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I ow-voltage motor protection is normally the able method for performing low-voltage three­
I starting place for coordination studies of phase motor coordination studies.
I new industrial facilities. Also, improper The flow chart methodology is suggested for
I low-voltage moror coordination is the source of simplifying low-voltage overcurrenr device co­
I many existing facility problems. Some engineers o r d inati o n s t u d i e s for new a n d e x isting
I may frequently do coordination studies, but many three-phase motor installations. The flow chart
I engineers only occasionally do coordination stud­ provides references to codes and standards, high­
I ies. Trying to recall the applicable codes, stan­ lights benchmarks for coordination, provides
I darch, and references is difficult. Funds may not be guides to device selection, and notes the
I ,wailable to hire "experts" fClr this type of study. overcurrent values of interest. The text elabo­
I The How chart in j\ ppend l x A was developed to rates on the use of the National Electrical Code
I guide the "occasional" coordination engineer and (NEC) for complying with legal requiremenrs,
I to assist coordination "experts" by providing a reli- and notes some significant changes in the 1999
I Lorrcline K. Pcldc/ell. P.F.. . is /I'itb Pctdden F.lI!!,ineerill!!,. LtC. K{l!y. TX. Prcljill/cI Pill"i iJ z6th Brou'l1 & Root
I USA. 111(, o/f{ollJtoll. TX. Roth allt!wrr ore Senior Meill!"rJ oftbe IEEE. Thi.r C!1·tide appeared ill its original/orlll ill
I Septelllber 1997 cit the PCIC (liIlj,reJlce ill Sallff. AI/;erta. Cc/lltldCl.

II IEEE Industry Applications Magoline • MarchiAprill999 1()::-2(,IH!�')I$I().()()CI')')') IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Francisco Guillen. Downloaded on April 05,2020 at 14:56:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
NEe [1]. The text also discusses some device se­
lection cri ("ria and expands on the decision
points of the flow charts. Other flowcharts for
upstream devices and medium voltage equip­
ment are being developed for future publ icarion.

Coordination Study Preparation

Before a coordination study can be performed,
single-line diagrams of the power system and
equipment data must be ava ilable, a n d a
short-circuit analysis must be completed. Re­
sults [)f the coordination study can lead t[)

ch anges in the single-line diagram and the

sh[)rt-circuit analysis. Therefore, the process [)f

Fig. 1. F h'e main {[I'e,'S of lou,-t'oltage motor coord ination study and short-cireui t analysis

coordi12tlti011 studies. could be an iterative process.

Current in Amperes
at 480 V

50 HP Motor
Starting Curve

0.1 Fault
Table 430-1518)

10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000

Fig. 2. Coordination Plot for a 50 hp motor shou'ing motor starting ClJrve, asymmetrical starting current, stall
times, overload relay cu,'ve, short-circuit device curve, and the branch-drat it wl/ductor meltillg carve.

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine. Morch/April1999

Authorized licensed use limited to: Francisco Guillen. Downloaded on April 05,2020 at 14:56:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
The: information that should be on the sin­ Motor Start Curve
gle-line diagrams and the methods for performing The motor starring curvt.' consists of the locked­
the short-circuit analysis are described in Chapter rotor current at rated voltuge, acceleration time,
7 of IEEE Standard >99, the "Brown Book" and in and namcpl<lte full-load current of che motor.
Chapter 1 of IEEE Standard 141, the "Red Book" 1'hree sources provide in/t)rmation for che locked­
{2J, [5]. Three-phase fault and ground t'iLllt analy­ rotor current: 1) NEe Code Letter on the name­
ses need to be performed to determine the momen­ plate, 2) NEe Table 4.>()-1 '51 B, and'll manufac­
tary (l/2 cycle) symmetrical fault currems. A turer's data.
three-phase fault is selected because this type of The NEC Code Letter on the nameplate desig­
(ault generally results in maximum fault current in nates a range oflocked-rnwr kVA I wr hI' val Lles [1,
an industrial system. In solidly grounded systems, Table 450-7(b)]. In the 1996 NEC, Tablei50-
the ground fault current is sometimes higher than 151ll was added which provides the typical
the three-phase fault current. locked-rotor current value for a given hp and

NEMA design motor [lJ, [·iJ. Refer to Table I fClr

excerpts from NEC Table 430- 1 '5 III [I]. Also,
Coordination Overview manufacturers have test data available on their mo­
Motor coordination studies are broken into five tors, The larger of the two locked-rotor current val­
main areas, which are shown in a simplified flow ues, from NEC Table .� 30-151 B or the manufacturer
chart in Fig. 1. Data and device selections from for a given motor, should be used for the motor
each area flow forward and are used to achieve pro­ starting curve on the coordination plot. For the
tection and selectivity at the next area. Each area is motor ill Fig. 2, the lo ck ed- ro tor current from rhe
highl ighced in the flow chart in Appendix A and is manufacturer is 360 A and from NEC Table 43()­
discussed in the main sections of this article. The lS1B is .%'l A.
corresponding tables of the article arc in .. { }" in the A determinacion musc also be made for the
flowchart. amount of time the motor takes to reach full-load
As each area of protection is analyzed, the pro­ speed (accelerat i o� cime), which is a function of the
tective device curveS are added co the coordination load inertia (Wk-), the load speed-torque curve,
plot, which is a time-current plot on log-log paper. and the starting voltage [5]. Centrifugal loads may
A typical coordination plot for a low-voltage motor reach full speed in 6 to H s, where as high inertia
application is in Fig. 2. loads may take lOs or more. If possible, the acceler­
Refer to the flow chart in Appendix A. For arion rime should be obrained from the motor
three -phase low-voltage motor protection, the first manufacturer by furnishing them the above noted
step is to determine the Article of the NEC which data. Otherwise, a typical value may be used. Note,
applies to the motor [I J. This article addresses mo­ when the motor has accelerated (reached rated
tors that afe within (he scope of Article 4.'>0 of the speed), the motor will be at the nameplate full-load
NEe. Protection of air-conditioning, refrigeration, current (assuming the motor is at 100'Ii' load at
and fire pump motors is not covered in this article. raced voltagl')' The nanlt'place full-load current is
used in the starting curve on the coordination ploc.
The coordination plot in Fig. 2 shows the sym­
Motor Characteristics metrical starring curve (rhe hottom of the curve
First, the motor starting curve, asymmetrical start­ starts at the symmetrical locked rotor current, the
ing current, and the motor hot and cold stall times current is reduced with time as the motor acceler­
are added to the coordination plot. The ratings and atE'S, and the top of the curve finishes at the name­
settings of the protective devices are selected to co­ plate full-load current).
ordinate with these motor characteristics. Refer to
the motor characteristics secrion of the How chan
in Appendix A.
To i I luscra te the use o f t he flow chan method, a
motor and its protective device curves were se­
lected and demonstrated in fig. 2. The motor data
used fo r this ex a mp le is below:
• General - 50 hp, 460 V, three-phase, PlOO
• Enclosure - Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC)
• Design - NEMA B (National Electrica1.Man-
I ufacturer's Association) [4 J
I • Nameplate Full-Luad Current - 61 A
• Service Factor - 1.15
I • Manufacturer's Locked Rotor Current - 560 A
• Hot and Cold Stall Times - I () , and 20 s re­
I spectively

II IEEE Industry Applications Magazine . Marrh/April/999

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Asymmetrical Start Current turers on induction motors 250 hp and larger [9}'
The motor starting curve normally shows the sym­ Refer to Fig. 2 for the hot & cold stall times for the
metrical starting current, but the initial starting 50 hp motor described ahove.
current is asymmetrical with the maximum occur­
ring at a 112 cycle [5 }-[R}. Peak current sensing Overload Coordination
ptotective devices are sensitive to this current. The overload device is intended to protect the mo­
Therefore, engineering judgment must be used tor, motor-control apparatus, and the motor
when choosing the protective device type and set­ branch-circuit conductors against excessive heat­
tings to account for the asymmetrical current dur­ ing due to motor overloads and failure to start [l
ing start-up to prevent false tripping of shorr-cirCLIit (Article 430, Part C)}. Refer to the overload section
protective device. in Appendix A .
A typical RMS asymmetrical starting current
would be about 1.76 times the symmetrical locked­
Overload Setting
rotor current. This factor is influenced by the point on
The motor nameplate current is used to calculate
the voltage waveform on each phase when the con­
the overload trip setting [I, Section 130-6(a)(2)}.
tactor closes, the X/R ratio of the power system, and
The maximum setting of an overload device is cal­
the X/R ratio of the motor. This factor could be as
culated in accordance with NEC Sections 430-32
high as 2 to 3 times for stiff power systems for large
to 34 [l}. The most fam i I iar excerpts (mm these
energy efficient motors [5}-[8}. For the 50 hp mo­
sections are below in Tables II and III. Table II,
tor, the typical RMS asymmetrlcal starting current
taken from NEC Section 430-32(a)(I), provides
would be 6.39 A, assuming an X/R ratio of about to.
the normally allowed maximum rating or setting
Fig. 2 shows the asymmetrical starting current on
of separate overload devices and is used for select­
the coordination plot for 112 cycle duration.
ing the overload rating or setting.
\1(!hen the overload device tating or setting se­
Motor Stall Times
lected pet KEC Sectiull 430-32(a)( 1) is not suffi­
The hot (motor at running temperature) and cold
cient to start the motor or to carry the load, the next
(motor at ambient temperature) stall times are ob­
higher overload relay setting is permitted as long
tained from the motor manufacturer. These are the
as the (fip does not exceed the percent of nameplate
maxim um times that the rotor can he in a locked
current noted in Table III taken from Section
position without rotor or stator damage, when
430-34 [l}. If a thermal-magnetic breaker or
rated voltage is applied. Even though this data is
c.!ual-element fuse is used as the overload device,
commonly used for medium-voltage motor coordi­
the higher rating is not permitted [1, Section
nation studies, it also applies to low-voltage mo­
tors. IEEE Srandard 620-1996, "IEEE Guide for
If capacitors are connected on the load side of
the Presentation of Thermal limit Curves for
the overload, the rating or setting of the overload
Squirrel Cage Induction Machines" should be used
must be adj us t ed [1, SectioIl460-9}.
to solicit thermal limit data from motor manufac-

Type of Overload
Table II. (Ex.erpts from HEt 430·32(a)( 1 n
Next, the type of overload device is determined.
Normalf, Allowed Maximum Separate
Overload protection can be provided hy separate
Overload SeHillg or Rating for Motors
overload devices, integral protec tive devices, or
More than 1 Horsepower
embedded temperature detectors [1, Section
% of Motor 430-32}. For three-phase low-voltage motor appli­
Motor Nameplate
cations, the most common devices are bimetallic or
Servke FOltar not less thon 1.15 125% static thermal overload relays, thermal-magnetic
Temperature rise not over 400(
All other motors
115% cons idered separate uverl ua c
breakers, and dual-element fuses. All of these are
d de vi es.
Note that when using instantaneous trip circuit
breakers or non-time-delay fuses lor short-circuit
protection, bimetallic or static thermal overload de­
Table III. (bcerpts from NEC 430·34)
vices must be used for overload protection. Thermal­
Maximum Permissible Overload Refay I
magnetic, molded-case, circuir brt'"Akers or dual-dement I
Setting If the Motor Won't Start or Carry I
[uses can be Llsed for providing both overload and
the Load I
short-circuit protection. Using breakers or fuses for I
% of Motor overload protection is not very common III some lll­ I
Motor Nameplate I
dustries because coordination is difficult to achieve. I
Service Foctor not less thon 1.15 140% Typically, overload protection is provided hy a I
Temperature rise not over 400( 140% bimetallic or static thermal overload relay (e.g. a I
Class 10, Class 20 or Class 30). The Class number I
All other motors 130% I
of an overload relay refers to the maximum time in I

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine. March/April 1999

Authorized licensed use limited to: Francisco Guillen. Downloaded on April 05,2020 at 14:56:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
seconds in which the relay must trip at six times Type of Short-Circuit Protective Device
the ultimate trip current. A Class 1 () relay trips in First, the type of the short-CIrcuit protective device
lOs at six times the current rating. A Class 10 over­ must be determined: thermal-magnetic breaker,
load relay may not be adequate fur high inertia instantaneous trip breaker (motor short-circuit
loads that may take lOs or more to reach full speed. protector), dual-element fuse, or non-time-delay
A higher Class overload relay will allow for a longer fuse. For the example herein, a thermal-magnt'tic
acceleration time. Motor overload protective de­ circuit breaker is selected I(Jt short-circuit protec­
vice types are discussed in detail in Chapter') of the tion and is sized to provide some backup protection
"Buff Book" [1 OJ. if the bime'tallic thermal overload device or ov er ­
load trip circuit fails.

Contactor as Inten"upting Device

for Ot'erloads
Short-Circuit Device interrupt Rating
When selecting a bimetallic or static thermal over­
Select the short-circuit device interrupt rating so it
load relay that trips the contactor, the contactor
is ahove the momentary fault current (three-phase,
raring must he specified high enough to interrupt
112 cycle, symmetrical current).
all overload conditions including locked rotor as
The short-circuit rating and testing of thermal­
noted in NEC Section 430-82. In Section 430-H5
magnetic molded-case circuit breakers have been
of the 1999 NEC, general requirements tor con­
discussed in several publications [12}-[ 16}. When
trollers for NEMA Design E motors are as follows:
applying thermal-magnetic, molded-case, circuit
"A controller for et Desitill E lIIotor retted more them 2
breakers, multiplying factors (that increase the in­
horseplJll'er Jhet!! ( 1 ) be mdrked dJ ratedfor /lse u'ith a
terrupt rating rE'Cluired) may need to be applied to
Design E motor, or (2) hcwe d honepoll'eI' rdtinti Ilot less
the short-circuit current to provide adequate pro­
thdn 1.4 tillles the rdtinti ofa 1IIotor rated.3 throllgh 100
tection [l3J. A "Molded-case Circuit Breaker
hp, or not less tban 1 . .3 time.> th e rdting of a moto r at'er
Withstand" working group was formed several
lO() hp" [ I },[II}. The locked rotor currents shown
years ago under the Petroleum and Chemical In­
in Table 450-151B can be used for selecting the
dustry Committee (PCIC) and the Industrial &
controller/contactor "make" rating [l}. Other con­
Commercial Power Systems Committee (I&CPS).
siderations for mntactor sizing are in un and [II}.
The I&CPS group is developing and presenting
Refer to Table I for excerpts from NEC Table
several papers on molded-case circuit breakers, and
the information is planned to be incorporated in
the "Blue Book" updates (IEEE 1015, IEEE Rec­
Overload Coordination Plot
ommended Practice for Applying Low Volrage
The overload device curve is selected to meet the
Circuit Breakers Used in Industrial and C om mer­
NEC requirements described above. A curve tha t is cial Power Systems) [13].
above and to the righ t of the motor starting curve
For the example in Fig. 2, the calculated 112 cy­
and below the hot and cold stall time'S is the pre­
cle three-phase short-circuit symmetrical current
ferred se lec tion . For bimetallic and static thermal
is 20,000 A with an X/R ratio of 6.59. The multi­
overload devices, the envelope of the curve de­
plying factor from [13} i s 1.18. Therefore, the min­
scribes the trip characteristic. Therefore, the top of
imum interrupt rating for the thermal-magnetic
the envelope of the overload relay curve should be
molded-case circuit breaker is 23, (jOO A. The next
below the "hot" stall time.
standard size is 25,000 A at 4S0 V. The system is
The selected overload curve is then plotted on
assumed to be high resistance grounded which re­
the coordination plot. Refer to Fig. 2 for a sample
quires the straight 480 V rating. Consideration
of the coordination plot showing a Class 1 () bime­
shoLtld also be given to the single pole short-circuit
tallic thermal overload relay curve with a trip set­
rating for high resistance grounded and un­
ting of 125 '}{ of the nameplate full-load current.
grounded systems. Data can be solicited from the
Note, the top of the envelope is above the hot stall
man ufacturer.
time of the motor. The Class 10 overload provides
the fastest protection, but for NEMA B T-Frame
motors it may not protect for hot stalls as shown in F Itll-Load C ltl'rellt Va lite Used for
I this example.
I Short-C ircuit Calculations
I The motor full-load current to be used for the
I Short-Circuit Protection short-circuit device setting calculation is normally
I The short-circuit device is inrended to protect the found in NEC Table 450-150 and excerpts are
I motor, motor control apparatus, and the motor found in Table IV below (I, Section 430-(j(a)}.
I branch-circuit conductors against overcurrent due For some applications, such as 1200 RPM
to short-circuits and ground faults [1, Article 4.'10, pumping unit motors, the nameplate current cun
I Part D}. These two fault types are addressed sepa­ be greater than the current giveo in Table 4.'10-
rately in this article. Refer to the short-circuit pro­ 150, so the actual nameplate current (if larger)
I tection section uf t he flow chart in Appendix A . should be used. For the 50 hp motor in the exam-

II IEEE Industry Applications Magazine. March/April 1999

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lalt'e IV. (Excerpf$ from NEe Talt.e 430-150) The siLe of [uses and fixed-trip thermal-magnetic
full-Load CUrren' for Three-Phase Indudion breakers must be selected so the device curve is to
I," Squirrel-Case emd Wound-Rotor the right of the asymmetrical starting current. Ad­
Motol'$# A justable-trip thermal-magnetic breakers typically
have an insranraneous adjllstmenr range of 5 to 10
HP 460V HP 460 V
times the current rating. This setting can be adjusted
30 40 so 6S
so it is above the asymmetrical start current and is not
40 52 60 77
restricted by the NEe. Also, manufacturer's may
limit the choices of breaker ratings depending on
their UL resring, sllch as for combination motor start­
p ie, the full-load current from NEC Table 430- ers in moror control centers.
150 isG5A. For the 50 hp motor example, a thermal­
magnetic molded�case circuit breaker (inverse­
Short-Circuit Device Rating or Setting time breaker) is selected and the maximum rating
Calculate the maximum short-circuit device is 250% of 65 A or 163A. The next standard size
size/setting using NEC Table 430-152 (excerpts in breaker is 17) A [I, Se ction 240-6}. The breaker
Table V below) and NEC Section 430-52 [l}. selected is the smallest size that will coordinate
NEC Section 430-52(c) describes conditions which is 150 A as shown in Fig. 2.
where the values given in Table 430� 152 can be ex­
ceeded up to maximum permissible values. Table Short-Circuit Device Coordination Plot
VI below summarizes the conditions and maxi­ The shorr-circuit device curve is selected to meet
mum permissible values as a percentage of full­ the NEC shorr-circuit req uirements as determined
load curren t above. Normally, the smallest fuse or breaker curve
Also note the changes in the 1999 N EC Section that is above and to the right of the full voltage
430-52(c)(3) Exception No. I for the setting of in­ symmetrical starting curve with daylight between
stantaneous trip breakers. "Trip settings above 800 the curves is selected. The instantaneous portion of
percentfor other than Design E motors or Design B energy the short-circuit device curve must be to the right
efficient motors and above II00 perctTll for Design E mu­ of the asymmetrical s tani ng current. If the short­
tors or Design B energy efficitTlt motors shalt be permitted circuit device is not used for overload protection,
u'here the need has been demonstrated by engineering eva/­ the short�circuit device curve should be selective
lIation. In sllch cases, it shaff not be necessary to first ap ­ with the thermal overload device curve, above the
ply an instantaneous trip cirmit breaker at 800 or II00 overload curve.
percent." Note there is a discrepancy between Table If the short-circuit device is also to he used for
430- 152 and the text in 430-52(C)(3). For energy overload protection, then the designer must verify
efficient Design B motors, the contactor size re­ that the device selected doesn't violate the NEC
quirements have not been correlated with 430-85 overload requirements as discussed above.
as discussed in reference [l7} (see also [l }). Fig. 2 shows a 150A thermal-magnetic molded­
When selecting th e short-circuit device rating case circuit breaker for the shon-circuit protective
or setting, it is important to verify that the instan­ device. This device coordinates well with the over­
taneous portion of the device curve is above the load relay curve, the motor starting curve, and the
asymmetrical starting current of the motor to pre­ asymmetrical starting current. The cut off current
vent false tripping at start-up. Instantaneous trip for the short-circuit device curve is the 112 cycle,
breakers have a setting adjustment typically from 3 three-phase, symmetrical fault current.
to 10 times the continuous current rating. When
coordinating instantaneous trip breakers, it is im­ Coordinating the CrmtrolierlContactor with
portant to show the set point bandwidth of -209l' Shm·t-Circuit Protective Devices
to + 30% on the coordination plot [ 16}. Manufac­ If a contactor is used to break (interrupt) over­
turer's breaker curves may have a 20% bandwidth. currents, e.g. high impedance faults, the break rat-

Table V. (lxcerpts f,om Nle Table 430-152) Maximum Rating or Selting

of Motor a,onCh..circui•• Shor.-eircuit, oncl Ground-'oult P,otective Devices
(Percent of 'ull-LOad Current)
Nontime Dual Element Inverse
Delay (Time-Delay) Instantaneous Time
Type of Moto�______ _ Fuse Fuse _ !rie Breaker Breaker

AC Polyphase motors other than wound-rotor,
Squirrel Cage
Other thon Design E 300 175 800 250
Design E 300 175 1100 250
------ I
Wound rotor 150 150 800 150 I

IEEE Indu5try Applications Magazine. March/April 1999

Authorized licensed use limited to: Francisco Guillen. Downloaded on April 05,2020 at 14:56:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
ing of thl' controller/contactor should bl' selectl'd than the three-phase fault current. ror thermal­
to e
withsrand and inr rrupr ovcrcurr('nr values ar magneric molded-case circuir breakers, multipli­
least e ualq co the protective device trip or cl ear cation factors should be applied as discussed above
curve. For example, the contactor used in combin a­ and in r efe r ence {I .n
tion motor starters that use instantaneous tri p If the system is solidly grounded, it mily be nec­
breakers for short-circuit protection should be ca­ essary to install a ground fault detection/interlock­
pable of interrupting the available overcurrent up ing system tel achieve selectivity with the upstream
to tlw highest tolerance band of the device curve proteerive devices. This coordinarion analysis is
(+\0/1' of the set point). This coordination is not a typically done when the upstream device is se­
code requirement, but will reduce the extent of lected.
c.Iamage. The phrase " ...without extensive dam­ For the example in FIg . .2, it is assumed tel be a
age... " means that the circuit is cleared without fire high resistance grounded system. Therefore, no
or shock hazarc.l. Contacts are allowed to weld shut ground fault device curves are shown.
and components may not be ,uitable to cOlltillue i n
service after an event [I, Section I 10-1 OJ. Branch-Circuit Conductor Protection
The conductors shall be protected from excessive
Ground Fault Pmtection damage due ro overcurrents by the overcurrent
Frequently, large industrial facilities will have high protective devices in accordance with NEe Sec­
resistance groundec.l low-voltage systems. High re­ tions 1 10-10, 240-5, and 240-6, based on ampa­
sistance grounded systems usually require no cities as specified in NEC Section .)10-15 and on
ground fault tripping; only an alarm is desired. temperature limitations as specified in NEC Sec­
The type of alarm system must be determined. For tion IIO-1 4(c) OJ. In addition, conductor size lim­
high resistance grounded systems, the breaker itations and considerations from the product
must be rated for line ro line voltage, for example manufacturer, e.g. breaker or overload, should be
480 V a 480 V nominal system (4HOY/277 V is checked. Refer to the branch-circuit conductor
nor acceptable) . protection seerio!'! of rhe flow chart in Appendix A.
Solidly grounded systems are alsll used , m ostly Basically, the condultor is sized as follows:
at smaller or older facilities. For solidly grounded 1) The minimum required ampacity based on
systems, the interrupting rating of the short­ the motor full-load current is calculated.
Circuit prc)tection device must be venfied to deter­ 2) The conductor size, based on the actual insu­
mine if it is adequate for ground faults. In some cir­ lation type and temperature tating, is selected
cumstances, the ground fault current is higher from the NEC Tables.

Table VI. (Summar, df NEC 430-52.) Summar, of Conditions Where the Short-Circuit
ProtectiYe Size, Rating, or Setting Can 8e Increased Above the Values
in Table 430-152 (Percent of full-Load Current)
Condition Device Rule
Volue doesn't correspond to 0 All Use the next larger device size, rating or setting
standard device size, rating or setting
I The size above is not sufficient to start the motor Nontime-delay fuse not Up to 400%
I exceeding 600 A
I (loss (( fuse Up to 400%
Time-delay (dual-element) fuse Up to 225%
Inverse time circuit breaker with full load cur· Up to 400%
I rent 1 00 A or less
I Inverse time circuit breaker with full load cur· Up to 300%
I rent over 100 A
I Fuse 601 -6000 A Up to 300%
I The selting in Table 430-152 is not Instantaneous trip circuit Up to 1300% with engineering
I sulfitient to start the motor breakerfor other than NEMA E motor motor or evaluation
NEMA 8 energy efficient motor
I Instantaneous trip cirtuit Up to 1700% with engineering
I breoker for NEMA E motor or NEMA B energy evaluation
I efficient motor'
*CAUTION-With trip settings above 800%, evaluate the contoctor sizing for NEMA B energy elfitient motors, reference 430-83.


IEEE Industry Applications Magazine • March/April 1999

Authorized licensed use limited to: Francisco Guillen. Downloaded on April 05,2020 at 14:56:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
3) The actual insulation type and temperature ambient temperatures are given at the bottom of
rating is used when derating the conductor for NEC Table 310-16 and 310-17. Excerpts from the
temperature correction factors and adjustment fac­ correction factors for Table 310-16 are given in Ta­
tors. If the ampacity is too low after derating, then ble VIII below.
a larger conductor is selected. Adjustment factors for more than three cur­
1\) The above selected conductor size is reviewed rent-carrying conductors in a raceway or cable are
under the amp acity column for the temperature given in Note 8Ca) of rht' ";\Jotes ro Ampaciry Ta­
rating of the terminations(Table X). For example, bles 310-16 through 310-19'" with excerpts given
a 75uC conductor connected to a50 A breaker with below in Table IX.
s tandard terminations w o uld have the ampacity of There are several exceptions n oted in the NEe
the conductor checked under the 60°C ampacity that should be reviewed by the designer. One of the
column(without derations). If the conductor am­ exceptions is for cable trays, where NEC Section
pacity(at the terminal temperature rating) is inad­ 318-1 1 shall apply {l}. Multi-conductor cables in
equate, then a larger size is selected. cable tray shall have the deration limited to the
'») The manufactuer is consulted for conductor number of current-carrying conductors in the cable
size limitations or considerations. and not the number of conductors in the cable tray,
The conductor size should be verified for volt­ unless covered with solid unventilated covers for
age drop due to load flow and motor starting. m ore rhan G feN [1, Secrion 318-11 (a)}.
The derating factors of Article 310, Note R(a)
Minimum Conductor Ampacity Calculation shall not apply to single conductor cables in cable
The minimum conductor ampacity is calculated trays. This application is covered in NEe Section
in accordance with NEC Section 430-22. The 318-11(b) [1}. "Where more than one ca/m/ated ortab-
minimum ampacity is 1 2 5'?f of the full-load cur­ '
Table VII. (Excerpts from HEC Table 310·16) Allowable
rent for continuous duty motors [lJ. The full-load
Ampacities of Insulated Conductors Rated 0 through 2000 '
cur r e n t va l ue used fo r c a l c ul a t i n g t h e
Volts, 60° to 90 ·C . Not More than Thre. Current-(arryiaag :
branch-circuit conductor ampacity i s the same
Conductors 1ft Raceway or Cable or Earth (Directly BuriedJ, I
value as that used for the short-circuit device cal­
Based on Ambient Temperature of 30°C (86°f) - Copper ,
culations. Refer to the Short-Circuit Protection
section for further discussion on determining this Size 60"( 75°( 900( .-
current value. The full-load current value for the Types Types
50 hp moror example is 65 A and the minimum RHW RHW-2
ampacity is 81A (l25'7f of65 A). Types THHW THHN, THHW
Conductor Ampacities 1l'ithout Derating
----- 55 65 75
Conductor ampacities can be determined in two
4 70 85 95
ways under the provisions ofNEC Section 310-1 '5, - -��-- ----- -.��- --- -�

the NEC Tables or the Neher/McGrath method 3 85 1-�

00 110
� ---- ��-.��-.

[l}. For the purpose of explanation, NEC Table 2 95 11 5 1 30

� .. -�.

310-16 w ill be used in this article hecause it is 1 30 150

1 110
commonly applied. Excerpts from this table are in
� . .

1/0 1 25
---- 1 50 170
Table VII below. ---.��

2/0 145 1-75-� 1 95 -

The conductor insulation type and temperature .--- . .-� �- �- . .

rating must be determined first. Then, th e mini­ 3/0 165 200 22S
mum con du ctor size, having an ampacit y greater Nole: The obelisks in NECTabie 310-16 do nol opply 10 molar bramh·cirwil conductors as permined in Arlicle
than the minimum required ampacity as calcu­ 430. [1, Seclion 240·3{f)]
lated, is selected from the NEC Tables,(Table Vll
herein). The minimum size conductor for the ex­
ample is #1\ AWG (American Wire Gaug e) from Table VIII. (E xcerpts from NEC Table 310-16) Temp.rafure i
column 4 for a three-conductor 90°C rated Correction 'actors for the Couudors in Table VII !
RHW -2 cable. Note that the ampacity of 95 A is 600( lSO( 900(
greater than the minimum required RIA. Types
Ambient RHW RHW-2, THHN,
Conductor Ampacity u'ith Derating Factors Temp. Types THHW THHW, THW-2,
Derating factors must be applied to the conducror Range TW THWN THWN-2,
ampacity if applicable: O(rF UF XHHW XHHW, XHHW-2
a) Ambient Tt'mperature Correction Factors 26·30/78-86 1 .00 1 .00
-- 1.00
�- - ..�-. -� .. _.

b) Adjustment Factors for More than Three Cur­ 31 ·35/87-95 .91 --.94 .96
r------- ��- ._-- �-

.88 --.91
rent-Carrying Conductors in a Raceway or Cable 36-40/96-104 .82
��.--- -�--- .. �-. .�
-- -
Note that Tahl e VII is based on .�O°C (R6°F)
41 -45/105·1 1 3 .71 .82 .87

ambient temperature. Correction Factors for other

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine. March/April 1999

Authorized licensed use limited to: Francisco Guillen. Downloaded on April 05,2020 at 14:56:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
conductor ampacities rated 75°C for No. H
through No. 1 AWG [l}.
To match these manufacturing standards. the
NEC included the following provisions: "The telll­
peMtllre ratinK associdt,," with the tlllIPe/city of eI (rmdll(­
tor shdll be JO selede" tine! coordindtcd aJ tOIlO! exreed the
IfJll'e.rt telliperCllilre ratinK of'1I1) cOJlnected termilltttirJJ1.
condl/etor. or del'ice. Crmd!l(tor.r uith tell/pereltltre rdtin}!,J
higber than Jperified for termilldlirlllJ Jb,dl be perlllitted
to be lIJed(or C/llIpelcit), ,tcljmtlllent. correction. or both"
[I, Section IIO-14(c)}. Additional provisions are
21 - 30 45 noted in the NEe: and summarized in Table X.
31 - 40 40 For the example, the 150 A breaker is assumed
41 & above 35 to have standard terminations rated for 7'i°C. The
ampacity for the #4 AWG conductor in the 75°C
column is 85 A, which is more than the 81 A re­
IIldted alilpacity (ollld clppfy for a Kit'en (irm;t length. the quired.
fou'eSt 1"t/ue shall be lIJed Wiltre tu'o diileren! ampa­
cities apply to ac/jdant portions of a cirmit. the high er Conductor Size ["imitations From C01lnected
alllpel(ity shelf! be perlll itt ed to be ilJed beyo/1d the point of Device Ma1wfactuers
tramition. a C/i.rtan[[ efJltal to IO{ect or I () jJcrrwt of the Manufactuers generally limit the conductor sizes
d"mit !enKth fiKllrec/ CIt the hiKher elJllPdcity. u'bichez'er that can [it on a tL'rminal.
is !eJJ. .. [l, Section 31O-l)(c)} For thermal-magnetic molded-case circuit
The branch-circuit conductor ampacity with breakers, the breakers arc thermally tested under U L
the temperature correction facror and the adjust­ 4H911sing the condllctorsizes in Table; ex­
ment factor deration must be at least as much as the cerpts are in Table XI [l6}. The conductors act as
minimum ampacity required under NEe: Section heat sinks for the breaker. If conductors arc too
4'30-22. small, the breaker can falsely trip. If the conductors
For the example, it is assumed the ambient tem­ are too big, the breaker will not thermally react as
perature is 4()OC The temperature correction fac­ quick as the device curve shows. Manufacturer's
tor of 0.91 is applied to the ampacities in Column rating requirements for different conductor sizes
4. The #4 A\X'G conducror would have a derated vary from vendor to vendor. Some rerate the
ampacity of86 A (95 A x 0.91), which is above the breaker, some limit the conductor sizes, and some
81 A required. No adjustment factors were applied don't publish any effects or size restrictions.
ro the example. For the 150 A breaker in the example, the con­
I ductor size used to test the breaker from Table
I is 110 AWG. From NEC .)10-15, the
Conductor Temperature Limitations Due to
I conductor size selected was a #4 AWG.[ 16}
I Termination Provisions
I Industry standards for testing of protective devices
I specify a temperature limitation for the terminal Branch-CirCllit Conductor Coordination Plot
I lugs (e.g. breakers). Tht' standard terminal temper­ TIl(' conductor mtClring curvtC is plotted on the co­
I ature ratings are 60°C for 100 A breakers and less ordination plot to verify that the overload aodlor
I and 75UC for breakers Over 100 A. Special termina­ the short-circuit protection devices protect the
I tions can be ordered (that are listed and tested) that conductor from excessive damage during overload
I exceed these standards, but the coordination engi­ and fault conditions {I, Section II 0-1 OJ. Conduc­
I neer must know the temperature rating. The field tor melting curves are given in IEEE Standard 242,
I wiring may not connect to the breaker, but only to Chapter8, the "Buff Book" [lO}.
the overload device. One manufacturer of overloads When using the conductor melting curves the
I rates all of their terminations at 75C. In the 1999 designer must know 1) the type of insulation, 2)
NEC, section llO-l-1(c)(l)(d) was added to note the maximum continuous temperature rating of
I that NEMA B, C, D, and E motor terminals permit the iosulation, and 3) the maximum short-circuit
I �
'.ble X. (Excer s fro.. NEC 'J a-14ltn Coniludor Impncit, Column Us.d
I fOl' '.m�afur. limitations of '.rmin.tius
I Equipment Ampacity Table Column
I Rated 100 A or less or marked for conductors No. 14 through No. 1 AWG 600(
�a1ed over 100A or marked for.conductors larger than No. 1 A� W( _. -

I NEMA B, c,. D, & E motors with No_ 14 through No.1 AWG W(


II IEEE Industry Applications Magazine. Morm/Apriil999

Authorized licensed use limited to: Francisco Guillen. Downloaded on April 05,2020 at 14:56:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
c u rre nt tem perat u re rat i ng of the i nsulat i o n . Table I f r h e c o n d u c tor is n o t p ro t ecred, several op­
XII below provides some examples of conductor tions are available for improving the coordina­
types and temperature ratings. Data should be tion. A faster ove rload trip ( e . g . Class 10
gathered from the m an u fac tu rer ror the specinc c a­ overload instead of a Class 20 overload), a faster
ble used. Conductor melting curve data are avail­ breaker or fuse, a larger conductor and/or di ffer­
able from some coordinatIOn software programs as ent insulation m aterial can be selected. Some or
well, but the engi neer m us t know the insulation all of these options may be utilized to achieve co­
properties. ordination. If adjustments are made to protec­
The conductor melting curve is plotted on the tive devices, i t is i m p o r t a n t to v e r i fy t h e
coordinat i on plot. The melting c urve should be adequacy of t h e overload, s h ort-c i rc u i t , a n d
above and to the ri ght of the motor overload and ground fault protection, a n d coordination with
short-circuit protective device curves with day­ other parts of the system p r ot e c t i on.
light between the curves. For the example in Fig. 2, the RHW-2 has
Butyl Rubber insulation and is rated ')() UC
latile XI. dry and 20()°C. sho rt - c i rcui t t emperat u re .
(Ia,emt. from Vt 419, 'l'alil. 6.1 .4.2. 1 ) The overload and short-circuit devices pro­
1'....11 cur,...t IIIid COllCliNfor Si.e � CindUctor vide protection for this conductor. Note a
size #4 AWG conductor with thermoplas-
Terminol Number of Size AWG Size AWG tic insulation, such a s THWN, would not
Current Conductors or kcrnil or kemil be protected.
in Amperes 600( 75°( When protection of the conductor i s
1 5 or less 14 14 achieved, t h e coordination plot is com­
20 12 12 plete and t h e low-voltage motor protec­
25 10 10 tion coordi n a t i o n study is comple t e .
stud ies
Coordination usual I y c o n t i n ue
30 10 10
w i t h coord i na t i o n of the u p s tream de-
40 8
- -- vices to a c h i e v e s e l e c t i vity. Upstream
50 8 __ coordination will be covered u n der a n -
60 .-­
other " serie s " of flow charts for future
70 publications.

90 2
The flow chart can be used for systematic

1 00 and c on s i st e n t c oordination of low-voltage
110 1 -
three-phase motors. Many coordination and
1 2S 1/0 1 --- -
reliability problems start with improper de­
I SO I /O v i c e seiec c i o n and coord i n at i o n at the
low-voltage level.
I 7S 2/0
Using the flow chart should SImplify the
200 /0'----_ _
-.-:3'"-' _ s t u d y and red uce q u a l i ty co nt rol p ro b l e m s
�2S 4/0

- in coordination studies. This should ulti­
250 250 mately improve the reliability of the sys­

275 300 tems being coordinated.

fable Xlf. Examp'e, of 600 V Insulation Types und Their Maximum

ShOrt-Circuit Temperuture.
Continuous Short-Circuit
Temperature Current Temperature
Type of Insulation, NE( Designation
II Rating (OCI Rating (OC)

Cross-linked Polyethylene, XHHW, RHH, RHW 90 Dry, 75 Wet 250

(ross-linked Polyvinyl Chloride, XHHW 90 Dry, 75 Wet 250

75 200

Styrelle Butadien�Rubber, RHW
_ -
--- - -- --- ---- - --- -- -

Butyl Rubber, RHH, RHW, RHW-2 90 Dry, 75 Wet 200

Silicone Rubber, SA 1 25 250
Polyvinyl Chloride, THW, THWN, IHHN, THHW, IX 1 60, 75, 90 1 1 50

iEEE indUSTry Applications Magazine • Morch/April 1999

Authorized licensed use limited to: Francisco Guillen. Downloaded on April 05,2020 at 14:56:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


This method is a guideline , engineering judgment must still be used.
For use with the 1 999 National Electrical Code .

l iS the motor used for an NC,

refrigeration I or fire pump
application? NO

YES ..v
Get motor full-load current (from motor nameplate)
Get locked-rotor current from manufacturer and NEC Table 430-151 B fTable I}
Get motor acceleration time (from Manufacturer or use typical values) [5]
Delermine the asymmetrical start current, (typically 1 .76 times locked rotar
current for 1 12 cle) Ref. NEC 43D-52 (b) [5)
Gel hot and cold stall times (from Manufacturer) [9)

Not covered under
this now chart Plot motor symmetrical starting curve
Plot asymmetrical start current
Plot hot and cold stall limes

Coordi atio n

Get the motor Service Factor and/or temperature rise (from motor nameplate)
Calculate maximum overload device setting using nameplate full-load currenl, R f. NEC 430-6(a)(2)
Reference NEC 430-32 to 34 fTables \I and III}
If capacitors are connected on the load side of the overload, adjust Ihe rating/setting Ref. NEC 460-9

Whal is he type of DUAL-ELEMENT
BR EAKER Overload Proteclion? FUSE
I Ref. IEEE Std. 242, Ch. 9 "Buff Book"

I Ref. NEC '130-55
Select breaker SiZe not to ew:ceed NEC Select overload curve not to Select fuse size not to exceed NEG
maximum overload settings as calculated in exceed NEe maximum overload maximum overload settings as
I 430-32 with curve above and to the right of settings as calculated above with calculated in 430-32 with curve above
the symmetrical start curve and below the curve above and to the right of the and 10 Ihe right of the symmetrical start
stall times symmetrical start curve and below curve and below the stall times
the stall times

1:5 1
a breaker found that NO
NO lis a fuse found that
\ meets the criteria?
I Specify contactor rated to inlerrupt
I meets the criteria?

all overload conditions including locked rotor -
Ref NEC 1 1 0-9, 1 1 0-10, '130-31 , 430-82, '130-
YES 83, and Table 430-1 5 1 8 {Table I}
I -!- Plot s curve
I fu e
Plot breaker curve
Plot overload curve
I Go To
I Short-circuit
\ Coordination


IEEE Indultry Applicationl Magazine . March/April 1999

Authorized licensed use limited to: Francisco Guillen. Downloaded on April 05,2020 at 14:56:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Get 3-phase 112 cycle, momentary, short-circuit
symmetrical current at the line side of the short-
circuit device

L What is the type of Short-Circuit Protection?



�pPIY mu�iplication factors to the short-
circuit current if needed Ref. (13]

Select appropriate voltage rating. For hi gh resistance grounded systems, use a line to
line rated breaker ('i8D V for a 'i8D V nom inal system).
For solidly grounded systems, a line to neutral rated breaker is acceptable ('i8D V or
'i8DY1277 V for a 'i8D V solidly grounded system).

Select short-circuit device interrupt rating above the momentary fault current. Ref. NEC 1 1 0-9
Determine FLC for calculations
Is the motor Get motor full-load current from

Get motor full-load current from

NO > 5CXJ Hp, or has

high torques, or is low

the motor nameplate
Get m or full-load current from

u� s
NEC Table 430-150 Table IV)
speed (1 200 RPM or less) , or NEC Table 430-150 {Table IV)
m i- peed? Use the larger of the two full-load
Ref. NEC Table 430-1 50 currents for calculations

Calculate minimum continuous current rating of the short-circuit device.
If disconnecting means, select mi nimum 1 1 5% of full-load current, Ref. NEC 430-1 10.
If instantaneous trip breaker, select continuous current rating above that calculated.
If thermal-magnetic breaker or fuse, select a minimum of 1 25% to coordinate with thermal overload.

Apply derating factors to the device continuous current rating for ambient temperature, humidity,
harmonics, elevation, etc. Ref. Manufacturer. For Breakers Ref. (181. (19], and [20],

r "'-. m�=m """ 'ro.' - ",,, -,,, .
IF SHORT-CIRCUIT AND Ref. NEC Table 430-152 {Table V), Ref. NEC 430-52(c) IF SHORT-CIRCUIT AND

m m rn
Select short-circuit device with minimum continuous current
rating, within axi um device ati g I setting, with adequate
interrupt rating. Select device curve. Normally , the smallest
Verify the fuse or breaker still meets NEC
overload requirements, Ref. NEC 430-55
Verify the fuse or breaker curve is to the right of
� NO,
fuse or breaker curve above the overload curve, at least the asymmetrical start current. Verify device CHOOSE I
showing daylight. is selected. Verify fuse or breaker curve is has minimum continuous current rating, is A DIFFEREN T I
to the right of the asymmetrical start current. within maximum device rating I setting, and has OVERLOAD
adequate interrupt rating .
Plot selected short-circuit device curve. Use 112 cycle 3-phase
YES {. I

current as cut-off. Plot selected fuse or breaker. Use 112 cycle I
3-phase foull current as cut-off. I

Go to I
If contactor is used to interrupt
Go to "Bimetallic or Static I

overloads, coordinate break rating
Ground Fauft Thermal Overload" I
with the short-circuit device. R ef.
Coordi ation on previous page I
NEC 1 1 0-2

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine • MarchiApril 1999


Authorized licensed use limited to: Francisco Guillen. Downloaded on April 05,2020 at 14:56:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Decide if
Ground FauR
What is the type of
I motor will have

system grounding? ground fault
Co dination


Detennine type of
Get available ground fault current END
at the motor and upstream devices. Not nonnally
Use line-ground 1 fl. cycle current on the line used on low vottage
side of the short-circujt device systems
Get the upstream phase and ground faun
device curvets)
Verify the breaker short..:ircuit rating was

Get arcing ground fauR damage curvets)
checked with a breaker rated for line to line
voltage. For 4BO V nominal systems, this
would be a 480 V rating. (48OYf277 V not

Verify the short-circuit protective device interrupt
rating is above the momentary ground fault current
Apply multiplication factor to the short..:ircuit current
if needed. Ref. "Blue Book" [13J


Plot upstream phase and ground fault device curves NO
separate ground
Use 1 fl. cycle line-ground current as cut-off faun protection


What is the type of

ground fault protection
I ,

y �erify the ground fault interrupting device is rated to

interrupt momentary ground fault current

Select device trip curve

lilot Ground Relay Trip Curve on ground coordination plot

Plot arCing ground fauR damage curve(s)

,"""" m'''� oom__ ..-

1 .25 X FLC for continuous duty motors
Ref. NEC 430-22
'" -,""'"' ��(- .. �
IE-- full-load current used for the short-
circuit calculations given on the previous
k Branch-Circutt

1n o
Get the conductor i SUlati n type ,

NEC Designation, and actual Go to
continuous temperature rating Conductor
Ref. NEC Table 31(1.13 and A pacity
Manufacturer Calculation



IEEE Indusrry Applirarions Mogazine • Morch/April 1999

Authorized licensed use limited to: Francisco Guillen. Downloaded on April 05,2020 at 14:56:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Select cond ctor size
u an
ampacity rating above the minimum
i------'!>i ampacity calculation
NEC TABLES Ref. NEC 310-1 5(3) & (e)
310-1 6 & 1 7 Ref. NEC Tables 310-16 {Table VII}
& 31 0..1 7

Select conductor size with an

ampacrty rating above the minimum
ampacny calculation
Ref. NEC 310-15(b) & (e)
Ref. NEC Appendi B x
ApplY adjustment factors for more than 3
current-carrying conductors in a raceway or
cable and factors for cable tray applications.
Ref. Note 8(a) {Table IX} for NEC Tables 310-
16 & 310.. 1 7, Ref. NEC 318-1 1

Select a conductor size with an

What IS the temperature rating of the
ampacity rating above the minimum
terminations (e.g. the breaker terminals) ampacity calculation after derating
�------l Ref. NEC 31 0..1 5
Ref. NEC Tables 310.. 1 6 & 31 0..1 7
andlor termination size?
Ref. N E C l 1Q.. 1 4(c) {Table X}
{Tables VII, VIII, and IX}
Check the ampacity of the c ductor
using the termination lim ati
it ons . If
r se the conductor
necessary Inc ea
mpacity r ui ments
eq re �=.==;::��:::::=
: ====:::�__-.J
�! d:�:s�
I-__�Check manufactuer's conductor size
Ref. NEC Tables 310-16 {Table VB}
limitations (e.g. the breaker, fuse, or
ove�oad manuraetuer)
& 310-17
Ref. NEC 1 10-14(c)

Evaluate if conductor is protected by

NOT the motor overtoad and short-circuit
:.O=R.:::D"IN"A"T..!;E:!;D:-j eVices - melting curve should be
above and to the right with dayUght
between curves. Rer. NEC 1 10-10


IEEE Industry Applications Moguzine • Murrh/April l999


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References c u i t Breakers i n Combination Starter�, JELf '{rtlll1 , llld.

[ I ] NI" P A 70, 1 99t) Ndtiolia/ CIClirru,(CI)(!e. N F P A , Q u i l H . y , M A . Appli'(d. , vol. _)�, no. -'I, pp ()�)7-"70.1, I t)YH
[ � } A N S l i I E F E StandLlrd )l)l)- l yt)I), IEEE Rt'( fJ}!/JINmkd Pytl(/J(l' ( 1 2 j W . M. l Ia l l , G . Do n ner, B . Kalhori, G. D. C re.,or)" .J .
GarJner, and M" Samojedl'll , 'A l J...t'r ( � l I i d p To Tlw St'If'c­
/t,r Pf!ll'U· '\) I/(ijj A !lttlp i.1 , I E EE, New York, NY.
(ion, Application, Tc's tin� and Ll tL' L x pecral1cy of M(} l d('�l
U1 J E EE S[,mdard 1 i 1 - 1 <)<) , . IEEE Rf<OlllhleJlded P"dCli(, fi,"
Cast Circuit Br(,.lkcr�," {Err. pelC Cf}II/ I�u,,/(I, I t)<» ) , P I '
f:/u"!ri. PIll! ,'1' fJil /r;/JI/I/f)}1 j<,r 1:"lmtri,t/ PI,"'!I, I E E E , Ne w
() ) - ..,').
Yurk, l'\; Y .
{Iq I E E E I O I ) - I l)l) -;' , IfFL I<U'fJ))J))/I:)/ded Pr.II.'f h L jf)/" AJ'I,I) J)I,l!,
{ I} f\. E MA MC I _ l t)t) " r'Jolon d}J(/ C'('}}(!rdt6r.r, NEMA, \X/ash­
lji/l' \'Oltd,t:,L' C lrwi/ i3nvK(Tf { : 1('.1;11 " hllotrldl ttll,ICrllI/IIICn"itfl
: nt-:wn, DC.
P(JU"(.f .\) .Ihlll l, I E EE, N l'W York, NY.
I 'l l R . R . Hurke and W . R. !'i n k y , "Trouble Shootin� Motor
[ 1 -0 A " J . Sm I th I I I , "Sh ort C l rC U 1 r l{,ltlll,l;S, Llhl'l� .md F.Ul i r
Pr()h l('m�." i n 1f:r:F. pelt C Ull N","rd, l l)l) , PP )( ) ) - :-) 1 (l.
WithstanJahdity o f M ol ded -Case and Insulatl'll-Cl\l Ci r­
{(I] 1-1 . L B ri.ld flc l J alld D. \XI, l l eM h , Sh()rt-C:Jrl�li[ Prort'l t i l>:J
c u i t Breakers anJ Combin.lrion �1()[()f StJ.f[t'f\," in IEEE
of Energy-Effl u l' n t Mowrs," I/:L /:' /Ild, App/ittlt. I\L/;';. , Vol.
peJe. Cml Ru-ord, 1 YY 1 , pp lJ- j X"
1. :\!J. I Jall /h·b 1 <)<) 7 , pp -i l --l·4, ( 1 5 ] W. M . Hall anJ G . D. C ; r('�ory , "Short-Circuit Rdtinp
r'} R L. N a i l er. , "Moror l n ru<.;h Current: 'X-'hat Doe.. It Rc,tlly
anJ App l l L a t i o n C u iJLi J tl('� fo r M{)IJ('J-Ca�L C i rc u i t
Mean : " f/ntriu(/ A/'p, mrtlfl , \ I { I,!.;. , J unt' 1 !)H6, PI' 50-()O, Hreakers , " l£Et.' 11\5 CO)}i UU"llre! } lJY6, p p 1 50<)-1 5 1 ---' .
[Hj G. D. Gregory and L. K . Padd en, "Tc"ing and Arrll'in� [n­ { 1 6) L: L -iH9- 1 Y9 1 , l\{oI JeJ -(dse Cirelli! 13rcakcn ,IIId L m lfit­
�[MH,-:Ilt'()US Trip Circuit B rc-akcrs i n Combination Motor f1n:dker J:1lc/(J.\I(lu. Underwriters Labo ratori es , Inc
Starrt"," i n ll'EE PClC C,,4 (?,,,,,I,, , 1 99R, pp 4 1 -49. I I '7 j F. P. Hartwe l l , "Il l u s t rated Cha n g es i n the 1 'N'! NEe -
{s)J I E E E Standard ()10, I E E E GlIiJe for the Presentati o n ot Parr 2 of 4, [,C&,\I ;\Iag . . pp -12-61, Ocr. I 'J'JH.
ThtTrThll Li m i t C u rv e", for Squirrel Cage InJunion M a­ [ I BJ � E M A A B l -<) ) . . ' folded Cd lt Clrmit Brcd/en dud :\/ oIJeJ
, h , n e" I E E E , i\tW York:, NY. (;(11'(;: SU'l/(h(;:l', �Ei\ifA, W;.l,.,h i n g ton , DC.
{ I OJ A'SL I E E E StJ.nJard 2 12- 1 YH6, lEE[ R((fJlIIlIIl.!lItiCtI P"t!(­ I 1 9J NEl\IA AB.c,-91 , ,'"I)/daICaJe Cirmjt Bn't!ku) tI" tlT/)UI Ajl­
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Delta Star Mobile Transformers and Mabile Substations pravide
the capa b i l ity to q u ickly restore electrical service following an
outa g e caused by a storm or other d i saster; provide temporary
new service while permanent facilities are bei n g constructed; or
replace existing equipment during regularly scheduled periodic
ma intenance. Custom designed and b u i l t to order, each mobile
u n i t a l so has a wide variety of accessories a n d equ i pment options
ava i lable to meet each customer's specific req u i rements whi le
offering maxi m u m operating flex i b i l i ty and ease of i nstallatio n .

For example, i t i s feasible to build mobile substation

components - transformer, circuit switchers, circuit
breakers, regulators etc. on separate trailers and connect
by cable after positioning in "tight," confined areas or
adapting to difficult bus configurations.

For further information or Mobile Su bstation engi neering design

assistance, call Delta Star:

Visit our website:

Lynchburg Operations Belmont Operations
3550 Mayflower Drive 270 Industrial Rd,
Lynchburg, VA 24506-0429 San Carlos, CA 94070
1 -800-368-301 7 1 -800-892-8673

DELTA STAR, INC. Mobile Tra nsformers

& Su bstations
Reader Service NumbN 1


IEEE Industry Applications Magazine . March/April r 999

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