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Actually growing food by our own is not easy.There are many

obstacles to grow the own food but there are still many
advantages.Personally,I am not a green finger person,but I
learn to plant something at home page to look green and
serene.Does is good thing or vise versa if planting our own

If people plant their own food in the garden,they do not

need to leave the house to go to the market or supermarket to
buy the groseries.we can save money by farming. Moreover it
can save time because we do not have to go far to buy
groceries.Thus being able to maintain health from the covid
which is the cause of death now and not having to go out
because of the pandemic.Hence, it is a good thing.

Beside that,our own food is just not only healthier but is

tasted better too.It is pesticide free and offers greater nutrition
too.The cost of planting is very afordable and cheap than we
buy groseries because we just only buy seeds to plant and grow
our own food.You can compare the price of vegetebales in the
market of the ones you plants and you will know how
expensive they are selling.

In addition,we can also relieve stress with fresh air and a

calm atmosphere.The courtyard will look more attractive with
various plants colour.It can also fill free time by planting trees
so our time will not be wasted on useless things.

In summary,planting our own food is indeed a good

thing.People can also enjoy the process of growing the
greenery and according to experts,it can soothe one feeling too
and gives us a lot of good.

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