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1. Choose the right definition for the given word.

1. barn
A. school building
B. government building
C. farm building
D. hospital building
2. detain
A. to confine
B. to support
C. to achieve
D. to run
3. intellect
A. name
B. ability
C. speed
D. growth
4. competent
A. brave
B. capable
C. handsome
D. broken
5. informative
A. knowledgeable
B. talkative
C. ability
D. annoying
6. straightforward
A. hard to understand
B. easy to understand
C. complicated
D. moving on
7. mandatory
A. voluntary
B. made by man
C. required by law
D. large
8. adapt
A. refer
B. depend
C. stay
D. change
9. substitute
A. take the place of another
B. transfer to another place
C. deal with another
D. exist in some place
10. disrupt
A. allow
B. prevent
C. disagree
D. build

2. Write the word from the word bank that best fits each sentence.

3. Choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the given word.

1. Minor
A. major
B. small
C. tiny
D. slight
2. inseparable
A. protective
B. dividable
C. kind
D. resigned
3. communicate
A. speak clearly
B. suggest a solution
C. stay quiet
D. agree
4. transform
A. pretend
B. arrange
C. maintain
D. repair
5. prohibit
A. examine
B. undo
C. allow
D. chew
6. overcrowded
A. empty
B. costly
C. silly
D. bland
7. allocate
A. take away
B. freeze
C. close
D. fight
8. misguided
A. lost
B. lengthy
C. common
D. well-planned
9. urban
A. city
B. rural
C. tower
D. street
10. forever
A. permanent
B. always
C. long
D. temporary

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