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Registered Office

Eni UK Limited
Eni House, 10 Ebury Bridge Road
London SW1W 8PZ
United Kingdom
Registered in England & Wales
(Company number 862823)
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7344 6000
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7344 6044

ENI UK Offshore Travel COVID-19 Self Declaration Form

Update 22, Issued 25th March 2022
Prior to travelling to an Eni UK offshore operational site, personnel must ensure that they are in
compliance with all relevant UK COVID-19 requirements. In order to further minimise the risk of a
COVID-19 case at site, the following Eni UK restrictions are also in place.

1. Individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 are not permitted to enter site:

i. For at least 7 days following the onset of symptoms, or from the day they tested positive.
ii. After 7 days entry to site is only permitted:
• If the individual has been symptom-free for at least 3 days and has tested negative on
both days prior to returning to site (typically days 6 and 7).
• Entry is permitted if an individual still has a cough after 7 days, as long as the person has
been clear of all other symptoms for at least 3 days.

2. Individuals who have a positive COVID case in their household must inform their site contact and
not travel to an Eni site for at least 8 days, starting from the day their household member tested
positive or first became ill.

3. International Travel – Anyone with an overseas home address who has not been fully
vaccinated cannot access an Eni UK offshore site.

4. A COVID-19 vulnerability assessment should have been completed by your employer prior to
your mobilisation and entry to site. If you have been defined as vulnerable, the form of
vulnerability must be communicated to the OIM and Medic on your arrival at site.

5. COVID testing and temperature screening will be conducted prior to entry to the Heliport. Only
individuals with a negative COVID test result and normal temperature will be permitted to travel.

6. Everyone travelling to an Eni UK offshore site must declare their willingness to show their COVID
pass on request and to take a lateral flow self-test two days before travel, and declare both on
this form.

7. All personnel will be required to undertake COVID tests while at site, either on day 3, or some
other frequency specific to that site. Additional testing may be required in some circumstances.

As part of the pre-flight procedure, you are required to provide this self-declaration
confirming that you are aware of the above restrictions and are in compliance with them.
Individuals must submit the self-declaration prior to travel and anyone who has not provided
it will not be permitted to fly.

1. I, _____________________________________, hereby confirm that I have read and understood

the above restrictions.
2. I confirm that am willing to show my COVID pass on request: ___________
3. I confirm that I took a lateral flow test up to 2 days before travelling: ___________

Signature ______________________ Date __________________________

Company ______________________

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