, was with Dodong and his father and then, Dodong and his son, Blas. Man
vs. Himself, because Dodong was somewhat guilt of his decision of marrying at a young
age. He battled it during the delivery of their first born, and also with Taeng.

Crisis- The crisis of the story is when Dodong and Teang are going to have their first-
born child. Teang was delivering the baby and Dodong was outside of their house. There
he had realized that he was too young to have a child, he was too young to marry. He
had this sudden realization and he was somehow ashamed to his mother for his youthful
paternity. Even with that realization, for the successive years, new child came along.
Teang did not complain but sometimes she cries at night wishing she didn’t marry or
rather she married his suitor, Lucio.

Climax- The climax of the story is when Blas, Dodong and Teang’s first born, came home
at night and was very flustered and happy. He told his father that he is going to marry
Tona, which he had asked for her hand in marriage that night. Dodong didn’t want Blas
to marry yet because he had already experienced what he is experiencing. But Blas
insisted that he is going to marry Tona.

Resolution- The resolution of the story footnote of the youth is about Dodong, a 17 yr old
teenager who wants to marry his girlfriend Teang at a very young age. They agree to get
married without thinking of the risks of being a young couple. After nine months, Blas
came to their lives. Teang, after years of being a mother and a wife, regrets the decisions
of her young-self. Blas became a teenager. He wants to follow his parents’ decision, to
marry his lover at a very age. Of course, his father explains to him how hard to marry at
a young age, but like Dodong he pursues what he wants. We always have a choice in
every decision that we're going to make and we need to think of the consequences of it.
Maybe they we're overwhelmed of their feelings but with proper guidance and knowledge
in marriage, their decision might change.

3. What point of view is used is used in the story?


The point of view used was the omniscient limited where the author tells the story in
third person and the audience only knows what the character knows and what the author
allows to tell the audience.
4. Name the characters and give ONE unique characteristic for each.


Dodong- He is the male lead of the story. He is young and confident. He feels
independent enough to marry the love of his life at the tender age of 17 years. He
convinces his father for the same and gets married.

Teang- She is the muse of Dudong and loves him immensely. She chooses him over
another suitor Lucio who is a lot older than her. They both bear seven kids and feel that
they made a mistake by marrying so young.

Blas- He is the first born of the married couple. When he turns 18, he also wants to marry
young but is advised by his father to weigh all the pros and cons. However, he does not
feel that he would repeat the mistakes of his parents.

Lucio- He is the suitor of Teang and wants to marry her. He is almost 190 years older
than her and a lot mature. But once she rejects him, he marries another girl but is unable
to have children.

Tena- She is the love interest of Blas and loves him dearly.

Dodong’s Father- He is the one who advises Dodong to think hard before jumping into
a commitment like marriage.

5. Pick two or three words or phrases that could represent the following types
of setting:


Cultural environment- countryside, forests, urban areas and cities

Temporal environment- timing, sequence, and length of routines

Manufactured environment- reveal or highlight qualities of character and give

literature verisimilitude.

Natural environment- usual things in nature like mountains and rivers

6. What societal problems are demonstrated in the whole story?


The story highlights a problem in Philippine society - the practice of marrying too young
and suffering through the rest of the marriage.
B. Set up an interview with your parents. Please be guided by the following key

1. What would you like me to achieve first before I get married in the future? Or,
what do you require me to do first before I settle down?

2. What pieces of advice would you like to share with me now?

3. In a clean bond paper, write a covenant between you and your parents. State
clearly what you have agreed about getting married. This covenant should be duly
signed by you and your parents.

4. Take and attach a picture of you and your parents signing the covenant.


1. Make sure that you finish your studies and get a stable job.
2. Study first because it’s really important it’s not for us but for you to get a stable job.


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