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Выполнил: Крупа Марк мКС-21-2

Упражнение 1. Вставьте в пропуски many, much, few, little по смыслу.

I can rest today, I have few things to do. (мало)
I am very busy today, I have many things to do. (много)

It was not a secret, very MANY people knew about it.

I was a secret, very FEW people knew about it.
She ate so MUCH apple pie yesterday that she is never going to eat it again.
They ate so MANY oranges that they had a stomachache.
We can’t get into the taxi, we are too MANY
They were FEW and decided not to attack.
My sister did a lot of shopping and spent A LOT OF money.
The ld man was poor. He had LITTLE money to live on.
I have so MANY books to read that I don’t know what to start with.
Nowadays he was very busy and he saw FEW of his old friends.

СРАВНИТЕ few (little) означает мало (недостаточно), в то время как a few (a little)
означает немного.
She has a little free time and can have a rest. – У нее есть немного времени, и она может
She has little free time. She is always very busy. – У нее мало свободного времени. Она
всегда очень занята.
Упражнение 2. Вставьте в пропуски (a) few, (a) little по смыслу.

1. She earns few money and can’t buy expensive clothes.

2. She has earned few money and can buy a handbag.
3. He had very little information on the subject and could add nothing.
4. He had little on the subject and could add some details.
5. The child has little friends and he sometimes feels lonely.
6. It is good if you have few close friends.
7. They ate few food and were not hungry anymore.
8. They ate few food and they were still hungry.
9. little people like him because he was a bore! (зануда)
10. The woman was glad because little people came to help her in the garden.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте в пропуски much, little, a little в качестве наречия.

I love him very much.

I speak English a little. (немного)
She earns a lot and can go to the restaurants every week.
She earns little money, she can’t go to the restaurants.
No onewas spoken but nobody believed it. (никто)
Say a little (мало) but do a lot (много).
Don’t talk too much, he is very tired and needs a rest.
She slept a little last night and had a bad headache.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте в пропуски much, many, (a) little, (a) few по смыслу.

She ate so much fish yesterday that she is never going to eat fish again.
He ate so many prawns that he is never going to eat a prawn again.
Could you give me a few biscuits?
I gave him a few words of advice.Last week there was so
Much rain that I couldn’t go out.
He knows little but the little he knows he knows well.
She has very much knowledge of the matter.
Many people heard about the book, but few people read it.
I had few close friends here, so I feel very lonely.
I am afraid he always thinks too little.

Упражнение 5. Вставьте в пропуски much, many, (a) little, (a) few по смыслу.

There isn’t much harm in that.

Give a little milk to the kitten, please?
Much was said but there are still many things I should like to add.
Susan returned to the city at the moment when many were leaving it.
I have so many things to do that I don’t know which to do first.
I suggested that he should get a little wine and some bread.
I began to miss London very much.
The cat has eaten so much that it can’t move.
Much was said (было сказано) but little was done (было сделано).
Many heard about the book, but few read it.

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