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Activity 2

II.A.2. Children can get used to daily exercise and make it a good habit
II.B.3. Children practice being involved and engaged in a task
II.C. Schools have the resources to make sure children are exercising properly.
III. Schools are the perfect place to get all children involved in sporting activities.

Activity 3:

The first benefit of making guns illegal is that the number of accidental shootings
would decrease. Many of them would have

The first benefit of making guns illegal is that the number of accidental shootings
would decrease. Before, just since the killing in Tucson, 320 Americans have been
killed by guns. Everyday, about 80 people die from guns or are severely injured.
However, if the country makes guns illegal, then the number of people dying by
gunfire would decrease. Also, not just homicide, suicide rates are higher in stages
with more guns. This is because there are more gun suicides. People think it is the
easiest way to commit suicide by using guns. If the state bans using guns, the
probability of gun suicides will decrease.

In addition, not only homicides but suicides with guns have also had a very high rate
in recent years. According to the CDC, by 2020 there will be more than this is due to
more gun suicides. A lot of people, especially young people, think it's the easiest way
to commit suicide using a gun. If the state enacts a ban on the use of firearms, the
probability of suicide with a gun will be reduced.

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