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4. Documentation of learners and parents orientation.

Number 3. In order to make the children under my advisership be aware of what Retrospect Batang
Batangueno is about, a teacher-pupil meeting was held. Most of these personal meetings were done
through messenger chats and calls. Some were also done through phone calls because of unstable
internet connectivity. In these meet-ups, the essence of RBB Tasks and Challenges were discussed
among learners. Conferences among parents were also done to inform them of what RBB is about and
why those underlying activities were administered alongside the prescribed learning tasks for the week.

Aside from orientation, performances of learners were also monitored and were given appropriate
feedbacks. Testimonies from parents and learners were obtained as proof of compliance to RBB Tasks
and Challenges
3. Documentation of conference with the learners about their development

To monitor learners’ compliance to prescribed RBB Tasks and Challenges, a personal

conference was administered through messenger chats, video calls, and any other means possible.
This monitoring was done to properly give feedbacks to elarners’ performance. If possible, parents
were also there at the conference to give them glimpse of the essence of the administered tasks.
Parents and learners were both asked of what they’ve come to realize or learn as the latter went
through the tasks and as the former supervised their children in doing so. This was done in a weekly

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