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Title: Sophia Club

Copyright © copyright 2014

© Editorial Sophia Lux
Franklin 2054 C.A.B.A.
Tel: 45847071 ISBN: 9798670971713
The deposit established by law 11,723 is made
Printed in Argentina
Arthur Frame
Sophia Club. - 1st ed. - Autonomous City of Buenos
Aires: the author, 2014.
140 p. : il. ; 21x14 cm.

ISBN: 9798670971713

1. Fantastic tales. I. Title

CDD 720.09

Cataloging date: 09/24/2014

Sophia Club

Arthur Frame
Those with a young heart
who still seek the sun
"Happiness consists in being able to unite the
beginning with the end."



Introduction 7


Philosopher's Journey to the Midnight Sun

The night Sophia showed Matías
Trip to the moon
Martina and the prophecies
Councils of Diogenes to Martina 24

In this little prologue I will remember the friends who

accompanied me on different magical trips, full of
dreams, playful. Fantasy is a world
Full of songs and divine love, there is no danger here I
just forget, unless you discover in one of his hymns,
that life is a dream and the dream life, reminds us of
that recitation of Marcino

If you find yourself always awake, then you know that

everything is dream in dream.

My name is Martina and the characters in the story are

Diogenes my dog, he is very special, he thinks he is
always dressed in a suit with corduroy pants and boots,
he smokes a pipe, and he wears glasses is very special,
he says he learned Architecture from a book in Latin
called The 10 Vitruvian Architecture books, although it
seems that such a Vitruvian never existed, is that the
most important things are invisible, I agreed when we
played with my brothers and in order to be able to play
with them, they had a bad habit of making me spend a
long time in silence, they whispered to me "if you say
something, we won't let you in", something that was
almost impossible for me, sometimes they stood for a
long time.

"Stand for a long time as a column as proof to let me

play with them."

Diogenes my dog of course he is an architect and

geometer, when we went to buy it he only asked to take
the rule and the compass from the kennel, which was
bequeathed to him by his father Marco Agrippa if they
did not let him take the architectural elements no
matter he would use his arm and the fingers as tools to
measure, since as he says, the human body is the
measure of all things.

Build houses in the sky where there is a sun that

never gives shade, one knows for whom, he also had a
backpack with plans and a bag of numbers to order
them, the numbers are letters and the letter number he
said. My dog is my great companion, he is always with
me, we sometimes play Ninjas, climb mountains and
sing made-up songs, yes, we also play make-up phrases
like "I will love you more than the number π" or I will
love you to infinity to infinity " We drew a small star
on our hands as a sign of our love. One day I drew my
arm so much that it looked like a bricklayer's ruler. We
used all these signs as the code of a secret brotherhood,
as a free pass creating enigmas always around the
number 3.14 all the time we played that game of asking
ourselves for the key, to be able to enter some secret
room that we invented inside our house.

Among the group of close friends who

frequented me, this princess was my soul friend, a
friend from before as if we had always known each
other, a Sun of suns was really beautiful, her gaze had
an image of old beauty, once I asked her How old was I
and he commented to me, as many as springs the world

Virgil Primaevus reminds us, its meaning is that it is in

its prime.

Therefore to you goddess spring, your perfume will be

in me forever.

She never parted from us, from our group of friends,

Diogenes loved her so much that she secretly wrote
love poems, she never told her, but I think Princess
wise, she called her Sophia although she never
revealed her name, she wore a dress like the worn by
women for weddings and a modern leather jacket, she
looked like a rocker. He had greenish-blue eyes that
when he opened them, there was no need to turn on the
lights in the house, we jokingly told him not to stare at
us lest we fall to the ground in agony. We were inspired
by it, it was very creative and when we wanted to
found something we always thought about looking for
it. He was also in this group of friends The Kid, [Kido]
we called him that because he was an American, the
son of a family of North American Engineers who had
moved to the neighborhood, he was about 13 years old,
he was always creating and inventing something like
planes or some rocket bicycle, once I put together a hot
air balloon and almost never came back to earth, we all
had fun with his inventions, he always wore a little pair
of jeans with pens and colored pencils to be able to
draw his creations, be they kites or laser engines, the
parents said that he had Savant syndrome, which
means the one who knows, of the group he was the one
who knew the most about physics and chemistry.

There was also the fisherman, when he could go

fishing in the sea, he was the gardener of the
neighborhood, he believed that he was so good that
they would give the prize to the gardener of the
universe and he believed he was the god of the garden,
where he stepped on, fresh water sprouted which was It
was difficult to play with him, he always walked with
his shower and due to the puddles that were
everywhere, if we played we would all go home
muddy. Mom always scolded me for this, but I replied
that I was a scout and the duty of the scout was to get
muddy and make stoves, like in the camps. It goes
without saying that I am a scout.

From this group of friends there was also a
robot. Who does not want to have a robot friend? He
was actually a teenager, his name was Matías, Matías
would be a special group, the most special of all, he
wanted us to be always happy, which allowed him to
convince himself that he was a robot, he was his
disguise his charade acted for us, one of his games was
to pretend that his heart was not beating, he felt sad
because he did not listen to him, his creator forgot to
give him one, he told us and reminded us that beings
who do not beat heart are eternal, his power if we could
use that expression was that he knew all the mysteries
of the past, that was what he said, such as the
construction of the pyramids or the treasure of King
Solomon, he knew where the hidden treasures of the
world were hidden that was his magic sometimes the
treasure we were looking for was just an important toy
of someone in the group who, due to forgetfulness and
carelessness, rusted in some drawer of the house, was a
kind of Sherlock Holmes of the mysteries of the earth.

It was a lot of fun, he knew all the alphabets by heart,

even the strangers, his knowledge was the mysteries,
he was able to solve any riddle instantly, he was also
funny and joked like when he wanted to sing, he
opened his mouth, turned on the radio and pretended
his voice was played by the stations the songs, he loved
sleeping on Corinthian capitals because he said he
could feel the aroma of flowers from the stone capital,
in short he was a romantic, he loved to write love
poems to Sophia I think he also loved her as well that
my dog Diogenes, one day recited phrases like
someone who wants to compose a poem in passing:

“The afternoon is a circle, and the love that guides me

is greater, I feel in this a joy that is even Greater. The
Light walks along the edge like the rainbow, all
walking is fatigued in the checkerboard. Everything is
visible in your velvety light, everything is elusive.”

It also reminds us: "Love comforts like the Sun at

noon, there is no shadow is straight as the truth."

"I doubt everything, but not that I love you and will
love you forever."

All of us were guided or gathered in a lodge in my

neighborhood for some reason, I remember my
childhood living near The All Souls church in London,
we used to hang out at their door, until the church bells
rang. We were grouped in that place as one who
separates the grain of wheat, in the same space and
time for some unknown purpose for us. We all went to
St. Paul’s school in London and the gardener did his
chores there, finding no other link than our friendship.

My gift was that of Prophecy.


With my brotherhood of friends, we named ourselves

“the friends of Wisdom” by Sophia, Matías also said
that we were the knights of honor, because we had
sworn never to stop looking for the truth. Although the
name used as a group was Sophia club, she was the
greatest of all and the most beautiful guided us in
puzzle games, we always knew someone like Go, or
Egyptian chess, we also played the game of
philosophers and decoded messages in magic squares
such as those created by Dürer in his paintings or
Antonio Gaudí in the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.
Sophia always beat every invention or puzzle game. I
also made up word games, like the Scouts who write
words with the bat code that I did not understand
much, but I pretended that they would let me be with
them, we tried to solve mysteries every afternoon after
returning from school. Once we were together we fell
asleep and we all had the same dream, or trance in the
schoolyard, it started like this:

"A disembodied voice told us if you want a group of
friends, look for it, humble yourself, and if you do not
enter through the large door, be penitent and squat,
there are doors that are made only for penitents."

The dream was playful and looked almost like being

awake. Matthias, who was a super mathematician
immersed in his inner light, created a starship in the
style of a time machine with metallic colors, it had the
shape of an ancient temple if you hit it when it passed
it sounded like an old bell that transported you in time
and space, with this machination we wanted to get to
the center of the universe that to our surprise was the
center of the earth, who could think that the center of
the earth contained more than light or the force of
gravity in addition to dull volcanoes.

The center of the earth was cold and spring,

there is a sun that is always at noon and does not give
shade, it is an ancient world of silent caves, they hid
mystical lights, and lost alphabets, pavores of other
times, ruins of temples and circles of blue fire like
water, boats that in carnival that town of the center of
the earth took from the causes of the rivers to make
them navigate the pale ice sand, this future civilization
it came from a remote past. Those people inhabit the
center of our world. I do not know its name and its
numen, many returned to their planet pale blue light,
others instead stayed to take care of their machines and
rusts their gear circles, others to teach us the art of their

specular world. In this magical world blue fire looks
like water but it is cold, it does not burn. One of its
cities was called Arcoíris, because of the color of the
mountains that surrounded it, the colored lakes emitted
music, other times words that when listening to them
the flowers made them grow, in the distance you could
see feathered dinosaurs with colored skin as painted
with watercolor, Pegasus and even a unicorn, also a
statue of a giant donkey in the style of the Egyptian
Anubis with the feet and body of a human but the head
of a donkey was made of solid gold, on its pedestal it
was written in hieroglyphic Egyptian “it always knows
you don't know nothing and the oracle will say, you
will know that you know everything ”. In this
concentric world there was a circular ocean around the
sun in which dolphins composed music, with their

The secret chamber or treasure chamber, was the center

of the world whose symbol is the sun, we had to find
the lost key, to be able to enter, that space but for some
reason we were taken back to the ship, something or
someone made us return. When we got back to earth
we felt like we were waking up from a dream. Sophia
showed us that it was not a common dream but a
multidimensional trip to the fourth dimension, where
these beings live in the center of the world, it was a
mystical adventure, because some purpose we traveled
there from I don't know about college, but it seems that
there was a bigger mystery at St. Paul’s College.

hilosopher's Journey to the
Midnight Sun

Sophia one afternoon of boredom, at school she put us

to machine sundials and obelisks, she attended the
highest grades but she still started playing with us,
once she told us that number 3 did not exist and that
God or the desperate universe for not being able to
look at himself had to create it to simulate a face in it.
He taught us that that science that disappeared today
that of creating sundials was called Gnomonic, we
created in our remembrance a city of gold and silver
and decorated it with obelisks and pyramids of spectral
gold, this divine civilization worshiped the midnight
sun and cube, one of these afternoons I made a sundial
so large that the shadow covered much of the country,
and not only marked the hours but also the phases of
the moon and eclipses and the long passing of the ages
until the end from eons so far ahead I would discover
that the farthest world was only a beginning and

Sophia for this creation awarded me the prize for best
sundial, and Martina told me you are a new Meto, for
Meto of Athens the discoverer of the Gold number.

How were the beings of the midnight sun or inner

sun ?. They dressed in vaporous clothes that revealed
their bodies, they were thin and pale as vampires there
was sand on their copper-colored beaches and a sea of
fresh water rich in fish, there were few that civilization,
but they still existed in small mystical groups, we
looked for them by that reddish copper-colored plain,
but they were rarely allowed to observe, their houses
were geometric like great figures that Diogenes
explained to me looked like dodecahedra, or
icosahedrons a geometry that the philosophers liked ,
some of these houses were shaped like corner stones
and others had the face of truncated geometries, such
as 8-sided golden pyramids, these people made
common cause with existence, they did not destroy
anything and they possessed the gift of ubiquity. The
books that this people liked to read, were sonorous
we're heard in shells and in crystals that repeated the
same song or recitation as one who composes a poem
over and over again creating a delirious and dreamlike
rhythm. They repeated without offense that they were
heaven, not knowing that they were at the center of the
earth in an internal world.

In an act of courage but with regret I

reminded them that they could not exist since it was a

dream, and they replied that life is a dream and that
they were what they dreamed they were talking to a
young woman named Martina.

The emptiness and the machination of God. It

explained to us, although we did not fully understand
it, that we would all come to experience the different
universal dimensions and the eternal emptiness in order
to experience the great singularity that the universe
represents, the center of the universe symbolically is
the center of our heart. Also the center of the earth.
Anything we think hard enough ends up becoming
reality since the universe is mental.

As you can see, Sophia is not human

he night that Sophia showed
Matías the different dimensions

Matías says that he was walking with Sophia his

hidden love… I found myself walking alone on the
street with Sophia with some fear because I wanted to
declare myself with her, it was always my hidden love,
I could not resist, I just loved her and this happened to
me , I will tell it in a poetic way: One night of aplomb
and I walk straight down the street, I received the blow
that disturbed my routine, I felt that everything died, it
stopped, the sand of time crossed the edge without
shaking its shadow, I saw time pass from daylight to
the shade of the Bluish night, all this in an annihilating
instant. Eons of time passed through my being, at that
moment, I discovered that I was no longer, if I
observed myself I only did it to the ruins of my gaze,
lacking the world of another eye than only my being,
like a glass that only reflects I could also see the
moment of eternal emptiness, an infernal circle of ruins
that contains everything, there was no time or space,
neither I nor you, only the universal machine was
caught in a beam of light and a voice majestic as a
mantra sentenced: “Nothing become aware of its non-
existence ”. Sophia comments to Matías: The universe
is a kind of reverie, a singularity, a black hole.

Whatever you imagine with your mind will become

reality, the universe arises from your own heart, that's
why the Egyptians did not remove it from the body and
left it inside the mummies as the element from which
the universe arises or the most important element a
body pyramid. It is the space that moves and as a result
time is perceived as something fluid that is very much
like a space moving like the leaves of an infinite book,
[Life is a continuous reading] just like a movie if you
take the roll of a film can count the static frames, but if
the film runs through the video player, one sees the
movement without perceiving the individual frames,
our universe is armed with static frames. This is what
one discovers when Samadhi occurs, a form of
enlightenment. God is reflected in part as a
machination and in part number and one never ceases
to be within a ray of light.

he journey to the moon

One afternoon we were all killing time or rather

meditating for our powers and because we all met
synchronously at St. Paul’s school it would seem that
we had a purpose, or something or someone wanted it
that way, fate or an unknown force. Sophia wanted to
show us something, and asked us to get into the ship
created by Matías, one that he had built in the garage of
his house, with old cans and metals that he collected
from abandoned construction sites, he told us there is
nothing not It is carried out whenever one wishes with
the necessary strength and love, he built a ship from
nothing to travel through the universe, this attraction
had the shape of a giant pyramid or pyramid temple
was completely metallic as created in one piece, when
the door slid we got inside and decided to go to
Sophia's suggestion towards the moon since it is our
natural satellite, and the closest star, we would know if
the ship really was prepared to travel to the ends of the
universe or not, we would test it and prove ourselves
with this trip to that ancient god our moon, after all it is
a few kilometers from earth to the moon. We organize
everything for the trip, backpacks, tin cans, juices in
case we were thirsty, some card games and a guitar,
clothes to change in case the trip was too long, we are
all Sophia, Matías as captain of the ship, the gardener,
the Kid and my dog Diogenes he wanted to make a
map as a travel route and choose where we were going
to land on the moon.

We decided by mutual agreement that we would land

on the visible side of the moon in a dull sea, the sea of
tranquility where the Apollo had landed with the
astronauts, my cousin Vicky also came with us, a very
pretty 18-year-old teenager, her magic was that he
could move things with his mind and every so often he
had episodes of Poltergeis and a celestial blue light
started from inside him exploding everything around
him and another boy from the neighborhood named
Jorge this possessed the metaphysical knowledge of
materializing any object that he mentalized, this would
also prove if we were capable of being astronauts, and
what was our purpose as a group and why we all found
at St. Paul’s College. Would it take us a few hours to
get to the moon or would the trip be instantaneous? We
decided to go out towards the moon in the afternoon
with the ship, when we set sail as if it were a ship, the
sun was still visible, but when it got high everything
turned dark and the stars began to be seen, near the sea
of tranquility there were some ruins circular in the
shape of a temple, with 7 steps and obelisks created
millions of years ago, such ancient ruins and that one
knows from when they have been there observing
before mankind, the passing of the millennia, saw
dinosaurs and humanities grow and die, we are a great
experimentation for these beings, they have fun with
our worries, or perhaps the one who is watching us has
a deeper meaning.

Near the sea of tranquility there were ruins over

1 million years old with Ionic capitals or what looked
like ruins of Greek-style architectural elements,
according to Diogenes, we also see an apparatus of
iridescent colors in the shape of a door, when we We
approached seemed to emit electronic music like an
upside down song a broken rhythm, and a disembodied
voice asked us, Why have I come? We need to know
why we have powers! Diogenes asked, and the
telepathic voice answered: "The answer lies within
Martina." So by mutual agreement we decided to
continue asking who had created that civilization, did
you come here a long time ago? If we arrived eons of
time ago from different places in the cosmos, I am a
witness of time. What happened to this civilization ?
We saw where humanity would go in the future and we
decided to go through the time machine, that door-
shaped machine is a passage to other times and places,
you just have to discover the chord that He opens it.

According to Sophia the moon is a planet machine, it

was brought by an extraterrestrial civilization for
observation of the inhabitants of the earth. In the
depths you can see its beams and it's motors. The moon
machine is hollow and was created and put into orbit to
observe humanity and so that humanity could learn
alphabets over time by copying the phases of the moon
and creating calendars, a way of organizing time, the
human being learned create calendars for observing the
phases of the moon. It is the first step in creating a 3rd-
dimensional civilization. We are the ones who
germinate humanities. On the moon there existed and
there is a civilization of small men as dwarfs of great
mental power, they persecuted us so that we did not
return to earth to tell their secret but luckily we were
able to escape thanks to Sophia. Humans were brought
to earth from different parts of the universe through
threads of light that converge on our planet as the
center of all these light routes. Many animals and
plants as well as humans were brought to planet earth
as a cosmic experimentation.

artina and the Prophecy
about the end of the nations

One afternoon Martina in a trance state began to recite

with a thick and monotonous voice like a computer:
The third world war will be and is a fact, since the
nationals are engaged in struggles for power gains, the
war will be without anyone suspecting but it will be,
the United States will try to break a blockade to the
sympathetic nations of the east China and Russia,
Venezuela and Cuba will be invaded, China will
respond with a nuclear attack, Russia will invade
Europe, it will be in a lightning war it will happen
when the Pope returns to the Vatican from Moscow, the
Pope will die in a cruel death, another young Pope will
be chosen who will survive the war, and will crown a
king for Europe, China will go on to conquer the
world, when Russia reaches the center of Europe, the
United States will send bomber planes with chemical
weapons that will throw boxes that explode in the air
throwing a powder like snow of greenish color, that

when touching the skin or inhaling it causes death
instantly, creating an impassable barrier.

Turkey invades Greece causing many deaths in the

Greek army and in the civilian population, Russia at
the request of the Orthodox Church enters the Greco-
Turkish war by dropping an atomic bomb on Turkish
territory, the smoke cloud caused will last for several
days, Ankara will go from New to Greek hands, and
the Kurdish State will be created, Turkey will be
limited to a territorial island.

World War III will be the bloodiest of all causing the

death of 3 part of humanity will be Atomic but
fundamentally chemical. China dumps a dumbbell-
shaped bomb into the sea off the coast of the United
Kingdom that when exploded creates a 150-meter-high
wave tsunami, flooding the entire territory, the island
will sink into the sea. The coastal cities of the
Mediterranean are flooded by giant waves, more than a
billion die in a single moment. At the height of the war,
a meteorite will fall and split as the atmosphere enters
the atmosphere.

The largest part will fall off the coast of Spain will be
in the middle of the war. The first thing that will come
will be the war of the 3 Russias, China and the United
States. Part of North Africa sinks into the sea, creating
a new inland sea, the Sahara will be a new sea, the
meteorite that will fall to the earth measures 1.7

kilometers in diameter, taking the earth to orbit at

For three days and three nights in the northern

hemisphere the ashes will cover the earth's mantle
creating three days of darkness, in Latin America it will
be 6 hours, this meteorite will split and the smallest
part will fall to the south of the African continent and
in front of Argentina, totally flooding the city of
Buenos Aires, and the city of La Plata, these cities will
be flooded up to the 5 floors of the buildings, these will
be underwater, nothing will be heard since nobody will
be in them, once the day returns Those who survive
will live as brothers again only a quarter of the
humility will survive. It will be lived in the fields and
the cities will be abandoned, beings from other worlds
will help us to rebuild the world, they will go down in
southern America with ships in the form of metal tubes,
these will throw all kinds of beings, with metallic
clothing that is very light without closings or buttons,
there will be no cold or heat and the only season that
will exist will be spring, the moon will not shine, it will
be opaque, and a new moon will appear brighter, it will
be called Amnesty. In the future earth the children will
be the teachers teaching the relativity of the fourth
dimension, they will travel to the neighboring planets
and they will visit the civilizations hidden from the
human retina, they will travel to distant galaxies, and
the earth will be a new celestial port for the galactic

The new child will be the sage and teacher of the
world will speak only of brotherly love after the chaos
of the earth, Christ will be on earth. Many will be
saved from ships the moment the asteroid falls, they
will be taken to invisible ships that are in the
atmosphere and at the poles of the earth, also inside
dull volcanoes. After the chaos many nations will have
kings and democracy will be replaced by parliamentary
kingdoms. Russia will feed Europe with wheat,
humanity over time will be telepathic, it will be in love
and fraternal embraces, 1000 years of peace Your
destiny and mine Martina is to save the planet earth,
the center of the universe and humanity that is why
they are on earth, Sophia will help you. From today
they will be the brotherhood: Sophia Club.

Vicky became restless we were at home with the group

and did not get to record all this verbiage from her cell
phone, but the rest we were able to reconstruct, on
paper to be able to later analyze it, that message that
Martina emitted seemed real, somewhat clarifying the
purpose of being of our group, but we did not feel that
we were up to saving the planet, how would we avoid
the third world war and the end of humanity? We knew
we were counting on ourselves, but would we have the
power to stop Armageddon?

Sophia believed yes and that if that was our purpose we

would fulfill it.

Jorge wisely told us that we need to create a list of
questions that we can clearly answer to get closer to the
truth, such as being the first question: Why does the
end of the world happen, what triggers it? and if
everything happens in the eternal now as Matías had,
according to his experience Paranormal the future has
already happened, with which what we want to do or
could not or something prevented us from doing it, that
is, the end of the world will happen whether we do
something or not.

Second question: Would the greatest destruction within

Martina's prophecy be caused by the asteroid, if the
asteroid did not fall, part of humanity would be saved?
Third assumption or question: If the Antilles are not
invaded there is no third world war, and perhaps the
asteroid would not fall, but since we prevent the third
world war from starting in the Antilles we will have to
discover what triggers the world war.

ouncils of Diogenes to Martina

Always remember, my daughter, that difficult times are

not eternal, we are spiritual beings, matter is not
everything, dogs have souls, they are born with one,
that is why they always seek love and affection,
humans have to make an effort to grow what they have
and be Good, said Thales of Miletus, Make promises:
the lack is not far. Remember your friends, both
present and absent. Don't decorate your exterior: your
way of living is what beautifies. Don't hoard

Take care that those to whom you bind an oath do not

hate you for your talkativeness. Reject everything that
is dishonest. The dedication you have given to your
parents, expect to receive it from your children when
you are old. Idleness is painful and intemperance is

Before commanding, first learn to govern yourself.

I also leave the Theological Virtues to you, Faith, hope

and charity, the latter is love, leave you this phrase of
Corinthians 13

“And now faith, hope and love remain, these three; but
the greatest of them is love “. Faith is Love of God and
hope is the belief in eternal life. I also leave you these
verses of the divine Pythagoras that are as valid
yesterday as today and will serve you as they served
me and also the verses of the divine Pythagoras.

Golden Verses of Pythagoras

You must give perfect sacrifice to the Immortal Gods,

that is, Respect your mother and father and also your

Choose for yourself a truly wise friend, listen to his

advice and follow his example. Do not go to that friend
for insignificant reasons.
Remember the law of cause and effect in your life.

The possibility of overcoming your passions is given to
you. So tame into yourself, with great effort of will,
greed, laziness, sexual passions, and unreasonable

Whether you are alone or with people, be afraid to do

something wrong. Save your honor!

Always be fair in your words and actions, following in

them the demands of reason and law.

Don't forget that inevitable destiny leads all people to


Remember that earthly goods are easily given to people

and are easily removed in the same way.

As for the misfortunes, which come to people

according to their destinies, you must bear them with
docile patience. All in all, strive to relieve pain as much
as possible. And remember that the Immortal Gods do
not give people proof that they are superior to their

Remember me with the flower of do not forget me, it
will be our symbol, we will recognize ourselves as
brothers in that symbol, tell the rest of the group, also
as the Pythagorean brothers with 5-pointed stars drawn.

End of the first book

Printing finished in Buenos Aires
In Editorial Sophia Lux
Franklin 2054 C.A.B.A. Tel: 011 45847071
100 copies
On October 30, 2014


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