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country_event = {

title = "EVTNAME90900"
desc = "EVTDESC90900"
picture = "Celebration"

id = 90900
news = yes
news_desc_long = "EVTDESC90900_NEWS_LONG"
news_desc_medium = "EVTDESC90900_NEWS_MEDIUM"
news_desc_short = "EVTDESC90900_NEWS_SHORT"

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
tag = CHI
NOT = { has_global_flag = the_dragon_wakes }

option = {
name = "EVTOPTA90900"
set_global_flag = the_dragon_wakes
any_country = {
limit = {
NOT = {
tag = THIS
substate_of = CHI
num_of_cities = 1
country_event = { id=90901 days=0 }
prestige = 10
remove_country_modifier = educational_reform
remove_country_modifier = military_reform
remove_country_modifier = western_influences
remove_country_modifier = uncivilized_isolationism
remove_country_modifier = trade_restrictions
remove_country_modifier = sayings_of_the_dutch
remove_country_modifier = extraterritoriality_granted
any_owned = {
remove_province_modifier = western_presence
remove_province_modifier = foreign_smugglers
remove_province_modifier = foreign_trading_post
remove_province_modifier = local_opium_habit
remove_province_modifier = european_military_mission
remove_province_modifier = legation_quarter
remove_province_modifier = kettler_denkmal

# Event to Inherit
country_event = {
id = 90901
title = "EVTNAME90900"
desc = "EVTDESC90901"
picture = "Celebration"

is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = "EVTOPTA90901"
civilized = yes
FROM = {
inherit = THIS
ai_chance = {
factor = 10
modifier = {
factor = 1000
relation = { who = FROM value = 100 }

option = {
name = "EVTOPTB90100"
ai_chance = {
factor = 100
prestige = 10
relation = {
who = FROM
value = -200
civilized = yes
release_vassal = THIS
leave_alliance = CHI

# Event to reject
country_event = {
id = 90902 #The Breakup of China
news = yes
news_desc_long = "EVTDESC90902_NEWS_LONG"
news_desc_medium = "EVTDESC90902_NEWS_MEDIUM"
news_desc_short = "EVTDESC90902_NEWS_SHORT"

title = "EVTNAME90902"
desc = "EVTDESC90902"
picture = "Celebration"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "EVTOPTA90902"
release_vassal = THIS
leave_alliance = CHI
civilized = yes

country_event = {
title = "westernize_nation_title"
desc = "westernize_nation_desc"
picture = "Celebration"
id = 90903

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
NOT = { has_global_flag = the_dragon_wakes }
OR = {
tag = GXI
tag = MCK
tag = XIN
tag = YNN
tag = XBI
tag = MGL

option = {
name = "EVTOPTA90902"
set_global_flag = the_dragon_wakes
release_vassal = THIS
leave_alliance = CHI
any_country = {
limit = {
NOT = {
tag = THIS
substate_of = CHI
num_of_cities = 1
country_event = { id=90902 days=0 }
CHI = {
country_event = { id=90904 days=0 }
prestige = 10
remove_country_modifier = educational_reform
remove_country_modifier = military_reform
remove_country_modifier = western_influences
remove_country_modifier = uncivilized_isolationism
remove_country_modifier = trade_restrictions
remove_country_modifier = sayings_of_the_dutch
remove_country_modifier = extraterritoriality_granted
any_owned = {
remove_province_modifier = western_presence
remove_province_modifier = foreign_smugglers
remove_province_modifier = foreign_trading_post
remove_province_modifier = local_opium_habit
remove_province_modifier = european_military_mission
remove_province_modifier = legation_quarter
remove_province_modifier = kettler_denkmal

country_event = {
id = 90904
title = "EVTNAME90902"
desc = "EVTDESC90902"
picture = "Celebration"
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "EVTOPTA90902"
civilized = yes

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