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Life is a magnificent celebration of life with its immense joy and happiness.

we strip away the fiction of "The System", this celebration of life is always
present because we all love life and it takes a lot to break down someone from
caring and nurturing life all-around them, to do no harm.
It is not a love for love, it is the life that we cherish that gives all of us life
and this deep respect for unharmed life is a natural celebration of life that we
should never have forgotten because this celebration of life IS THE LOVE OF WHO WE
The horrors of "The System" only go on between the ears where we have forgotten the
celebration of life as it fades all around us into doubt, uncertainty, fear,
distrust, suspicion, confusion and complacency, apathy, denial, etc, and this is
how we end up treating each other.
The intentions of the priest in this linked video are no different to the tree or
the squirrel in the natural, ongoing celebration of their love (care) for all of
We are supposed to be protecting and nurturing life all-around us without an end to
the celebration because that is the life that we really are, and without it, there
is no life existing anymore to celebrate.
We have descended so far from the celebration of life into the darkness between our
ears that fragments us from that natural celebration and we are left with deeply
disturbed life all around as it shudders and reels from our destructive habits.
Instead of being the sun that shines with no self, with everything we are doing
being for the love of life and the caring and nurturing for all of life, we have
fallen into the chaos of fear and confusion, of living for the next bill in the
mail and the next mortgage payment.
We have turned the rays of caring for life all around us into self-centredness that
has us claim ownership over what we "own" at the expense of those who suffer for us
to have what we "own.
Instead of celebrating the strength of everything of life we now celebrate the
weakness needed for domination.
Instead of maintaining optimum purity, we have descended into tampering,
manipulating and tinkering with everything of life, leading to all the sickness,
disease, pollution, irradiation, eradication and the misery everywhere.
We are watching our children and grandchildren dying, our elders fading slowly away
in mostly alien homes and an avalanche of those who struggle everyday to deal with
survival in system life.
We celebrate getting drunk, taking drugs, fighting, abusing children by feeding
them poisons and locking them up in tiny suburban blocks.
We celebrate playing Russian Roulette with people's lives by forcing them to take
an experimental, MRNA needle they don't want because we have become so desensitized
that we accept a life lost here and a life lost there, propelled by the media of
fear porn sending us into a panic where saving lives from COVID is paramount at the
expense of the lives of multi-billions whose businesses are ruined, who can't
access medical care, who are isolated from loved ones, who turn to suicide out of
despair, who are forced out of rental markets, and who are the subject of
discrimination, recrimination and censorship.
When we are lost in fear-porn, we forget to celebrate life around us because we are
so terrified of something that might happen. We have become so precious about what
we think of as our lives that we imprison everyone else into our views on their
lives and push them into boxes to protect us from the fear of the unknown.
Among the stresses of system life, the elderly often pass away from a common cold,
or infection but under COVID, we are all being forced to be responsible for
everyone else's lives and deaths instead of allowing the sickness to pass through
the healthy while protecting the vulnerable so that it comes to its natural end.
The Amish took this approach, many of them got sick, they chose to stay at home
with loved ones rather than go to hospitals with strangers and the vast majority of
them recovered and they all got on with life as usual.
This all happened over a few weeks and their prosperity expanded enormously, the
complete opposite of what has happened in countries like Australia where the
pandemic has been dragging on and on and on, no doubt ending up with many more
lives lost all around than if COVID had been allowed to run its course. We have
lost our strength and allowed the fear, doubt and uncertainty to get the better of
We are forced to use money that doesn't exist, the intellectual property of the
tiny few that we rent, that pushes us into the roller-coaster of consumerism,
materialism and survival where the ups and downs of what to buy, the right price
for the right look, the right house in the right street, consumes us as we scrabble
for some semblance of security amidst the chaos, lost in scarcity and mediocrity
rather than the celebration of the abundance of life all around, as those who enjoy
creating the horror and suffering they benefit from whilst remaining in the
shadows, addicted to the secrecy and power of their creation.
Their grasp of power is so complete that just one investment company, Vanguard,
owns or controls EVERY other investment company, foundation and trust in every
industry across earth, including the underground paedophile networks supplying
children for use and abuse by the puppets and beneficiaries of their regime.
At the prompting of these master manipulators, we are so lost in raping, pillaging
and plundering each other that there are whole countries in the constant torment of
violence, death and destruction because we have sent in weapons and soldiers.
We have replaced the celebration of life with cities of concrete, plastic and steel
but these cannot be a celebration of life because we cannot eat concrete, steel and
plastic and because natural life has to be destroyed for their production. None of
this would be happening if the abundance of the celebration of life was going on.
We have ended up with strong, magnificent men and women who are powerless, too
broken to do anything to stand up against the horrors of being forced into boxes of
sameness models just so each life can be ticked off as being acquiescent and
compliant while the celebration of life just fades away.
Our focus on the destruction of life rather than the celebration of life leaves us
aching, empty, bored and soulless and even more in need of consumerism, materialism
and self-obsession to fill the void. Our obsession with dead things has us
celebrate life less and less, which is why life is gradually fading away.
See this video of a Priest in Ireland who sings Hallelujah at a wedding and shocks

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