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RESTORE OUR AMERICAN REPUBLIC MN USA MNCOC MEETING #18 1pm 31JUL2022 “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for Reg one people to dissolve the political Reece them with another and to assume among the powers of the Earth ere RWS Re UCL OMNI Rel ma tLe ole nature's god entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of v4 mankind requires that they should declare the causes which TiiV eed CaCO Ct eMet oye eV Ce) Pee he eem lec ce dem ePS clte ly Wild month since our last meeting. Polls show 1/3 of US voters Believe They May Have ( Voters) to Take Up Arms Against The US Government. Some in ee are alarmed. One of members has been contacted to become involved with folks who want to act now. Our member promptly asked, “What’s the plan?”. Hold that thought please... TIRED OF BORING POLITICAL MEETINGS WHERE YOU JUST GET TALKED AT & THERE IS NO PLAN TO RESTORE OUR REPUBLIC? How about a meeting where everyone gets to talk whether they are a Business owner, Doctor, Truck Driver, Nurse, Construction worker, Restaurant worker, etc. Unlike wealthy Progressive Globalist Elites, this is a group that believes in the equity & equality prescribed by our US Constitution. RESTORE OUR REPUBLIC will meet_31JUL2022 at 1pm at the same location in the NW Twin Cities Metro area. RSVP for more details. We encourage all to attend. We will buy lunch for the first 5 persons to arrive for our meeting who are either 18-30, immigrants or minorities. Return to held thought: When it became clear this was spontaneous without much forethought, our member advised that without a plan, these folks were likely to end up up like the 6JAN2021 folks, many of whom are... PLEASE CONTINUE READING AT THE LINK BELOW TEXT VERSION HERE (also Espafiol & #32) http: PLEASE JOIN US IN RESTORING OUR AMERICAN REPUBLIC

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