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Committee : United Nations

Chair : Tiffany Setyo Pratiwi, S.I.P., M.A.,

Country : France

Delegate : Pramestia Sekar Salsabilla

Topic : LGBT Rights and Same Sex Marriages Legalization

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. All human beings –not
some, not most, but all” (Article number 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human

Every 17th May for about 10 years, the country support LGBT has celebrate the
International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. The rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender people are Considered to be the most important in the world include France.
Same-sex marriages were criminalized during Ancien Regime’s time and all the perpetrators
were punishable by death. But, all laws about sodomy were repealed in 1791 during the French

After giving recognition to same-sex marriages in the form of a “civil solidarity pact”
France legalize same-sex marriages in 2013. France realize that rights for the LGBT
community is a very important thing in this world, because it’s talking about human right that
apply to everyone in this world, include that LGBT people. Eliminating discrimination of the
basis of sexual orientation and fight to decriminalize homosexuality is a priority for France1.
Based on survey about 10.000 respondens, IFOP (Institut Français d’opinion Publique)
estimated that 90% of French people are heterosexual, 3% are bisexual, and 4% consider
themselves homosexual. 2% say that they have not embraced a definition for their sexual
orientation and 1% did not want to respond2. Based on survey from Januari 2019, 20% of
responding stated that they already had a homosexual relationship and enjoyed it and generally
86% French people think that homosexuality is a way of life that should be accepted by society

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity by Ministère De L’Europe Et Des Affaires Étrangères
Le Profil De La Population Gay Et Lesbienne en 2011
which is one of the highest in the world.That’s why French has been called in several times as
one of the most homosexuality-friendly countries.

French diplomacy fully supports the Universal Decriminalization of homosexuality and

protect the fundamental right of LGBT people. This thing is evidenced France that supported
the adoption by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers of recommendations on the
rights of LGBT people in 2007. France also set up the first international support fund for
organizarions working on behalf of LGBT people in 2009 with join the steering that provided
by donor states and NGOs working to promote and protect human rights that apply to everyone
include that LGBT people. France also fully mobilized with the United Nations to fight the
stigma and serious breaches of human rights to LGBT people like in 2008 when France
presented the text of the Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity to the United
Nations General Assembly. France also worked on drafting the Human Rights Council
Resolution on sexual orientation and gender identity in 2011.

Taking participation in this issue, The Delegation from France are committed to give
some strong solutions for the Issue of LGBT Rights and Same Sex Marriage Legalization and
pay attention to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Based on article number 2
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that everyone is entitled to all the rights and
freedoms set forth in this declaration without distiction of any kind such as race, color, sex
orientation, religion, language, political or other opinion, delegate of France believe that a
strong solution to this issue is :

1. Encourages tolerance and acceptance of LGBT people.

We as humans must tolerate and accept everyone in this world without any
differences such as race, religion, gender orientation, language or other opinions.
There is nothing wrong with considering them as human beings in general and not
punishing LGBT people for their actions. Just respect their choices as humans
because LGBT is a way of life and of course for everyone there will be different
meanings and different ways to live their life.
2. Encourages to raise awareness of sexual, gender and bodily diversity and challenge
negative stereotypes of LGBT and intersex people by introducing campaigns about
With the campaign on LGBT, it is hoped that it can open people's eyes and increase
their awareness that the world is diverse and LGBT people are one of that diversity
that we must respect and accept. LGBT only sexual orientation is not a criminal
activity that harms many people. So what's the harm in accepting LGBT being a part
of our diversity and respecting their decisions.
3. Calls upon the legalization of same sex sexual activity as part of the freedoms granted
to all human beings.
According to Article number 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which
states that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. All human
beings - not some, not most, but all. So, we have to legalize same-sex sexual activity
because it is part of freedom in human rights, and human rights apply to everyone in
this world, including LGBT people.

This issue is quite important because many countries do not legalize same-sex marriage
and undermine the human rights of LGBT people, even though LGBT are also human beings
who have human rights that cannot be taken by anyone for any reason. So, The Delegation of
France would like to engage and urges international to seek the solutions and get over this

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