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Functional Testing

Task/Scenario Given:

Sprint Day Sprint Activity

Project Management Activity: Product Owner
1. Create user stories based open functionality
I. Understanding requirements
II. Assign priority
III. Assign user stories to team members
2. Identify the De+B3pendacy between the requirement
3. Final ordering of product backlog item( set of all user stories)
Sprint Day 1
Create Task / Deliverables:
1. List of User Stories & Functions to test
2. All tasks with JIRA should be ready in SCRUM template

JIRA Task and Test Design : Dev Team

1. Assign story point or time required to accomplish the story/Task
2. Categorize user stories in to Epic, User Stories, Tasks & SubTasks
3. Assign the stories to components
4. Add group members in th Project on JIRA.
5. Create MAnual Test Scenarios
Sprint Day 2
Create Task / Deliverables:
1. Test scenarios
2. Test Case design

Scrum Team activities : Dev Team

1. Create scrum based sprints
2. Create Sprint backlog (select the stories for the particular Sprint)
3. Create Sprint board (Todo , in process, Done)

Sprint Day 3 Create Task / Deliverables:

1. Test Case design
2. Test Case execution
Scrum Team Activity : Scrum Team (PO, SM, DT)
1. Plan for release
2. Generate Agile report relevant to scrum project (e.g. Burn down chart,
Sprint Day 4 Sprint report etc.)

Create Task / Deliverables:

1. Defect reporting
2. Traceability Matrix
3. Test summary report

Keep all the Deliverables on Git

Sprint Day 5 Sprint Evaluation
Functional Testing Case Study - 1

The following website is given for Manual Testing to follow Agile practices and design and execute Test Cases and create

Overview and scope of functionality

Project Overview:
OrangeHRM is the most popular open source human resource management (HRM) Web Based software applica
Orange HRM, being browser based, require no clients to be installed. It has easy- to- use interface, is customizab
any length, and is affordable. The platform provides stability for performing rigorous Testing.

In scope Functionality:
Login with below credentials :
1. User should be able to Login to Orange HRM by entering valid credentials on Login Panel.

User Name:Admin

B. The PIM Module

1. The PIM Module should maintains all relevant employee related information, including different types of perso
information, detailed qualifications, work experience, job related information etc.
2. The Admin should be able to Configure optional/custom fields, using Configuration Tab under PIM Module.
3. The Admin should be able to View all employee details
4. The Admin should be able to Add employee on the list.
5. The admin should be able to Generate employee report.
6. The ESS-Supervisor should be able to View his personal details as well as his/her subordinates.
7. The ESS-Employee can view his personal details under the ‘My Info’ Module.

Out of Scope Functionality:

Load Testing and Security Testing on Leave Management System.

Expected Implementations :
1. Usage of all Testing Types
2. Usage of Test Design Techniques like EP, BVA etc.
3. Usage of Valid invalid input data
4. Test case design in Integration and system level testing
nd execute Test Cases and create Defect

) Web Based software application.

o- use interface, is customizable to
us Testing.

ogin Panel.

ncluding different types of personal

tion Tab under PIM Module.

Issue Type

Epic 1 : Login Functionalities





As a Active user,I should be able to login https://opensource-demo

Verify that user should be able to login to https://opensource-demo
succesfully and Verify that user should be able to login with valid credentials
Verify that user should be able to login with Invalid credentials

Verify that user should be able to Reset the password

Verify that user should be able to view home page


As a Active user,I should be able to login https://opensource-demo with valid

credentials, so that I can access the portal.
As a Active user, I should be able to login with Invalid credentials, so that I can access the portal.

As an admin, I want to reset my password in the Orange HRM portal, so that I can access the portal with valid

As an admin, I want to view home page of the Orange HRM portal, so that I can access all modules in portal.
Priority Assigned to
HIGH Bhavana

TestScenarioID Requirement ID Test Scenario Description
TS_1 RQ_1.1 To verify that user should be able to
login to
https://opensource-demo successfully

TS_1 RQ_1.2 To verify that user should be able to

login to Website with Invalid details

TS_1 RQ_1.3 To verify that user Should be able to reset the password with
valid credentials
TS_1 RQ_1.4 To verify that user should be able to view home page
TS_2 RQ_2.1 To verify that user should be able to view personal information

TS_2 RQ_2.2 To verify that user should be able to view detailed qualification
Type of Testing Possible No. of Test Cases Test Case Details
Functional Testing 6

Functional Testing 2

Functional Testing 2

Functional Testing 2
Functional Testing 2

Functional Testing 2
Test Case ID Test ScenarioPrecondition

TC_01 TS_1.1 User is already registered

User has valid username and password

Login page is available

Home page is available

Elements in the navigation bar are

TC_01 TS_1.2 User is already registered

User has Invalid username and


Login page is available

Home page is available

Elements in the navigation bar are not

Test Condition Step NumberTest Case StepsTest Data
Open Orange
HRM website
To validate the user should able to login Step 1 https://openso urce-
with valid credentials urce- demo.orangehr
Step2 Navigate to
"Login Panel"

Enter user
Step 3 name in "User Admin
name filed:

Step 3 Enter admin123

Click on
Step 5
"Login" button
Verify whether
Step 6 User is able to
Openwith valid
HRM website
To validate the user should able to login Step 1 https://openso urce-
with Invalid credentials urce-
demo.orangeh demo.orangehr
Step 2 Navigate to
"Login Panel"

Enter user
Step 3 name in "User Shennen
name filed:

Step 4 Enter 1234


Click on
Step 5
"Login" button

Verify whether
User is able to
Step 6
login with valid
Result Iteration
2 2
(to be
(to be
Expected Result Actual Result Iteration 1 Status updated updated
Iteration 1 only if
only if test case
test case
User should be able failed in failed in
to open Orange HRM User is able to open Orange HRM Iteration
website 1)
website 1)

User should navigate User is navigated to "Login Panel"

to "Login Panel"

User should be able pass

to enter user name User is able to enter user name

User should be able User is able to enter password

to enter password
User should be able
to click on 'Login User is able to click on 'Login button.
User should be able
to login with valid User is able to login with valid
User should be able
to open Orange HRM User is able to open Orange HRM
User should navigate User is navigated to "Login Panel"
to "Login Panel"

User should be able

to enter user name User is able to enter user name

User should be able User is able to enter password

to enter password Fail
User should be able
to click on 'Login User is able to click on 'Login button.

User should be able User is not able to login with Invalid

to login with Invalid
credentials credentials
Comments Re q: Reference
Defect Id.Module name Defect Summary Description

Steps :
1. Open URL.
1. Login to Orange HRM.
DF_01 Login User is unable to login 2. Enter user name in "User name filed"
with Invalid credentials. 3. Enter password.
4. Click on "Login" button
5. Verify whether User is able to login
with valid credentials.

Steps :
ESS Supervisor is not able 1. Login to Orange HRM.
2. Open ADmin module.
DF_02 Admin view his subordinates
Employee personal details. 3. Click on Userrole in Admin module.
4. Select role ESS and search.
5. Click on subordinate details.
Actual output Defect Priority Assigned To Status

User is not able to login High shennen.jospeh@ca Active

with Invalid credentials

ESS-Supervisor is not able

to view his subordinate Medium Active
personal details
Req No. Req Desc TestScenario ID

To Verify the Login TS_1.1,TS_1.2,

Functionalities . TS_1.3,TS_1.4

To Verify the PIM

Module should maintain TS_2.1,TS_2.2,
all relavent employee TS_2.3,TS_2.4
related info.
TS_1.1 - Pass
TS_1.2 -Fail
TS_1.3 -Pass
TS_1.4 -Pass
TS_2.1 -Pass
TS_2.2 -Pass
TS_2.3 -Pass
TS_2.4- Pass
Test Summary Report
Test Cycle System Test




Login Functionalities

PIM Module-My Info

Configuration Module
Employee List
Add Employee
Report Employee
Admin Tab
My Info
Test Summary Report
e System Test


Description No of TCs Executed

Verify that user should be able
to login to https://opensource-demo 4
Verify that admin should be able access PIM Module in Orange HRM. 4
Verify that admin should be able to access Configuration field in Orange HRM. 2
Verify that admin should be able to view all employee related details in Orange HRM 6
Verify that admin should be able to add employee on the list in Orange HRM 5
Verify that admin should be able to generate employee report in Orange HRM 2
Verify that ESS-supervisor should be able to view my personal details as well as 4
his subordinates details in Orange HRM
Verify that ESS-employee should be able to viewpersonal data in "My info" in Orange HRM. 1

No of TCs Passed TCs pending

Priority Remarks

3 1 High

4 0 Medium
2 0 Medium
6 0 Medium
5 0 Medium
2 0 Medium
3 1 Medium
1 0 Medium
Automation Testing Case Study - 1
Following website is given for Automating Testing using Selenium Automation Page Factory/POM, TestNG & BDD Framewor
Sprint Day # Task / Scenario Given
1.       Java Case study completion individually
2.       Identify the Manual Test Cases that you want to automate.
3.       Plan the flow of application that you want to test using
automation test scripts.
Sprint Day 1
4.       Create a Maven Project - Associate required libraries with the
Maven Project
5.       Configure required dependencies like Selenium WebDriver,
TestNG / Junit, Cucumber etc. in POM.xml
1.       Create the required Feature files with relevant scenarios (User
Stories) using Gherkin.
·       Use Scenario Outline & Examples to implement
Parametrization in Feature File
2.       Implement Page Factory or Object Repository (XML/Property
File) to identify and store all the web elements.
Sprint Day 2 ·       Use all types of Locators
·       Ensure appropriate usage of Selenium Web Driver API
objects and import statements
3.       Implement parametrization using apache POI
4.       Implement TestNG for generating reports and XML file for
parallel execution of test suite
5.       Design the test runner class
1.       Generate Step Definitions and write the Tests addressing all
the functional requirements.
·       Implement Assertions/Verifications using TestNG
·       Use appropriate wait statements
Sprint Day 3 ·       Handle new windows, popup’s, navigations
2.       Ensure implementation of good programing practices
·       Variable, Function & procedure naming convention
·       Usage of comments
·       Code Indentation
1.       Generate Traceability Matrix based on Feature File User
Stories, Test Scripts and Defects
Sprint Day 4 2.       Finally generate TestNG/XML Test report mentioning pass/fail
3.       Keep all code in Git repository
Sprint 1. Jenkins Implimentation
Day 5 2. Project Closure
Sprint Sprint Evaluation
Day 6
esting Case Study - 1
mation Page Factory/POM, TestNG & BDD Framework (using Cucumber)

Deliverables at the EoS Day#

1.       Case Study implementation code
2.       Test Cases: Positive & Negative
3.       Application Flows: Positive & Negative.

4.       Creation of project structure

1.       List of Feature Files :

2.       List of Test Cases :

3.       Prioritization of tests :

4.       Parametrization Sample Data :

5.       Any Test Suite?

6.       Test Runner class Parameters

7.       Report File Names

1.       Detail Test Script in Step Definitions

2.       Feature File- Test Case – PF/OR collation in an Excel sheet

1.       Traceability Matrix

2.       Test Reports

3. Final execuatble code in Git

1. Create build using Jenkins

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