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Food As Fuel: How Leaders Power Their Days

by: Forbes

Leaders have learned that what they eat impacts their performance. We all know how great a
healthy diet is for your body, but did you know that some foods can boost your productivity by
nourishing your brain? Certain nutrients feed your mind and create long-lasting energy to help
you stay focused and productive all day long. Leaders see food as fuel to power their days.
They eat foods that provide energy and stimulate mental performance, rather than foods that
lead to a massive crash.

If you are serious about being as efficient and productive as possible during your workday, you
may want to ask yourself if the food you are eating serves as fuel for your body and mind. If
you aren’t eating to nourish your body, your work performance will suffer.

Why is this? All foods aren’t processed at the same rate. Most of what we eat is broken down
into glucose. Glucose can either be released quickly or slowly and sustainably. Foods that
release glucose quickly – like candy, soda, white bread and baked goods – cause a sudden
spike in blood sugar. While these foods may give you a sudden burst of energy, your blood
sugar levels will drop quickly–leading to that miserable afternoon slump.

Foods that release glucose slowly provide more sustained energy, as well as keep us fuller
longer. This includes whole grains, oats, fruits and vegetables. These foods won’t cause a spike
in blood sugar because they provide a steady flow of energy to your brain. They cause your
blood sugar to slowly rise and then slowly go down. Your brain needs a steady amount of
glucose to stay alert, focused and productive.
Food As Fuel: How Leaders Power Their Days

by: Forbes

Productivity-boosting foods also provide the necessary nutrients your body needs. It’s safe to
say that most of us know that not all foods are created equally. Your body needs a certain
amount of nutrients – such as carbohydrates, protein, fat and vitamins – to function properly,
so it’s important to eat foods that are nutrient-rich to bring your A-game all day, every day.

So, what are leaders eating to fuel their long, productive days? Here are some foods that help
them power their workdays:

Eggs are an excellent way to start your day for a number of reasons. Egg yolk contains
choline, which is a fat-like B-vitamin that supports energy levels, brain development and nerve
function. It is also known to enhance memory and improve cognitive skills. Along with choline,
eggs contain B12 and B6 vitamins which will help boost your mood and reduce stress. Being
happier and less stressed also leads to a more productive and focused day at the office.

Brown Rice
Many whole grains help you stay sharp and mentally alert throughout the day. Unlike refined
carbs – such as white bread and white rice – whole grains provide nutrients and sustainable
energy. For example, brown rice contains a good combination of vitamins and magnesium,
which has been shown to enhance and improve cognitive functions. Magnesium is an essential
vitamin that shouldn’t be missing from any diet.

According to researcher Leigh Gibson, “the brain works best with about 25 grams of glucose
circulating in the blood stream — about the amount found in a banana.” A banana is a
healthier choice of getting the glucose intake that your body needs. It’s also a great snack
because it is filling, which will prevent any hunger pains until your next meal, leaving you
focused on your work.
Food As Fuel: How Leaders Power Their Days

by: Forbes

Fruits and Vegetables

Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables can directly influence brain function. A study
conducted by British Journal of Health Psychology that examined how peoples’ food choices
influenced their daily experiences, found that the more fruits and vegetables people consumed
(up to seven portions), the happier, more engaged and more creative they tended to be. This is
because fruits and vegetables provide a tremendous amount of vital nutrients and
antioxidants that promote brain function by enhancing your mood and improving memory.

Dark Chocolate
Not only is dark chocolate delicious, but it also improves productivity and acts as a natural
stress reliever. Because of its caffeine content, dark chocolate will give you an energy boost –
but without the crash like milk chocolate or candy. Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants that
have been shown to increase productivity by enhancing focus and concentration. Another
perk? Indulging in a bit of dark chocolate is a great way to keep your mind from craving
anything sweet.

Dark, leafy greens are superfoods for your body, especially spinach. Spinach contains folic
acid. According to research, adequate levels of folic acid are “essential for brain function, and
folate deficiency can lead to neurological disorders such as depression and cognitive
impairment.” Spinach also contains vitamin B6 which, along with folate acid, helps improve
short-term memory function. It’s also rich in antioxidants that will leave you feeling good all
over – for a happier and productive workday.

Salmon is full of nutritious goodness. It’s loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids, iron, B-vitamins and
protein. These nutrients serve for optimum brain health and function. In fact, deficiency of
Omega-3 fatty acids is linked to impaired memory and learning abilities. The rich variety of
nutrients in salmon will keep you productive by amplifying your memory, focus and critical
reasoning skills.

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