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The Hair is Always Greener On The Other Side

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: BanG Dream! Girl's Band Party! (Video Game), BanG Dream! (Anime)
Relationship: Hikawa Sayo/Minato Yukina, Hikawa Hina/Maruyama Aya
Character: Hikawa Hina, Maruyama Aya, Hikawa Sayo, Minato Yukina
Additional Tags: twin swap, Humor, Has some AyaSayo and YukiHina depending on
how you look at it, For the Good of Roselia
Stats: Published: 2020-11-07 Words: 1268

The Hair is Always Greener On The Other Side

by DivineNoodles


Sayo and Hina are surprisingly good at impersonating one another--especially when they're
duping each other's clueless girlfriends.


CW: Offhand COVID mention, but nothing serious.

See the end of the work for more notes

“Oh boy! Time to dig in!”

As an idol in the public eye, Aya got exactly one cheat day a week to eat whatever she wanted
without worrying about antiquated standards for her figure. She stared at the strawberry parfait
drizzling with sugar before her, barely able to conceal the drool hanging from her lips as a
pervasive fear made her double take for any sign of Chisato (who would have Words if she caught
Aya anywhere near ice cream)

“Aya-chan! Aya-chaaaaaan!”

A familiar lilt turned back around to see a boppin’ braided girl bob up to her. “Hina-chan!” Aya
expected her to lean in with one of her divebomb kisses, but--perhaps because that was what she
expected of Hina Hikawa, who always did the unexpected--she swerved into the seat opposite of
Aya instead, staring at her with her usual carefree contentment.

“Whatcha doin’?”
Aya might’ve tried to play dumb, but Hina was her girlfriend, and she never paid attention to any
diets anyway. “It’s a little treat for myself, since I’ve been working so hard this week!”

“Gotcha, gotcha,” Hina’s eyes drifted upward in thought. “But won’t this erase all your hard


“I mean, that thing must have like a thousand calories,” said Hina with a giggle. “You worked hard
this week to burn off some weight but now you’re putting it all back? Bwahaha! That’s so

“Urk…” Aya’s fingers twiddled around one another. “I-Isn’t eating one treat a week okay?”

“Is it?” asked Hina, sounding oddly rhetorical for her. “I mean, it’d be better if you ate some
veggies or something, right?”

“Do you mean like… carrot cake?” Aya felt sweat pour down her forehead as her eyes shot over to
the front of the cafe, where the blackboard with all the options loomed above. “I think that was the
heart-healthy dessert option they had here…”

“Carrot cake? Bleh.” Hina’s face contorted as the words left her mouth. “And heart-healthy? Are
you worried about having a stroke or something? Well, you should be. Did you know that 10% of
strokes affect young adults?”

Aya gulped. “But I’m still a teenager…”

“Never a bad time to lower that cholesterol!” Hina patted the table as if to accentuate her point. “So
yeah. A salad or something would probably be boppin’, huh? Dessert’ll just clog up your arteries.”

Aya couldn’t remember Hina caring this much about her health before. In fact, Aya couldn’t
remember Hina caring about Aya’s well-being at all. D’awww, she was starting to be empathetic
for her. Was this because of true love? Well, if it was for romance’s sake…

“Here, Hina-chan.” Aya politely pushed the parfait towards her. “I’ll order a Caesar or something.
You can have this.”

Hina was usually never the type to refuse free food, but for whatever reason she now pushed the
parfait away herself. “I’m good. Already had one boppin’ treat earlier today.”

Restraint? Was this really Hina Hikawa? Aya had to stop from clasping her heart as she realized
Hina was growing--probably to set a good example for her.

“Hey now, what’s with that posture?” asked Hina. “You’re slumping over so much you’re gonna
get scoliosis, bwahaha.”

...Even if she could still bite with her words. “Uuuuu… I’m trying my best…”

“Really? You’re still holding that spoon improperly, though. Doesn’t that mean you could try

“Since when do you care about manners?!”

Hina just laughed, the tiniest of cracks appearing in her smile. “Well, why shouldn’t you?”

...She did have a point. Aya did have a public persona to maintain, after all. With extra attention to
her poise, she rose to order a salad from the front, “Hina” negging her all the way.

“Woah, what’s with those uneven shoulders? The way you lurch? Keep this up and you’re goinna
have to go to a chiropractor, bwahaha!”


It was a phrase with a very particular intonation, one that said much more than any one person
could put into words. And, upon entering the studio, hearing that familiar name, Yukina knew she
was with her beloved. “Sayo. Coming in early to practice as always, I see.” Part of her wanted to
scold her for practicing when unnecessary, but the extreme dedication was just what Yukina loved
about her. No one else was as devoted to the good of Roselia as her. “Sayo. Good evening.”

“I believe it is the afternoon.”

“Is it?” asked Yukina, not really caring. “Regardless, I would like kisses.”

“But Minato-san, would that be for the good of Roselia?”

Yukina arched an eyebrow. Of course it would--everything she desired was directly for Roselia’s
benefit, after all. Though now that she took a second to think about it, she wasn’t sure how making
out benefitted Roselia exactly. “What would benefit us, then?”

“Listen.” Sayo played a string of bouncy notes on her guitar. “This might make a most good cover,

“What is it?”

“It’s the theme song to the classic American anime The Flintstones.” Sayo pulled up sheet music
from her side. “I’ve already arranged it into different parts for a rock band.”

“I wasn’t aware you were so proficient at music theory.” The aptitude only increased Yukina’s
love for her.

“It was a bop-- trifling task,” said Sayo curtly. “It took but a few minutes.”

“Will this song take us to even greater heights than when we covered Nyan Cat?”

“Undoubtedly,” said Sayo. “This is a song on the level of perfection that we have always strived
for. We have finally reached the apex.”

Yulina smiled before taking hold of her hand. “I’m glad we could do it together, Sayo.”

Usually a mere inkling of physical contact would cause Sayo to shrink back and blush gayly, but
today her hands (which seemed smaller than Yukina remembered) squeezed tighter around
Yukina’s. “Minato-san…”

Yukina was on the verge of standing on her tippy-toes to deliver a smooch, but she had to ask first.
“Sayo, may I kiss you?”

“...Not today,” said Sayo, averting her gaze. “You see… I have the coronavirus.”

“Oh dear.” Yukina vaguely remembered hearing about that on the news at one point. “You appear
well, though.”
“That is because it is almost gone. Tomorrow I will be completely cured. So I would like you to
kiss me many times then. More than you can count.”

Yukina could only count to about 20, so that wouldn’t be hard. “I see. So you don’t want me to
become sick.”

“Hardly. That would be for the bad of Roselia.”

Yukina smiled, showing off her lack of teeth. “You are truly a loving and caring person, Sayo.”

“Yes. I, Sayo Hikawa, am the coolest and nicest human being alive.”

Yukina nearly did a double take. Sayo, practicing self-love? Was this really her? Perhaps they’d
spent enough time at the water park that she was now finally getting some greater character
development. Regardless… “You are, truly. It will be difficult to restrain myself until then, but I
shall do it for the good of Roselia.”

Sayo nodded curtly. “Very well. Shall we practice, then?”


Yukina took to the mic stand as “Sayo” began to shred out a riff on her guitar, Yukina belting out
lyrics in her sonorous, gothic tone:

Yabba dabba doo!

Flintstones, meet the Flintstones

They're the modern stone age family

From the town of Bedrock

They're a page right out of history

Let's ride with the family down the street

Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet

When you're with the Flintstones

Have a yabba dabba doo time

A dabba doo time

We'll have a gay old time

End Notes

This is not the first time I've written about the Hikawas swapping places:
Twitter: @DivineNoodles

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