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168 Statistics Made Simple 7 ee _The Nonparametric Test_169 +“) Bolving hy the Stepwise Method: : oo Nac po 4 she °. Eo E 2 -- Recovered 12 a (7) 3 b (8) Sk IL. Hypotheses : = : Died 2 ¢ MB d @) ASI Ho: The serum is not effective. Hy: The serumis effective. —— Tow! 14 om 16 on 30N) De "Solution for expected frequencies by multiplying the col y umn total by the row total divided by the grand total. eee df = (c-1) (r-1) . 14x15 = (2) 2-1) pau Aals - 3 =a) dy . X? 01 = 6.635 IV. Statistics: X° - test of difference. When the df equals 02-1125)", 03-81-59? , (13-8/- 5)! i 1 and any expected frequency is small, less 8 8 i than 10, the X* test, using the Yates’ correction ° for lack of continuity will be applied because J X= | 10.848 t formula result in a continuous probat x2 N@ad -be /-N /2)? . model. 2 _y UO-E/-5y x =I _N(ad-bel-N/2} - Kimin x _ 30(135)? ~~ 50400 50400 10.848 V. Decision Rule: Conclusion : Statistics Made Simple 546750. -hypothesis. If the X? computed value is greater than the X tabular value, reject the nul Since the X? computed value of 8 is greater than the X? tabular value of 6.635 at .01 fevel of significance wit 1 df, the mull hypothesis is rejected favor of the research hypothesis. The seium is therefore found effective can be said that in the lot with serum, 12 had recovered and only 2 di ___The Nonparametric Test_\7\ THE. WILCOXON RANK-SUM TEST OR WILCOXON = TWO-SAMPLE TEST = U, = Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test W)= sum of ranks of group 1 n, = sample size of group 1 U; = Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test ‘We sum of ranks of group 2 ny = sample size of group 2 Example: Of the eighteen selected patients who reached ar advanced stage of leukemia, ten were treated a new serum and eight were not. The sur- vival in years, was reckoned from the ti the experiment was conducted. Using the coxen rank-sum test whether thie serum is effective, consider the following data. 4140 17 25 Treatment 29 31 93 4245 39 20 37 19 5 9 22 31 20 No Treatment Solving by the Stepwise Method: 1. Problem : new serum effective in treating : Vaan nn 72. Statistics Made Simple Hypotheses : Ranking the data from lowest 6 the Bighest valug us wu, HosThe new serum is not effective Hy: The new serum is effective I. Level of Significance i s 1 9 2 Cao) - 3 17 3 =m =10 4=8 a Lo 4 Yos= 17 5 2.0 55 IV. ‘Statistics: . 6 2.0 7 U-test, Wilcoxon rank-sum test. 3 i 8 9 29 9 Computation: Arrange the data of both groups from the 10 3d 10.5 lowest to the highest value and rank them, ul 34 10.5 The sum of ranks with treatment will be W; 2 37 12 likewise the.sum of ranks without treatment B 39 B will be Wo, 14 4.0 14 15 4.1 15 Vwi Tren 16 42 16 “With Treatment Rank No Treatment Rank 17 45 17 29 9 19 4 18 53 18 31 10.5 0s 1 33 18 09 2 42 16 22 7. E +1) aa 45 "7 3.1 10.5 - 3.9 1B 20 55 +0, 20 55 17 3 oa 37 12 25 8 : 4.1 4.0 172_ Statistics Made Simple Hypotheses : a: cn, Ho ::The new serum is not effective, Hi; : The new serum is effective. II, Level of Significance a=.05 Y=m=10 4=8 Uos= 17 IV. ‘Statistics: Ustest, Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Computation: Arrange the data of both groups from the lowest. to the highest value and rank them The sum of ranks with treatment will be W, likewise the.sum of ranks without treatment will be W, =H With Treatment Rank No Treatment Rank 29 9 19 4 3. 10.5 0s 1 $3 18 09 2 42 16 22 ds aa 45 7 3 10.5 39 13 2.0 55 2.0 55 17 3 37 12 25 8 4 4.0 3 17 19 2.0 2.0 22 25 29 31 31 37 3.9 4.0 41 42 45 53 The Nonparametric Test_173 |. | UNA EAS ft ew ee 14_ Stati Made Simple _ The Nonparametric Test_175 — metric Test_175 = 130-55 xample 2. The nicotine content — of -two=-brands—of. ~= 161.754 = 4-884) Test the hypothesis, at .05 level of significance, that the 2 average nicotine contents of the two brands are equal. -a 2 : - 2 . Solving Stepwise Method: = 41-36 1. Problem: Is there a significant difference in the average ine content of the two brands of U:= LS . Il, Hypotheses: V. Decision Rule: Select the smaller value from U; and UpIf the U. computed value is lesser than or equal to the tabular value, reject Ho. Ho: There is no signit difference in average nicotine content of two brands of | VI. Conclusion: Since the Uz computed value of 5 is lesser cigarettes. lue of 17 at .05 level ny = 10 and ny. = 8 the average the null hypothesis is cigarettes. implying _ a jents treated with the new serum live longer when compared to the patients jificance: who were not treated with the new serum, 176 Statistics Made Simple | IV, Statistics: Computation: Ustest ‘Asrange the data from the lowest to the highest value. Rank them to get W; and W, W is the sum of ranks of brand x and W, the sum of ranks of brand y. Brand X " R Brand y 4 10 2.1 07 1 4.0 31 6 7 34 25 5 48 4.0 8.5 33 6.2 14 1.6 7 54 n= 6 W-44.5 a=8 a f é = 445. 64D 178 Statistics Made Simple uu UY V. Decision Rule VI. Conclusion : ny (n, +1) 2 88 +1) 2 =W,- = 60.5- nR Ey = 60.5 - 36 = 245 Select the smaller value between Uy and U; and compare it with the tabular vah If the U computed value is lesser than * U tabular value, reject Ho. Since the U; computed value of 23.5 greater than the U-tabular value of at .05 level of significance with ny = and np = 8 degrees of freedom, the m hypothesis is confirmed which means: that there is no significant difference in the average nicotine content of the tw bratids of cigarettes. =.THE. KRUSKAL-WALLIS. TEST; ‘ALSO-CALEED “TUE, a = KRUSKAL-WALIAS H-TEST = = eg The Nonparametric Test_179 This test is usedto compare-3-6r more’ independent groups. This is a nonparametric fest: which does not Tequire nor- mal distribution... This is an alternative for the F-test “in'parametric tests. The formula for this test is Example 1. -— Hetest (ANOVA) 3 = constant Consider the examination scores of samples of high schoo! students who are taught in English using three different methods: Method. 1 (classroom instruction and language laboratory). ‘Method 2 (only classroom instruction) Method. 3 (only self study in language laboratory). Use the 05-level-of significance to test the pull thesis that their means are not equal. der the following data 180_ Statistics Made Simple The Nonparametric Test 181 Method1. -R, — Method2—«R; Ss Method'3 “Solving by the Stepwise Method: * “94 17 785 85 89 1. Problem. _:A 88 105 88 105 8 scores using the three: different: methods of 90 14 90 14 75 teaching English? = = 95 18 80 6 65 - 92 16 9 4 80 Il. Hypotheses: 90 14 85 85 80 6 Ho: There are no significant differences _in_the_ Average scores using the three different m6 TR-895 ma? ER=57.5 my=S ER 24 methods of teaching Enj . H : There are significant differences in the average Arrange the scores jointly from the lowest to the highest, scores using the three different methods of then rank them. teaching English. Number — ‘Dbservation Rank - IML, Level of Significance: 1 65 1 2 75 2 a= .05 3 28 3 Tat 4 9 4 =31 + 5 80 6 ae 6 80 6 X95 = 5.991 7 80 6 8 85 8.5 IV. Statistics: 9 85 85 10 88 7 10.5 : —-Hetest a - un 88 10.5 12 89 12 Computation: 1B 90 14 ; 4 90 4 12 Ri iu 90 14 uw aati ni 16 92 16 - 7 94 17 8 95 18 V. Decision Rule: If the H-computed value is greater than the Vi. ‘Statistics Made Simple 22 ( 95 )-3(18+1) c 18(184+1) 6 ous Bo a 12 = Gasoline S 28 23 =——(13: 17; 5 qq 0335.044472.3241152)-57 EG rutttooh ia = se 1922.56 )-57 |__ Solving Stepwise Method: 22 ~ . . oni : = - LProblem: "Is the claim true that there are no significant 76745857 = _ > differences in the average mileage yield of the H= [10.481 9 four kinds of gasdline? = | IL. Hypotheses: X? tabular value, reject Ho. Ho: There are no significant differences in the average mileage yield of the four kinds of gasoline used. Conclusion: Since the H-computed value of 10.458 is gr than the X? tabular value of 5.991 at .05 level of significance with 2 degrees of freedom, the research’ “hypothesis is accepted. This’ means that there is a significant difference in the average scores using the three different methods of h. It-can also be concluded that the three methods are not qually H,: There are significant differences in the average’ mileage yield among the kinds of gasoline used. ’ Pew tee IIL. Level of Significance: a=.05 effective df= ht Example2. The following are the mileage yield per a4] _ ee 7 gallon which a test driver consumed: for 5: ‘oe tankfuls each of four kinds of gasoline. Use — X%o5= 7.815 the H-test at the level of significance.a=.05 to check the there is no VIL Stat St ifference in the true average Id of the four kinds of gasoline. Hetest VAMILIVES om m. UeENY BeEGS ESD Eeewe meee [a | QP 28 | £2 | he | 8 ga ve verniate z 2 PPR GE 2| § g a Busey ° : epee sek ss2a5 Appendix D Distribution of x* — - Probabiny ° 4 9 ms mH Sm 1057 03628 00303 435. L074 2 or “oot “los 386 2408 5s Phas 83 Hh6s 30s 4 0 dh iis dee it $e has S351 664 1070 13.588 4 103s $308 1231 12332 15.003 4 Zieh Si 303 oer tela tans basa ® i 3a S54 15507 wi8ige 20090 26133 5 3 830 10.656 16519 “ser eee bear 3 3980 53a2 Ina 18307 2h te) 2.309 2e.5a6 0 ass 4148 10.341 12.809 1961s sie mms 31264 u She Sos tea Ikon igs bse 36317 32909 5 Sin 925 12340 15.119 Lge: isan Dee sz “ est ws 339 lez Oot 2.685 ears Daal e123 b 5361 TSH 14339 17322 193tt 22507 BGs 24259 Osta ST.7 6 1960 aig 2046s 2542 26296 206 32000 39252 " isn BSI dels ete B87 oSss 33400 40790 iu a8 Bal 1500 dsgep ates Ses iaeos a1 B ey 21899 23900 2304 jolse Seay eu9l 430 2 roast Bins Jose ear 51410 38020 37366 48315 x 1391 ase win Bas EI 3649 M9 467 2 12338 39 Hao 3983 33S Hs) ae dae 3 15001 35018 ano 32007 3S12 Iasee Ata $978 au Bae Hove B35) 33196 Seals 4039 O90 $1179 5 ieait Him joes Mie Mes? 4360 ia Seo % isa79 29246 31795 35560 88S 28s 45642 S082 » eas 3031s Hore Se3d WUD Mo esa Fare ae 1565 14a) 16928 3 1428615874 , 17.708 Jo 143953 To'306 * 18.495, sr31 Moz? 37916 41337 4sai9 e278 56.093, Basi 35139 3087 357 4603 asses S307 25:308 20256 ze WAL! Append D is reprinted [om Table IV of R.A. Faber and F. Yates. Slautcal Tables for Bilogeal, Agricultral, ond Medical rch pubis by Olivet and Boys Lids FdiaMurgh. Reprinted with permision ofthe authors and publishes we PE Wigntiace lype) ana | rercent ype) Points for the Distribution of F [hee of From or One ene wm 26 m5 20 24-287 ma SMS S625 516A S859 5928 5901 602 6056 6062 6.106 9.00 19.16 19.25 19:30 19.33 19:36 19.37 1938 1939 1940 1941 f.b0 98.17 $936 9990 99:33 99.34 99.36 9938 99.40 9.41 99.42 955 9.28 912 901 394 BSE 324 281 878 2.76 3.74 302 236 27h 2824 2791 2967 2149 2134 1123 TAS 71.05 694 659 639 626 G16 609 GOK 600 596 593 591 100 1665 1598 1552 1521 1498 1480 1465 1454 1445 1437 S79 S41 519 S05 495 448 452 47 474 470 4.68 127 A206 1139 1097 10467 1045 1027 1035 1005 9.96 9.89 S14 476 453 439 496, 493 400 1092 978 915 875 Is 19 1m 4m 435 412397 363 30 357 955 RAS TAS 745 6a 656 6a 446 407 364 3.8 gue at 328 AS 759 Tor 66 Sm 57 S67 2p 426 386 363 3.48 3u3 340 307 Re 6 Ga 606 526 Sas S11 430 371 348 333 297 294 291 756 655 599 S64 4s 470 4 398 359 336 320 26 292 2.79 730 622 Ser 532 as 4a 400 388 349 1 269 63 55 as 320 aus 202 20 690 534 $20 486 398 a 33 AN 296 23 so sae Sts 469 50 36 329 2.06 290 8 656 San Las 456 s 324 301 285 sap an 44 4s 320 296 281 0 sis 46 430 41358 246 299 27 Se hor S09 Asn AppenDix E (Continued) Greater Mean Square) 2s 253 254 254 2 6323 6304 6352 6.361 666 1948 1949 19.49 19.50 8.9 99.49 99.49 99:50 99.80 87 Arempa. E (Continued) fi Degrees of Freedom (or er seero en) aa 248 243 238 2394 231 38 38 3a 336 iGo 245 240 235 25 228 356 345 337 530 323 242 237 232 228 225 S51 kee 331 324 3a7 249 233 230 226 223 34s 335 336 Sis Sn 238 232 228 24 220 Sar 330 ka Xi 3 236 230 226 2 218 336 335 itn Soe 2M 228 224 229 216 332 321 13 X08 259, 2m 2g 2m 208 2 329 3 hop Kor 256 230 228 2 216 213 326 Sta Se 298 293 2» a3 28 530 219 21S 217 oa 298 350 2 300 227 221 216 347 305 ton aig 214 2 Sor ree 20 ua ist 2s 2as 210 94 2a ee pp ep 24 209 Bt im 207 280 206 2 256 hot Te Appenpix E (Continued) ee Greater Mean Square) 4 16 2 2% 30 4 50 75 10 2m 500 = 226 221 245 211 207 202 200 195 194 191 190 188 1 22 218° 212 208 204 199 196 192 190 187 185 Leo B43 305 294 286 277 26 263 286 253 Ye? Ded Le 220 21S 209 205 200 196 193 189 147 1.84 182 481 2 307 299 288 280 21 26 258 251 247 Ler 238 236 248 213-207 203 on 334 2s is Ll 190 178 = 214 210 204 200 297 ie 38 290 209 2m 198 as 2 es Ly 1 ye = 205 200 1.95 iat im. xe 208 199 195 2m 266 258 be pe BR 2 RS BS SR a8 BB 8 Be 48 Ps & 7 Appenpnx E (Continued) . Aprenpix E (Conti ——aran_nae —_ een eomtinedy ‘fi Desrees of Freedom (for Greater Mean Sau Gy 0 08 tan 4 2% ww 30 «50 75 100 200 500 I ne 230 22 214 209 20 200 49 187 1.80 135 . i 1.82 148146 Sma 30s 292 im 2% 206 ie 250 24a 230 293 138 136 12 230 221 218 208 203 199 196 190 186 179 174 161 La 14s ag 320 304 290 290 2m er 2s9 24s 240 238 230 36 78 173 170 229 220 213 207 202 198 195 190 185 178 174 16 155 152 148 146 Le 0 31a 302 238 278 2 28 1% 246 23326 2B 194 186 182 196 1 Les 227 218 211 205 200 197 193 188 18) 176 1 13s Lo Lass SAS 298 285 295 266 239 2S 28 235 25 2 130 166 164 225 247 210 204 199 195 192 "86 181 17s 1.70 136 Lat 139 32 295 2m In 28 2% 1% 20 2 230 212 1s 183 160 22 215 208 202 198 194 190 185 180 179 168 154 L137 65 309 293 279 27) el dee a7 237 230 238 208 184 Ke 136 223 214 207 201 197 193 189 1840179 192 167 133 137 0 307 291 277 267 259 251 2S 235 20 21s 207 12 136 221 212 205 199 195 19) 188 182 177 170 165 1s 13s % 30s 257 27 261 255 Las LA 232 2M 2h 263 138 182 29 210 203 197 192" 138 185 129195 6s 1.63 43 430 00 299 2m 26 259 251 28 156 226 219 26 198 3 136 247 208 201 195 1.90 186 1a3 LIP 1 165 1.60 Las 127 Bs x 295 279 265 256 2 ha 233 233 215 203 194 8 140 $1 243 227 216-207 200 194 1.89 188 142 LT Let 139 “4 12s 150 SY 344 344 292 276 262 253 24a 257 150 2 Xoo iat 36 i 265241 226 218 205 198 192 1.87 169 162 137 Laz 4.2 200 388 Sar 31 290 273 deo 28 aL 20 197 135 18 133 26 239 22f 212 201 1.96 1.90 167 1.60 hae Lis 400 Sa 336 306 Fas dup 28s 2% 204 1S 139 128 2s 238 222 6 Les 158 136 S80 338 dos 20 201 189 ist 2@ 237 22 el 169 7 135 378 332 So iis 207 i” 3 Appendix G Table of z Values for r F 900.009 2000) a ae aos cos jos doe tas tg 1 for Different Be Oto 2 ato 6 [Significance Appenan J Table of Critical Values of U in the Mann-Whitney Test ppendix.1 : fable of Critical Values of T in the coxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test Level of Signicance for One-Taied Test os o 0s Level of Significance for Two-Tailed Test os a L the Coefficient of Concordance W tat the 20, 10, 5, and 1 Percent Levels eerily Bey al a. Rl mw wf ee a el) 2% ewe » zl se win Bon ee ee eB ey s 2) 3 3 BR Ry fee se fs seo erie st 37) Peele 20d 0 oon me B uM BD Be ieessal ee so} aero etait cs ae) oF 3 3 OM RR

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