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1. “A song or an album is never really done.

You can work on it forever, but

knowing when to call it a day and knowing when to walk away from it is extremely
important.” – G-Eazy

2. “I does what I wish to. If you’re mad, well too bad. Sounds like a personal
issue.” – G-Eazy

3. “I read the Steve Jobs book, and that kind of changed everything. I’ve been,
like, an Apple geek my whole life and have always seen him as a hero. But reading
the book, and learning about how he built the company, and maintaining that
corporate culture and all that, I think that influenced me a lot.” – G-Eazy

4. “I think my style revolves around the philosophy that less is more, that
simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. That goes for my taste in design and in
clothes, and even affects the way I approach music. I’m all about keeping things
simple, and minimal, but being able to convey something powerful through that
approach.” – G-Eazy

5. “I was 14 years old when I started rapping and I was terrible. I fell in love
with it though and when that happens with me I become super passionate and go all
the way with it.” – G-Eazy

7. “In anything I do I try to stay true to myself because I think that’s what
matters most, and then the challenge is getting all these different sides of my
personality to fit together in one box. It isn’t an easy task. But that’s basically
what the end result represents.” – G-Eazy

8. “Life is good. I’ve got a apartment that is paid for with rap money. It’s good.
It’s amazing. It’s a blessing. I wake up every day and appreciate how much of a
blessing this is getting to do this. But it is important to always stay humble,
grounded, focused, and maintain that same ambition you had when you had nothing.” –

9. “Success is just being able to do what I love for a living, spend all my time
doing it, connect with fans, and continue that for a long f – king time.” – G-Eazy

10. “When I started making music, I was so heavy into the hyphy movement. That’s
something you only know so much about if you were right there living in it,
submerged in the culture.” – G-Eazy

11. “I always think I’m going to record a lot on tour but it’s always hard to fit
it in the schedule, and there’s a whole lotta’ other extra curricular activities
that happen on the road.” – G-Eazy

12. “I don’t know if most people know it or not, but I produce, like, 95% of my own
stuff.” – G-Eazy

13. “I see myself as a hip-hop artist, but I never wanted to make music for a
specifically white audience. That’s not what I grew up around.” – G-Eazy

14. “I think the special stuff [music] still finds a way to be heard, as long as
you pair it with a good release strategy.” – G-Eazy

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