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Secretaria de Estado da Educação, da Ciência e Tecnologia

3ª Gerência Regional de Educação

ECI Maria Lídia Rangel
Tenório – PB

Aluno (a): _____________________________________________________________________

Data: _____ de __________ de _____ 2ª Série ( ) A ( ) B

1. Leia o texto e responda.

English poet and dramatist
(1564 – 1616)

Shakespeare is considered to be the greatest English dramatist of all time. His work
influenced generations of later artists.
We know little about Shakespeare's early years. His father, John Shakespeare, was a
merchant and a man of some importance in his local community. His mother, Mary Arden, was of
higher social class. (…)
Shakespeare's plays are still performed more often than those of any other playwright. Film
versions appear frequently.
Acesso em: 26 out. 2011

Sobre o texto, podemos afirmar que:

a) além de escritor, Shakespeare tocava e tinha uma boa performance.
b) apesar do trabalho de Shakespeare influenciar gerações, não foram produzidos filmes com
muita frequência inspirados em suas obras.
c) Mary Arden, mãe de Shakespeare, pertencia à classe alta da sociedade.
d) Shakespeare é considerado um dos maiores dramaturgos de todos os tempos, já que seus pais
eram também grandes escritores.

2. Marque a opção correta.

a) Herself.
b) Himself.
c) Itself.
Sue is looking at _____________. d) Themselves.

3. Escolha a alternativa correta de acordo com a gravura e marque a alternativa correspondente.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
A) He is looking at her C) He is looking at himself
B) They are looking at each other D) They are looking at themselves

a) a,b,c,d b) a,c,d,b c) b,c,a,d d) b,c,d,a

4. Escolha uma sequência que complete as sentenças:

________ you like to play volley? a) Do – Does – Do – Do – Does

________ she like to watch TV? b) Do – Does – Do – Does – Do
________ they go to the cinema? c) Does – Do – Do – Do – Does
He ________ not eat pasta. d) Does – Do – Do – Does – Do
________ I sit in the right place?

5. What is the main function of this text?

a) Advise people not to enter the area.

b) Advise people not to have dogs in the property.
c) Advise people there are dogs on property.
d) Advise people to, enter the area.

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