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Text on environmental pollution

Delivered by: Dana Sofia Muñoz Cruz

Maria Valentina Ramírez

Presented to: Daniela Plazas Collazos

Administrative management technology

ID: 2067545

Center for Manadement and Sustainable Developmen

Surcolombiana - SENA

Pitalito - Huila
Environmental contamination

At present, one of the greatest concerns of society is the care and preservation of the
environment, in order to remedy the damage caused by man and prevent its further
deterioration, since this directly and indirectly affects the health and welfare of men and
other organisms. Environmental pollution is a cyclical process that involves all
environments: air, water and soil, and from any perspective, living beings, both emitters
and receivers of pollutants.
The amount of pollutants that we contribute compromises the environmental quality of our
planet every day, and most of them are of anthropogenic origin. These pollutants have been
the consequence of the development of industrial, agricultural, livestock and clinical
processes, among others, without adequate planning and without taking into account the
environmental impacts. An example of this is the use of pesticides on crops: the use of
these compounds has been considered indispensable to improve, protect and optimize these
processes, but it has not been taken into account that the environmental consequences and
the remediation of the contamination caused may be more costly.
The considerable increase in the use of these environmental pollutants is aggravated if we
consider that many of them have become recalcitrant pollutants, either because of the long
exposure time, the quantity or the type of molecule deposited in the environment; these
pollutants become more persistent and, as already mentioned, this is a cyclical process;
therefore, when the environment is affected, we are also affected, since we are the final
recipients of these pollutants.
How can we avoid environmental pollution?
Stopping pollution of all kinds is in the hands of each one of us. It is a matter of modifying
habits little by little to help reduce what we pollute. Here are some ideas:
1. Consume organic products.
2. Recycle.
3. Reduce the consumption of plastics.
o Use recyclable bags
o Avoid products packaged in plastic and opt for those that are packaged in paper,
cardboard or glass.
o Buy products in bulk such as vegetables, dried fruits, soaps, etc.
o Reduce the use of water and electricity. Water is a resource that can be depleted so
it is essential to take care of its use.

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