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President Kwame Nkrumah School of International Affairs, Political Science & Pubic Administration

Second Semester 2014

Analysis of International Contemporary Issues

Final Exam: 2:30 h

Instruction: Answer, in order, the First question and any other Two of the following

1. True (T) or False (F)

1.1. In a U. S. War Department memorandum written before a conference
between Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt, the prospect of
the Soviet Union as the dominant power in Europe on defeat of Nazi
Germany was accepted.
1.2. Moreover, it was considered “more essential to develop and maintain the
most friendly relations with” with the USSR.
1.3. For the authors of “From World War to Cold War”, such assessment was a
serious mistake because the Soviet Union was to replace Nazi Germany as
a great threat to European and global balance of power.
1.4. For Roosevelt and the U. S. government, the U. S.-Soviet post-war
relations were to stem from mutual good will and mutual esteem.
1.5. These post-war expectations can be considered as a reflection and
expression of the dovish, idealistic, nature of the American foreign policy.
1.6. It was therefore expected that:
a. The hawkish struggle for power would end once World War II is over;
b. Old style power politics would have won the day.
1.7. According to Stalin, the Allied delay in opening a western front against
Germany from 1942 to 1943 to 1944 was a rational calculation by the
world’s leading capitalist powers to destroy their two major ideological
opponents at one and the same time.
1.8. Roosevelt saw “Uncle Joe” as a fellow politician who could be won by a
mixture of concessions and goodwill.
1.9. In February 1945, the big Four — Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, and de
Gaulle ― met at the Yalta Conference.
1.10. At the Yalta Conference, Stalin expressed hope for fifty years of peace and
great powers cooperation.
1.11. In the Declaration for Free Europe which was adopted at the Yalta
conference, Stalin promised to support self-government and allow free
elections in Eastern Europe.
1.12. The decision to create the UN, “a universal organisation in which all peace-
loving nations will fully have a chance to join”, was taken at the Yalta
1.13. The creation of the UN means that power politics was replaced by reliance
on sound universal principles and cooperation.

1.14. The UN Security Council is comprised of fifteen rotating countries.

1.15. Until World War II, U. S. foreign policy was dominated by isolationism.
1.16. The first operation of the “Blue Helmet” in Korea was a consequence of the
Soviet Union’s use of its veto power at the Security Council.
1.17. The Suez Canal crisis was resolved owing to the cooperation between the
two superpowers.
1.18. The first free elections held in Czechoslovakia after WW II gave the
Communist Party the largest vote of any party.
1.19. The Marshall Plan has led to the creation of the Organization for European
Economic Cooperation.
1.20. Before he became Secretary of State, George Marshall was busy advising
Chiang Kai-shek to set up a coalition government with communist Mao
1.21. Portuguese colonies in Africa were the last to win independence.
1.22. The Biafra War would probably not have taken place had oil exploitation
policy of Nigeria been fairly equitable.
1.23. The Algiers July 4th , 1976 meeting and the Declaration of the Sovereign
Rights of the People over their natural resources and wealth were in
support of the American foreign policy in Africa.
1.24. Zionism movement which started in 1896 sparked off the Palestinian
occupation by Jews.
1.25. Patrice Lumumba was the first African political leader to call in the “Blue
Helmets” to rescue the integrity of his country threatened with secession.
2. Define:
2.1. “Colonial Pact”
2.2. “Containment Doctrine”
2.3. The Truman Doctrine
2.4. War wariness

3. Define the following terms (20 pts):


2. NAM 12. OAU
3. SDI 13. UA
4. LDCs 14. PLO
5. NICS 15. NSC
6. GATT 16. CIA
7. NATO 17. R2P
8. UNESCO 18. MNCs
9. SDR 19. POWs
10. IBRD 20. OEEC

4. After having explained what the Cold War is, please indicate:
4.1. How many faces it has historically presented.
4.2. Two of the “hot spots” it has recorded in Asia or Africa
4.3. The meaning of:
4.3.1. “Domino theory”
4.3.2. “McCarthyism”.

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