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-- moodyRockert [MR] began trolling radicallyRumblemann [RR] --

RR: HOw are yOu dOing Dugnas my dear.
MR: hehehe i am doing fucking great mann, thanks for asking.
MR: What were you fricking doing fucked god?
RR: I am nO fucking "fucked gOd" you Doombass, i am a whOle dOminatOr Of gOds. The
One On tOp Of them all.
MR: You should frickun add that to a verse.
RR: Yeah!
RR: ``SyphOning your will, i am. ``
RR: ``DOminating yOur gOds, tO ME. ``
MR: ``Creating your doom, fuc-king now. ``
MR: ``i'am fucking-up, YOUR LIFE.``
RR: ``nOw yOu gOnna wait, in the line, in the way.``
RR: ``GOnna feel my pain, as yOu kneel, as i KILL. ``
MR: ``You're going down, with my fist, like a bitch. ``
MR: ``The heaven smile, just at me, not at you.``
MR: ``The ground gonna stop-you-from-hell, i de-par-ted. ``
RR: ``FOR YOU!!!!!!!! ``
RR: HELL YEAH. [Introduce an emoji on him screaming from the top of his lungs]
MR: And now we could include a solo?
RR: Hell yeah, Tombs smashing or cymbals repeater, as i go wild at the fingering.
MR: Oohhhh fucker i can fricking see that going. like a super fucking death stand
at the end of the verse.
MR: Would you be more like a rabid rabbit on fucking drugs, or like a frickin
awesome anti-hero rebirthing on a building?
RR: Oh-Oh-Oh a crazy anti-herO ending with a call frOm the abyss shOut.
MR: That's it, i am kickering that fricken gate at your hive, tell your fucking
Baphomet rando Lusus to beware because we are burning this fucking thing down!
RR: wait a hOt damn secOnd what instrument yOu're gOnna play, we are gOing full On
melOdy with a PianO, blasting thOse speakers up with that Bass Or we are talking
more abOut killing sOmeOne with the whOle set Of drums?
MR: What, fuck. why should that fucking matter.
RR: Because i actually burned dOwn my hive earlier and yet i am repairing it, sI i
have tO set up the cables and the instrument, with the rOOm for it and all.
MR: The fuck were you doing to burn down that place, is almost like a kickin
vampire castle.
MR: Chucking wait you know what?
MR: I am hearing that story there, i will play those kickers with chopsticks like a
fucking headless chicken.
MR: And you fucking know what i am talking the frick about.
RR: I will gO build the drums, dOuble pedal as usual.
MR: Fucking love you man.

-- moodyRockert [MR] Left the chat with radicallyRumblemann [RR] open --

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