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General Assembly Special Session

This committee expects its members to take the theme and subject with some seriousness
about mutants but very serious about the underlying theme. Naturally, the mutant issue isn't
real but discrimination is very very real and has very serious consequences for those caught
on the wrong side of it. Delegates are expected to follow and demonstrate their countries
actual standing and position with regards to persons who are 'different' in their society and
roleplay a delegate from such a country as best you can. Genuine attempts to reach realistic
resolutions will be most welcome. Seriousness does not mean boring. The topic is engaging,
lively, complex, historical, passionate on many fronts.

United Nations General Assembly Special Committee Mutant Situation 34rd session (2022)
Focus Questions

What is considered a Mutant?

What is Elon Musk relation to this topic?

What is are his goals and what is his ultimate objetive?

A new crisis rattles the world to its core once again. After the shocking revelation by the
American press linking Elon Musk’s “Super Astronauts” program in collaboration with the
obscure Sackler Family, the masterminds behind the Opioid Crisis, there have been more
leaks as to the origin of these ‘mutants’ or ‘superhumans’ on our planet. An undercover

investigation sponsored by the United Nations Security Council has ‘joined all the dots’,
and it all traces back to one man in WW2!

In 1939, a German biologist and geneticist called Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer had
worked on a secret Nazi program in the Polish Death Camps. Its codename was
‘Masterstudium Arier’ or the SuperAyran Programme. It was trying to develop a serum
that would turn the tide and give the Fuhrer an advantage at the end of the war. Although
the programme couldn’t save Germany, the technology was ready. Samples of the serum,
called Compound SA(Super Aryan), had been extracted from the POW test subjects, who

were then burned in the ovens to remove all traces and evidence. He also had a son created
from a POW with the serum injected into the fetus. Richard was born in 1945. Otmar knew the
one chance to survive the war was in these vials and the genetic code of the infant. After the war
ended he approached the United States to pick him to be their new scientist for their own Super
Soldier program. The US Government gave him a new identity like the NASA scientists. He
changed his surname to Sackler, the surname of his new American wife, to cover up his past and
raise his motherless son. Otmar renamed him Richard Sackler, a key figure later on.

Otmar did his duty for the United States, as he improved Compound SA during the Vietnam War,
with his son as his assistant. Finally, after many failures with various POW and American
Volunteers, mostly PTSD sufferers looking for help, Otmar had a breakthrough with a special
forces Sgt named Frank Castle. The first survivor showed “superhuman” stamina and resistance
to pain on return to duty. Otmar and The US Gov. collected his DNA as well as all the other
American experiments. It also turned out that subjects who had Compound SA in their bodies
had major stress/pain relief, therefore, Vietnam vets would later on be given this substance as
medication. In 1969 Otman died, but Richard still had the knowledge of how to engineer and
manage Compound SA. This would, later on, lead us to 1996.

OxyCotin is released to the market by Richard Sackler and his family. After years of secrecy
in the shadows Richard with his father’s samples, his own DNA, and the wonders of CRISPR, a
new ‘wonderdrug’ was created. The wonderdrug was further enhanced by splicing in certain
addictive aspects of opium to ensure re-sales of the product. Oxy-Contin was born. Through the
brilliant marketing strategies and outright corruption of doctors, it became the number one
selling pain-relief drug in the USA with sales in the billions. This is the beginning of the Opioid
Crisis in 2008. The Opioid Crisis reached its peak in 2017, with nearly 20 000 babies being born

a year from mothers that had fallen into addiction to OxyContin.

However, in 2021 13 years after the first Opioid addict baby was born, a young girl, now known
as subject 12, in a fit of rage caused a group of bullies' eyeballs to explode rendering them
permanently blind. Subject 12 was taken into custody by local police before NSA agents
appropriated her to a secret site for further investigation. Over the next few months more and
more ‘mutations’ appeared - in females triggered by menstruation and in boys by the massive
creation of testosterone during puberty. The recently discovered documents recovered from the
NSA show that approx 1% of the Oxy-babies were born with mild mutations such as webbing
between toes, no ear lobes, extra finger, color sensitive touch, extra kidney. However, out of
those 1%, a further 1% had ‘superior’ mutations - Telekinesis, cryokinesis, limited Telepathy,
and improved strength. These were the first four teen super mutants or ‘Supes’ as the NSA
agents would start calling them. These were the children born around 2008, which means an
explosion in future ‘mutant’ appearances is just around the corner. Since the NSA considers
them to be a risk to the general population, they have gone after every one of those babies with
superior mutations and kept them in captivity for their own studies and the safety of society.
Prisoners who have committed no crimes.

This leads us back to Elon Musk. He is obsessed with reaching Mars, and when he saw an
opportunity in the ‘weakened’ Sackler Family, which was recovering from the lawsuits after the
Opioid Crisis, he gave them a chance for new funding, a lot of new funding. But only if they
would work in a way that would help humans live on Mars. The Sacklers agreed. Dr Richard saw
a new opportunity to refine the process and would use a variation of Compound SA. This would
later be given to Space X Program. Elon and his company would go on to create a whole new
branch for the astronauts that received this Variation of Compound SA, called Compound X.

The special variation was Compound X, it was created by removing a person’s mother cells
then CRISPRing Compound SA specific DNA segments, then returning the cell back into
the astronaut who was then flushed with Testosterone to trigger the mutation effect. The
failures of this programme have recently been found on a private secure island in Canada
owned by Space X. There are 37 of them. The files show 3 astronauts responded well to
the treatment and became Enhanced Mars Adapted Astronauts.

Finally, the present day. The LA Times recently leaked the existence of Compound X, from
a whistleblower at Space X who has provided details of this top-secret programme. Soon
afterwards in the New York Times, a new WIKILEAKS article surfaced, one coming from an
inside source at the NSA, and it has every detail of the ‘Supes’ program.

The outcry against Elon Musk became minuscule against the backlash that the American
Government will receive amid the leaks of the knowledge of the dangers of Compound SA
(and its role in the Opioid Crisis), ‘mutants’, ‘Supes’, illegal detention of minors and human
rights abuses against the victims of these programmes. And we have to ask - what has
happened to the ‘Frank Castle’ serums? Who has these vials? Are there any more secret
programs out there? Did Otmar Sackler covertly work for any other government or parties?
How bad could the situation become? and are we, the human race, at risk?

Your job as a delegate is the following; figure out what actions should be taken in order to
admit the mutants to our world if indeed they should be admitted. Keep in mind that the
global population is petrified about the fact that there are superhumans that are
dangerous enough that they could end lives in a blink of an eye.
Also, keep in mind the global perspective that may change because of the news updates

on the committee. Should we let mutants into our society? Or should we keep them in
captivity for the remainder of their days?

There are no traditional bloc positions on this topic. However, as a delegate, you must
decide on whether your country actually has a secret ‘mutant’ programe ( This should be
indicated in your Position paper and the likelihood of your country having one. You must
explain how it was developed, and to what end the program is focused upon. Poorer or
technologically challenged countries would need VERY VERY good explanations for their
program’s existence). Your country needs to determine if it is pro- mutant integration,
protection, and possible rights, or neutral, or anti-mutant in stance. Looking at a country’s
historical treatment of ethnic or indigenous minorities or immigrants would likely reflect
the same attitudes and stance towards the new ‘mutants’.

Research Questions

Are ‘mutants’ covered under the Geneva Convention for Human Rights?

Should ‘Mutants’ have to register themselves? To whom?

Do Governments have the right to ‘neutralize’ ‘superior’ or ‘dangerous’ mutants? - definitions

and to what extent

Should the UN create a ‘Super Soldier’ Inspection agency? What role should it play?

What should happen to the governments and private entities, i.e. Elon Musk, that continue to

experiment and develop Compound SA, Compound X, and any other derivatives thereof?

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