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Privilege Walk

GOAL: Group members will get to reflect on privileges, acknowledge that we’re all in different
places in the treatment process


Ages: Recommended age is 10 and up

TIME: 1 Hour

MATERIALS: Pictures of various shoes (see attached linked), color pencils

SETUP: Roomy space for the initial portion. Will need a table for the second part

1. Frontload that this activity will be a little different that normal RT groups
2. Ask if they know what privilege is
● Explain privilege
3. Have group stand in the middle of the room
● Tell them they need to listen to the statements and follow the instructions in them
whether that is taking a step forward or backwards (steps should be super small)
4. Debrief
5. Show shoe video (optional)
6. Explain second part (walking in someone elses shoe)
● Everyone will pick a shoe
i. Color it
ii. Write at least 5 things that someone would have to know about you to
walk in your shoes
7. Share 5 things (or at least 3)
● people can still color during this time but should not talk as they should be
listening to peers sharing.

● Why do you think we did this activity?
● How did it feel when you had to take a step back/forward?
● Was there a time when you wanted to be a part of the group moving forward? Why?
● What was one thing you learned?
● How does this apply to your treatment?

You can change the prompt to better suit your group, for example:
● What made you like or dislike this activity?
● Did this activity make you uncomfortable? Why?
● Did this activity instill any self reflection?

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