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Stuffed potato


 1 ½ pink potato
 1 egg
 1/4 tsp. of pepper
 Salt to taste
 350 grams ground beef, preferably tenderloin or hip
 1 and 1/2 cups diced onion
 2 garlic cloves, minced
 1 tbsp. diced yellow pepper
 1 tbsp. finely chopped parsley
 1 tbsp. of ground panca chili or special chili
 1/4 tsp. of pepper
 1 pinch of cumin
 1/4 tsp. oregano
 Salt to taste
 1/4 cup raisins soaked in water
 Black olives from botija
 2 eggs
 A dash of vegetable oil
 3/4 cup of wheat flour
 2 eggs
 Vegetable oil

How to prepare Stuffed Potato?

The first thing you should do is boil the potatoes with plenty of
water and enough salt. While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the
filling. Add the meat and salt, stirring constantly so that nothing
is burned or raw. After 5 minutes, when the meat has begun to release
its juices, you should add the raisins and parsley that provided
their own flavor.
Both the meat and the dough are recommended to be made the day before
assembly, but you can also let it cool that day. Take the potatoes
out of the water and it's time to peel them. You can mash them with a
fork or potato masher, but it will be easier if you make it hot. For
the dough you must add the pepper, the salt and the egg.
Separate the dough into the portions that you consider appropriate.
Also divide the meat. Close the dough and give it an oval shape,
sprinkle with a little flour and reserve. Before frying you should
bathe the potato with beaten egg with a little salt.

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