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  65-0221M - Marriage And Divorce

44 And, here, all three notes exactly the same, of French. And here
is the way it reads. This is the original notes taken, note taken right
off. This is Danny’s note, hisself, he packed in his pocket. Course, it
went in the Christian Business Men, and so forth.

Because thou hast chosen the narrow path, the harder way; which
thou hast walked (in) of your own choosing. Thou hast picked the
correct and precise decision, and it is MY WAY. Because of this
momentous decision, a huge portion of Heaven (will await) awaits
thee. What a glorious decision thou hast made! This in itself is that
which will give, and make come to pass, the tremendous victory in
the love Divine.

45 Now, the man signed his name here. “The above statement was
interpretated by…of Danny Henry prophesying over Brother
Branham, given by three witnesses in the cafeteria in Los Angeles,
   65-0221M - Marriage And Divorce
   Rev. William Marrion Branham

Parce que tu as choisi le sentier étroit, le chemin

plus difficile, lequel tu as marché de ton propre
choix, tu as pris la décision correcte et précise, et
c'est MON CHEMIN. A cause de cette décision
capitale, une énorme portion du Ciel t'attend.
Quelle décision glorieuse tu as prise! C'est en soi
est ce qui donnera, et fera s'accomplir, la
formidable victoire dans l'amour Divin.

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