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NAME: ________________________ BATCH: _______________ DATE: ______________

Subject: English


‘Desiderata’, a word which means “things desired” in Latin, is a widely popular prose
poem that was written in the early 1920s. Ehrmann copyrighted the work in 1927
but a few years later gave out copies without copyright, therefore, forfeiting his US
copyright. This is lead to the prose poem’s wide circulation and benefited its
It was not until the 1960s and 1970s that this poem reached its widest audience.
Spoken word recordings were made in those decades, allowing even more of the
world to hear to and benefit from Ehrmann’s tenets of happiness. Due to the
universal appeal of the text, it was printed on posters in the seventies and
distributed in that form.
The poem has been read and quoted in a variety of high-profile public settings since
its publication. These include readings by American and Canadian political leaders,
actors, authors, and comedians.

Positive outlook towards life-
The note of positivity and encouragement remains predominant throughout the
whole poem. The poet inspires the readers to maintain a positive outlook in even the
harshest situations relating to career, love, business, loneliness, unfulfilled dreams,
or the cruel traps of the world in general. It’s all about you how you want to see the
world. You want to criticize it for the cruelties it possesses, or you want to appreciate
it for the beauty and joy that it spreads, it is totally up to you. One must remain on
good terms with his fellow human beings and be a good listener. This poem reminds
us that we should treat others kindly and affectionately and be gentle with
ourselves. You can’t expect other people to listen to you if you don’t listen to what
they have to say. There is vehement stress on maintaining inner peace and stay
calm in every situation. The poet says that to live a happy and meaningful life, one
must learn to avoid the negative people in their life and focus on a bright future
ahead. Once we start believing in ourselves, we will understand that the universe
unfolds in its own way. We are all a part of this magnificent universe, and in the end,
everything works out fine. It’s all part of a plan. We all face hardships in life. It is an
inevitable part of our life, but the poet motivates us to smile through the hardships
and build ourselves so that we become strong enough to deal with any misfortune
and keep striving towards happiness. He expects people to be the most real version
of themselves.

The poet tries to change the way people look at failures and drudgery. Through this
poem, the poet wishes to give people happy pills to lead happy and fruitful lives.

Belief in one’s own self–

Throughout the poem, stress is laid on accepting oneself for what one is. Once you
start believing in yourself and learn to appreciate your own self and be gentle to
yourself, the world would become a much easier place to live in. The poet asks the
readers not to compare themselves with others. He says that we must be content
with what we are, and we must not measure our own worth based on someone
FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.
else’s terms. There will always be people who are smarter than you, more talented
than you. There will also be people who are less successful than you. One must stop
paying heed to what others do and focus on your inner self and aim to fulfill your
long-term goals.
Once we start believing in ourselves, we will understand that the universe unfolds in
its own way. We are all a part of this magnificent universe, and in the end,
everything works out fine. It’s all part of a plan. One must maintain positivity and
peace within himself. Positivity within oneself plays a vital role in shaping the kind of
life a person will lead. Instead of comparing ourselves with others, we must enjoy
our achievements and yet look forward to a better tomorrow. You should not let
stressful thoughts of fear, loneliness, and fatigue overpower your happiness. We
should accept ourselves for the kind of person we are and try to improve ourselves
without imitating or pretending to be someone we are not. The poet urges the
readers to maintain their mental, emotional and spiritual peace and not make a
pretense of love and affection. We should always try to be cheerful and happy and
face every difficulty in life with a smile on our faces.

Summary of Desiderata
‘Desiderata’ by Max Ehrmann is a simple, yet powerful prose poem that lays out the
tenets for living a happy life and keeping peace in one’s soul.
The forty-six line poem is a long commentary on how one should consider their day
to day life. This includes how to keep what’s important in front of mind, balance
one’s career, inner peace, and aspirations. While also striving to be a good person in
a world that doesn’t always treat you fairly.

Structure of Desiderata
‘Desiderata’ by Max Ehrmann is a prose poem that in its original form was contained
within one long paragraph or stanza. In later years, without the consent of the
author, it was separated out into stanzas. As a prose poem, this piece has some of
the attributes of prose, or structured, purposeful writing that is focused on outcomes
and plots, and some of poetry. The latter is seen through the use of stanzas, line
breaks, enjambment, and other poetic techniques.
This piece does not rhyme, nor does it conform to a specific metrical pattern. The
lines read more like sentences, albeit with breaks in places that make them poetic,
than they do lines of verse. It is easy to approach this piece as a speech, a kind of
manifesto on how to live one’s life.

Poetic Techniques in Desiderata

Despite being a prose poem, there are several poetic techniques at work in
‘Desiderata’. These include but are not limited to enjambment, sibilance, and
alliteration. The first of these, enjambment, is a very prominent technique in this
poem. It occurs when a line is cut off before its natural stopping point. Enjambment
forces a reader down to the next line, and the next, quickly. One has to move
forward in order to comfortably resolve a phrase or sentence. For example, the
transition between lines three and four as well as that between lines twenty-five and
Alliteration is another common technique. It occurs when words are used in
succession, or at least appear close together, and begin with the same sound. For
example, “peace” and “possible” in lines two and three as well as “however humble”
in line fifteen.
Sibilance is similar to alliteration but it is concerned with soft vowel sounds such as
“s” and “th”. This kind of repetition usually results in a prolonged hissing or rushing
FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.
sound. It is often used to mimic another sound, like water, wind, or any kind of fluid
movement. There is a great example in line twenty-nine.

Analysis of Desiderata
Lines 1-8
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

In the first eight lines of ‘Desiderata’ the speaker, who is without gender or race,
asks that everyone, no matter their background or future “Go placidly amid the
noise and haste”. This is one of the best-known lines in this piece and is often used
in place of the title. The word “placidly” means peacefully or calmly, this is one of
the major themes of the text. In that peace, one can find “silence,” something that
is beneficial for one’s state of mind.
The next few lines suggest ways of dealing with one’s own truth and that of others.
One of the most poignant pieces of advice is in the seventh and eighth lines. It asks
that “you” listen to everyone, even the “dull and ignorant” as they too “have their
One of the best qualities of this prose poem is its vague, yet strikingly relatable,
suggestions. Because the poet does not use names or locations anyone who is
reading the text of ‘Desiderata’ can interpret the advice in relation to their own life.

Lines 9-21
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

As a complement to the emphasis on silence in the first lines, the next suggest that
you “Avoid loud and aggressive persons”. It is better to stay away from things that
rouse your spirit painfully or unnecessarily. One of the features of this poem is the
way that Ehrmann chose to arrange each line of advice. Generally, the statements
take up two lines the first half telling you want to do and the second telling you why
it is a good idea. For example, lines seven and eight. The first tells the reader to stay
interested in their own career because, as the eighth line states, “it is a real
possession in the changing fortunes of time”.

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.
In this section of ‘Desiderata’ Ehrmann is emphasizing the themes of self-worth and
self-analysis. He suggests that it is necessary to understand one’s relationship to the
rest of the world and always take note of the virtues many people exhibit.

Lines 22-33
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

In one of the shortest lines of the poem the speaker suggests that you should “Be
yourself”. This is followed by details and reasons why not staying true to one’s
nature can be detrimental. Age, he continues on, is not something to be fought. One
should “Take kindly the counsel of the years”.
In the eighth line of this stanza, a reader can find an example of sibilance. It is
similar to alliteration but it is concerned with soft vowel sounds such as “s” and “th”.
This kind of repetition usually results in a prolonged hissing or rushing sound. It is
often used to mimic another sound, like water, wind, or any kind of fluid movement.
The words “strength,” “spirit,” “shield,” and “sudden” are all contained in the eighth
In this section of ‘Desiderata’ the speaker also promotes understanding the darkness
of the world without distressing oneself over it. It is easy to become fearful due to
“fatigue and loneliness” he adds. Therefore, it is necessary to be kind to oneself in
the face of these eventualities.

Lines 34-46
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

In the last lines of the poem, the speaker alludes to the interconnectivity between all
living things. “You,” he states directly, are a “child of the universe” as much as the
trees and stars are. “You,” he adds,” have a right to be here”. These simple lines are
effective. Even more so as they are followed up with the command to “be at peace
FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.
with God” in whatever form you “conceive Him to be”. This introduces themes of
equality, happiness, peace within oneself, and with others who are different.
The final lines of ‘Desiderata’ are a reminder of the beauty of the world and the need
to remember that fact when one is confronted with “drudgery, and broken dreams”.
The last two lines ask that you “Be cheerful” and “Strive to be happy”. With these
simples suggestions, the poem ends, leaving the reader to interpret each piece of
advice as they see fit.

1.How does ‘Desiderata’ serve as a guide for us to live a meaningful life?

Ans. Desiderata is an inspirational prose-poem that is popular among people of all
ages. The compilation of human virtues in an enlightening style makes this piece of
art truly admirable. It talks about the morality of human life under different
contexts. The poem opens with lines that advise us to practise calm and maintain
our poise despite the noise around us, as silence exhibits and promotes peace. We
are encouraged to maintain cordial relationship with others without compromising
our individuality or our personal interest. We should speak our truth quietly and
clearly but at the same time be willing to listen to others readily. People may be dull
or ignorant but they have their share of struggles and glory. Their lives are as
important as ours and listening to them shall enrich our experience. The poem
reminds us to consider love as a naturally pure emotion and to not feign it. The poet
also appeals to us to be natural in our behavior and not to be artificial in our
affection. We must not doubt or distrust love, as it is an emotion which even in the
times of distress and weariness is as resilient as the grass. The poem guides us to
learn from our past experiences and to break free from the hangover of abilities that
age has taken away from us. We need to nurture the strength of our spirit as it
protects us against any misfortunes that might occur inadvertently. We are also
advised not to be troubled too much by negativity and undue fears. Leading a
disciplined life is important, but not at the cost of being too severe with ourselves.
We can live meaningful lives if we have faith in God and we are peaceful in our
souls. It will enable us to face all the confusion of ambition and work in our daily

2. How does ‘Desiderata’ by Max Ehrmann inspire?

Ans. One of the most popular philosophical prose-poems, ‘Desiderata’ communicates
with precision and tenderness. Its plain and simple language conveys a beautiful
message for each of us. The opening line suggests the readers to seek peace in the
hullaballoo that surrounds us. The internal peace is of paramount importance in
times when people don’t know what peace feels like. It helps us listen to people
around us. We should understand that people may be dull or ignorant but they have
their share of struggles and glory. Their lives are as important as ours and listening
to them shall enrich our experience. The poem inspires us to be a better human
being. It advises us to avoid loud and aggressive people as they can rob us of our
mental peace and trouble our spirit. Comparing ourselves with others will only make
us proud or dejected. If we find them inferior to ourselves, we may turn vain and
proud. In case we find them superior to ourselves, we may feel bitter and dejected.
In order to keep our patience and sanity in the mayhem around, we need to find the
inner peace. The poem, Desiderata, inspires us and encourages us to practise the
virtue of silence by achieving inner peace. It also suggests to be mindful of our
human virtues and to be receptive to even the dull and the ignorant. The poet has
advised us to accept the people as they are, but without surrendering our self-
respect in doing so. Focus on ourselves and try to live our lives meaningfully.

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.
3. Is the title ‘Desiderata’ justified?
Ans. Desiderata means ‘desired things’ in Latin. It is an apt title for an edifying poem
that inspires its readers to be at peace with their God, with people around them and
with themselves. While reminding us of the ideals and relevance of a human life in
the most apposite sense, it offers an optimistic theory for finding happiness in life.
The poet, Max Ehrmann, has suggested of various ideas that can help one to lead a
happy and peaceful life. This poem exhibits the philosophy of life in a concise and
simple manner. The poet has used imperative sentences with his focus on offering
the readers a positive credo for life. It renders a perfect reminder for a thoughtful
living by comparing love and grass, as in the situation of negativity and
disillusionment love is the only thing that remains constant like grass that lasts
throughout the year. The poet has also helped us embrace an aesthetic outlook
towards the world without being vulnerable or naïve. He advises us to avoid loud and
aggressive people as they can rob us of our mental peace and trouble our spirit. In
the journey of life, we shall always find people with achievements greater or lesser
than ours, so comparing ourselves with them becomes a futile exercise. It might be
useful for us to stay focused and to enjoy our achievements and plans. He has also
suggested that we maintain our interest in the work that we do, no matter how
trifling it seems. He believes that this practice will keep us going in the time that is
so undependable and ever changing. He also recommends that we should exercise
caution in our business dealings, as the world is full of fraudulence. But this should
not blind us to the virtues found in other people. Many people work hard to achieve
high ideals and to be heroic. The poet advises us to regard this heroic virtue too.
With the final stanza of the poem, the poet has concluded that despite its falseness,
insincerity, hard work and broken dreams, the world is still a beautiful place.
Through his poem the poet stipulates that we should be cheerful and strive to be
happy, thereby justifying the title of his prose-poem.

4. What is the main theme of the poem?

Ans. The theme of the poem is to find the inner peace amidst the mayhem around.
It encourages us to practise the virtue of silence by achieving inner peace. It also
suggests to be mindful of our human virtues and to be receptive to even the dull and
the ignorant. Through his poem, Max Ehrmann advises us to avoid loud and
aggressive people as they can rob us of our mental peace and trouble our spirit. He
adds that comparing ourselves with others will only make us proud or dejected. If
we find them inferior to ourselves, we may turn vain and proud. In case we find
them superior to ourselves, we may feel bitter and dejected. In the journey of life,
we shall always find people with achievements greater or lesser than ours, so
comparing ourselves with them becomes a futile exercise. It might be useful for us
to stay focused and to enjoy our achievements and plans. The poet has advised us
to accept the people as they are, but without surrendering our self-respect in doing
so. One can be on good terms with all persons when one is at peace with himself.
The inner peace that we lack in the recent times gives us the opportunity to
introspect and relate to other people. Also, he reminds us to look upon ourselves as
rightful children of this universe which is still growing. We must live in harmony with
the idea that there is a benevolent God watching over us lovingly, whatever we may
call Him. We must also be peaceful in our soul so that we are able to face all the
confusion of ambition and work in our daily lives.

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.

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