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Zoos are not really helping animals

- Aylin Hernández
- Carla Labarca
CAREER: Traducción Inglés – Español Mención Negocios Internacionales
SUBJECT: Styles of Written Communication
TEACHER: Karen Mella
Zoos are not really helping animals

Despite all the time that Zoos had been functioning, we think that they are not really helping

animals. Firstly, although animals may live longer in zoos than in the wild, they experience a

lower quality of life; animals in captivity suffer from boredom, stress and depression because they

are deprived of their natural habitat, and they lose intergenerational bonds with its own species.

What zoos have done is to use antidepressants, tranquilizers, and antipsychotics to reduce this

state of psychological unhealthiness in which animals live. Second, these kinds of animals were

not born to live there, and it is not appropriate for them to stay close to people, because animals

bred in zoos may become imprinted on human beings. Also, visitors do not act responsibly and put

the animals lives in danger due to their lack of care, and this is what can hurt animals the most

because they are often killed rather than tranquilized if something goes wrong, for example in the

case when people try to feed them or touch them animals can react aggressively. Third, zoos’

commitment to wildlife conservation is called into question, although most captive breeding

programmes release animals into the wild, this is not always the reality, In some cases, they are

sent to safari parks, circuses, canned hunting facilities and even to the exotic pet trade when they

are still young. Moreover, studies from the University of Exeter in the U.K found that most

captive-bred carnivores released into the wild do not survive the transition, which raises the

question about the bred conservation efforts, since only 33 percent die before reaching adulthood

due to their lack of fear towards humans and the poor knowledge of crucial haunting skills.

Therefore, this confirms our opinion, and if people want to see and learn more about wild animals

behaving normally they should be seen in the wild instead of zoos which teach children to value

animals as property, rather than individuals that deserve fundamental rights such as, dignity and

body integrity. Also, it is known that zoos have resorted to antidepressants, tranquilizers and

antipsychotic drugs to alleviate depression and aggression among zoo animals. Also, zoos exploit

captive animals selling them as objects for scientific studies or as illegal pets. In addition zoos are
dedicated to animal exploitation at the moment to profit from the visitor's attention and do not

send the right message for the child about wildlife conservation because most children visit zoos

only for enjoyment instead of teaching them to protect the animals.









What are the main consequences of having a part time job?

Advantages and disadvantages of a part time job

In a part time job we can find many advantages, which can be very beneficial for some

people. First, a part time job will help you to gain skills that a college or a university won’t

teach you. For example, you will learn to work on a team and also you will learn how to

use your initiative, skills that are very valuable in any job. Another good reason for having

a part time job if you are a student is that you will be able to have more time to focus on

your college or university work, this will give you time to go to your classes whenever you

need and just worry about those needs. This freedom that part-time job gives you would

help you to be less stressed if you are organized. Otherwise, if you are not someone who

is organized, all the extra work and time you spend in this job will make you lose time for

you to study or even have no time for yourself, and instead of helping you to be less

stressed, it will only make everything more difficult. In addition to this, if you need to keep

working and gain more money, a part time job won´t help you to get a promotion

because the companies usually look for people with more time to spend on a job when

they think about promoting people. In conclusion, maintaining a job while studying is not

suitable for everyone. A well-organized person may find it easier to balance their study

hours and work, while someone who needs to be more focused on their studies might

think that having a job is too difficult. Therefore, we should all think twice before taking a

job, because this does not mean that we can stop paying attention to the other duties we


2. One sentence containing a NCl

1. One complex-compound sentence: 1 pt. performing subject (S) function: 1 pt.
4. One sentence containing a NCl
3. Ontence containing a NCl performing object performing complement (C) function: 1 pt.
(O) functione sen: 1 pt.

6. Two sentences containing an ACl of

5. One sentence containing a relative clause in reason: 2 pts.
the object: 1 pt.

8. Two sentences containing an ACL of

7. Two sentences containing an ACl of time: 2 pts.
contrast: 2 pts.

10. One sentence containing a defining

9. One sentence containing a non-defining relative clause: 1 pt.
relative clause: 1 pt.

12. One sentence containing an Zero noun

11. One sentence containing a relative clause in clause: 1 pt.
the Subject: 1 pt.
1. One complex-compound sentence: 1 pt. 2. One sentence containing a NCl performing subject
Animals in captivity suffer from (S) function: 1 pt.

boredom, stress and depression

because they are deprived of its natural
habitat, and the bonds between animals
are broken when they are sold or traded
to other zoos.
3. One sentence containing a NCl performing object 4. One sentence containing a NCl performing
(O) function: 1 pt. complement (C) function: 1 pt.
we think that they ae not really
helping animals.
5. One sentence containing a relative clause in the 6. Two sentences containing an ACl of reason: 2 pts.
object: 1 pt.
7. Two sentences containing an ACl of contrast: 2 pts. 8. Two sentences containing an ACL of time: 2 pts.

9. One sentence containing a non-defining relative 10. One sentence containing a defining relative clause:
clause: 1 pt. 1 pt.
11. One sentence containing a relative clause in the 12. One sentence containing an Zero noun clause: 1 pt.
Subject: 1 pt.

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