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In an industry, employees are the

foundation of a strong and indestructible
organization. This means that having well –
mannered and good performing employees will
ensure your company or organization to have high
productivity and success rate. On the other hand,
those organizations with inappropriate attitudes
will probably lead to failure of achieving its goals
and visions. We can say that individual’s attitudes affect its organization’s overall image and performance.

One of the important tasks of an organization is to know

their employees’ attitudes through measuring such. This task is
essential in a way that it helps in enhancing the morale and
productivity of the employees. In the same way, measuring
employee attitudes provide organization the dimensions where
improvements can be made. Employees’ attitudes are very important. How the employees behave in an
organization will greatly affect all the aspects of the organization including job satisfaction, motivation,
cooperation, and performance. By measuring such, the employers or higher management will have the
knowledge about the needs of the employees. Those employees with low level of attitudes will benefit from
such in a way that their confidence and self – esteem will be increased which will surely lead to higher
productivity rate of the employees. In the same way, by conducting attitude measurements will benefit the
company because such will provide solutions to those problems that deal with their employees.

For us to say that the task was a successful one, the results of the attitude measurement must be
effectively communicated to all of its subordinates. In this way, each and every one can give their feedbacks
and solutions to the problems. The employers now will be able to implement such as an answer to the results
of the measurement. There are different methods on measuring the attitudes of the employees. Such are
Employee Attitude Surveys, Impressionistic, Guided Interview, Unguided Interview, and Attitude

The first method is the Employee Attitude Survey. It is also called as Employee Opinion Survey.
In this method, the employees will simply fill out the paper survey. The survey can be done through printed
papers or online surveys. The topics that must consist the survey are Job Satisfaction, Teamwork,
Management Styles, Employee Commitment, Workplace Culture, Compensation and Recognition,
Creativity and Innovation, Customer Service,
Communication, Mentoring, Strategic Leadership,
Life Balance, and Training and Professional

By doing Employee Attitude Survey

provides the companies or organizations the overall
picture of the employees’ specific strengths and
weaknesses. With the help of such, employers will be
able to create organizational change in accordance with the results of the surveys. Those organizational
changes may focus and enhance the employee productivity, commitment, and satisfaction. Such also
depends on the areas or aspects of the organization where the employees are most frustrated. Employee
Attitude Surveys focus on specific company needs or gaps in service, training and professional
development. Through these surveys, the employers will be able to see the gaps on the employees’ side and
come up of a solution after. Also, one of the benefits of this survey is it enhances communication between
employees and management. After giving the surveys, receiving and disseminating the results, such are
good ways of improving each other’s communication in a way that the employees gave their honest
responses and management will also be giving their feedbacks about the survey. Employee Attitude Survey
is one of the ways to identify solutions to motivate employees, increase their job satisfaction, and improve
the bottom line.

The second method is the Impressionistic

Method. This method is a non – statistical one which does
not lead to quantitative results and knowledge. From the
word itself, this method is being done through the
employers’ observation. The attitudes of the employees are
being observed and draw conclusions from it.
Impressionistic Method is one of the easiest ways to
measure the attitudes of employees because there will be no
needed effort to perform this kind of task. You will just need to observe. What you see will be the basis of
your conclusions and solutions to the problems that may arise. On the other hand, Impressionistic Method
seems to be highly subjective. Through observing someone and drawing conclusions based on what you
see lead to judgement. Also, such can lead to incorrect conclusions because the observer may attach or use
his/her personal feelings in giving impressions. The results of Impressionistic Method are hard to tell if
such are based on fact or fiction.
Guided Interview is also one of the ways in measuring the attitude of employees. It is a structured
and purposeful conversation between the interviewer and the employee. In this method, the interviewer is
trying to obtain complete and honest answers to a specific number of questions. Guided Interviews are
advantage to the employers because such are being done face – to – face. By doing face – to – face
interviews will let the interviewer see
how the employees act and give
answer to a specific question. Such
can also be used to measure and
evaluate the attitudes of the

Another method is Unguided

Interview. It is characterized by its
free nature of discussion. This type of
interview does not limit the
interviewer to ask different questions
regarding the employees’ attitudes. Since this interview is not structured unlike the other one, the freedom
to ask different questions is given to the interviewer. In the same way, the interviewee or the employee has
the right to answer the questions in his/her own way. Through this method, the interviewer can collect
different information and assess such in the latter part.

The last method is the Attitude Scale.

Such is the best way to measure the attitudes of
the employees. This scale measures one or more
aspects of an employee’s attitude toward some
objects. The responses made by the employees to
the various scales will be summed up to come up
with a single attitude for each employee. Attitude
Scale provides quantitative information about the
responses and opinions of the employees
regarding certain topics being discussed in the questionnaire.

Understanding employees will be a tricky one. Such needs a lot of efforts to perform. At the end of
the day, we will realize that those efforts will be paid off because knowing and being concern with our
employees will lead us to success.

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