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Blindfold Jenga

GOAL: Group members will get to practice communication and social skills


Ages: Recommended age is 10 and up

TIME: 5-25 minutes

MATERIALS: 2-5 Jenga towers, 2-5 tables, 4-10 chairs, 4-10 blindfolds

SETUP: Everyone who is blindfolded should sit across from each other and have at least
one partner.

1. Tell the group how to play Blind Jenga
● Take one block at a time and then put it on the top and repeat until the tower
● Must take turns
● The individuals touching the blocks will be blindfolded. Their teammate(S)
must communicate to them which block they need to take out and where
they need to restack it. (Cannot touch teammate)

● Did you find this activity hard/easy/interesting?
○ What made it hard/easy/interesting?
● Did you find some approaches to it were better than others?
● Would you do anything differently if you were able to play this again?
● How could you use some of these skills in real life?

You can change the prompt to better suit your group, for example:
● What made you like or dislike this activity?
● How did this activity instill any stress?
● What are good coping skills you could use when this activity got difficult?

If the group is having too much of a difficult time and getting stressed out you could
process with them on why they are getting stressed out. Or you can also play regular Jenga.

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