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Table of Contents


1. REGULAR INSPECTION OF THE KITCHEN AND DINING AREA .....................................................4

2. GUIDELINES FOR STAFF MAINTAINING OWN HYGIENE.............................................................5
3. SANITISATION POLICIES FOR FOOD PREPARING AREA..............................................................7
5. GUIDELINES FOR TOUCHLESS DINNING..................................................................................11




Following adequate sanitation standards in eating venues cannot be overstated. It is necessary to

maintain a high degree of cleanliness at all times to ensure the health and safety of The
employees and visitors and to promote the restaurant's image. Customers want restaurants that
are clean and provide food that has been meticulously prepared. As the Coronavirus is out,
maintaining very high hygiene standards and rigorously complying with all existing safety rules
is of utmost importance. Customers are still hesitant to attend restaurants or even make orders for
food due to their fear of contracting the illness. In this situation, it is crucial to prioritize
cleanliness and safety to gain customers' confidence. According to the results of a thorough study
performed by Post on the Restaurant Industry and Market Development, more than eighty
percent of restaurant owners feel that the quality and safety of the food would be the determining
factor for consumers who are worried about their economy.
The following research will determine the various policies and laws introduced to the restaurant
for safety during and post-Covid situations.


1. Regular inspection of the kitchen and dining area

Customers want to patronize a restaurant that adheres to the established cleaning standards and
fulfills all necessary health and sanitation conditions. Maintaining a clean restaurant and
satisfying hygiene regulations requires having a sufficient supply of cleaning solutions at all
times. Audits of the kitchens, dining areas, and toilets should be performed regularly by
managers to fulfill the food safety and hygiene standards set by the Food Safety and Standards
Authority of India (FSSAI). Restaurants that serve food but do not have a valid license or that do
not adhere to the laws are closed down by the FSSAI. A clean kitchen is essential for the
preparation and handling of food safely. To maintain the cleanliness of a restaurant's kitchen and
the spaces immediately around it, eating, drinking, and smoking must be prohibited.
● All food-contact surfaces must be cleaned clean after each job.
● Sterilize the range, oven, deep-fryer, freezer, baking sheets, and tongs three times a week.
● Sanitize boards, blenders, grills, and surfaces daily.
● Sanitize bar tops, tabletops, and chairs twice a day.
● Daily entrance/exit cleaning.
● Clean toilets every several hours.

2. Guidelines for staff maintaining own hygiene

Proper cleanliness starts at home. One of the essential parts of maintaining restaurant cleanliness
is instructing personnel on personal hygiene. The staff may help maintain cleanliness and
hygiene. Clean clothes, gloves, hairnets, and other safety and sanitary gear are needed for safe
client handling. The training provided to workers is required to include fundamental concepts
like it is possible to prevent getting infections that are transmitted via food by maintaining good
hygiene, in particular by often washing one's hands. Ensure that staff wash and dry their hands
before starting work, between duties, and before handling food, equipment, utensils, or linens.
This will help prevent the spread of germs and diseases. Additionally, this should be done before
touching any food. The nail polish should be removed, the nails should be washed, and the nails
should be cut.

Figure: Guideline for safe food handling

(Source: Holt et al., 2021)

● Change up the look at the beginning of every shift. Employees, particularly those who
work in kitchens, are prohibited from wearing their clothing beneath their uniforms. This
rule applies especially to employees who wear aprons.
● While on duty, one should wash their hands every three hours at the very least.
● Staff is expected to wear safety gloves and a helmet when working with food. It is
required that staff use gloves crafted from rubber whenever staff is washing dishes.
● When gloves get worn out, soiled, or damaged, they must be changed between jobs.
● If a restaurant staff member has any cuts, wounds, or open sores on their hands or arms,
they are expected to bandage themselves.
● The wearing of even the most basic of rings should be mandatory for workers. Avoid
wearing jewelry, especially earrings, bracelets, and necklaces.
● Workers' hairnets, caps, or scarves could be beneficial for preventing hair loss in the

Figure: Graph showing the ratio of kitchen and dining areas of restaurants maintaining hygiene
(Source: Fleetwood et al., 2021)

3. Sanitisation policies for food preparing area

The upkeep of proper sanitary practices in restaurants is another critical factor in ensuring
optimal performance and extended life for the kitchen's various pieces of equipment. The pricey
equipment will remain in good operating condition and operational order if staff do routine
maintenance. Suppose it follows a stringent and regular maintenance plan for the restaurant
equipment. In that case, staff will be able to obtain advantages linked to a decrease in energy
expenditures and improvements in the quality of the food the staff serves.

Figure: Graph representing the numbers of restaurants following sanitation policies inside the
kitchen area
(Source: Babcock et al., 2017)
The equipment will only be able to function at its highest level of effectiveness when it is
periodically cleaned. Sanitize the cooking utensils and appliances at least three times weekly,
including the oven, stove, grill, backing plate, and other similar items. It is possible to improve
the productivity of The restaurants by educating The staff on how to correctly operate the various

pieces of equipment, which also contributes to the upkeep of the restaurants' hygienic standards.
The staff members need to be knowledgeable about how to utilize any piece of equipment
properly. The personnel is trained on how to properly operate, maintain, and manage the
equipment in The kitchen.
To stop the growth of germs and contribute to the upkeep of hygiene standards in restaurants, all
surfaces, and equipment that come into direct contact with food must be meticulously cleaned
and sanitized by the schedules created.

4. Guideline for keeping the environment of the restaurant safe and healthy

Create the perception that dining at The facility is both pleasurable and risk-free to gain the trust
and continuous business of The customers. Customers will feel more at ease and safe when they
visit The restaurant if it is evident that The staff is taking all of the suggested precautions. Staff
may get a good start on meeting guests' expectations about their personal safety by complying
with the varied kitchen and dining room restaurant cleanliness regulations.
● One of the most critical components of health and safety is maintaining the most
significant degree of cleanliness possible in The restaurant. Utilize a disinfectant that has
been demonstrated to be effective in eliminating germs and viruses to keep The restaurant
clean and limit the danger of infectious disease transmission. Soap and water are
additional effective options for everyday cleaning.

Figure: 7 principles to be followed to maintain an enviornment safe and hygenic
(Source: Booty et al., 2020)

● Along with keeping a regular cleaning schedule, it is essential to give The personnel
enough personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure the safety and cleanliness of The
restaurant. The following personal protective equipment (PPE) must be readily accessible
at all times at the establishment.

Table: HACCP framework to be followed for a healthy hygiene practice
(Source: Walline et al., 2021)
● When dealing with food, staff and every member of The team should wear disposable
rubber gloves to protect Their hands. Ensure that everyone handling raw food wears
gloves and that these gloves are regularly updated. Staff may even supply antibacterial-
treated gloves to team members who handle money.
● Antiseptic for the hands Install hand sanitizer stations at various areas around The
business. These should be placed near entrances, restrooms, and high-touch locations
such as the cash register. Maintain a consistent supply and aggressively encourage
employees and consumers to utilize them.
● Hand-washing facilities: Waiters and other staff workers will probably not have time to
wash their hands often in the restroom. By placing hand-washing sinks where customers
are served, it is feasible to enhance hand-washing procedures, protecting both the
employees and The customers.

Figure 3: Food safety law enforcement ratio in different countries
(Source: World Health Organization, 2021)

Be aware that certain types of personal protection equipment are more effective than others.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the hand sanitizer staff
must contain at least 60 percent alcohol to kill germs (CDC) effectively. Purchasing high-quality
hand sanitizer, soap, and gloves can make it much simpler for staff to maintain a clean and risk-
free atmosphere in The restaurant.

5. Guidelines for touchless dinning

It has been shown that limiting the length of time customers spend near one another is the most
effective way to protect their health and safety in a restaurant. Restaurants all around the globe
have devised ingenious answers to the challenge of minimizing direct contact between customers
and workers, which may contribute to the spread of germs.

Figure: Guidelines for touchless dinning

(Source: Revell et al., 2021)
The following is a list of the top three touchless eating choices that should be considered for
implementation in The restaurant:

● Mobile payment is excellent for maintaining proper hand hygiene since it allows
customers to finish their purchases by simply scanning the screen of their mobile device.
Due to this development, customers no longer have to deal with cash or credit cards.
Customers and staff don't have to touch potentially contaminated items like cash, credit
cards, or change when they use this contactless payment method instead of traditional
methods like cash or credit cards. Customers and staff alike benefit from this in terms of
their health.

● Offering digital menus rather than traditional physical menus can assist protect
consumers' health and hand hygiene by reducing the number of products shared among
customers. The usage of menus saved in a digital format will be necessary to attain this
goal. Another advantage of switching to digital menus is that The personnel will no
longer need to wipe laminated menus down on a reguregularly one of the many benefits
of making a move. The menu can also be modified or updated in a method that is both
more convenient and less expensive.

Figure: Restaurant reopening rule

(Source: Brown et al., 2021)

As part of the takeaway services staff provides, consider contactless options for customer pick-
up and delivery. These may include curbside pick-up stations and delivery straight to the
customer's home if staff put a pick-up station adjacent to the restaurant and allow patrons to take
their orders. The customers won't have to interact with any staff members during their visit. It
will not be necessary for the restaurant employees to hand over the delivery to the customer if
the consumer can pre-pays for their delivery order by utilizing a mobile app or website. Instead,
the delivery will be left at the customer's front door when it is completed. Because of this, the

employees will have more time on their hands, allowing them to focus on keeping the restaurant


The research on hygienic rules and regulations concluded that the hospitality industry must pay
special attention to the regulations concerning food hygiene to ensure that the food items it
provides to its customers meet the necessary security and safety standards. This is done so that
the hospitality sector can continue to serve its customers. A hotel is required to maintain an
adequate level of sanitation in the areas of the building where food is both stored and prepared
by the Food Hygiene Regulations 2006 and the Food Safety Act of 1990. Additionally, the
employees who work with food must be aware of the applicable laws regarding food hygiene.
The hotel has devised a plan for its execution as well as a schedule of operations for the
foreseeable future, both of which are intended to aid the establishment in satisfying all of these
requirements. If these recommendations are carried out, the independent hotel that is the focus of
this study will be in a position to fulfill the requirements of the regulation that governs the
tidiness of food preparation areas and the safety of the food itself.


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