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What to expect

Course outline and our approach

A Fully Customized Flow Profile

So you know exactly when, where and how you most easily get into Flow, and how that’s developed
over the course of your life, so you can get more of it more easily than ever

Flow Trigger Training Missions

Where you get to choose your level of challenge and go out into the world with specific tasks that
ramp up your “Flow prone-ness” dramatically

Cutting edge research, theory and models

You’ll learn about the four stage Flow Cycle and the two critical steps that almost everyone gets
wrong, about the Flow Time Map–and exactly how to steer yourself out of Past and Future and into
the Deep Now, about the crucial research on how your Mindset directly affects your ability to
recover from setbacks, and much more from top-ranked institutions like Harvard, Columbia,
Cambridge, Stanford, DARPA and more!

Rewire Your Nervous System

You’ll learn about the one simple trick to overcome negativity bias and rewire your nervous system
with greater resilience and resourcefulness.

Daily Brain Entrainment Exercises

You’ll train on a daily basis with the best attention-awareness entrainment video out there.

Navy SEAL Breathing Techniques

You’ll practice the same respiratory control techniques that the Navy SEALs use to condition their
bodies against the fight/flight response and get into Flow faster

Access the 1000x Processing Power of Your Brain

You’ll learn (and use) a simple 12 hour creativity Flow hack to access the 1000X processing power of
your intrinsic brain instead of our normal waking state

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