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4/29/22, 6:59 AM danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines

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danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from
mRNA vaccines
have regulators been pushing the wrong vaccines?
el gato malo 587 412
Apr 23
this danish study is making the rounds. it’s an assembly/meta study of RCT’s for covid
vaccines. what is perhaps most interesting here is not even so much the conclusion (as this has
been known for a year by any intrepid enough to read the supplementary data in the mRNA
drug trials) but rather the fact that is is now becoming OK to say this out loud and to publish it
in places like “the lancet”.

as can be seen right from the beginning, they are addressing the real question very directly: 1/13
4/29/22, 6:59 AM danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines

this is a criticism with which long term readers of the musings of certain internet felines will
be familiar. the mRNA jabs are not like other vaccines. they work in an entirely new modality
and one fraught with quite a lot of known (and certainly unknown as well) issues. there was
little if any testing around this and the systems set up to assess drugs like these were simply
inadequate to the task.

this rush to EUA not only allowed a seriously rigged drug trial methodology to be used
(ignoring or misattributing the ill effects of immuno-suppression post dose 1 and for 7 days
post dose 2, both know and serious issues deliberately designed out of assessment despite the
fact that all those getting the jabs would experience them) but also more or less ignored the
overall mortality data despite the fact that it was not only available, but unfavorable.

certain felines were heard to describe it as “not so much as a vaccine study as an instagram
selfie” 2/13
4/29/22, 6:59 AM danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines

bad cattitude

pfizer safety and efficacy: 6 month study

pfizer’s “Six Month Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19
Vaccine” study is out. as one would expect from a study funded by the drug
designer and written by a pfizer employee, the claims a…
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9 months ago · 96 likes · 51 comments · el gato malo

it appears these danish researchers are coming around to this viewpoint as well.

this was always available data. there were few deaths in the pfizer trial overall as the enrollees
were generally young and healthy. 79% had zero comorbidities.

and they clearly played some games. they called a death in the vaxx arm “covid pneumonia” to
avoid having a “covid death” and excluded it when calculating VE.

there was also a significant cardiovascular risk signal. this is why more people died overall in
the active arm than in placebo. in the moderna trial, overall mortality was exactly equal in the
2 arms.

the danes summarize this neatly here: 3/13
4/29/22, 6:59 AM danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines

essentially, you get some reduction in “covid deaths” but it is offset and a bit more by
cardiovascular deaths. this alone should give quite a lot of pause. it’s fairly astonishing that it
was so completely ignored around approval as is the fact that something on the order of 27k
deaths from these vaccines have been reported to VAERS. in the past, vaccines (like swine flu
or h1n1) were pulled form the market for killing single digit numbers of people.

this is something altogether different and is certainly being under-reported because that’s how
VAERS works. 4/13
4/29/22, 6:59 AM danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines

taken as a whole, this starts to look like some pretty significant regulatory misbehavior. it
seems that none of the normal rules ever applied here.

this becomes all the more jarring when one realizes that there may have been a better option.
there was quite a strong push early on to move away from and even discredit other vaccine
types in the US, particularly the one shot JnJ and the astra zeneca (never approved in US).
these are a different type of vaccine (though still little like a traditional vaccine). they were
derided as not working as well and often excluded even from vaccine requirements.

this relegated them to de minimis market share (JnJ) and outright exclusion (AZ).

and according to this danish data aggregation, that may have been a very bad thing, because,
unlike pfizer and moderna, both JnJ and AZ did show significant benefits to overall mortality.
(though GAM appears to have done nothing and has error bars you could sail a tugboat
through, though, in fairness, so does AZ. only JnJ looks especially sound on that) 5/13
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4/29/22, 6:59 AM danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines

it aggregates like this:

this difference is stark.

the adenovirus carrier drugs had a 63% risk reduction for overall mortality.

it was 81% for JnJ.

the mRNA drugs showed a 3% risk INCREASE. (+7% pfizer, 0% moderna)

they pulled it all together into this forest plot: 7/13
4/29/22, 6:59 AM danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines

and this makes it very easy to see the issue.

both vaccine types reduced covid mortality (but adenovirus worked better.)

but adenovirus vaccines decreased the likelihood of cardiovascular and other non-accident
deaths. mRNA vaccines enhanced them.

and if you single out JnJ it outperformed by wide margins

and this led to a large divergence in overall outcomes. the mRNA vaccines vastly
underperformed. 8/13
4/29/22, 6:59 AM danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines

this has led folks like harvard epidemiologist and gatopal™ martin kuldorf to ask an important

because it’s starting to look like they were.

other countries started figuring this out last year.

bad cattitude

the french are correct to stop using moderna on anyone under

given the near total lack of coverage in the US, you might have missed the
fact that france recently revoked the recommendation for using moderna on
people under 30. but it’s in all the french press… 9/13
4/29/22, 6:59 AM danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines

Read more
5 months ago · 270 likes · 195 comments · el gato malo

and these are the original studies with the original variants back before the mRNA vaccines
lost a ton of efficacy by driving viral evolution towards vaccine escape and OAS and perhaps
even ADE (because that’s what leaky vaccines do) which may well have inverted their efficacy
and made them a part of the contagion problem.

and that issue looks to be getting worse.

bad cattitude

covid is becoming increasingly vaccine enabled

it has long been known that the covid vaccines were non-sterilizing. it has
also been known, based on the countries like the UK that report the stats
honestly that the vaccinated are at greater risk…
Read more
13 days ago · 750 likes · 478 comments · el gato malo

and it’s spreading to hospitalization and covid mortality, leading to the frightening possibility
of mRNA accelerating not just other deaths but covid deaths as well.

and if we have indeed managed to create herd level antigenic fixation, it will keep getting

meanwhile, the side effects from boosters will be cumulative and perhaps even multiplicative.

there are just a dazzling number of questions here that need to be answered.

how were drug trials this rigged and slanted and incomplete allowed with a vaccine
modality never before used in humans and known to be incredibly dangerous rubber 10/13
4/29/22, 6:59 AM danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines

stamped and rushed through?

how did regulators and politicians ignore the overall mortality data altogether?
how, when the promises of these vaccines stopping spread were near instantly disproven were
the results of the trials overall, the approval for these drugs, and the mandates and health
hectoring to get jabbed with them not reassessed and ceased?
(and yes, they absolutely, unequivocally DID promise that)

bad cattitude

yes, the vaccines were supposed to stop covid spread. yes, the
"experts" told us so.
the revisionist history around vaccines is getting pretty extreme. let’s be
VERY clear: yes, they were promised to stop spread, contagion, and provide
herd immunity. yes, those promises were made by t…
Read more
4 months ago · 665 likes · 322 comments · el gato malo

how did we ignore the safer and apparently more effective choices to zero in on the more
dangerous and less beneficial? who made that choice and set those talking points?

how did the FDA, CDC, and NIH all become the functional marketing arms for mRNA
vaccines to the exclusion of nearly all else to the point where the top vaccine people at FDA
quit in disgust?

these astonishing events demand an astonishing reckoning.

it might be a great start to understand precisely why scott gottlieb quit mid term as FDA
commissioner in april 2019, right before this all kicked off, to go join the pfizer board of

it might also be a great start to forensically trace just where the technology the NIH licensed
to moderna for their covid vaccine came from. it’s implausibly instant appearance has never
seemed plausible. 11/13
4/29/22, 6:59 AM danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines

there has also been a notable absence of US reporting on outcomes by vaccine type. why are
we not getting to see the overall mortality data at societal scale broken down by vaxx type and
vaxx status? surely this is data that could be aggregated. i wonder what it might show us?

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Yuri Bezmenov Writes How To with Yuri Bezmenov · Apr 23 Liked by el gato malo
Denmark also shot down the masks and vaccine passports. Democrats will now ban danishes
from menus to fight this dangerous misinformation.
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John Carter Writes Postcards From Barsoom · Apr 23

When it walks like a gigantic global conspiracy and talks like a gigantic global conspiracy it's ...
transphobic racist paranoia to identify it as a gigantic global conspiracy.
More seriously, the reason none of this is discussed is probably a mixture of the covidians
tripling down on the sanctity of their sacrament, and the Machiavellians understanding full well
that admitting they were this wrong and this mendacious would end with literal heads on literal
pikes. Since they control corporate, state, and media power, they don't have to admit anything.
So they don't.
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4/29/22, 6:59 AM danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines

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