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Information and
knowledge industries
Contribution Gaizka Gómez-Escudero, Pablo Fernández De-Lucio, Haizea
González-Barrio, Amaia Calleja-Ochoa, Izaro Ayesta-Rementería Artificial intelligence
Luis- Norberto López-de Lacalle and simulatione


Gaizka Gómez-Escudero1, Pablo-Fernández De-Lucio1, Haizea González-Barrio1, Amaia Calleja-Ochoa2, Izaro Ayesta-
Rementería3 y Luis-Norberto López-de-Lacalle1,3
1 UPV/EHU. School of Engineering of Bilbao, University of the Basque Country (Spain)
2 Universidad del País Vasco. School of Engineering of Vitoria-Gazteiz,University of the Basque Country (Spain)
3 Aeronautical Advanced Manufacturing Centre (Spain)

In the new global economy, competition fosters complexity, which directly affects manufacturing processes, products, companies and
supply chain dynamics. Now that we are in the era of Industry 4.0, a new paradigm has been emerging that proposes to move from
low variability to mass customization, where, on the contrary, market goods must be rapidly modified and remanufactured, at low cost,
to meet customer needs. In this scenario, resilience, reconfigurability and flexibility are key issues to be competitive as a company.
The Smart Factory concept, which indicates that a company has the potential to change the way in which products are designed,
manufactured, supplied, used, remanufactured and, finally, withdrawn. Information technology, sensor networks, computerized
controls, production management software and, more generally, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are basic requirements for a
company. However, these devices alone are not enough, and a manufacturing system cannot be considered intelligent unless its
overall operation is regulated by intelligent control technologies, for a fast, accurate and reliable response to any internal or external
There is also evidence that data is one of a company's most valuable assets and, especially for innovative companies, Big Data
management is another key competitive issue. Not only can proper data management help differentiate from competitors and gain a
competitive advantage, but companies using data-driven decision-making approaches have been shown to easily outperform their
competitors, being, on average, 5% more productive and 6% more profitable [1]. Unfortunately, while in many cases companies
perceive the usefulness of their data, they often lack the knowledge to exploit so much data and lack a clear understanding of what is
important to measure. As a result, the informative content of the data is lost and real and valuable insights are lost. Hence, the
importance of knowing what data to select when analyzing it and being able to draw conclusions from it, as too much data can be
detrimental. Therefore, optimizing data collection and analysis has become an aspect of vital importance for many companies [2] and
Artificial Intelligence is expected to play a key role, especially the Machine Learning branch, which is a subset of Artificial Intelligence
that allows a self-learning of machines from the information already processed without the need to be explicitly programmed for it.
Moreover, the interest in this subject is not only reflected in the number of articles published within the scientific community, but also
in many government initiatives, such as Industry 4.0 (Germany), Smart Factory (South Korea) or Smart Manufacturing (United States),
in which governments demand a radical change in the manufacturing paradigm, based on the increase and improvement of processes
thanks to Information Technology.
Especially in the last decade, the state of the art of Machine Learning techniques has taken a huge leap forward, achieving unlikely
milestones, as evidenced by the algorithms used by autonomous driving cars or electronic strategy games. In both cases, they are
already practically a reality; as for the autonomous vehicle, it is not yet operational, but there are many companies that have already
been incorporating small advances in their models such as the automatic parking system or adaptive cruise controls. It is expected
that by 2030 cars will incorporate new functions in which the driver will be able to free his hands from the steering wheel temporarily,
and will even be able to drive on highways or take exits, stop and move forward in traffic jams without the need to maneuver. In
addition, in the case of electronic strategy games, there are already several examples in which these intelligences surpass humans
themselves, as in the case of the AlphaGo algorithm capable of beating the world Go champion. These are clear examples that
enabling technologies (sensors, open source software, public databases, computing power, cloud services, etc.) are already mature
and available at low cost and, in addition, government initiatives offer interest-free loans and/or tax incentives to support investments
in Industrial Technologies projects.

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Tel +34 944 237 566 - - email:
ISSN: 0012-7361 eISSN: 1989-1490 / DYNA Vol.96 nº6 DOI:

Information and
knowledge industries
Contribution Gaizka Gómez-Escudero, Pablo Fernández De-Lucio, Haizea
González-Barrio, Amaia Calleja-Ochoa, Izaro Ayesta-Rementería Artificial intelligence
Luis- Norberto López-de Lacalle and simulatione

Due to these favorable circumstances, it seems that the time has come to implement Machine Learning with its full potential in industry,
as both Machine Learning and Deep Learning have reached a very high peak of expectation. However, the industrial applications of
these technologies are still scarce and generally limited to a small group of large companies. This does not detract from the fact that
within the scientific research community Machine Learning is considered one of the innovations with the greatest potential of the
moment, not in vain many researchers have focused their studies on the application of this concept in their field of work. Machine
Learning is not linked to any specific sector or field of application, but is applied in many fields such as manufacturing, construction,
materials design, aviation, computer science, security, nuclear engineering, thermal engineering, electrical engineering and
electronics, automotive, biomedicine, pharmaceuticals, business, etc.


Machine Learning tasks can be classified as supervised, unsupervised or reinforcement learning. Although both supervised learning
and unsupervised learning techniques have already been widely used in the manufacturing industry, accounting for approximately 90-
95% of all applications, reinforcement learning has been less extensively studied than the others have. For this reason, this section
presents a selection of the most important research roadmaps for supervised and unsupervised learning in manufacturing.
Supervised learning allows you to search for patterns in historical data by relating all fields to a special field. These types of algorithms
can have as many input variables as you want, but will only have one output variable. However, the number of input variables will have
a proportional effect on the predictive ability of an event. Supervised learning is generally performed for two different tasks:
classification and regression. The main difference is that classification is the process of predicting discrete or nominal (categorical)
values, while regression is used to predict continuous (numerical quantity) or ordered values. A wide range of Machine Learning
algorithms exist to serve these goals, each with its pros and cons, such as decision trees (DT), neural networks (NN), support vector
machines (SVM), k-nearest neighborhood (KNN) and naive Bayes (NB).
Unsupervised learning is one of the Machine Learning methods used to identify regularities and dependencies between unlabeled
data, the main applications being the segmentation of datasets by shared attributes, detection of anomalies that do not fit into any
group or the simplification of datasets by aggregating variables with similar attributes. These algorithms can be grouped into two main
types of problems, clustering and dimensionality reduction.
Machine Learning is considered one of the innovations with the greatest potential of the moment, not in vain many researchers have
focused their studies on the application of this concept in their field of work. Despite not being linked to any particular field, in the field
of manufacturing there have been many researchers who have dedicated their work to expand knowledge in this area. In order to
improve the quality of the products, D. Muhr et al. [3] adapted the manufacturing parameters according to the specific characteristics
of each starting part, with the aim of increasing the quality and reducing the number of scrap. For this purpose, they applied a linear
regression model to identify the process parameters and then developed it further using time series values to obtain more accurate
parameters. Another example is by B. Rolf et al. [4], they showed that the use of a genetic algorithm is feasible for solving a hybrid
flow shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times. The algorithm obtained some good solutions after a few seconds,
which allows it to be employed for real-time decision-making. On the other hand, XF. Yuan et al. [5], went a step further in sensor
modeling, where a Deep Belief Network has been applied so far. This technique cannot guarantee that the extracted features are
quality related and beneficial for subsequent quality prediction. Therefore, they proposed a Supervised Deep Belief Network, which
consisted of multiple Boltzman machines, thus being able to guarantee that the learned features are largely related to the quality of
the sensor. Deep learning with feature learning capability and nonlinear function approximation has been shown to be effective for
machine fault prediction. However, how to transfer a deep network trained with historical fault data for the prediction of a new object
has rarely been investigated. This is where C. Sun et al. [6] presented a transfer deep learning network, which was used to predict the
failure of a new cutting tool without previous training data of that tool. These are many of the examples that can be found in the literature
of recent years.
More specifically in the field of manufacturing, there have been many researchers who have focused their studies on the use of Machine
Learning to analyze machining processes. Quantity and speed have always been two of the most important aspects of the
manufacturing sector, but today, quality is above all others. Producing higher quality products, in less time and in larger quantities

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Tel +34 944 237 566 - - email:
ISSN: 0012-7361 eISSN: 1989-1490 / DYNA Vol.96 nº6 DOI:

Information and
knowledge industries
Contribution Gaizka Gómez-Escudero, Pablo Fernández De-Lucio, Haizea
González-Barrio, Amaia Calleja-Ochoa, Izaro Ayesta-Rementería Artificial intelligence
Luis- Norberto López-de Lacalle and simulatione

makes the manufacturing industry in constant competitive battle. Therefore, the use of Artificial Intelligence can become a
differentiating feature with respect to competitors, which is why the application of these concepts is becoming more and more common.
Many of them have focused their efforts on the cutting parameters and variables of machining processes, such as milling or turning,
Khasawneh et al. [7], combined supervised Machine Learning techniques with Topological Data Analysis to obtain a process descriptor
capable of detecting chatter, a phenomenon that apart from leaving marks on the part accelerates the process of tool wear. The
problem lies in the equations that govern this behaviour, since they are non-linear differential equations with delay. Another of those
who have focused on analyzing this phenomenon is M. Hossein et al. [8], who presented the application of a Machine Learning network
combined with a physics-based model to detect chatter in milling. Besides chatter, there are other significant variables in machining
processes, in the case of M. Hashemitaheri et al. [9], they focused on the prediction of specific cutting forces and maximum
temperatures during orthogonal machining processes by applying support vector regression and Gaussian process regression. For
this purpose, they implemented as training data the values obtained from finite element simulations, having been previously validated
in experimental tests. Another very relevant aspect in the machining process are the cutting forces supported by the tools, it is here
where A. Narayana et al [10] developed a neural network to analyze the variation of the cutting forces exerted on the tool with respect
to the cutting parameters of the ball milling process. For this purpose, they carried out an analysis by varying the axial depth of cut and
the feed rate, keeping the rest of the parameters constant. In this way, they obtained results with a percentage deviation of less than
1%. Going a step further in the application of Machine Learning, Y. Zhang et al. [11] developed Gaussian regression models capable
of predicting not only cutting forces, but also surface roughness and tool life in high feed turning processes.
Apart from conventional milling or turning, another of the most important operations in the manufacturing chain are drilling and tapping;
not because of their complexity, but because they are usually the last operations in the manufacturing process, which means that a
bad hole can make the part unusable. H. Alshraideh et al. [12] proposed a predictive control framework for monitoring the quality of
the threading process using the Random Forest technique. On the other hand, Schorr et al. [13] collected the data directly from the
numerical control to predict the quality of drilling and reaming using time series data.
Researchers have not only focused on the variables related to the machining process, there are many who have focused on applying
Machine Learning techniques to cutting tools. S. Sun et al. [14] monitored insert milling tool breakage using acoustic emission
technique to detect this phenomenon using a support vector machine. N. Dhobale et al. [15] monitored the condition of face milling
cutting tool by multilayer perceptron approach based on neural network.
Furthermore, Machine Learning is not an independent technique of other advances in science, but rather a complementary tool to
achieve competitive advantages. That is why the concepts of Machine Learning and Digital Twin are beginning to be joined together
in the work within the manufacturing sector. Q. Wang et al. [16] developed a digital twin, which together with Deep Learning, served
to supervise and control the welding process, monitoring the growth of the joints, as well as the control of the weld penetration. This
mixture of concepts is increasingly used to control isolated systems in possible operating scenarios, for example, T.G. Ritto and F.A
Rochinha [17] designed a digital twin to analyze how to act in situations of structural damage in wind turbines, where a Machine
Learning classifier acts as a digital twin, which is trained with data taken from a stochastic computational model. However, the
combination of these two techniques also serves to control entire factories where agile decision making involves high costs, as is the
case in petrochemical industries; Q. Min et al. [18] proposed a framework for production control optimization, integrating Machine
Learning with real-time Industrial Big Data to train and optimize the digital twin.
One of the big questions when you want to apply Machine Learning techniques is: which method should I use? Trying to help this
answer, there are researchers like T. Kotsiopoulos [19] who have made a detailed compilation of the most important Machine Learning
and Deep Learning algorithms used in Industry 4.0. Discussing and evaluating each of them in terms of applicability, features and
efficiency. Other authors such as U. Maheswera and S. Cheruku [20] have offered an extensive literature review with the intention of
guiding future researchers in the use of Machine Learning in industry, providing performance data for each of the different techniques.

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Tel +34 944 237 566 - - email:
ISSN: 0012-7361 eISSN: 1989-1490 / DYNA Vol.96 nº6 DOI:

Information and
knowledge industries
Contribution Gaizka Gómez-Escudero, Pablo Fernández De-Lucio, Haizea
González-Barrio, Amaia Calleja-Ochoa, Izaro Ayesta-Rementería Artificial intelligence
Luis- Norberto López-de Lacalle and simulatione


In line with the objectives of this paper, and in order to identify the trends, potentials and criticalities regarding the use of Machine
Learning for operations management in Industry, an attempt has been made to answer a series of questions: what are the main
industrial application areas where Machine Learning has been successfully adopted, is the trend stable or has it changed over time,
starting from the year 2000, what are the most popular Machine Learning methodologies for operations management, and are there
any criticalities in the use of Machine Learning algorithms for industrial applications, and are there any criticalities in the use of Machine
Learning algorithms for industrial applications, and what are the most popular Machine Learning methodologies for operations
In order to provide an answer to the above questions, a research was carried out on the publications related to the topic addressed in
this text, which is none other than Machine Learning techniques in the industrial field.
In order to collect as many publications as possible, a keyword-based search was performed on September 14, 2021 in 2 reliable and
comprehensive scientific databases: Scopus and Web of Science. In order to restrict the search to articles dealing with Machine
Learning, Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning for operations management, possibly with a focus on Industry 4.0, the data was
filtered using the following query:

TITLE-ABS-KEY ({Manufacturing} OR {Supply chain} OR {Industry 4.0}) AND ({Machine Learning} OR {Reinforcement
Learning} OR {Deep Learning}) AND PUBYEAR >2000 AND DOCTYPE (article).

In this way, by means of the search filters applied in the databases, we obtained the articles that contained at least one word between
Manufacturing - Supply chain - Industry 4.0 and another between Machine Learning - Reinforcement Learning - Deep Learning, as
long as the rest of the search restrictions were met. This search returned a total of 2583 publications in Scopus and 11548 publications
in Web of Science. Figure 1 shows the temporal distribution of these publications and shows how it is a topic with greater research

Fig. 1: Number of publications according to Scopus and Web of Science related to Machine Learning articles in the industrial field
during the years 2000-2021.
To delve a little deeper into the topics within the field of manufacturing, four clusters were created to see what is the distribution of
scientific papers, which are as follows: Scheduling, Monitoring, Failure and Quality. This is represented in Figure 2, which provides
information on the proportional manufacturing of Machine Learning based manufacturing studies according to their specific objectives.
It should be noted that the objectives of manufacturing projects may change between different companies, but generally, they can be
grouped into these four types of problems. As can be seen in Figure 2 there is a continuous increase in the number of Machine
Learning studies for different manufacturing areas. Especially, this behavior has accelerated in the last 5 years. The cause behind this
trend may be the stimuli given by governments and multinational companies as well as the popularity of Industry 4.0 in the sector. In
turn, Figure 2 shows the fact that the studies that are expected to improve quality in manufacturing are significantly higher than the

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Tel +34 944 237 566 - - email:
ISSN: 0012-7361 eISSN: 1989-1490 / DYNA Vol.96 nº6 DOI:

Information and
knowledge industries
Contribution Gaizka Gómez-Escudero, Pablo Fernández De-Lucio, Haizea
González-Barrio, Amaia Calleja-Ochoa, Izaro Ayesta-Rementería Artificial intelligence
Luis- Norberto López-de Lacalle and simulatione

others. To perform this search, only the Web of Science search engine was used, in which the following searches were entered in
each of the different groups.

TITLE-ABS-KEY ({Manufacturing} OR {Supply chain} OR {Industry 4.0}) AND ({Machine Learning} OR {Reinforcement
Learning} OR {Deep Learning}) AND ({Scheduling}) AND PUBYEAR >2000 AND DOCTYPE (article).

TITLE-ABS-KEY ({Manufacturing} OR {Supply chain} OR {Industry 4.0}) AND ({Machine Learning} OR {Reinforcement
Learning} OR {Deep Learning}) AND ({Process monitoring} OR {Condition monitoring} OR {Monitoring system}) AND
PUBYEAR >2000 AND DOCTYPE (article).

TITLE-ABS-KEY ({Manufacturing} OR {Supply chain} OR {Industry 4.0}) AND ({Machine Learning} OR {Reinforcement
Learning} OR {Deep Learning}) AND ({Fault diagnosis} OR {Fault detection} OR {Fault prediction} OR {Fault
classification} OR {Failure analysis}) AND PUBYEAR >2000 AND DOCTYPE (article).

TITLE-ABS-KEY ({Manufacturing} OR {Supply chain} OR {Industry 4.0}) AND ({Machine Learning} OR {Reinforcement
Learning} OR {Deep Learning}) AND ({Quality control} OR {Quality prediction} OR {Quality assurance} OR {Quality
management} OR {Defect detection} OR {Defect prediction}) AND PUBYEAR >2000 AND DOCTYPE (article).

Fig. 2: Number of publications and citations of the different Machine Learning studies grouped into the different manufacturing tasks:
Scheduling, Monitoring, Failure and Quality.

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Tel +34 944 237 566 - - email:
ISSN: 0012-7361 eISSN: 1989-1490 / DYNA Vol.96 nº6 DOI:

Information and
knowledge industries
Contribution Gaizka Gómez-Escudero, Pablo Fernández De-Lucio, Haizea
González-Barrio, Amaia Calleja-Ochoa, Izaro Ayesta-Rementería Artificial intelligence
Luis- Norberto López-de Lacalle and simulatione

Figure 2 shows a clear trend of the relevance of Machine Learning in the field of manufacturing over the last 20 years, as most of the
publications (50%) are concentrated in the last 4 years, between the year 2018-2021, as of September 14, 2021. Being 6463 the
number of the publications in that time span, moreover, the number of citations of those papers would amount to 73519.
All this trend of interest in Machine Learning is not fully reflected in the Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence of the company Gartner
[21], figure 3. In this graph it can be seen that, at present, for companies, the concept of Machine Learning is in the valley of
disillusionment, while for the scientific community it is at its peak. This is because companies are not yet able to see tangible results
of improvement after the application of artificial intelligence techniques. This leads to disillusionment with these techniques, as they do
not return positive results.

Fig. 3: Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence, 2021 from Gartner [21].

The main objective of this paper is to offer a vision of the importance of Machine Learning in the field of manufacturing. To do so, we
have contextualized the current situation regarding Machine Learning, then we have stated the different techniques that can be used
and we have made a small review of Machine Learning in the field of manufacturing, citing articles that cover many of the aspects that
are currently being investigated. Finally, a historical evolutionary analysis of the publications related to Machine Learning in the field
of manufacturing was carried out. Some of the points observed in this work are the following:

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Tel +34 944 237 566 - - email:
ISSN: 0012-7361 eISSN: 1989-1490 / DYNA Vol.96 nº6 DOI:

Information and
knowledge industries
Contribution Gaizka Gómez-Escudero, Pablo Fernández De-Lucio, Haizea
González-Barrio, Amaia Calleja-Ochoa, Izaro Ayesta-Rementería Artificial intelligence
Luis- Norberto López-de Lacalle and simulatione

• As shown in Figure 2, the trend in terms of number of publications gives a clear view of the current relevance of Machine
Learning in the field of manufacturing. Since 50% of the publications in the last 21 years are concentrated only in the last 4
years, as of September 14, 2021. There are a total of 11548 publications according to the search criteria specified in section
• Referring to the number of citations of the articles, the relevance is even greater than with the number of publications. This
can be seen in two aspects, the first is that 62.59% of the citations are collected in the last 4 years, but in the last 6 years it
is 79.03%. To obtain this value in the number of publications it would be necessary to add the last 11 years. There is a total
of 106,540 citations according to the search criteria specified in section 3.
• With regard to the segmentation of the categories of analysis, it can be seen that quality is the one that has aroused most
interest over the last 21 years, always around 40% of the total number of publications. On the other hand, monitoring has
seen its number of publications increase over the last 4 years, from 20% to 30%. As for programming and failure, their
interest has neither increased nor decreased in all this time, being around 10% and 20% of the total respectively.
• A desynchronization can be seen between the vision that companies and the scientific community have about the concept
of Machine Learning, while the former are no longer so excited, the latter are at the peak of optimism in relation to these
techniques. This may allow the transition between the valley of disillusionment and the plateau of business productivity to
be faster. The sooner solutions are found that can later be implemented in companies, the sooner companies will become
enthusiastic again.

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Tel +34 944 237 566 - - email:
ISSN: 0012-7361 eISSN: 1989-1490 / DYNA Vol.96 nº6 DOI:

Information and
knowledge industries
Contribution Gaizka Gómez-Escudero, Pablo Fernández De-Lucio, Haizea
González-Barrio, Amaia Calleja-Ochoa, Izaro Ayesta-Rementería Artificial intelligence
Luis- Norberto López-de Lacalle and simulatione

[14] S. Sun, X. Hu, W. Cai, and J. Zhong, “Tool breakage detection of milling cutter insert based on SVM,” IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 52, no. 13, pp. 1549–1554,
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[17] T. G. Ritto and F. A. Rochinha, “Digital twin, physics-based model, and machine learning applied to damage detection in structures,” Mech. Syst. Signal
Process., vol. 155, p. 107614, Jun. 2021, DOI: .

[18] Q. Min, Y. Lu, Z. Liu, C. Su, and B. Wang, “Machine Learning based Digital Twin Framework for Production Optimization in Petrochemical Industry,” Int. J.
Inf. Manage., vol. 49, pp. 502–519, Dec. 2019, DOI: .

[19] T. Kotsiopoulos, P. Sarigiannidis, D. Ioannidis, and D. Tzovaras, “Machine Learning and Deep Learning in smart manufacturing: The Smart Grid paradigm,”
Comput. Sci. Rev., vol. 40, p. 100341, May 2021, DOI: .

[20] U. M. R. Paturi and S. Cheruku, “Application and performance of machine learning techniques in manufacturing sector from the past two decades: A review,”
Mater. Today Proc., vol. 38, pp. 2392–2401, Aug. 2020,DOI: .

[21] “The 4 Trends That Prevail on the Gartner Hype Cycle for AI, 2021.”
cycle-for-ai-2021 (accessed Sep. 27, 2021).

The authors would like to thank the UPV/EHU for the financial support received for the predoctoral grants PIF 19/96 and PIF 19/161. In addition, the authors also wish
to acknowledge the financial support received from the HAZITEK program of the Basque Government related to the project ZE-2020/00009 under the acronym ABIO

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ISSN: 0012-7361 eISSN: 1989-1490 / DYNA Vol.96 nº6 DOI:

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