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Специалитет "ФИС лечебное

дело" 6 ĸурс 31_05_01
Личный ĸабинет / Мои ĸурсы

/ Кафедра онĸологии, лучевой терапии и лучевой

диагностиĸи с ĸурсом ДПО

/ Онĸология, лучевая терапия / Лечебное дело

/ Семинар: Раĸ легĸого

/ ОнĸологияТесты Раĸ лёгĸого

Тест начат Среда, 9 Март 2022, 01:24

Состояние Завершено
Завершен Среда, 9 Март 2022, 01:26
Прошло 2 мин. 4 сеĸ.
Баллы 19,0/19,0
Оценĸа 100,0 из 100,0

Вопрос 1


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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A 65-year-old woman is evaluated for new-onset

hemoptysis. Her medical history is significant for a
40-pack-year smoking history. She takes no
On physical exaniination, vital signs are normal.
BMI is 29. Oxygen saturation is normal breaming
ambient air. Digital clubbing is present.
CT scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis shows
a large left hilar mass; there are no other
pulmonary lesions, and there is no evidence of
metastatic disease. Bronchoscopy with biopsy
reveals small cell lung cancer. Brain MRI shows no
metastatic disease.
Which of the following is the most appropriate

a. Radiation alone

b. Chemotherapy followed by radiation

c. Chemotherapy alone

d. Combined chemotherapy and radiation

Вопрос 2


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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Lung cancer should be differentiated:

a. with prolonged pneumonia

b. with all of the above

c. with metastases of other tumors in the

d. with pulmonary tuberculosis

e. with a benign tumor

Вопрос 3


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A 36-year-old woman is hospitalized with a 2-

week history of gradually worsening dyspnea on
exertion, facial swelling, and a sensation of head
fullness. She has had fatigue, night sweats, and a
4.5-kg (10-lb) weight loss over the past 2 months.
Her medical history is otherwise unremarkable,
and she takes no medications. CONT. On physical
examination, vital signs are normal. She is not in
respiratory distress and has no stridor. She has
facial and neck edema, and her face appears
flushed. There is no lymphadenopathy. Lungs are
clear on auscultation. Cardiac and abdominal
examinations are normal.
A CT scan of the chest done in the emergency
department shows an 8.5-cm right mediastinal
mass with compression of the superior vena cava.
There is no evidence of thrombosis. There are no
oilier areas of lymphadenopathy and no lung
Which of the following is the most appropriate next
step in management?

a. Dexamethasone

b. Mediastinoscopy

c. Urgent radiation therapy

d. Percutaneous intravascular stent


Вопрос 4


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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A 64-year-old previously healthy man presents for

evaluation of cough. Two months ago, he
developed a cough that has become chronic and
nonproductive. In the last two weeks, he began
having a sensation of "fullness in the left side of
my chest." This has worsened, resulting in his
scheduling his appointment. He takes no
medicines and has no medical history. He does not
smoke cigarettes or use drugs or alcohol. He is a
police officer and has not traveled outside of his
hometown of Galveston, Texas, in the past 5 years.
Review of systems is positive only for fatigue. He
specifically denies fevers. PE: Normal vital signs.
Head and neck is normal. Lungs show symmetric
expansion, resonance on the right and decreased
resonance to percussion in the left mid-lung zone,
vesicular breath sounds throughout with
occasional expiratory wheezes, and coarse
crackles on-the left.
Chest radiograph reveals a consolidated left
middle lobe.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Small cell lung cancer

b. Squamous cell lung cancer

c. Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP)

d. Metastatic melanoma

e. Bronchoalveolar cancer (ВАС)

Вопрос 5


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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A 65-year-old man is evaluated for an episode of

hemop¬tysis. His medical history is significant for
a 30-pack-year smoking history; he quit smoking 1
year ago. He takes no medications.
On physical examination, vital signs are normal.
BMI is 28. Oxygen saturation is 96% breathing
ambient air.
CT scan of the chest identifies a 3.5-cm spiculated
mass in the right lower lobe and an enlarged hilar
lymph node. PET/CT scans and brain MRI scans
show no evidence of metastatic disease.
Surgery is performed and reveals a 3.2-cm, poorly
dif¬ferentiated adenocarcinoma with negative
margins, two • hilar lymph nodes positive for
metastatic adenocarcinoma, and negative
mediastinal lymph nodes.
Which of the following is the most appropriate

a. Adjuvant chemotherapy

b. Observation

c. Adjuvant radiation

d. Adjuvant chemoradiation

Вопрос 6


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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A 65-year-old man is evaluated for cough and

shortness of breath with exertion for the past 2
months, accompanied by 10 pounds of weight
loss. He takes no medications.
On physical examination, vital signs are normal,
Examination reveals decreased breath sounds in
the lower right lung field.
Chest radiograph reveals right lower lobe opacity,
and CT scan of the chest reveals a large right
lower lobe mass, liver masses, and a right adrenal
mass. These findings are consistent with
A biopsy of a right lung mass reveals
adenocarcinoma. Testing for driver mutations is
Which of the following is the most appropriate
diagnostic or screening test to perform next?

a. Pulmonary function testing

b. Programmed cell death ligand 1

c. Liver biopsy

d. PET/CT scan

Вопрос 7


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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An X-ray sign of peripheral lung cancer with decay


a. cavity formation in the lung

b. exudative pleurisy

c. segmental atelectasis

d. a lumpy node with a path to the root of the

e. usuration of the ribs

Вопрос 8


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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The determining role in increasing the incidence of

lung cancer in the population belongs to:

a. physical inactivity and unbalanced

b. occupational hazards

c. genetic factor

d. smoking

e. atmospheric pollution

Вопрос 9


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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The main methods of diagnosis of central lung

cancer are:

a. radiological and bronchoscopy with

b. Bronchography and bronchoscopy

c. radioisotope and radiological

d. bronchoscopy with biopsy and

e. pneumomediastinoscopy and radionuclide

Вопрос 10


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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A 62-year-old woman is evaluated for a 3-month

history of worsening cough and a 2-week history
of shortness of breath. She has lost 9.1 kg (20.0
lb). She quit smoking 25 years ago. She takes no
On physical examination, vital signs are normal.
Oxygen saturation is 94% breathing ambient air.
Pulmonary examination reveals decreased breath
sounds in the left lower lung field.
CT scan of the chest shows a large left pleural
effusion, multiple right-sided lung nodules, and
hypodense lesions in the upper portion of the liver.
Bone scan reveals metastatic lesions involving the
ribs and thoracic spine. Brain MRI shows no
metastatic disease.
Thoracentesis is performed and cytologic findings
confirm adenocarcinoma.
Which of the following is the most appropriate

a. Erlotinib

b. Radiation to the metastatic lesion on the

thoracic spine
c. Systemic chemotherapy

d. Test for activating mutations

e. Prophylactic cranial irradiation

Вопрос 11


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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A 55-year-old man is hospitalized for a 6-month

history of progressive shortness of breath and
cough. He has lost 18.1 kg (40.0 lb). He has been
experiencing generalized weakness and has
become more inactive. Although he is independent
with self-care, he no longer leaves home and
spends most of his time in bed because he is too
weak to do any household chores and becomes
dyspneic with minimal exertion. His medical history
is significant for diabetes mellitus. chronic kidney
disease, and a 40-pack-year smoking history. He
takes basal and prandial insulin and
acetaminophen as needed for pain.
On physical examination, he. is cachectic and frail.
He is afebrile. Blood pressure is 105/60 mm Hg.
pulse rate is 92/min, and respiration rate is 24/min.
BMI is 20. Oxygen saturation is 93% breathing 2
L/min of oxygen through nasal cannula. Breath
sounds are normal. Hepatomegaly is present on
Laboratory studies reveal a hemoglobin level of 9.2
g/ dL (92 g/L). an albumin level of 2.9 g/dL (29
g/L), and a creatinine level of 2.1 mg/dL (185.6
CT scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis shows
a large right upper lung mass with associated hilar
and mediastinal lymphadenopathy, multiple
osseous metastatic lesions, and multiple hepatic
lesions. Brain MRI shows no metastatic disease.
Liver biopsy findings confirm metastatic
Which of the following is the most appropriate

a. Palliative care consultation

b. Radiation to the right upper lobe

c. Ablation of liver metastases

d. Platinum-based chemotherapy

Вопрос 12


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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A 70-year-old woman is evaluated for a 1-month

history of worsening productive cough with 1 week
of blood-tinged sputum. Her appetite is
decreased, and she has lost 10 lb (; but her
performance status is otherwise normal, and she
takes no medications.
On physical examination, vital signs are normal.
The remainder of the physical examination,
including the pulmonary examination, is normal.
BMI is 27. Oxygen saturation is normal on ambient
CT scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis reveals
a 4-cm left upper lobe mass, ipsilateral
mediastinal lymph-adenopathy, and a 4-cm
adrenal mass. CT-guided biopsy of the lung mass
confirms adenocarcinoma; mutation testing results
are negative. Brain MRI shows no metastatic
Repeat CT scan after six cycles of carboplatin and
pemetrexed chemotherapy reveals a reduction in
size of the lung mass, stable lymphadenopathy,
and significant reduction in size of the adrenal
mass. Her appetite remains dirninished, but her
weight is stable. The cough and sputum
production have resolved.
Which of the following is the most appropriate

a. Carboplatin and gemcitabine for four more

b. Erlotinib maintenance chemotherapy

c. Radiation

d. Pemetrexed maintenance chemotherapy

Вопрос 13


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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For cancer of the main bronchus, it is shown:

a. lobectomy

b. radiation therapy without surgery

c. pulmonectomy

d. segmentectomy

e. that's right

Вопрос 14


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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When a round shadow appears on the radiograph

of the lungs, it is not shown:

a. Pirke and Mantoux test

b. dynamic observation

c. pneumodiastinography

d. bronchoscopy with biopsy

e. tomography

Вопрос 15


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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A 65-year-old man with long history of smoking

and solitary pulmonary nodule presents with
hypercalcemia. Which of the following cancers is
most likely?

a. Metastatic prostate cancer

b. Large cell lung cancer

c. Metastatic testicular cancer

d. Squamous cell lung cancer

Вопрос 16


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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A 61-year-old man is hospitalized after several

days of productive cough, fatigue, and fever. He
quit smoking 10 years ago. He takes no
On physical examination, temperature is 39.2 °C J
(102.6 °F), blood pressure is 110/75 mm Hg, pulse
rate is 110/ m- rain, and respiration rate is 24/min.
Oxygen saturation is 90% breathing 2 L/min of
oxygen through nasal cannula. Pulmonary
examination reveals crackles in the right lower lung
field. He has good performance status.
Chest radiograph shows right lower lobe
pneumonia and a right hilar mass. CT scan of the
chest and abdomen confirms an endobronchial
lesion and right hilar mass, multiple lytic bone
lesions, and a right adrenal mass. Bronchoscopy
with biopsy confirms squamous cell carcinoma.
Bone scan confirms multiple osseous metastatic
lesions. Brain MRI shows no metastatic disease.
In addition to platinum-based chemotherapy,
which of the following is most likely to improve
outcome in this patient?

a. Palliative care consultation

b. PET/CT scan

c. Prophylactic cranial irradiation

d. Test for epidermal growth factor receptor


Вопрос 17


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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The main method of treatment of small cell lung

cancer is:

a. surgical

b. chemotherapeutic and radiation

c. radiachevoy

d. Chemotherapeutic

e. immuno-hormonal

Вопрос 18


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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With stage I and II lung adenocarcinoma, treatment

is indicated:

a. combined

b. surgical

c. chemotherapeutic

d. complex

e. radiation

Вопрос 19


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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A 59-year-old woman is evaluated for a 2-month

history of shortness of breath and cough. She has
a 55-pack-year smoking history. She takes no
On physical examination, vital signs are normal.
BMI is 23. Oxygen saturation is normal. Pulmonary
examination reveals decreased breath sounds and
crackles in the right base posteriorly. Her
performance status is good. CT scan of the chest
shows a large, centrally located right lower lobe
mass, evidence of mediastinal invasion, bulky
mediastinal lymph nodes, and hilar
Bronchoscopy with biopsy of an endobronchial
lesion confirms non-small cell lung cancer.
Brain MRI, CT scans of the abdomen and pelvis,
and bone scan show no metastatic disease.
Which of the following is the most appropriate

a. Pembrolizumab

b. Radiation

c. Chemotherapy

d. Combined chemotherapy and radiation

e. Surgical resection of the right lower lobe


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