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Writing Task (2) , Template


- မေးခွ နး် ပြန်ကောက်, (or) It is critically important that ….

(or) Nowadays, paraphrase the question.
- In my opinion, I agree with the fact that… (or) I prefer (or) I
believe it is better to…..
- I feel this way for two reasons ( reason တစ် ခုပဲရှိရင် I feel this
way for the following reason), which I will explore in the
following essay.

First paragraph (first reason + example)

- To begin with…..,
- My own experience is a compelling reason for this.
- For example,.....
- That’s why I believe….. (optional)

Second paragraph (second reason + example)

- Secondly, (or) Moreover,..
- For example,... (for instance…)
- Therefore, I prefer …. ( optional)

- To sum up, I strongly believe that……
- It is because first reason + second reason (paraphrase)

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