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Academic Integrity Day Worksheet

2nd Semester 2022

Name JULIAN, Roland Vincent P.

Program BSA
Year Level 3rd year

Title of the video What makes elite athletes thrive or dive under pressure?

What are the standards athletes should possess? What happens to their body when
they feel pressure? In general, skill and athleticism are the standards to met by athletes but
the truth is there are other standards that an athlete should posses. Emotions, psychology,
and the mindset of a player is a critical standard just like skills and athleticism. Sports
psychologist became an important part such as strength and body composition. This where
emotions and feeling pressured comes in, whenever an athlete feel exhaustion and pressure
during their competition there will be a voice at the back of your head that will keep you
motivated and help yourself to compose and win the game (Davis, 2019). There is a claim
that the athletes have two states when being challenged, a challenge state and threat state,
where in a person during a state of challenge releases adrenaline which enact to let your
blood flow freely thus glucose and oxygen to certain parts of your body which needed them
most. When in the state of threat their body cortisol blocks arteries causing them the opposite
of challenge state and thus failure comes (Baker, 2019)

Reference List
The Economist. (2019, January 16). What makes elite athletes thrive or dive under
pressure? [Video]. YouTube.

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