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--ravagingSouls [RS] started lecturing solidifyMonument [SM]--

RS: ok so i will make this long and traversed i hope you can make this solid and
all that.
RS: you should connect on the next 4 messages otherwise you'll need to grab this
information from [RM] and i don't think RM will like that.
RS: no making this introduction longer i will continue so you better open those
pearly eyes of you.
RS: there is no way the session will go around well if you enter in this state of
mind and body of you.
RS: ok? so start not only working out but please reconsider yourself as the
weakling you are being.
RS: you need to, for your well being.
SM: wht.
RS: no way. 4 messages later you responded after all.
SM: wht do u mean by tht? i mgth b th strngr of th prty.
RS: there is no theory of mine here extrapolated, just the saying of the Above All.
SM: dn't bther me wth ths. i dn't ned ths rn.
RS: ok-ok what happened there little busy man.
SM: wht do u cre abt it. u r nly a mssengr frm tht tyrant.
SM: lke u rlly wld cre if i tld u anywy.
RS: geez i don't even think you know me like that for saying those things, grow up
and be a man.
RS: now you have to tell me.
SM: yah sre and you'll nver tll B-r-na abt it. sre. compltely rlly hnest. i blve u
and all.
RS: why are you so bitter with me.
SM: u r a pgeon of her. i knw u RS.
SM: if u wnt any detil i am teaming up with Leteja.
RS: wow dude real menacing talking completely normal and not like a tied up mumble
scuffed whisper.
SM: wnt a mssg for her? 80-62-97.
RS: wow you are really low.
SM: the lwst. now go fck urslf.
RS: you know what? i don't wanna. What you gonna do? uh? call your Leteja BF to do
your chores because you angy? little man.
SM: u frgot ur quirk RS. ar u tht mad?
RS: hell no i am not mad i just think this is not worth my caring.
RS: like you're pathetic as a highblood.
SM: and u keep tlkng.
RS: yeah of course i am, i am here to talk after all didn't you noticed?
RS: even think gratefully i came here to talk with your sorry notice.
RS: instead of throwing a random rustblood to tell you this somewhat story. i am
SM: ur tlkng alone.
RS: yeah and you are just telling me that as a response. we are talking you like it
or not.
SM: u rlly wnt to tlk? tell me wht u wnted to say.
RS: of course, prepare your eyes now.
RS: your rutine was prepared for maxing up your gains on the legs and lower torso.
RS: since your arms are made of flesh steel and hands of titanium you will need to
focus on that.
SM: wht if i dn't fllw any of ths.
RS: second thing you will keep your mouth shut.
RS: we are fully knowing of the body curse you have with what you say.
RS: you just told me "alone" cancel that.
SM: i wn't.
RS: do it.
SM: i dn't wnt to mke u misserable.
RS: you just said "Misserable" to me.
SM: o, my mstke.
RS: stop this now. follow the rules that the above all said.
SM: by a cnditon.
RS: and you will cancel those two words.
SM: if u accpt ths.
SM: nw i will get cmplte authrty on th "highcourtaway" me and Leteja.
RS: i can't accept that you know that.
SM: thn i mght nt cncel thse wrds.
RS: fine let me see what we can do but i will tell you. Autorithy will not make you
invulnerable, and you will still have to compel to the orders Given on Line "39"
and "42"
SM: gve me ur wrd too.
RS: right. i give you my word. now cancel those.
SM: sure, see you on the future.
RS: hexck you.
SM: sme to u.

-- ravagingSouls [RS] Left the bothering open for the future with solidifyMonuments

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