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Made by: Matias V, Fernando Muy and Marco

Slide 11:
Slide 1: Mummies. Slide 12
Slide 2: Index Slide 13:
Slide 3: Introduction. Slide 14:
Slide 4: Mummification in Ancient Egypt Slide 15:
Slide 5: Mummification in Ancient Egypt Slide 16:
Slide 6: Places where mummies are found Slide 17:
Slide 7: Sausage mummies Slide 18:
Slide 8: Sausage mummies Slide 19:
Slide 9: Mummy costumes for halloween Slide 20:
Slide 10: Mummy costumes for halloween Slide 21:
What is a mummy?

A mummy is the corpse

of a human being or
other animal that,
through embalming or
natural circumstances,
has been kept in an
acceptable state of
preservation of the body
long after death.
Mummification in Ancient Egypt
The Egyptian mummification
consisted of:
Washing and perfuming the
outside of the corpse.The
organs were extracted and
kept in vessels called canopic
vessels.The belly was filled
with myrrh.The body was
immersed in natron for 70
days.It was dried well and
filled with myrrh.
Mummification in Ancient Egypt
The corpse was wrapped
with bandages
impregnated with resins
between which amulets
were placed. From the Low
Epoch many times the
resin will be substituted by
bitumen, called mum from
where the Arab word
mummiya will derive and
from this, mummy.
Finally they kept them in
one to three sarcophagi one
inside the other.
Places where mummies are found
Guanajuato mummies on display in the city of
Guanajuato (Mexico).

Chinchorro mummies, belonging to the

Chinchorro culture, located on the north
coast of Chile, the oldest in the world.

Egyptian mummies of Ancient Egypt.

Guanche mummies, in the Canary Islands

(Spain), with a method very similar to the
Egyptian one
Sausage mummies
Preparation: 5 min

Cooking: 15 min

Total time: 20 min

Serves: 8

Ingredients: 1 can of refrigerated

croissant dough for making
croissants half moons

8 hot dog sausages

Sausage mummies

Step-by-step preparation: Preheat the oven to 375°Roll out the

dough and be sure to join the "stitching". Using a thin-tipped knife,
cut the dough into strips. Wrap each sausage with the strips of
dough like a mummy's bandage, and leave space at one end to create
the "face" of the mummies.
Place the sausage mummies on a baking sheet, "face" side up. Bake
for 12 to 15 minutes.Remove from oven and let cool for about 10
minutes.With a toothpick and a little mustard, make eyes for the
Mummy costumes for halloween
Mummy costumes for halloween
Films of mummies
Films of mummies
Guanajuato Mummies Museum

What is the origin of the Guanajuato

Its origin dates back to the discovery of
the first mummies in the Santa Paula
How old are the Guanajuato mummies?
Coming from the Santa Paula pantheon, the mummified bodies on
pantheon in 1865, with the interest of
display for almost 150 years have astonished all its visitors. On June 9,
1865, the mummified body of the French doctor Remigio Leroy was
inhabitants and visitors in observing
exhumed, which to date is the oldest in the collection.

the result of the natural mummification

of the bodies.
Mummification in Ancient Egypt

The common Egyptians were not mummified, but

were buried in pits where the heat and dry
conditions of the desert naturally mummified
them. The process occurs in the predynastic tombs
of Nagada since the most common was that the
bodies remained whole and buried in simple pits,
dug at a shallow depth. Thanks to the direct
contact with the desert sand, sometimes these
bodies have been very well preserved .
Were the Egyptians the first to mummify their

Although Egyptian mummies are the best known globally, it seems that this was
not the first civilization to mummify their dead. Recent research has shown that
in certain areas of South America they were already doing it 2,000 years before
the Egyptians.

The Chinese also did it. Recently, a perfectly preserved 2,100-year-old mummy
has been found. The skin was still moist, and there was even blood in its veins.
Curiosities of the mummies

● The only organ that the ancient Egyptians kept inside the body
during mummification was the heart.
● In the 16th and 17th centuries, pieces of Egyptian mummies were
sold for use in the preparation of home remedies to treat various
diseases such as bruises, headaches and epilepsy.
● In Ancient Egypt, cats were also mummified as they were
considered sacred animals.

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