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100 Thoughtful Questions Judges Ask at Beauty Pageants

I am a deep philosophical thinker who likes asking thought-provoking questions.

If you want to win a beauty pageant, be prepared to answer these questions!

Preparing for Beauty Pageant Interview Questions

The question-and-answer round is decisive in crowning the winner at a beauty pageant. In the
past, a number of beauty contests were judged solely based on physical appearance, but present-
day judges want to see well-rounded contestants. The competition now considers many aspects of
a beautiful personality—not just looks.

Contestants at beauty pageants have to go through a series of rounds that test their skills, talents,
intelligence, and personality. "Beauty with brains" has become the new mantra at major pageants.

Whether you are participating in a local beauty contest in your neighborhood or representing your
country at Miss Universe or another international pageant, make sure you don't falter during the
question and answer round. You can prepare yourself by considering some of the questions the
judges might ask.

Top 10 Best Thoughtful and Philosophical Pageant Questions

1. If you were God for a day, how would you change the world?
2. How different would the world be if women were to rule the world?
3. What does it mean to be a modern woman?
4. Is life easier for women or men?
5. Does a woman sacrifice more than a man?
6. What steps or measures need to be taken to eradicate poverty?
7. Is there a way to curb sexual harassment?
8. If you could break one rule, what rule would that be?
9. What would you do to stop wars?
10. If you had a chance to discuss a social issue with world leaders, what social issue would it be?

Modern judges want to crown a contestant who has a beautiful mind and personality in addition to
good looks.

What Type of Questions Do Judges Ask at Beauty Pageants?

Interviews at pageants begin with an introductory question. Most judges start off by saying, "Tell
me something about yourself" before they delve into other questions.

Judges love to ask questions that put the contestant in a hypothetical situation. These hypothetical
questions help the judges gauge a contestant’s personality outside of their comfort zone. The
questions they put forth are often thoughtful, hypothetical, or philosophical in nature. Judges may
also ask obnoxiously funny questions to test your wit.

Certain judges at beauty pageants also ask questions related to social issues. These often include
"what would you do if" and "how would you" questions. This part of the interview tests contestants'
spontaneity, beliefs, knowledge, and confidence.

The jury that chooses the winner wants to find a girl worthy of the crown. Every jury is on the
lookout for a girl that has the right combination of beauty and brains. Belief and self-confidence are
important if you want to go the distance.

Advice on Preparing and Practicing for the Interview

You need to be equipped to answer all of these different types of questions at the pageant. It is
important to attend a coaching session so you're prepared for any question that comes your way.

Pageant coaches play a pivotal role in guiding contestants in accordance with their personality
type. Coaches help motivate contestants, build their confidence, and ensure they believe in
themselves. When a contestant works with a pageant coach, she gets a fair idea of what to expect
at pageant interviews.


11. How will you use your title to benefit others if you win today?

12. When does a girl become a woman?

13. Why do you deserve this beauty pageant title?

14. If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for?

15. Has the speed of technological advances taken away our emotional connection?

16. Are the youth of this generation more pressured to perform than the youth of previous
17. What is the true essence of being a woman?

18. Is online dating a good thing or a bad thing?

19. What is your philosophy of life, and what do you value most in life?

20. Why is it important to be a multitasker?

How to Answer Questions Cleverly and Tactfully at Beauty Pageants

The questions judges ask at beauty pageants often test contestant’s ability to react spontaneously.
While most girls fare well in other rounds, the question-and-answer round becomes the stumbling
block for many. Contestants get nervous when a judge asks a question, and rightly so. A
contestant has limited time to think about the question and give their answer, and so it is important
to be a good listener.

Understand the question the judge asks and provide a relevant answer. Every question has
keywords that can help guide your answer. When you grasp these keywords, it becomes easier to
assemble, arrange, and rearrange words to come up with an excellent answer.

If you have a quick wit, it’s an added advantage in the question-and-answer round. At beauty
pageants, when judges ask philosophical questions, thoughtful questions, or hypothetical
questions, contestants often show a visible change in their body language and fumble with words.
Try to answer promptly and maintain your confidence.


21. How can you change the world to make it a better place?

22. Is religion the way to peace?

23. What moment in your life would you pick to change the lives of others?

24. What, according to you, is an ideal partner?

25. What is the biggest challenge young girls face today?

26. If you could change any one of your physical characteristics, which would it be and why?

27. What is the most important lesson for us to learn from life?
28. What is the biggest problem we are facing in our lives today, and how can we solve the

29. How would you define success?

30. Has personal interaction taken a backseat because of social networks?

31. What might be your greatest contribution to the world?

32. How does greed for power affect our world?

33. What, according to you, is the most important part of a beauty pageant?

34. If you had an extra 30 minutes in each day, what would you do and why?

35. What qualities should a woman possess to make a notable difference in the world?

36. Do you think plastic surgery is a good option for people who do not have natural good looks?

37. How important is it for a model to look good at all times?

38. How do you handle disappointment?

39. If you could change something about yourself, what would that be and why?

40. Is social media going the right way or the wrong way, and why?

Remain Calm and Focused When You Answer Questions

When you are being scored at a pageant for your overall personality, it is important to remain calm
and have a pleasant smile throughout. No matter how difficult the question, the trick is to be
unnerved. When you are nervous, you do not listen to the question asked properly and are unable
to understand the depth of a question. While you will answer the question, the relevance and
substance in your answer will be missing.

When you are calm and focused, your level of concentration helps you understand the relevance
of a question. When you are at peace with yourself, you are able to analyze the question in your
mind before answering cleverly and tactfully. Let your mind dictate understanding, and your heart
decide the choice of words for your answer. While it’s every girl or boy’s dream to be crowned a
winner at a beauty pageant, not every girl and boy can win. Do not be dejected if you do not win.
Trust in yourself, and you will achieve your dreams. Good luck!
Beauty pageants are all about finding well-rounded individuals who are beautiful inside and out.


41. Do you believe you are a role model for young girls?

42. What are your thoughts on negative perceptions about beauty pageants?

43. How has failure helped you in your achievements?

44. Who is the person you would like to be stranded with on a deserted island, and why?

45. Are women given equal opportunities as men?

46. Is the world doing enough to slow down climate change?

47. If you were the only human among aliens, what would you do?

48. If you had a chance to legalize something that is illegal, what would that be?

49. What superhero would you like to be and why?

50. What is the most important thing parents should tell their children?

51. Is there something that is not right in this world that needs to be put right?

52. What should a person give to the world, and what should a person take away from the world?

53. What are your thoughts on global warming, and how will you do your bit to mitigate global

54. What quality do men most love in women?

55. If you had a remote control for men, what would be your first command?

56. How has the internet changed our lives, for better or for worse?

57. How does your own positive attitude bring about a change in others?

58. What’s been the most picture-perfect moment in your life?

59. Do we need politics and politicians in this world?

60. What piece of advice would you give to the next generation?


61. Has social media had a positive impact or negative impact on people's minds in recent years?

62. If you were given a chance to live your life all over again, is there something you would

63. What would you sacrifice to be successful?

64. Do men fear responsibility more than women?

65. Why do rumors spread quickly?

66. According to you, what is the defining problem that teens find hard to deal with today, and

67. Will stringent laws on gun control curb crime and killing?

68. How important are beauty pageants in today’s world?

69. What, according to you, is a true friend?

70. If given a chance, what would you do to prevent a war between two nations?

71. If you were a genie in a bottle, who would you like to serve as your master?

72. What is the hardest part about winning, and what is the hardest part about losing?

73. Is there something the world has turned a blind eye to that bothers you?

74. In this present age, do we spend more time with gadgets and less time with people?

75. What will you accomplish if you win this title?

76. What magazine cover would you like to see yourself on and why?

77. What is your biggest regret or disappointment in life?

78. What, according to you, is the best way to promote women's empowerment?

79. What is the most valuable relationship in your life?

80. Is there something missing in our world?

Are you prepared to answer any question that may be asked of you at a beauty pageant?


81. What would you do to bring peace among nations at war?

82. What would you prefer in a partner—an intelligent mind or a fit body?

83. Is social media bringing people together or causing relationship problems?

84. What would you do to help bring about world peace?

85. If you could have any superhuman power, what would it be and why?

86. Would this world be a better place without guns?

87. What completes a woman?

88. What is more important, money or fame, and why?

89. What’s a striking quality that sets women apart from men?

90. What is the best way to bounce back from disappointment?

91. How do you handle criticism?

92. Which celebrity do you idolize and why?

93. If you won a $10 million jackpot, what would you do with the money?

94. If you could change something in history, what would it be?

95. What makes you stand out from the other girls competing today?
96. How do you handle stress and pressure?

97. Will winning this title help you in your personal and professional life?

98. Is gadget addiction going to be difficult to deal with in the near future?

99. What is the duty of a role model?

100. What is the biggest obstacle that prevents development?

30 Beauty Pageant Questions Judges ALWAYS Ask (With Sample Answers)

How you answer beauty pageant questions can make or break your bid for the crown. Here are
the 30 beauty pageant questions judges ALWAYS ask. In fact, it is not a pageant if they haven’t
asked one of these questions, or variations of them.

1. Who is your role model?

2. Why did you choose this pageant over other pageants?

3. What will you do differently from previous title holders if you win this pageant?

4. What is your most embarrassing moment?/ Which is your best moment in life?

5. What is your biggest fear?

6. What are your thoughts about same-sex relationships?

7. Should weed be legalised?

8. What is the biggest problem facing young people today?

9. What can be done to curb cyberbullying?

10. Tell us about yourself.

11. If you were to change something about your past life what would it be?

12. Do you believe mothers should be allowed to compete in pageants?

13. Where do you see yourself five years from now?

14. What can be done to conserve the environment?

15. If you don’t win, who should?

16. Give a three-minute speech on the empowerment of the boy child.

17. What is the relevance of beauty pageants to society?

18. What makes you different from other contestants?

19. Why do you think you should be crowned tonight?

20. Tell us about your pet project.

21. What have you done in your community that makes you deserving of this crown?

22. Can you describe yourself in three words?

23. If you won the jackpot, what would you do with the money?

24. What gives you an edge over other contestants/ what is your X-factor?

25. How do you define success?

26. Which is the biggest impediment to girl child empowerment?

27. What is the essence of being a woman?

28. Has technology helped or destroyed our society?

29. What can be done to curb the rates of suicide in our country?

30. What is your mantra/philosophy in life?

Pageant Questions For 2022

378 Beauty Pageant Questions

378 practice beauty pageant questions for 2022 written by former Miss Universe coaches to
ensure you do your best in the interview and on-stage questions. Hard pageant questions ranging
from current events, political, and environmental questions, to Miss and Teen interview questions.

For the price of a coffee, you will be getting a huge list of questions that have been written by top
pageant coaches, judges, and Miss Universe directors. Don’t go into your next pageant without
preparing with these expert-written questions that will get you crowned. Below is a sample from
the list of 378 questions.

Sample Preview:

Current Events & Political Questions

1. What are some of the things you did or learned during the pandemic?
2. If you were the President of the U.S. would you have given the public more or less stimulus
money? Why or why not?
3. Do you think reducing gun violence in the U.S. can be achieved with limiting the sale of guns?
Why or why not?
4. As gas prices continue to rise, do you think the solution is to drive more electric vehicles or look for
ways to produce more gas here in the U.S.?
5. Do you think we should have election audits? Why or why not?

Miss & Teen Interview Questions

1. Why do you want to compete in a beauty pageant?

2. Do beauty pageants help or hurt how society views women?
3. How many pageants have you competed in?
4. Does anyone else in your family compete or have competed in pageants?
5. Why should you be selected as our titleholder?

Personal & Behavioral Questions

1. Tell me more about yourself.

2. Tell me about the one thing in your life you’re proudest of.
3. Tell me what “success” means to you.
4. Tell me about your family.
5. Tell me about a difficult situation when it was desirable for you to keep a positive attitude. What did
you do?

Bonus: Questions About Technology

 What are your thoughts on TikTok being owned by a Chinese company? Do you think it should be
banned in the U.S. to protect our privacy?
 Do you think Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram have the right to ban a U.S. president from their
platforms? Why or why not?
 How do you feel about Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter collecting your private data?
 Do social media networks have the right to collect your private data since you’re using their
platforms for free?
 Is it right for Google & other search engines to manipulate the search results?
 What do you think the impact is on society when only one side of the news is shown on the top of
Google search results?
 Has social media made the world a better place? Why or why not?
 Do you think the rise of technology has contributed to the rising divorce rate? Why or why not?

 Do you think professional athletes are overpaid?

 What is the one feature you’d change about yourself and why? 
 What would you say is the biggest problem facing our educational system today? Why? 
 If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?
 What is your definition of success?
 What are the best qualities a parent could share with their children? Why?
 What would you like to see done to improve the public’s understanding of the importance of organ
donation? Why?
 What is your definition of success?
 What do you think about the growing number of foreign investments in the United States?
 What bothers you most about what is happening in your country today?
 What is the biggest challenge to young people today?

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