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“D A N G E R I S M Y B U S I N E S S T A K E S M E B A C K F O R T Y Y E A R S T O

MY B E G I N N I N G S . T H A N K G O D F O R T H E P U L P S ! " — E l m o r e L e o n a r d


AN I L L U S T R A T E D H I S T O R Y DF T H E F A B U L O U S P U L P M A G A Z I N E S ; 18 9 B - 13 5 3
$ 1 7 .9 5

A t the turn o f the century, A m erica saw the

rapid rise o f a n ew literary phenom enon: the pulps.

N am ed “pulps" for the cheap paper on w h ic h th ey

w ere printed, these w ild ly in v en tiv e periodicals

featured bold titles, such as W eird Tales, A stou nding

Stories, and Spicy D etective. A d orn ed w ith bright,

often garish covers th e y could be bought for as little

as a dime, yet th ey offered outrageous selections o f

burgeoning popular fiction, from tales o f h o rror and

science fictio n to lurid rom ances and hard-boiled

d etectiv e stories.

A s the popu larity of the pulps increased, certain

fictio n al characters, such as Targan, Zorro, D oc

Savage, Sam Spade, H opalong Cassidy, and C onan

the B arbarian w ere im m ortalized, and a n e w eccen­

tric and hearty breed o f w rite r emerged. C h u rn in g

out these stories for a p enn y-a-w ord o r less becam e
the p ro v ing ground for h undreds o f struggling
authors, m an y o f w h o m h ave sin ce becom e the most

w id e ly read w riters o f th is century, in clu d in g

Edgar R ice Burroughs, D ashiell H am m ett, Louis

L’Am our, R a y Bradbury, H P. Lovecraft, and

R aym ond Chandler.

J 3 a n g e r Is M y Business is about the rise and fall o f

the colorful pulps and the legend ary publishers,

editors, and w riters w h o m ade them an un forget­

table sensation. C ap tu rin g the m ood o f A m erica in

the R oaring T w e n tie s and the years o f the G reat

Depression, the te x t features exclu sive, firsthand
recollections b y p ulp veterans, w h o offer com ical
and poignant anecdotes and g iv e th is h isto ry a

lively, behind-the-scenes perspective. W ith over

1 0 0 rare illustrations, inclu ding dozens o f m agazine

covers, in terio r illustrations, and arch iv al photos o f
pulp notables, D an ger Is M y Business is an essential

item for both collectors and pop-culture enthusiasts.

For Elizabeth S.

• . \ Y- • T . ■. *
Copyright © 1993 by Lee Server. PublishingxCo; p. 10.(bottom), 5 9 ,77, 95, 1 0 4 -1 0 8 , and 1 1 0 -1 1 2 image

'© Popular Publications; pp. 62, 6 6 (left), and 7 0 image © Pro

All rights reserved. No part o f this book may be reproduced without D istributors Publishing Co; pp. 6 9 and 7 1 image © Red Star News

written permission from the Publisher. Co; pp. 14, 6 4 ,7 8 ,7 9 , 93, and 130 (top) image © Standard Magazines

Inc; pp. 120 and 12 4 image © Stellar Publishing Co; p. 12, 15 (top), 16,

Printed in Hong Kong. , x 17, 20, 21, 22 (right), 2 5 ,4 7 (top), 7 3 ,8 0 ,8 7 (right), 90-9 2 , 94, 9 6 ,9 8 ,

100, 103 (top), and 1 1 8 image © Street & Smith; p. 4 image © Sun

Library o f Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Publications; pp. 10 (top), 60, 6 1 ,7 2 image © Trpjan Publications; p. 57

Server, Lee. (top) image © W ings Publishing Co; p. 1 1 9 image © Ziff-Dgvis

Danger is my business: an illustrated history o f Publishing Co.

the fabulous pulp magazines, 1 8 9 6 -1 9 5 3 / by Lee

Server. v

p. - cm , Distributed in Canada by Raincoast Books,

ISBN 0 -8 1 1 8 -0 3 5 5 -4 (he).— 112 East Third Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. Vf>T 1C8

ISBN 0 -8 1 1 8 -0 1 1 2 -8 (pb).

1. American periodicals—History. 2. Fantastic fiction, American- 10 9 8 7 0 5 4 3 2' 1 .

History and criticism 3. Detective and ipystery stories,

Is \ • Chronicle Books

American—History and criticism. L T itle.' 275 Fifth St. ' -

■ PN 4878.5.S47 . 1993 92-1 3 3 9 1 San Francisco, CA 9 4 1 0 3

, 0 5 1 " .0 9 0 4 1 —dc20 ' CIP

Opposite: Edgar Rice Burroughs in l g 1 6 ,

EDITING: Terry Ryan
Previous page: Robert Leslie Bellem's. ‘ Spicy’ P I. Dan
BOOK AND COVER DESIGN: Turner got his own magazine, H ollyw ood Detective. The
prolific Bellem wrote the entire contents of every issue.
T om Morgan, Blue Design, San Francisco


P. 63 image © Beacon Magazines Inc;pp. 4 8 ,4 9 , 53, 116, 117, 121, 129

image © Better Publications, Inc; p. 50 image © Butterick Publishing

Co; p. 8 7 image © C. H. Young Publications Co; pp. 401 and 6 4 1 imag^

© Claytoh Magazines Inc, pp. 32 and 33 image © Constructive

Publishing Co; pp. 8, 9 ,8 1 -8 3 ,8 7 (top), 88, and 8 9 image © Culture

Publications; p p 31 and 64 (right) image © Dell Publishing; p. 52

image © Doubleday, Doran & Co; p. 126 image © Experimenter

Publishing Co; p. 58 image © Fight Stories Inc, p: 29 image © Flying

Stories Inc; pp. 18, 19, 27, 28, 34, and 156 image © Frank A. Munsey

Co, p. 221 image © Frank Tousey; p. 30 image © Good Story Magazine;

p. 85 image © H. M. Publishing Co; p. 130 (bottom) image © Love

Romances Publishing Co; pp. 1 1 4 and 115 image © Magazine

Publishing Inc; p. 102 image © Manvis Publications Inc; pp. 13, 30, 35,

37, 3 8 ,4 0 (right), 44, and 4 7 (bottom) image © Popular Fiction


05 t r o ly 6 ro o 5 0 0 o C * 5 5

An Illustrated History of the Fabulous Pulp Magazines.

Lee Server

C hronicle Books

Wonderful Treatm ent Helped Faithful Wife
to Save Husband When All Else Failed
Wives, mothers, sisters, it is
you that the nun who drinks
Whiskey, Wine or Beer to ex­
cess must depend upon to help
save him from a ruined life
and a drunkard's grave. Take
heed from the thousands of men
going to ruin daily through vile
T h v H a p p y R a u n lo n bootlegger's Whiskey, ami the
horrible stuff called home brew
from private stills. Once he gets it in his system he finds
it difficult to stop—but you can help him. What it has done
for others is an example of what it should do for you. All
you have to do is to send your name and address and
$1260 to $3400 a
w c will send absolutely F R E E in plain wrapper, a trial PICK YOUR JOB
package of GOLDEN T R E A T M E N T . You will be thankful
aa long as you live that you did it. Address
Men, Women—18 to
These arc steady positions. Strike*, poor business
politics will not street them. Government employ*
DR. J. W. HAINES CO. pay for twelve full months every year.
4295 Glenn Building Cincinnati, Ohio $ 1 9 0 0 to $ 2 7 0 0
Railway Postal Clerks get $]
H ow to Obtain year, being paid on the flrs
of each month. $79.17 *
A B etter Looking N ose! Their pay Is quickly
Improve Y o u r Personal Appearance maximum being $2.
M.v free book tells you bow I guarantee $112.50 each pay c
to improve the shape of your nose by
remolding the cartilage and Uesliy parts,
quickly, safely, and painlessly, or refund
your money. The very fine, precise adjust­
ments which only tuy new patented Model
25 Xose Shaper possesses, make results sat­
isfactory and lasting. Worn nlcht or day.
Oyer 100.000 users. Send for free book to
M. T R I L E T Y , Pioneer Noseshaplnq
Specialist; Dept. 22G, Binghamton. N . Y .
Railway Postal Clerks, like all Government omplo
yearly vacation of 15 working days (about IS days)
they usually work 2 days and have 3 days off dui
same proportion. During this off duty and vacatii
continues just as though they were working. They
pass when on business and see the country. \Vli<
old. they are retired with a pension. Many Spring
In R o m a n tlc S o u th A m erica o r ( 1 .5 . City Mail Carriers, Post Office
P erm an en t p o sitio n ■ ; L a b o r. C lerical.
M echanical, Salesm anship.etc. Experience Clerks and Carriers now •commence at S i .700 a ye
matlcally Increase S100 a year to $ 2,100 and $2,300
unnecessary. Salaries * 2 5 — SI 00 weekly I have 15 days' paid vacation. February Exam inatio
Transportation furnished. Free D etails. City residence is unnecessary.
Drawer 1175. BW. CHICAGO, ILLIN O IS G overn m en t C le rk —F ile Cl
Salary $1,200 to $2,500 a year. Pleasant rlerlci

(Uncalled Tetter, Salt Rheum. Pruritus, Milk C not,
work in the various government departments at Washh
and other cities throughout the country.
Xs Y o u r J o b S
C om pare th ese conditions
• n t o r r o u r p ro sp e c tiv e coi
r h s n s i n * p o sitio n s fte a ite i
D o n 't iM c la c t It! Don’t In s iffh t f o r F K R M A N E N 1

give up—Try * w * * k ’» fre e f r e q u e n t l y « u t o f a p o s it io n
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been giving Eczem a sufferers th eir " F i r s t I
N ight** ” W rite today—* postal will do. You C*a**"Get
D R . CAN NADAV, ___ > « * « ! ■■» ■ to Usually
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tb o w yo u b o w .

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have an honest proven treatment for sterility due F R A N K L IN I N S T I T U T E . Dept. T I M . RochMtar,V N. J

Table Of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................................... 9

F iction F actories ............................................................................................... 17

The Birth and Life of the Pulps

E mpire o f the N ecromancers ...........................................................................3 3

Horror and Fantasy Pulps

E ast of B orneo, W est of the P e c o s .............................................................4 9

T he Adventure Pulps

T wenty Bucks a D ay and E xpenses ...............................................................61

T he Private Eye Pulps

P opular L o ve ..........................................................................................................7 9
Romance and Sex Pulps

S hadows and Superm en .................................................................................... 91

T he Hero Pulps

W hen the Blood-G od R uled ........................................................................ 105

Tales of W eird Menace

W orlds of T omorrow .....................................................................................117

Science Fiction Pulps

F inal I s s u e ............................................................................................................135
The End of an Era

A ppendix ................................................................................................................. 139

Collecting Pulps

A cknowledgments............................................................................................ 141

B ibliography..........................................................................................................141

In d e x ........................................................................................................................ 1 4 3



' h E PULPS CA M E and w ent in the span o f a human

T life. W hen the last o f them expired in the 1950s, they

had been looked upon for some time as prim itive and out­
moded—publishing’s taw dry dinosaurs. A mericans had
found new sources for cheap thrills in paperback novels,
comic books, and television. Once, though, in their heyday
between the tw o w orld wars, pulp magazines had crowded
the country’s newsstands and drugstores w ith hundreds o f
titles and could claim a faithful readership in the tens o f
millions each month. By bland definition, the pulps were
rough-hewn all-fiction periodicals costing from five cents to
a quarter, but this gives no hint o f their actual, extraordinary
nature. T hriving on unconstrained creativity, held account­
able to few standards o f logic, believability, or “good taste,”
the pulps were literary dream machines, offering regular
h entry to intensive worlds o f excitement, danger, glory, ro­
mance. Each brittle page held the promise o f escape from
m m e s A . ia w s o n mundane reality, a promise gaudily fulfilled
T h e pulps took you to the W ild W est and to outer
space; to ancient Rome, South Seas islands, desert outposts
o f the Foreign Legion, gangland haunts, and haunted houses;

Left: This 1 9 3 6 issue of Spicy Detective offered the staple

ingredients of the ‘Spicy" line of pulps, a smoking gun and a
young woman in lingerie.
10 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

The airbrushing sity o f titles—W eird T ales, A stounding Science-Fiction,

technique and Spicy Detective, Romantic Detectiue, Ranch Romances, U n­
abstraction distinguish derw orld Romances,Gun Molls, Gay Love, Pocket L ov e,R A F
this cover of an obscure Aces, Fight Stories,Jungle Stories, O gark Stories, W all Street

1940s pulp, Leading Stories,R ailroad Stories, O riental Stories, Courtroom Stories,
and Zeppelin Stories, to name a few. Som ething for every
Western. Western
reader’s taste, no matter how narrow or obscure, and quite
titles almost always
a few things left over w ith no kn ow n appeal at all.
featured more bluntly
realistic illustrations.
HEY W E R E seven inches w ide and ten inches high.

T The covers were printed on coated paper and featured

three-color painted illustrations, most in the notorious pulp
tradition o f bright hues and flamboyant action, displaying
braw ny men and half-dressed women, figures frozen in a
moment o f maximum impact,a knife plunging into flesh, ack-
ack guns exploding, or a terrified damsel poised in mid­
Adventure was one of
scream Between the covers, one found the cheap, drab-col­
the earliest, longest-
ored paper stock from w hich pulps got their name, pages like
running, and best of
nubby slices o f raw tree, the unbound side untrimmed, mak­
all the pulps. The
ing the edges difficult to maneuver.
issue for April i g j 6
The front and back pages w ere given over largely to
featured a typically advertisements. W ith their reputation for sensationalism
glistening portrait by and low-class readers, the pulps seldom attracted brand-
the magazine's regular name or high-ticket ads. These w ent to the mighty
cover artist, Hubert “slicks”—Cosmopolitan, Colliers, T h e Saturday Evening Post.
Rogers. The pulps had to make do w ith advertising for the frow ­
siest sort o f oddball services and mail-order junk: general
issue false teeth (“6 0 Days Free Trial”), remedies for piles,
correspondence courses for aspiring private detectives and
magicians, offers o f “Coffee A gency franchises” (“... A ll ap­
plications w ill be held strictly conftdentia!!"),“physical love"
manuals, and quack medical digests (“Do YO U have epi­
lepsy and don’t know it?"). The contents page o f each pulp
detailed an editorial package o f from three or four to a
to the adventurous domains o f T artan the Ape Man and dosen or more items. There was usually an assortment o f
Conan the Barbarian, the hospital corridors o f Dr. Kildare, short features and fillers such as editorials, readers’ mail,
the mean streets o f Sam Spade, and the violent realms o f advice from experts (“T o be perfectly frank, your method
The Shadow, The Spider, and Doc Savage. O n pulp pages, o f handling snake skins is somewhat cru d e ...’ ), little po­
the imagination was loosed and roamed nearly out o f con­ ems (“Kisses—I have had many/One was like the pretty
trol. W hen the pulps exhausted the possibilities in extant peck o f a robin"), and pen-pal and personals columns (“I am
character types and popular fiction categories, they in­ a youth o f tw enty summers, tall, w ith steel blue eyes. I am
vented new ones—science fiction, sword-and-sorcery, a forest ran ger..."). The rest—8 5 percent o f the total—was
hard-boiled detectives, occult detectives, erotic cow boy fiction, densely typeset, two-colum n expanses o f imagina­
stories, tales o f “W eird Menace,” gangsters, flying spies, su­ tive w riting in all styles and siz;es. N o exact count is pos­
perheroes, masked avengers. sible, but approxim ately one m illion stories w ere pub­
In the creative boom years o f the 1 9 2 0 s and 1930s, lished during the pulps’ 60-odd years in existence.
new pulps flared in all directions, offering a manic diver­ Thousands o f people contributed to this mountain o f

fiction, but few o f them could be properly called “pulp

w riters” T hat title belongs only to a small corps o f profes­
sional storytellers, a few hundred men and women w ho
produced a highly disproportionate share o f all the pulp
fiction. The w ork paid very little—an average o f a penny a
word and sometimes as little as one-tenth that rate. The
more unscrupulouseditors printed stories and never paid
for them at all. Steady markets could fold overnight. Some
stories might never find a buyer. It was a tough line o f
work. The only w riters w ho could make a living from the
pulps were the ones w ith the right Combination o f talent,
instincts, stamina, and mania to produce good commercial
fiction on a constant, almost round-the-clock basis.
Long before Kerouac, the pulpsters had, by necessity,
invented their ow n fonp o f automatic writing. “Up in the
morning and hit the typewriter," says pulp veteran R ich ­
ard Sale of his work routine in those days. “I w rote a story
a day. Three thousand words, five thousand words. Som e­
times it carried oyer into the next day i f you were doing
novelettes—that would be 12,000 words. You might spend
some more time for the top magazines—Argosy; Adventure,
Blue Book^butTor the others you really rattled them o ff
First draft was the last draft, straight out o f the typew riter
and send it off. You had to keep them coming all the tim e .
.. otherwise you’d starve.”
Hugh Cave, w ho began w riting for the pulps in 1929.
and continued to do so for the next 1 2 years) selling over
eight hundred stories, recalls, “For most o f that period I tried “I tell you I’ m Sieur de Caulain."

to average tw o sales a w eek But sometimes you had to write

a lot more than that in a w eek A story might take weeks or An illustration for the story “D ead Man Alive" in the
months to sell. It was a full-time job. More than full-time: I
December i g j 8 Golden Fleece.
used to put in 18 Tours a day at the typewriter. A lot o f
■writers stayed w ith one type o f fiction but that limited your
prospective markets. I tried to do them all. Detective, W est­
ern, horror, supernatural, “Spicy" sex, historical, Far East ad­ ex-M arine w ho w rote his first story w hile fighting revo­
venture; jungle adventure... everything but love stories. I lutionaries in Nicaragua, was know n as the Speed M er­
contributed to around one hundred different magazines in chant o f the Pulps, a w riter so fast and so successful that
those years. I have a list here... A ce High, A ce Mysteries, A c­ he was a legend even among other prolific pros. “He was
tion Stories, Adventure, A ll Detective, A ll Fiction Detective, the fastest o f them all," says Hugh Cave. “And he could do
Argosy, Astounding, let’s see, that’s the ‘A’s ...’’ it anyw here, in a room full o f people talking, could sit
The top pulp w riters churned out 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 and one dow n w ithout think in g and start w ritin g a story, begin­
m illion words per year, year after year, a prodigious feat ning to end.” “Burks w as so fast," says Jean Verral, a pulp
o f typing, let alone original, coherent storytelling. editor at C layton and Popular in the 1 9 2 0 s and early
Frederick Faust (a,ka. M ax Brand and assorted other pen 1 9 30s, “that he w ould w rite right past the end o f the story
names), W alter Gibson, A rthur J. Burks, and a few others and keep going for another couple o f pages w ith almost a
could manage a staggering, finger-bruising annual pro­ new plot starting. You ju st had to edit that out .. .one time
duction o f tw o and three m illion words. Burks, a burly - I bought a story from him and as a jo k e I sent back the
1 m o n t h
MAY t « t
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last tw o pages and told him, ‘W e o nly w ant to b u y up to Bruno Fischer, w ho specialised in sadistic W eird M enace
page 20.’ He never rew rote anything once it left his type­ stories, had been the editor o f the Socialist party newspaper.
w riter and he put his rejected stories into a tru nk and W alter Gibson, author ofhundreds o f Shadow novels, was a
never looked at them again” magician. Tough-guy w riter Roger T orrey was a lumber­
T h e professional pulp w riter could not lie around and jack in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Borden Chase—real name
w ait for inspiration, he had to develop w ays o f accessing Frank Fow ler—a star contributor to Argosy and Adventure,
it on demand. “Sometimes,” says Richard Sale, “you’d sit w as a chauffeur for Frankie Yale, the w ell-know n bootleg­
there at the typew riter and ju st look around the room and ger and king o f the protection rackets; w hen some friends o f
pick an object, a n y th in g ... or think o f something impos­ A1 Capone shot Yale 1 1 0 times, Chase started looking for
sible, find an absolutely impossible thing and then liter­ another line o f w o rk
ally go backwards and solve it." Some w riters used me­ Pulp w riters w ere scattered all over the country, w ith
chanical aids to come up w ith story ideas. N eophytes and another handful in Canada and England, and for many
desperate pros invested in a thick, expensive book called years M ax Brand w rote his cow boy stories in a Renais­
Plotto, containing b rie f algebraic descriptions o f every sance villa in Italy. There w as a sizable contingent o f
possible story construction kn ow n to mankind. Pulp pulpsters in H ollyw ood, California, and an odd colony ex­
scribes studied the w ork o f their competition, searching isted in the pinpoint-siz,ed Florida tow n o f A nna Maria,
for new angles, fresh formulas. A nything new and success­ w here the local residents became spooked by all the odd
ful was sure to generate a hundred immediate pastiches visitors pacing the beach, plotting murder mysteries and
and variations. Some w riters plagiarised themselves, recy­ spicy sex stories. T h e foremost gathering place for pulp
cling or repackaging the same material for different mar­ w riters—accomplished and aspiring—was N ew York
kets. Change the setting from Tom bstone to Malaya, turn City. M anhattan w as the w orld capital o f rough-paper
the marauding Apaches into marauding publishing, home to all the major
headhunters, and an old or rejected houses and most o f the m inor ones:
W estern became a new jungle adven­ Munsey’s dow ntow n at 2 8 0 Broad­
ture story. Many w riters had their ow n way; Street & Sm ith in its ow n build’
particular, idiosyncratic approach to lit­
Ta le v" ing at 7 9 Seventh Avenue, being
erary creation. “W h en I needed some­ l^UCCvtSC c>j- shaken apart by the big presses run­
thing to start the mind going,” says Hugh (yU' ning in the basement; Dell at 100 Fifth;
Cave, “one o f the things I did was to buy Popular Publications at 2 0 5 East 42nd
a Racing Form, open it up and look at the
names o f the horses running that day—
you know, the horses have very colorful
names. A nd I w ould p ick out a string o f
those names—let’s say one w as Lucky
Lady and another w as Sailor Boy and so
on—and I would play w ith those and get
the skeleton o f a plot going.” A w riter for
W eird Tales, the horror and fantasy magazine, had a unique
source for some o f his bizarre story ideas: the ranting, vio­
lent confessions contained in “fan mail” he regularly re­
ceived from a reader/psychopath A pulp pro took his in­ Above: Although never one of the more financially successful
spiration w here he found it and didn’t look b ack titles, W eird Tales was the artistic peak among pulp
publications. This issue for March t g j 8 features one of the
ULP W R IT E R S w ere a disparate group—ex-new s­

P papermen, lawyers, retired soldiers o f fortune, con

Hammett, w ho wrotedetectivestories,had beenadetective.

exquisitely erotic covers by Margaret Brundage.

Opposite: T he erotic and the bizarre frequently mingled on

men, convicts, poets, ranch hands, and hermits. Dashiell
the cover of a pulp.
14 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

Street; Fiction House a few doors down at 2 2 0 Ease, Stan­ Editors w ere generally overw orked and underpaid.
dard at 22 W est 48th; W arn er at 5 1 5 Madison; Culture Some w ere creative and some w ere hacks. T h ey numbered
Publications at 4 8 0 Lexington; Clayton Magazines at 155 nearly as high a percentage o f eccentrics as the writers.
East 44th. From these addresses flow ed the manna o f There w as John Campbell at Astounding, always ready to
countless story assignments and paychecks. engage a visitor in arcane technological speculation; Black
D uring the G reat Depression, w riters by the hun­ Mask’s Joseph Shaw, master o f the epee, toting a sword cane
dreds came to N ew York like D orothy to Oz, Portable to w ork; Charles Ingerman, philologist, fluent in nine lan­
Remingtons in hand, they checked into cheap residential guages, the somewhat unlikely editor o f D etective Fiction
hotels in m idtow n Manhattan. T h e big library on Fifth W eekly. Another detective story editor was an active Com-
A venue w as nearby, handy for doing necessary research m u nist“He thought no one knew —I think he got into some
on the crusades, or w itch craft, or headhunters. W ith a trouble about it years later," recalls w riter Lawrence Treat,
new story to peddle, a N ew Y o rk -based w riter could “but he w ould get very excited i f a story had a business­
take it to the publishers in person, hoping for a face-to- man as the killer, and if the murder victim was in a union
face w ith an editor, and an assurance that the m anuscript you had a guaranteed sale.” Ken W hite, editor o f D im e D e­
w ouldn’t go to the bottom o f the slush pile. Some pulp tective, did not like meeting writers. He told one, “I get a
houses w ere friendlier than others; at Popular, there w as picture o f a w riter from his stories and think he’s a big
a ping pong table and on occasion there w as a game o f tough guy and then he comes in and he’s a pip-squeak w ho
craps going in som ebody’s office, publisher H enry w ouldn’t talk back to a schoolteacher. You’re better o ff
Steeger a frequent participant. w ith me i f you don’t ruin my illusions"
But if an editor putting an issue to bed suddenly
needed a particular-siged story by the next morning, a vis­
iting w riter could grab the assignment. Sometimes the
editor’s needs w ere even more pressing. Richard Sale re­
A prom ise io a dying friend
members being strong-armed in the halls o f Munsey’s.“Jack
m akes Chris Volmer
Byrne, an editor there, caught me, said he needed a story in
a likely c an d id ate lor
his own murder! a hurry. Emergency! So he sat me dow n and I knocked out
a three-thousand-word story... turned out to be a good little
story. But I ju st happened to be there w hen the editor
needed that space filled now. I gave him the story, w ent to
the w indow , and they issued me a check right then and
there and I w ent home. I got 9 0 bucks."
T h e fledgling pulp w riter w ith no luck and no con­
tacts in the business had one last hope, a visit to the desk
space o f Ed Bodin, a seedy pulp agent and king o f the low-
end sale. Bodin marketed any story you brought him for a
$ 1 handling fee; he shared a small office room w ith a pri­
vate detective, a button broker, and a repo man.
In N ew York, pulp w riters got to know each other
socially at publishers’ annual Christmas parties, A rt Burks’
bathtub gin parties, certain after-hours w atering holes, and
By LAWRENCE TREAT regular meetings o f the Am erican Fiction G uild (member­
ship secured w ith five pulp sales). “There was a great deal
Pictured, a typical rough-and- o f camaraderie," says Lawrence T reat, w riter for dozens o f

tumble detective story. detective pulps. “T h e literary establishment did not hold
us in high esteem and it was an us against them kind o f
feeling w e had. I made some very great friendships in those
days.” T h e Am erican Fiction Guild put out a newsletter

w ith marketing tips and met every other w eek at R osoff s
restaurant in midtown.“It was a very friendly atmosphere,”
Richard Sale recalls. “You could talk over a story problem,
or i f a guy had an offer that he couldn’t fulfill he’d pass it
DRAGON on to you ... You know, it was nice to have an audience
By HAT SCHACHNER because w riting was a very lonely life"
VALOR C\ “Some o f those fellows," says H enry Steeger, “they re­
BITTER J ally w orked hard ... w riting for days on end, never seeing
r.r.rtvNN AM
anyone. It took some very talented people to w ork like that
and w rite so many good stories, thousands o f stories w hen
you add them u p ... I don’t kn ow how they did i t ...”

H E PULPS in their time w ere looked down on as

T publishing’s poor, ill-bred stepchild. One glance at

their gaudy covers, ugly paper, and endless gray blocks o f
type was enough to condemn them in tasteful circles. W ith-
Cornell Woolrich Richard Sale out the sophisticated design, the pretty pictures, and the
name-brand authors o f the expensive, slick magazines, the
pulps had to make do w ith imagination and the power o f
Smooth Kyle R etu rns / the w ritten word. This, as it happened, was their glory.
Although it was not understood at the time, the pulps were
creating an innovative and lasting form o f literature—in­
troducing new styles o f w riting and genres o f popular fic­
tion, discovering w riters w ho would become some o f the
most w idely read authors in the world, including Edgar
R ice Burroughs, M ax Brand, Raym ond Chandler, H. P.
Lovecraft, Louis L’Amour, Dashiell Hammett, Robert E.
Howard, John D. MacDonald, Ray Bradbury, Erie Stanley
Gardner, Robert Heinlein,and Kenneth Robeson (aka Lester
Dent, author o f the best-selling adventures o f Doc Savage).
The w ork o f these and other pulp graduates continues to
Top: One of the most successful find a large and international readership, and the pulp-
titles of the pulps' first two decades created genres—science fiction, horror, private eye, W est­

was Top Notch. By the ' 3 0 s, it ern, superhero—now dominate not only popular literature
but every sort o f mass entertainment, from movies and tele­
was just one of many struggling
vision to comic books.This legacy w ill remain long after the
adventure magazines, occasionally
last o f the pulp magazines themselves—haphazardly saved
enlivened by an appealing Tom
and physically unsuited for preservation—have all turned
Lovell cover painting.
to dust
Above: Argosy was the magazine
that began the pulp era. For many The following chapters attempt to chart the course o f the
decades it was a top-seller and a pulp era and to detail some o f its highlights, drawing on rare
respected purveyor of mainstream materials and the generous recollections o f veteran writers,

adventure and mystery stories. publishers, artists, and editors. It is my hope that these pages
w ill bring back at least a glimpse o f the creative excitement o f
a time long gone... the fabulous days o f the pulps!
m. * .r

"Ik -llo
ih w
ha n d so»m \ A v h a t J
v, -v o u u p* h e r o •'* ■M.1
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t R E T U R N :
Fiction Factories
p E R A L D l

It is certainly better for certain classes o f persons to read

exciting stories than to be doing w hat they would be doing

if not reading.

— F ro m a s p e e c h g iv e n a t a


*HE PULP M A G A Z IN E was officially fathered by

T Frank A Munsey w ith his publication of T h e Golden

Argosy in 1882, but the tradition to w hich the pulps be­
long—that of cheap, popular, and sensational periodic litera­
ture—began some 50 years earlier. Reading for pleasure had
once been the exclusive province o f the upper echelon of
American society, but in the 18 30s a confluence o f factors—
Western Stories was the first
the invention o f the steam printing-press, the expanding
and for many years the most
postal services and rail ways, and a growing literate w orking
successful all-Western fiction
class—made fiction affordable and accessible to the “com­
magazine. Max Brand, one of the
mon man.” The first of the cheap, mass-produced publica­
pseudonyms of Frederick Faust, tions were the so-called story weeklies, four pages long,
was ns most popular contributor.
18 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

printed on newspaper, containing reading matter plagia­ T h e story w eeklies, w ith names like U ncle Sam, T h e
rised from the high-priced American and English maga­ Star Spangled Banner, Saturday Night,and T h e N ew York
zines. W hen the many competing weeklies found them­ W eekly, designed their contents for the tastes o f a reader-
selves all printing the same stories, they began to look for ship o f w orking-class A m ericans and immigrants. The
original material to steal. They sponsored various story­ stories w ere eventful, colorful, and sentimental. Subtleties
w riting contests, offering prises o f $ 1 0 0 or so to the w in ­ and com plexities w ere left for the elitist magazines. One
ning entry, along w ith the stipulation that all non-prise- w eekly boasted o f its contents as containing “sensational

w inning submissions became the property o f the w eekly fiction w ith no philosophy!" Escapist literature, intended
and could be published w ithout remuneration. The story to be easily consumed and ju st as easily forgotten, came
weeklies might then obtain a year’s worth o f new fiction into its ow n in the pages o f the weeklies, w ith their ac­
without paying for it (the prige offers were usually bogus, tion-packed tales o f the high seas and urban lowlife, melo­
in any case). In this w ay was a young and understandably dramatic mysteries and romances. E ver m indful o f con­
gloomy Edgar Allan Poe suckered out o f a half-dogen o f his sumer trends, the publishers turned every popular story
first short stories. into an instant genre, com missioning countless variations
Eventually, the owners o f the weeklies realised that on a successful character type, setting, or plot twist. If
to maintain a steady flow of usable material, they were readers enjoyed one story about an innocent girl being
going to have to pay for it And from this need, the hack abducted by w h ite slavers, or about an orphan new sboy
fiction w riter was born. Before that time, it was generally m aking his fortune, or about an evil guardian putting his
assumed that the creation o f stories was done only at the rich ward in an insane asylum, they would get to enjoy
commands o f a tortured muse, and the creation o f stories many, m any more.
for a living was possible by only a tiny number o f the su­ T h e authors o f these lurid tales w ere a new breed o f
premely talented. But the cheap story w eekly publishers writer. Disparaged as “penny-a-line scribblers,” they
found out that fiction—like so many other items produced would never have found their calling in the gentlemanly
in the heady days o f the Industrial Revolution—could be fiction publications that existed before the story w eek­
manufactured to specifications and on demand, w ritten lies. But then few o f the sophisticated and literary authors
not out o f the authors’ life experiences, philosophical in­ o f the day w ould have had any idea how to please the
sights, or aesthetic visions, but rather out o f the demands w eeklies’ hum ble audience. T h e fiction hacks saw them ­
o f the market. F iction became a commodity, like the indus­ selves not as artists but as craftsmen, taking a craftsman’s
trial-age items o f clothing that no longer had to be hand­ pride in the w o rk—its mass readership, the speed at
made, one at a time. w h ich it was w ritten, the paycheck it earned. Some fic­

tion hacks became famous. In 18 4 0 s America, the name aced the story w ith a cover letter from the imaginary w aif
o f Joseph Holt Ingraham w as know n far and w id e as the
T hese sheets . . . have been written by work-weary hands;
author o f the im m ensely popular Fanny H .— O r th e
H un chback and the Roue, and hundreds o f other serial­ they have been wet with almost hopeless tears . . . Oh! do

ised novels. Longfellow said o f him, “He is tremendous— print it, if it is worthy, for my whole heart has gone into
really tremendous. I think w e may say that he w rites the it. Respectfully, almost hopefully,
w orst novels ever w ritten by anybody.” Edw ard Zane
Carroll Judson, w ho used the pen name Ned Buntline, had Your O rphan Friend,
been a sailor and a soldier and was once unsuccessfully Ju lia E dw ards
hanged by a lynch mob before he turned to w ritin g for
the weeklies. W andering in the Far W est after the C iv il A fter 1860, the story weeklies shared the cheap fic­
W ar, he became acquainted w ith a 23-year-old buffalo tion market w ith the dime novels, w hich appealed to the
hunter named W illiam Frederick Cody. Judson renamed same tastes and made use o f the same w riters and popular
the young man Buffalo Bill and began recording roman­ characters. Many o f the “novels” were reprinted serials from
ticised versions o f his exploits for T h e N ew York W eekly. the weeklies. Both formats were endlessly formulaic and
Buntline’s tales o f Bill and assorted other frontiersm en for the most part atrociously written. T he plots were me­
and gunslingers w ould be translated and published chanical and the characters bore next to no resemblance to
around the world. Even greater success w as achieved by the w ay real people behaved. Here, from one o f the enor­
a shy U nitarian m inister turned w riter named Horatio mously popular adventures o f young detective N ick
Alger, Jr., author o f 1 1 9 stories o f poor orphan boys Carter, is a typically breathless and ridiculous encounter:
whose honesty is invariably rewarded in the end. Alger's
fiction was thought to be inspirational, and to this day
the phrase “a Horatio A lger story” is invoked to describe
any born-poor A m erican w ho has ever w orked, inher­
ited, or stolen his w ay to success.
O f course, the m ajority o f fiction hacks did not find
fame from their w riting, and many did not even receive
credit. Bylines w ere frequently assigned to established
house names controlled by the publisher. A uthorship
was just another com m odity to the publishers, important
only insofar as it could be used to sell more copies. A
popular but dead or overpriced author such as Dumas
would have his name appropriated and affixed to the
w ork o f an anonymous hack. Sim ilarly, another hack’s
work might necessitate the creation o f a new, more appro­
priate and exploitable authorial personality. W hen, for ex­
ample, T h e N ew York W eekly printed a sentimental fic­
tion about Manhattan lowlife, the story was falsely as­
cribed to a young slum girl. The cynical editors even pref-

Opposite and Right: Frank Munsey's Argosy magazine,

launched in 1 8 8 2 as a fiction weekly for children, became the
prototype for all pulp magazines to follow. As a fiction
weekly, Argosy thrived for nearly 60 years. Pictured here
are issues spanning the first fifty.
20 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

pearance," as the historian Mary Noel writes, “i f not in sub­

“I know that you are under the floor o f this room directly
stance” The pulps would repeat many o f the publishing
under the spot w here I stand. I f you try to escape I will practices invented by the weeklies—the use o f continuing
shoot through the floor and certainly hurt you if I do not series characters, hack writers, house names, the exploita­

kill you. If you answer me I may perm it you to escape. You tion o f popular enthusiasms, the emphasis on action and
sensation, and little or no “philosophy” T h ey would also
understand English or you wouldn't be w here you are. If
develop their ow n stale, repetitive formulas and bad w rit­
you don’t answer 1 will shoot just to prove that you are not ing. And, in their time, the pulps would follow the week-
there—or that you are. A r e you there?" lies/dime novels’ trajectory from birth to ubiqu ity to
oblivion. But they w ould also generate w orks o f lasting
‘ Yes. M e here, allee samee, like lat in a tlap," came the merit and a level o f creativity that w ould far outdistance
reply in pigeon English. the first, prim itive pop-fiction magazines.

‘ Hello! A Chinaman, eh?" said N ick, and he w inked at R A NK M U N SEY was a M aine telegrapher and aspir­
himself in the mirror opposite . . .
F ing pu blishing magnate in 1 8 8 2 w hen he launched
a cheap fictio n w eekly for child ren called The Golden
The weeklies and dime novels w ere awful stuff for the Argosy. In a cou ntry filled to bursting w ith story w eek ­
most part, but they did create the first mass market for fic­ lies, M unsey’s lone entry did not make a dent. Slipping
tion in America. The families and into debt, M unsey tinkered w ith his
w orking men and wom en w ho had periodical, shortening the title to A r­
once read nothing more in a lifetim e gosy and aim ing at an older audience.
than the Bible, some schoolhouse prim ­ He started a second publication, m od­
ers, and a few perennial classics had estly titled M unsey s, a general-interest
been taught a reading habit by the m agazine w ith illustrations. Munsey's
cheap story papers and books. A nd this w as an u n exp ected success and in ­
habit remained even after the readers spired a further rew ork in g o f Argosy
began drifting aw ay from the estab­ as a cheap and th ick periodical. S in ce
lished forms, bored w ith the stale and Argosy w ould be an all-fictio n maga­
repetitive plots and characters. T h ey zin e w ith no p ictu res, M unsey d e­
were ready for something new —“in ap- cided he could cut costs even further
by p rin tin g on the most inexp en siv e
paper av ailable—it d id n't m atter how
crum m y the th in g looked, the ow ner
reasoned, as long as the print w as leg­
ible and there w as plenty o f it. T h e late 1 8 9 0 s version o f
A rgosy had y ellow covers, 191 pulpw ood pages, 30
coated stock pages (foradvertisem ents—those had tolook
a little less crum my), and 1 3 5 ,0 0 0 w ords o f m iscella­
Above: Can one ever get enough stories about pole-vaulting? neous novels, serials,short stories,and poetry T h e fiction

H ere is one from the May 8, 1928, Sport Story. w as not at all distinguished, but neither w as it the lu d i­
crous stu ff o f the story w eeklies. A t ten cents per issue,
Opposite: T he December 15, 19 13 , issue of Top Notch and heavy as a lead w eight, the n ew Argosy w as a hit.
offered readers a gripping tale of the now-forgotten sport of In 1905, Munsey launched another fiction pulp, All-
automobile polo. From Tangled Battle: ‘Cleve, his right foot Story, and in the next few years he would add several more
on the forward spring, and his left hand clinging to the steel new titles, all variations on Argosy's plump package o f es­
truss which protected the radiator, leaned far out to make one capist lit. O ther publishers copied Munsey’s formula, and
of his swinging drives . . . " refined it. Street & Smith started their ow n bulky, rough-
T W IC E -A -M O N T H
22 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

Far Left: Seen here, a typical issUe of Pluck

and Luck, a pre-pulp weekly: T he cover
$tory is no doubt, as timely today as when it
was written!

Left: Forerunners of the pulp magazines were

the story weeklies and the dime novels. T he ■
weekly adventure^ of N ick Carter, a callout
young detective, reached their peak of
popularity in the 1880s and i8goS.

paper collection o f light fiction, T h e Popular M agazine, and Left: A new Tarzan 1
used illustrated covers, soft-focused paintings by such no­ Murder Across story meant increased
table commercial artists as N. C. W yeth and Henry
ReuterdahL Street & Sm ith had been a leading purveyor o f
the Miles sales for any magazine.
In the ju ngle stronghold of the
weeklies and dime novels since the 1860s and would be­ W arrior Women — amazons ns Opposite: Edgar Rice
cruel as they are beautiful— sits
a sinister figure in his awesome
come the-archetypal pulp house o f the golden age, publisher trophy-room. A t his fingertips
Burroughs, the creator
is the Occult .Force that reads
o f T h e Shadow, Astounding Stones, and Doc Savage. T h e Popu­ the secrets o f human minds, of Tarzan, dictating a
that .seals the doom of traitors
lar, aptly titled, was" followed in 1 9 1 0 b y T o p Notch.Other, no matter where they! hide. T h is novel in the early
is the amazing menace that Tar-
firms entered the pulp market that same year—Doubleday xan.m ust destroy in Edgar Rice
'Burroughs’ newest novel—
193os- r
brought out Short Stories; and the Butterick Company
launched A dventure The first specialised pulps appeared:
Railroad Stories and then, from Street & Smith, the first all-
crime fiction magazine, Detective Story.
Up to around 191 2 , most o f the fiction published in Hereis'theibest-loved character
in Am erican'fiction, back again
■the pulps had been genteel and inconsequential. N ow there in the magazine in-which he was
bora. .Here is a.trfle of high ad­
began to appear more unusual fare—stories that had imagi­ venture, written 'by one of the
favorite :story-tellers of our
tim e. Throw off the cares o f a
nation and impact had created a lingering com motion -work--a-day world— -let politics
go hang— while you -rush head­
among readers and a demand for more o f the same. Editors lo n g w ith Tarzan -on th e primi­
tive rdanger trail. Meet him in
w ith lively minds and discerning eyes had come to be in the current issue iof

charge o f several titles: the multi-talented Robert H. Davis,

Munsey executive and head man at All-Story; A rthur S. ARGOSY
Hoffman at Adventure, Robert Simpson,a colorful Scot and
Now On Sale
former trader on the A frican Gold Coast, now editor o f
Argosy These men and a handful o f w riters established the
parameters for w hat would become the definitive pulp
story—larger than, life, lucidly written, plot driven, w ith
strong characters and lots o f action, preferably violent.
The February 1 9 1 2 issue o f A ll-Story m arked the
professional debut o f a w riter w hose im portance to the
history o f pulp m agazines is com parable to D. W . brings Jo h n C arter back to Earth. A n adventure epic o f
G riffith ’s place in the histo ry o f film. T h e first tw o seri­ nonstop inv entio n and exotic action, U nder the Moons
alised novels by Edgar R ice Burroughs electrified A ll- o f M ars ends in a rush o f unresolved suspense. Breath­
Story’s readership, d rew new audiences to the pulps, and less readers w ailed for a sequel. Burroughs delivered
influenced a generation o f pop-fiction scribes. Born in one, T h e Gods o f Mars, appearing ju st six months after
187 5 , Burroughs had failed at a dogen jo b s and enter­ the first story ended. It w as another explosion o f dag­
prises—clerk, railroad cop, gold miner, soldier, salesman, gling im agination—strange creatures, hairsbreadth es­
etc.—before he turned to w ritin g at the age o f 35. H is capes, fierce battles, a w elter o f bloodshed, and another
first novel, U nder the Moons o f M ars (later published in cliff-hangin g clim ax to leave readers gasping. But in be­
book form as A Princess o f Mars), w as the story o f John tw een this double dose o f M artian extravagance, A ll-
Carter, a V irg in ia gentlem an m ysteriously teleported to Story published the second w o rk by Mr. Burroughs, a
the red planet—k n o w n to the local inhabitants as novel that w ould prove to be even more spectacularly
“Barsoom.” Soon, C arter is tangling w ith the 15-foot, successful than the first: T a r ta n o f the Apes.
four-armed Tharks, the green men o f Mars, sw ord- It begins in prologue. Lord and Lady Greystoke are
w ield in g creatures rid ing huge, eight-legged beasts. abandoned on the uninhabited A frican coast by a ship’s
Eventu ally C arter runs into the luscious D ejah T horis, crew o f mutineers. A baby boy is born, the parents die o f
hum anoid Princess o f Helium . T h ro u gh various eye­ fever and despair, and the child is saved by Kala, an ador­
popping adventures across the planet’s bizarre, w arring ing female ape w ho has ju st lost her ow n baby. The “W hite
empires, Carter restores D ejah to her throne, marries her, Skin" boy—named “Targan" in ape lingo—grows into
impregnates her. T h e ir plump, first-born “egg” is nearly young manhood w ith his primate family, loved by his
ready to. hatch w hen a sudden w h irlw in d o f events stepmother, hated b y his stepfather, Tublat. Targan’s supe-
24 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

rior intelligence and the knife he finds in the abandoned ever the lord o f the jungle made a new appearance. Those
cabin o f his parents enable him to defeat the patriarch in a w ho know the character only from the great M GM series
primal and epiphanic fight to the death: w ith Joh n n y W eissmuller, or its subsequent derivatives,
might be surprised to learn that Burroughs’ creation tran­
As the body rolled to the ground T artan o f the A pes
scended his prim itive upbringing, becom ing a rather so­
placed his foot upon the neck o f his lifelong enemy and phisticated fellow, com fortable in Paris, London, and Hol­
raising his eyes to the full moon threw back his fierce lywood, a linguist and an airplane p ilo t T h e movies also

young head and voiced the w ild and terrible cry o f his ignored the encounters Targan had w ith science-fictional
monsters and lost enclaves o f Crusaders and ancient Ro­
As a writer, Burroughs was uneven, to say the least His
O ne by one the tribe swung down from their arboreal
plots w ere often no more than a piling on o f events. C oin­
retreats and form ed a circle about T a rta n and his van­
cidence followed coincidence w ithout apology. His prose
quished foe. W h en they had all come T a r ta n turned could at times reach some very ragged patches. Character­
toward them. isation tended to be a thin as a page o f manuscript. But
Burroughs had other qualities in abundance—the w ild
“I am Targan," he cried. “I am a great killer. Let all imagination, a gift for describing action, a powerful sense
respect T arta n o f the A pes and K ala, his mother. T h ere o f m y th Burroughs claimed that his stories came to him as

be none among you as mighty as daydreams—w hat has been termed by Robert Sampson a
“pre-cognitive reverie,” a decidedly in­
Targan. L et his enemies beware."
tense form o f daydreaming in w hich
The reaction o f All-Story readers to Burroughs’ unconscious shaped his
T artan was virtual frengy. A saga had ideas into near-finished form before re­
begun that would reach every corner leasing them to his conscious mind.
o f the planet. Incredibly, the Munsey H ow ever it all worked, it w orked for
editors turned dow n the second most o f three decades, producing dogens
T a rta n story, T h e Return o f Tarzan, o f book-length adventures o f Targan
and it was quickly picked up by Street and John Carter o f Mars, as w ell as nu­
& Sm ith for their N ew Story Magazine. merous others—W esterns, the Pellucidar
Subsequent sequels over the years series, The Land T hat T im e Forgot, the
w ent to the highest bidder—Argosy, Venus novels begun in Argosy in 1931.
Blue Book, T hrilling Adventures—and Burroughs’ gifts waned in the later years,
the readers followed, increasing when- but his name remained a w atchword for
reading pleasure long past his death in
1950. He made a fortune, the first w riter
to become a corporation, and his California hometown was
renamed Targana in his honor.
Burroughs and his colossal creations w ere followed by
a slew o f w hat would come to be seen as archetypally
“pulpy” w riters and genres. Masked avengers—ubiquitous
Above: Pulp heroes were frequent visitors to dangerous in the superhero pulps o f the 1930s—made their earliest
pulp appearances in the stories o f Johnston M cC ulley and
tropical ports. Writer George Worts specialized in
Frank L. Packard. Veteran reporter M cC ulley created
Asian-Pacific settings.
Zorro, skilled swordsman and black-clad crusader against
Opposite: T he early pulp covers were a fa r cry from the the repressive Spanish authorities in Old C alifornia Zorro
luridly realistic style of the 1930s. T he painting for this made his first appearance in a 1 9 1 9 All-Story serial, T h e
19 13 issue of The Popular is the work of Henry Reuterdahl. Curse o f Capistrano. Canadian Packard’s masked man was
S ^ ^ ^ T n TW K F -V M O N TH r 7 i ' - i n rs

f M A RC H
26 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

The Gray Seal,a mysterious crime-fighter by night whose splendors o f his villa near Florence, Italy.
name derives from the mark or “seal” he places on his v ic­ Faust was an aimless, penniless 24-year-old college-
tims. No one know s that T he G ray Seal is the secret iden­ educated poet at loose ends in N ew York C ity w hen he
tity o f Manhattan playboy Jim m ie Dale. Jim m ie/Gray wangled a letter o f recommendation from the sister o f
would be a decided influence on such later avengers as The Samuel Clemens to Robert Davis at M uncey’s. Davis, w ho
Shadow, The Spider, and the Phantom Detective. disliked the importuning o f Faust’s elderly patroness, gave
Science fiction and fantasy attained new heights o f him paper and a plot and dismissed h im Faust stunned
popular acclaim in the brilliant stories by a newsman Davis w hen he returned before the end o f the day w ith a
named Abraham Merritt. His first published fiction was a completed professional piece o f fictio n T he story, Conva­
short story titled Through the Dragon Glass, a hauntingly lescence, a p p ea red in the March 1 9 1 7 All-Story, and an ex­
effective tale o f a man w ho discovers a passage through an traordinary career was begun. Faust began turning out an
ancient Chinese mirror into a bizarre alternative w orld of inexhaustible supply o f first-rate pulp fiction, earning
both beauty and horror. Longer w orks followed—T he $ 8 ,2 8 1 in the first nine months, an enormous sum o f
Moon Pool, T h e Conquest o f the Moon Pool, T h e Face in the money by the standards o f the time. His first W estern, T h e
A byss,T he Ship o f Ishtar—most o f them lost-civilization sto­ Untamed, published in serial form beginning w ith the De­
ries in a tradition pioneered by H. Rider Haggard Merritt’s cem ber 1 9 1 8 A ll Story, set the course for much o f his fic­
w ork was profoundly imagined and written in a distinc­ tion to come. Previously, W estern literature had been con­
tive, lyrical prose style His stories had all the compulsive cerned w ith an aura o f realism and a historical context.
readability o f Burroughs but w ith additional layers o f mean­ Faust had no interest in these things. H is W est was a po­
ing, symbolism, and poetic reflection. Merritt affected read­ eticized location w ith few reference points to specific
ers deeply—ten and tw enty years after their first publica­ times or locales. He used the idea o f a violent, frontier
tion, his stories such as T h e Moon Pool and T h e Ship o f Ishtar A m erica as an almost abstract setting for retellings o f an­
were voted to the top in polls o f all-time favorites. cient epics and classical myths. The hero o f T h e Untamed,
The W estern w ould become the single genre most the mysterious youth “W h istlin '" Dan Barry, is explicitly
closely identified w ith the pulps. And no w riter was more linked to “the great god Pan." Trailin'uses the story o f O e­
closely identified w ith the pulp W estern than M ax Brand. dipus, Pillar Mountain the Theseus myth, and H ired Guns
Brand was actually a pen name—one o f many—belonging is a W estern version o f the Iliad. In this w ay w ere Faust’s
to Frederick Schiller Faust, a tragic poet manque w ho be­ W esterns both phonier and grander than earlier stories in
came one o f the most popular and productive—3 0 million the genre. C haracteristically w hen Faust’s publishers sent
published words, the equivalent o f 5 3 0 books—w riters him on a trip out W est to soak up atmosphere, he spent
w ho ever lived. Professionally speaking, Faust was a nearly all his time inside a hotel room, pounding out more
deeply schizophrenic personality. He lavished time and o f his inauthentic and phenomenally popular Westerns.
anguish on the,slow production o f his classically styled Faust’s production rate was so high that Western Story
poems, the only w orks for w hich he w illingly took public or one o f his other regular markets would print several o f
credit. His audience for these creations could be counted his stories in a single issue, each under a different pen name.
by name. He w rote his pulp fiction, conversely, w ith an This, o f course, w as unknow n to the readers, w ho wrote
almost unconscious ease, as fast as the contemporary me­ in to debate the relative artistry o f Faust’s various identi­
chanics o f a typew riter w ould allow, producing reams o f ties. H is most fam iliar byline, “Max Brand,” was created
highly remunerative and sought-after work. He derived no w ith the help o f playw right Sophie Treadwell, w ho ad­
pleasure from these stories and hid from recognition for vanced the theory that the successful pseudonym always
them behind an army o f pseudonyms (Brand, John consisted o f tw o monosyllables w ith the same vowel
Frederick, George Challis, George O w en Baxter, David sound in each. Her theory as applied to M ax Brand, was
Manning, Nicholas Silver, M artin Dexter, Peter H enry proven entirely sound.
Morland, etc.). The w riter w ho w ould do as much as any­ Faust’s one-man storytelling factory produced not
one to popularize the m ythical dimensions o f the W est­ only W esterns by the hundreds but numerous historical
ern professed to find the actual W est “disgusting” and novels, detective stories, and adventure stories, and count­
wrote most o f his W estern tales amidst the Renaissance less miscellaneous melodramas. H is stories about the noble
xciting New Serial of Arcli

Leo Zayal*

re to the ^ A bove and left: Each week, Argosy

ipas. Rogues offered a new collection of action-
\e Comes an Irish \ % packed stories and serials. H ere are
three typical issues from the t g jo s .
on the Rampage /

pornell Woolrich
C. K.Shaw
Hoffman Price
Other Fiction S ta rs


r for 1Best Title to This Picture (5ee p — ^ ^ 4


Dr. Kildare w ere nearly as popular as his shoot-'em-ups. Below: T he August. t g 2g A ir Stories featured this ethereal
Faust had a talent for fast, gripping, straight-ahead narra­ cover painting by Charles Dameron: riflemen on a cliff
tive that knew few equals. It earned him a great deal o f shooting down at a passing bi-plane.
money. In the years before the Depression, w hen a huge
Opposite: Railroad Stories was one of the first special interest
pulp readership was shared by only a handful o f maga­
zines, publishers could pay their top w riters as much as pulps. It contained, besides fiction, true tales of railroad

ten cents per word. These rates, plus frequent story sales to workers and hobos, and photos of notable locomotives.
Hollywood, meant a very nice—i f busy—life for Faust.
Looking for a residence conducive to the creation o f epic
poetry, he settled in Italy, buying a villa on the bank o f the
Arno,overlooking the birthplace o f the Renaissance. In the
mornings, he applied a furious hunt-
and-peck technique to an Underwood
perched on a desk that once belonged to
a Benedictine monastery. In the after­
noons, he stretched out in a leather easy tion and experimentation. The 1920s
chair, quill pen in hand, and w orked on saw slimmer, faster pulps. The old thick
poems w ith such titles as Dionysus in monthlies—some offered more than tw o
Hades. In the evenings, he taught him self hundred pages o f small type—began to
Greek so as to be able to read Homer in disappear, replaced by a trim 1 28-page
the original. standard issue. C o v e r illu stratio n s
Faust was by all accounts a fascinat­ moved aw ay from the muted tones and
ing, knowledgeable, and generous indi­ quiet poses o f the past; publishers dis­
vidual. W hen w ar became imminent in covered the audience appeal o f bright
Europe—and market conditions cut his primary colors and voluptuous images
pulp rates in half—he returned to o f sex and violence. W here the early
America and spent some o f his last pulps had offered an average of three
w orking years at the H ollyw ood studios, m aking a large serials per issue, the streamlined pulps offered one. Stories
salary as an indentured screenw riter for W arn er Bros, and would now become shorter, move faster.The elaborate Vic-
MGM. W hen he died, at the age o f 52, the “King o f the torian prose was on its w ay out, to be replaced by livelier,
Pulps” received editorial tributes in a range o f interna­ more idiomatic w riting (although some pulps would al­
tional publications, from T h e Infantry Journ al to the Lon­ ways retain a special place for purple excesses).
don Times. Journalist Q uentin Reynolds wrote, “No man The tw o pioneering pulp houses, Munsey’s and Street
could invent so many plots (not even Balzac) or so crow d a & Smith, continued to dominate the field in the 1920s but
few thousand words w ith action as Max Brand." Faust's b i­ the com petition was arriving in droves, everything from
ographer, Robert Easton, believed the w riter was an exem ­ established publishing empires like Macfadden to hole-in-
plar o f his age: “...what Babe Ruth and Red Grange w ere to the-wall operations whose assets were a registered title
sports, Charles Lindbergh to flying, H enry Ford to indus­ and an armful o f manuscripts.
try the expression o f an expansive time, w hen horizons Significant newcomers to pulp publishing in the late
seemed larger and possibilities less limited." 19 2 0 s and early 1 9 3 0 s included George Delacorte, Jr.’s
Dell Publishing, founded in 1922. Along w ith m ovieand
HE PULPS had been evolving at a stately and con­ confession magazines aimed at the w orking classes, Dell

T servative pace. A fter more than tw o decades, there

were j ust tw o dozen pulp titles in existence. Developments
put out such pulps as C u pid’s Diary, Scotland Yard, W ar
Birds (later transformed into T eren ce X. O 'Leary’s W a r
came much more rapidly in the fast-paced 1920s.T he num­ Birds), Public Enemy (later Federal Agent), and the short­
ber o f titles grew exponentially, the number o f publishers lived super-villain title Doctor Death W illiam Clayton had
did the same, and the pulps showed increasing specializa- a thriving rough-paper chain in the 1920s, his assets in­
30 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

eluding Ranch Romances, Cow boy Stories, Clues, Strange Hersey started his ow n company in the 1920s, and he was
T ales,and Astounding Stories, one o f the first science-fiction soon giving birth to as many new titles as the big, established
magazines. Clayton bought out his partner, ran into unfore­ publishing houses. However, unlike the offspring o f the big
seen financial difficulties, and w ent bankrupt in early houses, almost none o f Hersey’s titles ever grew old—many,
1933. A A. W y n ’s A ce Magazines produced some o f the in fact, expired after a single issue. Hersey was what you call
livelier second-rung pulps in the golden age, among them an “idea man," and the problem was that most o f his ideas
Secret A gent X, E erie Stories, and T en D etective Aces. were no good. He came up w ith the pulp called Strange Sui­
Fawcett, the publishers o f Battle Stories, T riple X, and Star­ cides, featuring stories about people w ho killed themselves.
tling Detective Adventures, operated o ff the beaten path in Lucky Stories took the opposite perspective, upbeat tales o f
Robbinsdale, Minnesota. O w ners W . H. (Billy) and Roscoe people w ho thought life was swelL The first issue included
Faw cett were W orld W ar I veterans and used their ranks a true story about ex-President W ilson and how he believed
o f captain on appropriate mastheads. The editorial page o f in luck, a story about how college students were supersti­
Battle Stories carried a photo o f a rakish Roscoe in his fly­ tious, and a novelette titled A Murderer's Lucky Break. The
ing helmet and goggles. Fiction House was built on no- cover urged, “Buy this Magazine for Good L u ck.. .” The first
nonsense masculine interest magazines—Action Stories, issue was also the last. Another one-shot was Fire Fighters,
Air Stories, Wings,Fight Stories. It was founded by tw o pulp w ith nothing but stories about putting out fires. Speed Sto­
“road men "Jack Kelly and Jack Glenister, w ho pooled their ries offered fiction containing fast-moving vehicles. Then
money and rented a tiny office in the shabby neighbor­ cam s M edical Horror Stories, a combination o f light reading
hood west o f Penn Station. T heir A ir Stories, about flying and muckraking, w ith its exposes o f medical quackery and
adventures o f all sorts, and Fight Stories, about boxing, were bogus elixirs. Since a large percentage o f pulp sales hap­
pioneering and successful examples o f the narrow ly spe­ pened at drugstore newsstands, M edical Horror Stories was
cialised pulps. considered biting the hand that fed, and Hersey caught hell
Narrow interest titles were a fatal obsession w ith pub­ from numerous quack-druggists. He quickly put the
lisher Harold Hersey, the king of the laughably esoteric pulp. w histleblow ing magazine out o f its misery. Hersey’s Court­
A former boy wonder editor at Street & Smith and Clayton, room Stones debuted w ith a lengthy narrative retelling o f

From Harold Hersey’s

Courtroom Stories,
The Trial o f Oscar

ft n R is M S

The Trial of Oscar Wilde


The name of Oscar Wilde is surrounded by an aura of gossip, half-

truths, bitter memories—and at the same time ive recognize him
as the supreme critic of all the ages. This gripping true story

T he Trial of Oscar W ilde.Thecover painting depictedama- A dozen years and

tronly Oscar under cross-examination (“W ild e admitted his more after the
friendship w ith Fred Atkins, bookmaker’s clerk ‘After Armistice, pulp
lunch,’ asked counsel, ‘did you suggest he should have his readers were still
hair curled?”’). This magazine was a relative hit, lasting sev­ enjoying fiction about
eral issues. Even Hersey’s conventional genre magazines
the war. These covers
could be a bit “o ff’ as in the case o f his ambiguously titled fort­
from Over the Top
nightly, Twice a Month Love. Typical o f his luckless instincts,
and W ar Stories show
Hersey chose for his company colophon the same ancient
similarly agonizing
broken-cross design adopted by the Na^is.
images from No-Man's-
The dawn o f the Great Depression saw the start o f tw o
pulp houses that soon owned huge shares o f the cheap fic­ Land.

tion market. Standard Publications was begun by fiat. A

magazine distributor, the American N ews Company, lost
their biggest client, Street & Smith, and encouraged 25-
year-old Ned L. Pines to start a new line o f pulps for them
to distribute. Pines turned the editorial reins over to a series characters—The Spider, Operator #5—I came up
young Munsey veteran, Leo Margulies, an aggressive char­ w ith many o f the storylines. I also had a great deal to do
acter w ith bluntly commercial instincts. Standard—also w ith the choice o f artists and covers for the magazines we
know n as Beacon and Better Publications—had such did.” Steeger was the first publisher to apply a kind o f sci­
quintessential pulp titles as T h e Phantom Detective, Star­ entific principle to the choosing o f cover illustrations, de­
tling Stories, and C aptain Future. T h ey w ere particularly term ining w hat w ere the consistently best-selling color
know n for their signature faith in the word thrilling as a schemes (red, yellow, black for men’s magazines; blue and
component in a magazine title, namely: Thrilling Detective, green for wom en’s). “Most o f our sales w ere on the news­
Thrilling Love, Thrilling Western, Thrilling Mystery, T hrill­ stand, little subscription,” Steeger explained. “The covers
ing Adventures, T hrilling Spy Stories, Thrilling Wonder w ere our entire advertising campaign, our sales pitch.
Stories, and Thrilling Ranch Stories. There was a lot o f com petition out there and you had just
Popular Publications was founded in 1 9 3 0 by H enry a few seconds to catch someone’s eye, so the covers had to
Steeger and Harold Goldsmith. Borrow ing $ 5 ,0 0 0 each, do an effective jo b in a hurry.” Popular had some o f the pulp
they came out w ith four titles: Battle Aces, Gang World, era’s best and most distinctive magazines. Dime D etective
Detective Action Stories, and W estern Rangers. Ten years was second only to Black M ask in the quality o f its private-
later, Popular was the biggest all-pulp publisher in the eye stories. T h e Spider and Operator # 5 brought an adult
world. Goldsmith had come from the financial department perspective and visceral action to the otherwise juvenile
at A. A. W y n ’s company. Steeger, a young Princeton gradu­ “hero" genre. Dime Mystery, Terror Tales, and Horror Sto­
ate, did a two-year apprenticeship at Dell.“W e started w ith ries were the flagships o f a memorably bizarre Steeger-cre-
four titles w ith the hope that at least one would be a suc­ ated pulp genre know n to infam y as “W eird Menace."
cess," Steeger recalled for me. “And that w as w hat hap­ Steeger was certainly one o f the most creative and compe­
pened. O nly the air book sold. Things w ere uncertain for a tent figures in the magazine business. In less than five years,
long while. W e were always slipping out o f the office to Popular became the leading publisher in the field, w ith a
hide from creditors. Then, in our second year in business combined circulation o f 1,500,000 per month. As it grew,
w e came out w ith Dime Detective and that hit. That one the company would eventually encompass some o f its
was selling 30 0 ,0 0 0 copies for us and was very profitable. most notable competition, taking control o f such landmark
In the beginning, I did everything that had to be done— titles as A dventure, Black Mask, and that venerable and
editor, art director, ideas for new books. W e had Edith groundbreaking all-fiction creation o f Frank Munsey’s,
Symes, an editor w ho had been w ith Dell, helping—she Argosy. T h e company that invented pulp magazines w ent
later married Steve Fisher—and that was about it for the out o f business in 1942.
first year or so. I found the stories and w hen w e had the
f t

I Iff Prowl


Maefadden Publications entered

the ‘weird fiction' field with the
short-lived Ghost Stories.
Empire o f the


I f you have an idea w hich you have considered too bizarre to

write, too w eird or strange, let us see it.

— N o t ic e to W r it e r s

T he T h r il l B o o k

HE F IR S T M A G A Z IN E to be devoted to tales o f

T horror and the fantastic appeared on newsstands in

February 1 9 1 9 .T h e Thrill Book, published by Street & Smith,
was an inelegant-looking creation, done in the physical for­
mat o f the dying dime novels, and at 4 8 pages was less than
half the siz;e o f the average pulp But it arrived full o f purpose
and potential. The editor, 26-year-old Harold Hersey, had
detailed his hopes and needs for the new magazine in a two-
page “Notice to W riters"

W e are strongly desirous o f securing strange, bizarre,

occult, mysterious tales—novelettes o f ten thousand words
34 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

containing mystic happenings, w eird adventures, feats of and published some o f the best w ork in the genre—a sub­
stantial portion, in fact, o f the all-time greatest w ork in the
leger-de-main, spiritualism, et cetera . . . I f w e w ere to give
history o f weird and fantastic literature. A Chicago-based,
you a formula w e would say—sum up the demands o f all
shakily financed monthly, W eird Tales was the primary—
other magazines, and then give us good stories which not and at the time the only—forum for the era’s masters o f the
one o f them would take because o f their odd qualities and macabre. In its pages, readers confronted the terrifying, the

harrowing nature. bizarre, the spectacular, and the perverse O ne more refuta­
tion o f the stereotypical image o f “pulp” as predictable for­
The initial offerings w ere reasonably odd i f not par­ mula, W eird Tales was unique, complex, daring.
ticularly harrowing or good The lead story came from the The magazine was created by Jacob Clark
Popular -Magazine slush pile. W o lf o f the Steppes was the Henneberger, publisher o f College Humor magazine, a life­
first published fiction by G reye La Spina, the only female long Edgar Allan Poe enthusiast, and an idealist: “I must
newspaper photographer in N ew Y ork A w kw ardly told confess that the main motive in establishing W eird Tales
in a series o f flashbacks w ithin flashbacks, the story con­ was to give the w riter free rein to express his innermost
cerns an elderly doctor’s rescue o f a terrified young Rus­ feelings in a manner befitting great literature.” T he cover
sian woman. She has escaped from her nemesis, Serge story for the first issue was O oze by A nthony M Rud, an
Vassilovich, a m agician-w erew olf w ith unusually hairy “extraordinary novelette" concerning the eating habits of
eyebrows and long forefingers. Old Dr. Greeley and his a giant amoeba in the deep South—not quite great litera­
mystical friend Dr. Thomas Connors lay a trap for Serge, ture yet. But a w riter’s free rein was certainly evidenced in
killing him and then returning him to his lupine form to the notorious C. M Eddy story T h e Loved Dead, w ith its
beat a murder rap. T h e Ivory Hunters by W ill Gage Carey necrophiliac narrator “O ne morning Mr. Gresham came
was comical nonsense about lost sailors and baseball-play­ much earlier than usual—came to find me stretched out
ing, cannibalistic Eskimos. There w ere tw o opening in­ upon a cold slab deep in ghoulish slumber, my arms
stallments o f outlandish serials. J. Hampton Bishop’s In the wrapped around the stark stiff, naked body o f a fetid
Shadow o f Race was derived from Haggard by w ay o f corpse" Actually, most o f the early stories, chosen by edi­
Burroughs w ith its A frican explorers, blonde jungle god­ tor Edw in Baird, w ere tame and old-fashioned. Things
dess, and trained apes. J. C. Kofoed’s T h e Jew eled Ibis was a began to improve rapidly w hen Baird was replaced by his
ludicrously complicated tale o f Egyptian spells and sleep­ assistant, Farnsworth W right, a man o f erudition and lit­
ing priestesses. Another short fiction, T h e M an W ho Met erary insight and adventurousness. Born in 1888, W right
Himself, by Donovan Bayley, detailed a battle o f w its be­ had served as a French interpreter in the U.S. A rm y dur­
tween a drunk and his naked subliminal self A n editorial, ing W orld W ar LHe contracted a case o f sleeping sickness,
a pair o f poems, and some factual odds and ends (H alted by w hich developed into the relentlessly debilitating
Ghosts on W ay to W ork, Finds Q ueer Race in Malay, Says Parkinson’s disease. T h e constant shaking caused by the
Earth Is on W ane, etc.) rounded out the historic first issue. disease eventually left him unable to sign his name w ith ­
The next seven offered similar collections o f second-rate out using both hands. Some visitors to the W eird Tales of­
thrills. Hersey w as fired at that point, replaced by Ronald fice w ere taken aback at their first meeting w ith W right,
Oliphant, and the magazine grew to conventional pulp im agining his trem bling was the result o f reading too
siz,e and began to publish some recognisable names o f the many scary stories. W righ t’s tastes in fantastic fiction were
time—H. Bedford-Jones, T od Robbins, Murray Leinster— both catholic and inspired. T h e stories he bought ranged
along w ith the nonentities. A nother eight issues were across a limitless spectrum o f the imaginary, from folkloric
filled w ith an indiscrim inate m ix o f outre fiction and tales o f vampires and w erewolves to galactic science fic-
swashbuckling adventure. Having failed to find a sizable
readership or a coherent editorial policy, T h e T hrill Book
was canceled abruptly after its 16th appearance, a little Opposite: W eird Tales, begun in 1 9 2 3 , quickly became and
more than seven months after its debut
remains the greatest of all horror and fantasy publications.
The next pulp to specialise in the supernatural would
T he vampiric flapper pictured here is the work of Margaret
have a considerably longer life—over 30 years, 2 7 9 issues—
36 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

tion, historical speculations, arabesque fantasies, psycho- would fill many thick volumes and have done so: Jum bee,
pathic memoirs, ghost stories, exotic adventures, sword- a story o f voodoo in the Caribbean by Henry S.
and-sorcery epics. Although he continually tried to find W hitehead, the Archdeacon o f the Episcopal Church in
material he hoped would slow the magazine’s perennial the Virgin Islands; A rthur J. Burks’ great ghost story T he
slide toward financial ruin (sales w ere seldom much above Ghosts o f Steam boat Coulee; Edmond Hamilton’s three-part
the break-even point), W righ t found it difficult i f not im ­ epic Across Space, in w hich Martians attempt to pull the
possible to reject a story simply because it was “taboo" or Earth out o f its orbir, Mive, by Carl Jacobi, a tale o f giant
not “commercial." In turn, most contributors to the maga­ carnivorous butterflies; Mary Elizabeth Counselman’s
zine held W righ t in the highest esteem “He was a great stunning short-short T h ree M arked Pennies; T h e W erew olf
man, a great editor,” says Jack W illiamson. “He struggled o f Ponkert, by H. W arner Munro, told in the voice o f the
nobly in the face o f his physical infirm ities and really tortured title character; N ictzin Dyalhis’ T h e Sea Witch, a
loved literature and the fantastic. He didn’t look down on haunting story o f an old man’s return to youth; T h e Horror
the pulps, and in fact his dream project was a ‘W righ t’s on the Links, the first o f Seabury Quinn's 9 3 stories about
Edition’ o f Shakespeare in pulp format, but he only got as French occult detective Jules de Grandin. From his home
far as one volume, w ith illustrations by Virgil Finley.” base in Harrisonville, N ew Jersey, the Poirot-ish de
Highlights from the magazine during W righ t’s tenure Grandin battled the gamut o f supernatural bad guys—
mummies, werewolves, ghosts, zombies,a surprising num­
ber o f them operating in the otherwise quiet N ew Jersey
town. The stories featured breakneck action and lots o f
k in k y sexuality and w ere among the readers’ favorites.
There w ere grand-scale serials in the tradition o f
Burroughs and A. Merritt: O tis A delbert Kline’s Tam a,
Son o f the Tiger, Thom as Kelley’s I Found Cleopatra, Jack
W illiam son’s Golden Blood. The last was a superb fantasy-
adventure about a soldier o f fortune (character based on
pulp scribe E. H offmann Price) and a lost civ ilization in
the Arabian sands (atmosphere courtesy o f T. E. Lawrence’s
Revolt in the D esert), and it inspired one o f the magazine’s
best cover illustrations, by J. A llen St. John. W rig h t wrote
breathlessly o f it to W illiam son: “that colossal golden
tiger loom ing gigantic against the s k y ... and in the fore­
ground Price and Fouad sitting astride their w hite cam­
els and looking quite L illiputian by com parison... W hat
a gorgeous splash o f color—the golden-yellow tiger, the
v ivid green o f Vekyra’s robe and the intense crim son o f
M alikar’s garment. Allah!"
It could be said w ith only slight exaggeration that any
issue ofW eird Tales from the mid-’20s to the mid-’30s con­
stituted a “Best O P collection, so frequently did W righ t’s
editorial choices strike gold.
Although it was considered a difficult market to crack,
and W righ t cultivated a group o f regular contributors, he
had no predisposition against unpedigreed talent, and
Weird Tales, April 1 9 3 4 . many a neophyte w riter made his or her first sale to the
(even then) legendary magazine. E. Hoffmann Price, W eird
Tales regular and W righ t’s friend and fellow Oriental-rug
enthusiast, recalled: “W right's enthusiasm upon getting a

A C. L. (Catherine Lucille) Moore

story for Weird Tales.

“Men do not come here uninvited—and live.”

Another weird and tintiling tale about Northwest Smith, by the author
o f "Shambleau"—an amazing story o f ultimate horror

new name from the slush pile was beautiful to see. And black magic. Both Sm ith and Jirel were so popular w ith
the time, I think in the early thirties, when I bounced into readers that they demanded the pair meet. Moore obliged
C hicago he was fairly babbling and stuttering, he had no w ith Quest o f the Starston ein the Novem ber 1 9 3 7 W eird
time to greet me. He handed me C. L. Moore’s first manu­ Tales. It was not at first w idely know n that C: L. Moore’s
script and paced the floor and muttered as I read, and then initials stood for Catherine Lucille. A fan letter from an­
he closed shop and declared it 'C. L. Moore Day.”' The slush other w riter o f fantasy fiction, Henry Kuttner, was ad­
pile discovery was Sham bleau, the first o f the Northwest dressed to “Mr.” Moore. The confusion was sorted out and
Smith stories. The outlaw-spaceman hero rescues a girl the tw o w riters w ere married.
from a Martian mob but soon discovers she is not a girl at Among W rig h t’s other notable discoveries was a
all but a Shambleau, a bizarre female monster. Moore’s youthful Tennessee W illiam s, whose first published story,
w riting was richly atmospheric, full o f surreal imagery T h e V engeance o f Nitocris, appeared in the August 1928
and a grim nihilism. The Sm ith stories took the W eird Tales. In this short story about ancient Egypt, a deca­
Burroughsian vision o f interplanetary adventure—space­ dent pharaoh commits an angry-desecration o f the altar o f
ships and swords—and added in-depth characterisation Osiris and is torn to pieces by the outraged Theban citi­
and dark poetry. It was an astonishing series. Nearly, as zenry. His sister, the new Queen Nitocris, plots an elabo­
good were Moore's six tales o f Jirel o f Joiry, a sw ashbuck­ rate and satisfying but suicidal revenge. A fter much car­
ling swordswoman in an imaginary medieval world o f nage, the final paragraph is poignant:.
38 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

T herefore, upon h er en tran ce into th e p a la ce she Howard. Each man w ould have a relatively short w rit­
ing career—tw o w ould die untim ely deaths—and each
ordered her slaves to fill instantly her boudoir w ith hot
w ould produce a body o f w o rk o f stunning originality
and smoking ashes. W h en this had been done, she went
and im aginative brilliance.
to the room, en tered it, closed the door and locked it Howard Phillips Lovecraft was born on August 20,
securely, and then flu n g h erself dow n upon a couch in 1890, in Providence, Rhode Island. T h e Lovecrafts were

the cen ter o f the room. In a short tim e th e scorching an U sher-like clan o f crum bling aristocrats, touched by
madness and consumed by eccentricity. H. P.’s father was
heat and the suffocating thick fum es o f th e smoke
institutionalized, and his mother was neurotically ob­
overpow ered her. O nly her beautiful dead body re­ sessed w ith keeping her son from contact w ith the outside
m ained fo r th e hands o f th e mob. world. “I was very peculiar,” he w rote o f his younger self
T h e isolated child became a precocious reader in his
Not bad for a 14-year-old. grandfather’s old library, soaking up the lore in musty vol­
T h e January 1 9 3 5 issue o f W T included the profes­ umes on Greco-Roman mythology, the mysterious East,
sional debut o f another young author, Robert Bloch. A de­ and colonial N ew England. He adored the stories o f Edgar
voted reader o f the magazine since the age o f ten, Bloch Allan Poe, Jules Verne, and, later, Lord Dunsany, the Brit­
was a mainstay o f the letters column, called T h e Eyrie, and ish peer and fantast w ho w rote o f imaginary worlds, com­
as a m em ber o f the so-called Lovecraft C ircle—more plete w ith their ow n gods and myths. In his late 20s, still
about that in a moment—corresponded w ith many o f the reclusive and by conventional standards “peculiar,”
magazine’s leading contributors. “I saw m y first copy o f Lovecraft began w riting fantasy stories and sketches for
W eird Tales in August 1927,” Bloch recalls,“and its pages amateur publications. These came to the attention o f
opened up a w hole new w orld for m e ... It became a sort Henneberger, W eird Tales' founder, and he solicited sub­
o f nontheological Book o f Revelation. T h e sale o f m y first missions from the Rhode Island hermit. T h e han dw rit­
story to the magazine w as the most exciting event in my ten manuscripts Lovecraft sent in w ere dismissed by edi­
17-year-old life.” Bloch’s shocking T h e tor E d w in Baird but the publisher
Feast in the A b b e y was follow ed by 66 overruled him. T h e Lovecraft byline
other stories for W eird T ales—among appeared in W eird T ales for the first
them, such classics as Yours Truly, Ja c k time in the O ctober 1 9 2 3 issue, accom­
the Ripper, Enoch, and T h e Skull o f the panying a short story titled Dagon, an
M arquis de Sade—all distinguished by exercise in sheer h ysteria
the author’s mordant w it and ironic Henneberger saw clearly the man’s
prose style. enormous talent. Aside from buying
Three w riters in particular have everything Lovecraft initially subm it­
come to represent the great and unique ted, the publisher hired him to ghost­
qualities o f W eird Tales. T h ey are the w rite a story for W eird Tales' most fa­
holy trin ity o f W T : H. P. Lovecraft, mous contributor, Harry Houdini.
Clark A shton Sm ith, and Robert E. W ritten in a tongue-in-cheek but still
hair-raising style, Imprisoned with the
Pharaohs was finished, lost, and then
w ritten again from scratch on
Lovecraft’s w edding night. “W h en I buckled dow n to the
Above: Despite the magazine's often grim and gruesome under-the-pyramid stuff,” he joked to a correspondent, “I

contents, W eird Tales' most frequent cover artist Margaret let m yself loose and coughed up some o f the most name­
less, slithering, unmentionable H O R R O R that ever stalked
Brundage preferred the erotic to the horrific. H er distinctive
cloven-hoofed through the tenebrous and necrophagous
cover art was drawn with pastels.
abysses o f elder night." Lovecraft’s marriage, perhaps need­
Opposite: H. P. Lovecraft in the t g jo s . less to say, did not last long.
Above: Strange Talcs was Clayton's
answer to W eird Tales. Editor
Harry Bates used many of the W T
regulars, paying them more money,
more frequently.

Right: The November 1 9 3 5 W eird

Tales featured one of the popular
Conan stories by Robert E.
Howard. One of the magazine’s most
important regular contributors,
Howard ended his life abruptly at
the age 0/ 3 0 .

He hit his stride in the March 1 9 2 4 issue w ith T h e Rats sense o f reality by m aking many o f his narrators or pro­
in the W alls, the first o f his now-classic tales o f skin-crawl­ tagonists sober-sided rationalists—professional men or aca­
ing horror. The final, metrical sentence is a clear echo o f Poe: dem ics from the distinguished M iskatonic University,
home to one o f the hideous extant Necronomicons. W hen
T hey must know it was the rats; the slithering scurrying
people such as these bear witness, the monstrous happen­
rats whose scam pering will never let m e sleep; the daemon ings must be true. And in the M ythos stories, Lovecraft in­
rats that race behind the paddin g in this room and beckon stills a disturbing afterglow—w hatever the conclusion of

me down to greater horrors than l have ever known; the an individual story, the reader realises that the foul A n­
cient Ones are still out there somewhere, w aiting to return.
rats they can never hear; the rats, the rats in the walls.
However, regardless o f these and other entertainer’s calcu­
Lovecraft’s greatest work belongs to an unofficial story cycle lations, the real pow er in Lovecraft’s w ork doubtless came
that has come to be know n as “The Cthulhu Mythos” Re­ from a deeper source. M any o f the horrific concepts and the
shaping and expanding on ideas culled from the w ritings grotesque imagery in the stories Lovecraft witnessed in his
o f Dunsany, A rthur Machen, and Robert W . Chambers, dreams, and the continuing themes o f madness and famil­
Lovecraft created a series offictions that, he wrote,“are based ial decay w ere obviously matters o f personal concern for
on the fundamental lore or legend that this w orld was in­ the writer.
habited at one time by another race who, in practicing black A fter the end o f his b rie f marriage and “period o f ex­
magic, lost their foothold and were expelled, yet live on out­ ile,” as he called his wedded stay in Brooklyn, N ew York,
side ever ready to take possession, o f this earth again." Lovecraft returned to the fam ily home in Providence,
Lovecraft’s exiled beings, the A ncient Ones, w ith such Rhode Island, forever. He resided w ith his tw o elderly
names as Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth, continually aunts, his living expenses barely met by a small inheritance
and horrifically return to Earth w ith the assistance o f igno­ and the pittance he made from the sale o f his pulp stories.
rant or evil mortals. Their bios and the secrets o f the planet’s He had few acquaintances and no further intimate contacts
dread early history are contained in the mouldering pages w ith women. But Lovecraft was an obsessive letter-writer,
o f the few remaining copies o f the mad A rab Abdul and formed an epistolary relationship w ith a large net­
Alha^red’s ancient volume T h e Necronomicon. The first in­ w o rk o f W eird T ales fans and fellow writers, including
stallment in the Mythos, T h e Call o f Cthulhu (W T , Febru­ August Derleth, E. Hoffmann Price, H enry W hitehead,
ary 19 28) is eerie enough but distanced by a series o f narra­ Clark A shton Sm ith, Robert Howard, Bernard Austin
tive frames. T h e Dunwich Horror, published in April 1929, D w yer, J. Vernon Shea—the Lovecraft Circle, as it was
has a more direct impact, w ith its rampaging “teratologically k n o w n Depending on the correspondent, his letters could
fabulous" monsters. The story was inspired in part by a trip be acidulous or sweet. He encouraged many an aspiring
Lovecraft took to western Massachusetts in the area o f Athol, w riter and helped the talented ones break into print, in­
w hich he transformed into the infernal Cold Spring Glen, cluding a teenaged Robert Bloch
home to the “repellently decadent" Whateleys. The theme O n March 15, 1937, the 46-year-old Lovecraft died
o f death and rebirth, the nasty nativity and crucifixion o f from intestinal cancer and Bright’s disease A t the time o f his
the Yog-Sothoth-fathered creature, can be read as an outra­ death, Lovecraft was little know n beyond the readership o f
geous remake o f Christian myth. The story cycle continued the “tasteless” W eird Tales, and his passing w ent unnoticed
w ith T he W hisperer in Darkness, T he Shadow over Innsmouth, by the media and the literary establishment. O nly many
A t the Mountains o f Madness, T h e H aunter o f the D ark (in years later, w ith countless worldw ide republications and
w hich he kills o ff his real-life correspondent and acolyte translations o f his work, did he come to be seen as the great­
Robert Bloch), and a half-do7,en other loosely connected est w riter o f horror stories since Edgar Allan Poe.
Lovecraft affected a dispassionate attitude toward the IKE L O V E C R A F T , C lark A shton Sm ith w as a
supernatural and denied any personal, psychological im­
pulse for his work. T o be sure, much o f the terrifying effec­
L hermetic personality and ill at ease in the 20th cen­
tury. He lived most o f his life w ith his parents in a primitive
tiveness o f his fiction comes from skilled storytelling. cabin in rural Auburn, California, near the gold mines o f
Lovecraft cleverly gave the god-awful events a heightened Placer County. In this unlikely region, the self-educated
Clark Ashton Smith, E. Hoffmann Price, Edmond Hamilton, (W T, May 1932), for instance, an electrifying tale o f a
Jack Williamson, and Monte Lindsley, in Auburn, group o f archaeologists encountering leechlike, skull­

California, 1 9 4 0 . sucking monsters in an aeon-deserted M artian catacomb,

is pure scream-out-loud entertainment. But his most char­
acteristic and singular w o rk w as com plex, profound,
Smith became a highly regarded poet o f fin de siecle tradi- haunted by specters o f loss and regret. H is settings are
tional verse His first book o f poetry, T h e St ar'T reader and often w orlds on the eve o f destruction, his dying-race
O ther Poems, was published in 1 9 1 2 w hen he was 19. It characters “grow n hopeless o f all but o bliv ion " T h e ma­
was not until the late 1920s, after a strangely affecting levolent and pow erful w izards and necromancers w ho
experience in the Donner Pass in the Sierras, that Sm ith figure in many o f the tales are at the end o f their reign,
began to w rite his otherworldly fiction. For the next doz,en resigned and melancholic. T h ere is M alygris, the m agi­
years or so, he became a regular and acclaimed contributor cian o f T h e Last Incantation, w hose reviving o f the long-
to W eird Tales and to the handful o f pulps dedicated to dead girl he loved in his youth is a soul-shattering disas­
science fiction and fantasy. ter—“He could believe no longer in love or youth or
Most o f Sm ith’s 1 1 0 stories w ere set in one o f four beauty, and even the memory o f these things was a dubi-
w holly imagined earthly locales: Zothique, the last barely table mirage, a thing that m ight or might not have been.”
habitable continent in a fading future w here magic has In T h e M aze o f M aal D w eb, a tour de force o f compact
replaced science; Poseidonis, one o f the isles o f doomed im agining and descriptive power, a valiant young man
Atlantis; medieval Averoigne; and the prehistoric polar o f X iccarph pursues his kidnapped lover to the danger­
continent o f Hyperborea. In addition, there w ere several ous labyrinth o f a tyrant-wizard. In a stunning climax, the
jaunts to the extra-terrestrial settings o f Mars and planet brave hero is suddenly, h orribly defeated and the per­
Xiccarph. Sm ith could w rite conventional horror-show spective abruptly sw itches to evil Maal D w eb himself,
fiction, and he created some o f the most grotesque and un­ rueful and alone w ith his metal automatons: “A nd it may
settling beasts in the literature. T h e Vaults o f Yoh'Vombis have been that there w ere times w hen he w earied a little

even o f this, and preferred the silence o f the petrified the age o f 61, but continued to lead a relatively isolated life
women, or the muteness o f the beasts that could no longer in the backwoods o f California, and died there in 1961
call themselves men" N ostalgia and psychic pain haunt W h y he gave up w riting has never been explained.
another o f Sm ith’s m asterworks, T h e E m pire o f th e N ec­

romancers, arguably his greatest story. M matmuor and O B E R T E. H O W A R D , the third member o f the
Sodosma, tw o black magicians capable o f raising the r W eird Tales triumvirate, wrote horror and fantastic
dead, attempt to create their ow n kingdom from the de­ fiction in a variety o f styles, some o f it clearly in homage to
ceased citizens o f a c ity doomed by plague. T h e corrupt Lovecraft, but the m ajority o f his w ork belonged to the
w izards succeed, filling their kingdom w ith a populace genre o f heroic fantasy, now generally referred to as sword -
of resurrected skeletons and plague-scarred corpses. But and-sorcery. T he style derived in part from the interplan­
the dead, longing to return to their interrupted sleep, rebel etary romances o f Edgar Rice Burroughs, the exotic and
and the necromancers are given their ju st desserts: supernatural-tinged adventure stories o f Talbot Mundy,
and the historical tales o f Mongol barbarians by Harold
Hestaiyon lifted the great sword and struck o ff the head of
Lamb. Howard’s stories w ere intensely imagined, action-
Mmatmuor and the head o f Sodosma, each with a single packed, blood-drenched epics, w ritten in a grand, vivid
blow. Then, as had been directed, he quartered the muscular prose that fairly leapt o ff the page He created a
remains with mighty strokes. A n d the necromancers gave number o f invincible, pitiless warrior-heroes: Bran Mak
Morn, leader o f the Caledonian Piets against the legions o f
up their unclean lives, and lay supine, without movement,
ancient Rome, Solomon Kane, an Elizabethan Puritan, bat
adding a deeper red to the rose and a brighter hue to the
tling savagery and the supernatural in darkest Africa; Kull,
sad purple o f their couches. a king in ancient Atlantis; and his most famous and success­
ful creation, Conan, the barbarian adventurer. Conan lived
Sm ith had the poet’s love o f rare words and elaborate
in the H yborian Age o f some 12,000 years ago, a time o f
imagery. His best w ork has a narcotic, incantatory effect
magic and monsters, spectacular violence, and exclusively
on the reader. “Take one step across the threshold o f his sto­
voluptuous women. There were 17 Conan stories o f vari­
ries," Ray Bradbury has w ritten,“and you plunge into color,
ous lengths published in W eird Tales, and Howard devel­
sound, taste, smell, and texture—into language.” Sm ith v ir­
oped the series in non-chronological order, taking the char­
tually ceased w riting fiction after 1937. He occupied him ­
acter back and forth from youth to middle age, and through
self w ith other things, including the carving o f grotesque
various forms o f employment, including mercenary, thief,
sculptures, now highly priced by collectors. He married at
pirate, and king.
Howard claimed to have based Conan on various
roughnecks he encountered in his Texas homeland, but
there w as psychic autobiography involved as w ell—in
Munsey's Fantastic
dreams Howard recurringly saw him self as an ancient bar­
Novels was made up
barian—and the author’s passionate b elief in his material
of decades-old serials
gives the Conan stories their undeniable v ivacity and
originally printed in force. In Queen o f the Black Coast, drifting on a dark poison
Argosy and All- river in search o f a treasure-laden lost city, an unusually
Story. T he issue for loquacious Conan states his life’s philosophy, and defines
January 1 9 4 1 had a the character's wish-fulfillm ent appeal:
cover by Virgil Finlay,
“Let me live deep w hile I live: let me know the rich juices
best known for his
o f red meat and stinging wine on my palate, the hot
interior illustrations in
Weird Tales. em brace o f w hite arms, and the m ad exultation o f battle
when the blue blades flam e and crimson, and la m
content. Let teachers and priests and philosophers brood
G olden B lood

over questions o f reality and illusion. I know this: if life is he took out a Colt .380 he had borrowed from a friend,
thumbed the safety, placed the barrel in his mouth, and
an illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus,
pulled the trigger.
the illusion is real to me. I live. I burn with life, I love, I
Jack Scott, a young Cross Plains reporter and an ac­
slay, and am content." quaintance o f Robert’s, arrived at the Howard house a

Robert Ervin Howard w as born in 1 9 0 6 in the small short time later. He recalled for me w hat happened next:

Texas tow n o f Peaster. W h en Robert w as nine, the family It was a news story and I was running a new spaper here
moved to Cross Plains, w here he lived w ith his mother and
and I was a stringer for A ssociated Press. I went down
father for the rest o f his life. He had been interested in w rit­
and the yard was filling with people already. Robert was
ing from a very early age and was greatly inspired by
books o f history and W estern lore and the stories in A d ­ sitting in the front seat o f the car and h e’d blown his
venture magazine. Spear and Fang, his first sale to W eird brains out. I was standing in the yard w hen the J P —the
Tales, was printed in the issue for Ju ly 192 5 , and from
Ju stice o f the Peace—cam e out o f the house and called me
1 9 2 8 his byline appeared in the magazine an average o f
in, said, ‘ I want to ask you something." T h e J P acted as a
eight times a year. A lthough W eird T ales was his most
sympathetic market, H ow ard—unlike Lovecraft or coroner in those small towns and he had to render a
Sm ith—considered him self a professional pulp w riter and verdict on cause o f death. Fie took me into H ow ard’s room
in addition to his fantastic material he w rote and sold ad­ and showed me a piece o f p ap er rolled into the typew riter
venture, W estern, detective, and sports stories.
with some words on it and asked me to read it. It was a
Howard grew up to be a large, strong young man and
little poem:
indulged in the usual masculine rites o f hunting, fishing,
and drinking, but he clearly stood apart from the simple
farmers and small-town mentalities o f Cross Plains. Many “A ll fled, all done, so lift me on the pyre;

considered the moody, inw ard w riter for suspect pulp T h e feast is over, and the lamps expire."
magazines to be—in one resident’s term—“a weirdie.’’ As
Howard once wrote, “It is no light thing to enter into a pro­ A n d then the J P —he was just a fin e farm er, not a literary
fession absolutely foreign to the people among w hich one’s m an—says, “W hat does ’p y re’ mean?" A n d I told him it
lot is cast ” His love life—or lack o f it—has been the subject
meant Robert had killed himself. A n d the JP says, "Yep,"
o f much speculation, and Howard w as know n to have
and rendered the verdict. Robert's mother died that
been devoted to his dom ineering mother to an unusual
degree. He was prone to bouts o f despairing self-reflection evening and they w ere buried in a double funeral.
and spoke o f suicide on a number o f occasions. Depression
did not slow his productivity, however, and from his bat­ Robert Howard was 3 0 years old.
tered Underwood flow ed thousands o f pages o f fiction,
verse, and correspondence.

EIRD T A L E S was not a financially reliable
In the spring o f 1936, Mrs. Howard became gravely
market for writers. T h e “payment on publica­
ill. O n the morning of June 1 l.after a sleepless night at his
tion” policy often became “payment w henever" Regular
comatose mother’s bedside, Robert w as informed that she
contributors w ere sometimes ow ed for five or six pub­
would never recover. A t the typew riter in his w orkroom
lished stories. Pathetic payment plans w ere sometimes
he w rote some lines o f poetry, then w ent outside to the
offered. Jack W illiam son, ow ed $ 6 0 0 for his serialised
family’s '31 Chevrolet sedan. From the glove compartment.
novel Golden Blood, was eventually paid o ff in $50-per-
month installments. “T h ey ju st never had any money,”
Opposite: ‘ What a gorgeous splash of color," wrote W eird says W illiam son. He visited the C hicago office and found
Tales editor Farnsworth Wright of this J. Allen St. John cover the circum stances very modest. “There was a tiny ante­
painting. "The golden yellow tiger, the vivid green of Vekyra's room and tw o small offices, one for Farnsw orth W right,
robe and intense crimson of M alikar’s garment. Allah!" one for Bill Sprenger, the business manager. There w as no
46 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

secretary, no assistant editors” In search o f another for­ Hugh Cave’s feverish tale o f vampires at the Gray Toad Inn,
mula for success, W rig h t started an adventure-fantasy and Jack W illiam son’s sw ift and savage w erew olf novella,
magazine, Oriental Stories. W ith its specialised content W olves of Darkness. Clayton ran into massive financial prob­
and W T stable o f contributors, this w as no less idiosyn­ lems in this period and after seven issues Strange Tales
cratic than W eird T ales and no more successful. It was folded along w ith the rest o f the Clayton chain. Macfadden
retooled and retitled T h e M agic C arpet M agazine after published Ghost Stories, w ith a narrow subject matter,
nine issues and expired after another five. W eird Tales mostly poor stories, and a short life Better Publications put
was sold in 1 9 3 8 and editorial offices w ere moved from out a short-lived and lousy fantasy magazine called Strange
Chicago to N ew Y o rk Farnsw orth W rig h t stayed w ith Stories. Late in 1939, Munsey came up w ith an economical
the magazine but was fired in late 1939. He died not long title, Famous Fantastic Mysteries, w hich reprinted famous as
after from com plications related to an experim ental brain well as forgotten material from W orld W ar I-era issues o f
operationThe magazine lasted until Septem ber 1954, but Munsey’s Argosy and All-Story, including stories by A.
never again attained the greatness o f its first dozjen years. Merritt and Ralph Milne Farley.
O nly a few publications ever tried to follow in W eird In March 1939, tw o decades after the demise o f the
Tales' footsteps. Clayton Publications brought out Strange pioneering pulp T h e T hrill Book, Street & Sm ith returned
Tales in September 1931. Editor Harry Bates lured the best to the realm o f the fantastic w ith Unknown, another
W T writers w ith pay rates o f tw o cents a word and actual trailblaz;ing effort and the only magazine to bear artistic
paychecks as w ell Lovecraft failed to measure up but Smith comparison w ith W eird Tales. Unknown was edited by
and Howard made several sales. Bates preferred streamlined John W . Campbell, the brilliant science-fiction w riter and
prose and fast-paced action, exemplified by Murgunstrumm, innovative editor o f Astounding Science-Fiction. Campbell,
the futurist, had a predictable disdain for w hat he saw as
the antique tone o f much o f the fiction in W T . He w rote a
note to potential contributors, disparaging his legendary
rival: "Unknown is not going to be science fiction, nor is it
going to be another W eird Tales. That’s genuinely fact; not
a b o ast... I do not w ant old-fashioned, 19th-century w rit­
ing, the kind that has burdened fantasy steadily in Weird
Tales. I do not w ant unpleasant gods and godlings w ith
penchants for vivisection, and nude and beauteous maid­
ens to be sacrificed.”
W h at he did w ant and published in the pages o f U n­
known w ere m ostly modern-dress and, b y his definition,
“logical” fantasy and horror stories, many w ith a strongly
ironic perspective. Robert Bloch, for instance, began to ex­
press in Unknown the sardonic sense o f hum or he had
kept largely in check at W eird Tales. Sim ilarly, the heroic
fantasies o f Cam pbell discovery F rit 2; Leiber, Jr, featur­
ing the adventures o f the w arrior Fafhrd and feisty side-
k ick the G ray Mouser, brought w it and fallibility to R ob­
ert E. H ow ard’s Conan country. “Cam pbell didn’t really
w ant that sort o f material in U nknow n,” says Leiber, the
man w ho coined the term sword-and-sorcery, “but he ap­
preciated the humor and the tone in my w ritin g ... He
had a certain humorous slant on things. M y story Conjure
Robert E. Howard of Cross Plains, Texas. W ife, about housew ives as modern w itches, started w ith
Cam pbell talking to me about all the things w om en kept
in their handbags.”

Cam pbell bought from a num ber o f W T veterans

(Manly W ad e W ellm an, Seabury Q uinn, C. L. Moore,
Bloch), but most Unknown contributions came from his
ow n A stounding stable (Robert Heinlein, Theodore Stur­
geon, A. E. Van Vogt, A lfred Bester, etc.). Campbell had an
unusually precise, detailed idea o f the sort o f things he
wanted to buy. Typ ical o f the high standards o f his Un­
known purchases w ere the stories by L. Ron Hubbard,
w hose T ypew riter in the Sky was a daz^lingly clever ac­
count o f a man trapped inside the pirate story being w rit­
ten to deadline by his pulp hack roommate. The sky booms
ominously w ith the sound o f typew riter keys as the pro­
tagonist desperately tries to alter the story’s formulaic cli­
max and avoid being murdered by a fictional buccaneer
hero. T h e plot is all the more entertaining for Hubbard’s
satiric jabs at him self and other speed-demon pulp pros.
Equally good, in an entirely different style, was Hubbard’s
JfM A G IC gripping exercise in psychological suspense, sim ply titled
Fear, in w h ich a skeptical ethnology professor seemingly
encounters a m enacing collection o f horrific demons.
Hubbard sustains the tension and mystery almost to the
last paragraph
Unknown—or Unknown W orlds after a title m odifica­
tion—was not very successful. Brilliant as many o f his edi­
torial decisions w ere, John Cam pbell had a w ide preten­
tious streak and tried hard to disassociate his magazines
from the pulp fam ily tree. T o this end, he decided to dis­
pense w ith Unknoum’s illustrated covers in favor o f a
stark logo and list o f contents. T h is “dignified” w rapper
made Unknown look more like a medical journal than a
fantasy fiction magazine; Cam pbell must have thought
it w ould scare aw ay the riffraff U nknown closed dow n
Top: T he only serious rival to after its 39th issue.
W eird Tales’ supremacy in the
horror and fantasy field was

E SP IT E T H E P R E SE N C E o f brilliant w riters and
Unknown. Begun in 1939 as a an overabundance o f greatly entertaining stories,
companion to Astounding Science none o f the horror and fantasy pulps w ere moneymakers.
Fiction, Unknown shared A large audience for this type o f material sim ply could not

Astounding's brilliant editor, John be found. T w o o f H. P. Lovecraft’s correspondents and

devotees, A ugust Derleth and Donald W andrei, became
determined to seethe deceased w riter’s best w ork put into
Above: From the publishers of book form. No publisher w as interested. Derleth and
W eird Tales came the short-lived W and rei decided to publish such a book themselves and
Oriental Stories and its successor, formed A rkham House for that purpose. T h e Lovecraft
Magic C arpet Both magazines volume, w ith few er than 1,300 copies printed, took four
offered exotic adventure stories. years to sell out.
East o f Borneo,
W est o f the Pecos

Sailors from ships flying all the known flags w ere packed

several deep at the bar. T obacco and opium smoke mingled in

thick layers. T h e air smelled richly o f sweating, unwashed

humanity, o f the harbor mud at low tide, o f stale beer and

spilled whisky, gin and arrack, and it smelled, above

all, o f Singapore.

—M u r d e r e r 's P a r a d is e by G eorge F. W o rts

^ E R E IS B U T O N E adventure story,” wrote pulp

T pro H enry Kuttner, “and it is laid in the South Seas. I

used to see it every w eek ... a mysterious map, a cannibal
island, a sunken treasure, a beautiful girl, a crew o f Lascars...
and an octopus or two." Kuttner was kidding, more or less,
although the pulps did have a fondness for tropic ports and
unshaven heroes in pith helmets and w hite linen suits. The
adventure genre actually covered a very broad domain—
50 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

every era in history from Pharaonic Egypt to Bolshevik names in the field w rote from firsthand experience. W ar
Russia, every exo tic locale from D eath V alley to the heroes w rote w ar stories, pilots w rote flying stories, sail­
Himalayas, every dangerous occupation from telephone ors w rote tales o f the sea, and cow boys w rote Westerns.
lineman to pirate. Editors eagerly pointed out w h ich w riter had lost an eye
T h e vicarious adventurer could p ick his thrills from in the battle at Belleau W ood, w h ich one w as ju st back
a huge stack o f magazines, at the bottom o f w h ich w ere from T ah iti or tiger-hunting in Kumaon. Theodore Roscoe,
any num ber o f cheap W estern and knockabou t action one o f Argosy’s leading contributors, was a globe-trotting
titles, and at the top four eclectic-content publications— journalist. “I was always catching a freighter to some­
A dventure, Argosy, Blue Book, and Short Stories—consid­ where," he recalled for me. “Europe, Africa, South America
ered to be the crow n jew els o f the pulp world. These four ...” Roscoe w ent to H aiti to investigate voodoo ceremonies,
offered higher pay—three or four times the norm —and resulting in a pair o f excellent Argosy serials, A G rave Must
prestige, at least b y rough-paper standards, and in return Be D eep and Z Is for Zombie. H is T hibaut Corday series—
demanded “slick" quality prose and story construction, ironic, almost M aughamesque short stories about the
realism, and authenticity. T h e regular contributors to the French Foreign Legion—grew out o f a trip to French Mo­
top adventure m agazines w ere the pulp com m unity’s rocco and A lgeria “I w ent to the Legion headquarters at
elite, and many a successful pulpster w ould fail to ever Sidi bel A bbes and to a place called Biskra in the desert,
crack this lofty m arket even after years o f trying. “A d v en ­ listening to stories, taking notes. There was a small w ar
ture bounced my stories tim e w ith o u t end,” w rote E. w ith the A rabs going on but all the Legionnaires I saw

H offman Price, best know n for his fantasy fictio n in w ere w orking pick and shovel, building a road. Glamor­
W eird Tales,“until came the one w h ich w as authentic, the ous, no. In Casablanca I met an old Legionnaire w ith hash-
one in w h ich I clearly knew w hat I w as talking about." marks up to his elbow. He had been in the Legion forever
T h e readership, too, logically enough, w as several cuts and had a thousand stories. I used him as the prototype for
above the average, know ledgeable about history, geogra­ my narrator, Corday.”
phy, weapons, etc, evidenced by the learned and some­ For those w ithout personal experience to fictionalize,
times vituperative correspondence columns. T h e readers diligent research was called for and it could mean much
read w ith a kind o f engagement and seriousness that more than a few trips to the library. T h e introverted Carl
hardly exists today, and they w ere ever ready to pounce Jacobi w rote dozens o f convincingly detailed tales o f con­
on a w riter w ho d idn’t get his facts straight. temporary Borneo and N ew Guinea w ithout ever ventur­
W ith the demand for realistic and authoritative ad­ ing beyond his hometown o f Minneapolis. Aside from con­
venture stories, it is not surprising that many o f the top sulting the appropriate published w orks on the subject—
Right: Theodore Roscoe, aboard a
freighter off the coast of Honduras,
circa 1 9 3 2 .

Opposite: From the North African

outposts of the French Foreign
Legion to the tropic isles of the
South Seas, Adventure’s W riters
Brigade roamed the world.

H om e Life o f a Borneo H ead Hunter, Ju n gle Wallah, etc.— fered at least 2 0 years o f dependably exciting—if some­
Jacobi solicited background info through correspondence times blandly exciting—male-oriented stories. The most
w ith the same sort ofpith-helm eted colonials he was w rit­ popular pulp w riters—Edgar R ice Burroughs and Max
ing about. His letters o f inquiry to the back o f beyond trav­ Brand at the summit, Johnston McCulley, Luke Short, Otis
eled by ocean liner, coastal freighter, river launch, and—for A delbert Kline, etc.—were w ell represented in the pages
the final leg through the jungle—by native runner, a jou r­ o f the Munsey flagship. Short Stories, previously a literary
ney o f three months’ time, w ith another three or four journal, turned pulp in 1 9 1 0 and had a long and distin­
months needed for Jacobi to receive his reply. T h e results, guished run under the editorial guidance o f H arry E.
though, w ere w orth it—long detailed letters from lonely Maule. Blue Book had also had a pre-pulp incarnation, as a
traders and district officers, full o f biz,arre local customs genteel, general interest periodical, before sw itching to
and violent incidents—“Dear Mr. Ja c o b i... In the middle rough paper and strictly masculine fare. It published many
Sepik between Origam bi and the R iver there is a strong o f the top names in adventure and historical w riting, in­
secret society called ‘Sanguman.’ T h ey practice killing, the cluding Brand and other Faustian bylines, P. C. W ren o f
motive for w hich is not understood y e t...” It then took only Beau Geste fame, Achmed A bdullah (The W h ite Russian/
Jacobi’s artful craftsmanship to turn this material into gems Afghani author o f T h e T h ief o f B agdad and numerous ex­
like Spider W ires and East o f Samarinda. otic pulp tales o f hatchet men and opium dens in N ew
O f the four distinguished general adventure pulps, York’s Chinatow n), and the prolific H. Bedford-Jones,
Argosy, the fiction magazine that started the pulp era, had whose specialty w as the m ilitary and warfare through the
settled into an all-adventure format in the 1920s and of­ ages.
52 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

Below: W estern stories were overall the most popular of all couraged to submit their resumes. “There’s not much to say
forms of pulp fiction. about me," w rote Magda Leigh, one o f the magazine's few
wom en writers. T m ju st one o f those freaks. I should have
Opposite: "Thrilling" was a favorite word of Standard
been a man and wasn’t. I love the sea and ships far better
Publications. It was applied not only to spy stories, but love, than anything else in the world, w ith the exception ol my
mystery, detective, and W estern stories as well. daughter.... T h e strange part o f it all is that I ve never been
shipwrecked. I’ve been through a South Am erican revo­
lution (I adored it!), and any number o f earthquakes, and
even plague, but the sea has treated
me kindly.” A nother back:of-the-book
column was “A sk Adventure," a ques-
tion-and-answer information service
w herein the magazine’s far-flung “staff
The best o f the adventure magazines, o f experts” replied to queries about ev­
and inarguably one o f the handful o f erything from bicycle repair to croco­
great pulp publications, was Adventure. dile trapping. The “Lost Trails” depart­
One o f many magazines put out by a ment allowed readers to advertise for
division o f a dress-pattern company, information about missing relatives
Adventure debuted w ith an issue dated and long-lost friends. Hoffman created
Novem ber 1910. The first editor, a veterans’ “minute men” netw ork that
Trum bull W hite, was an outdoorsman became the national organization The
and explorer, and wanderlust got the Am erican Legion. He established and
better o f him after less than a year. He printed updated information about so-
was replaced by a magazine pro named called Camp Fire Stations, scattered ad­
Arthur Sullivant Hoffman. Hoffman was an “indoorsman," dresses w here peripatetic readers could pick up their mail,
but he knew good stories from bad and he knew how to cadge a meal or a bunk, and swap tall tales w ith kindred
find them He sought adventure fiction that would meet spirits. These and other practical or romantic services fos­
the high literary standards set by recent masters o f the tered a reader involvement and loyalty that w ere know n
form—Rider Haggard, Robert Louis Stevenson, Kipling, to few other magazines.
Jack London. “It was slow work. T h e budget was very W h ile Hoffman and his editorial team were
small—far too small to compete for stories o f the best deskbound on the top floor o f the Butterick Building, on
know n w riters or even for the average stories o f the Spring and Thom pson in N ew York, far from camp fires
smooth-paper magazines. W e gave our first and best atten­ or crocodiles, adventure sometimes came to them. On one
tion to stories from unknow n writers.” occasion, an A frican chieftain in full regalia arrived at
Hoffman did more than find first-rate fiction for his Hoffman’s office, demonstrated a w ar dance, took umbrage
magazine. He made innovative use o f A dventure’s back- at something—perhaps he had a story rejected—and began
matter pages, previously considered the place for expend­ firing a rifle at random in the hallways.
able filler. Together w ith his assistant editor, Sinclair A m ong A dven tu re’s regular contributors—Hoffman
Lew is—the future w inner o f the N obel Prize for litera­ called them his W riters Brigade—w ere Harold Lamb,
ture—Hoffman devised several popular and much im i­ w ritin g lusty adventures o f K hlit the Cossack and vari­
tated editorial departments intended to make interactive ous other hyperactive barbarians; G ordon Young, w ho
contact between the magazine and its readers. T h e Camp w rote about hard-boiled H urricane W illiam s, a n ih ilis­
Fire, ostensibly a letters column, became a rambunctious tic South Seas drifter; A rthur O. Friel, specializing in dan­
open house w here editors, writers, and readers exchanged gerous expeditions to the A m azon and O rinoco; W . C.
comments, critiques, and sometimes insults. T h e Camp Fire Tuttle, the M ark T w ain o f the pulp cow boy story; M ajor
gave writers a chance to detail the biographical or factual M alcolm W heeler-N icholson, late o f the U.S. A rm y cav­
context for their stories, and new contributors w ere en­ alry, turning some o f his many m ilitary exploits into ex-

citing fiction. (The last-named w riter w ent on to have an

injuriou s effect on the entire pulp industry w hen, in
193 4 , he turned entrepreneur and produced the w orld’s
first original material com ic book, N ew Fun.) A nother
A dventure favorite, Anglo-Italian Rafael Sabatini, made
his mark in the issue for June 3 ,1 9 2 1 , and his first install­
ment in the life o f sw ashbuckling Captain Peter Blood.
A n Irish doctor w ith a sea-roving past, Blood is arrested
for treating the w ounds o f a British traitor and packed o ff
to the slave mart on the W est Indian isle o f Barbados. He
escapes in a fierce revolt, commandeers a Spanish ship,
and turns buccaneer. T h e original nine stories o f Captain
Blood, each subtitled A T ale o f the B rethren o f th e Main,
w ere sunscorched daydreams crow ded w ith daggling
imagery—full-masted galleons on turquoise Caribbean,
gleaming cutlasses, w h ite sand beaches, lustrous pieces o f
eight—aimed straight at the pleasure centers o f arm chair
escapists. A dventure later printed Sabatini’s biographies
o f Casanova and S ir W alter Raleigh and serialiged his
epic novel, T h e Sea H aw k.
O f the many W estern w riters appearing in A dventure
none w as more popular or prolific than W alt Coburn. Be­
ginning in 1922, he w rote more than eight hundred nov­
elettes for A dventure as well as the other leading adven­
ture and W estern pulps. Coburn’s prose style and plotting
were often crude, but his characters, the tangential details,
and the sights and smells he put into his W estern stories
seemed to come straight from the range. In a field full o f
secondhand stereotyping, Coburn enlivened cow boy fic­
tion w ith quirky authenticity, as in this passage from T own

Sundown fetch ed him into the broken country south o f the

Little Rockies. Long ridges spotted with scrub pines. Long
draws thick with brush. It was the fall o f the year and
berries w ere ripe. W ild currants, green gooseberries
turning mahogany brown. C hokecherries tn clumps so
thick he had to ride around them. Brice would lean from
his saddle and scoop his hand full o f berries. H unger
wasn't bothering him much. A cowpuncher gets accus­
tomed to going for a day or two without grub.

Coburn was, in fact, an honest-to-God cow boy. His

father had settled Last Chance Gulch, w here Helena, M on­
tana, now stands. W alt had been a w rangler on ranches all
over the W est (w ith time o ff to ride w ith Pancho Villa’s
E A S T O F B O R NE O ' . W E S T OF T HE P E C O S 55

army) and claimed that many o f his pulp yarns he had first - hijaptting tales o f high adventure w ith fascinating char­
heard told by old-timers in the bunkhouse. Most o f his acters and v ivid w ord pictures o f the “exotic East" His
characters Were unglamorous roughnecks and they drank w ork Was further distinguished by its lack o f colonial con-
a corisiderable amount o f alcohol, a trait they shared w ith ’ formism, the so rt'o f cant and racism endemic to British
their creator He wrote every morning, six days a week, and Empire stories. M undy’s recurring cast o f Orientals—the
always w ith a bottle o f “hooch” w ithin arm’s reach. Dur­ crafty babu Chullunder Ghose, the Mata Hari—like
ing Prohibition, Coburn used to hide a stock o f tequila in Yasmini, the fearless w arrior Narayan Singh, among
the stove o f his Arizona cottage. O ne time a pulp editor them—are at least as fully and sympathetically drawn as
from N ew York came to visit, there was a chill, and W alt his assorted Anglo-A m erican Secret Service aces and
thoughtlessly fired up the stove. It exploded, nearly kill­ W h ite Hunters, -
ing the visiting tenderfoot. In the mid-'20s, he began w riting historical fiction, the
Perhaps the most significant member o f A dven tu res saga o f Tros o f Sam olhrace, a Greek adventurer and nem­
W riters Brigade was Talbot Mundy, w^iose long associa­ esis ofju liu s Caesar. T h e Tros series, totaling a mighty half-
tion w ith the magazine began in the February 1 9 1 1 issue a-million words in A dventure, was as pleasurable a read­
w ith a non-ffction sketch,'Pig Sticking in India, .only the ing experience as any the pulps ever offered. Mundy’s char­
second piece he had ever written, and continued w ith acterisation o f Caesar as “a liar, a brute, a treacherous hum­
scores.of stories and serialised novels. He was another ad­ bug” brought forth a deluge o f angry letters from history
venturous, larger-than-life character, as A rthur Hoffman buffs and Caesarians. Printed in T h e Cam p Eire in numer­
made clear in his savory introduction to the w riter’s first ous issues, the letters necessitated Mundy’s w riting some
contribution: ten thousand words—presum ably unpaid for—o f be-

Shake hands. with Mr. M undy—there i$ only time for me

to whisper these words in your ear: A n Englishman,
India, China, the Himalayas, Singapore, the Straits
Settlements, Persian Gulf, the Boer W a r . . . elephant .
hunting, pigsticking, single-handed yachting, twd cam ­
paigns against A frican tribes'. . .

M undy was a colorful character, all right, but he had

seriously misrepresented the facts o f his early life.Far from
the lordly soldier and sportsman h e claimed to have been,
Mundy in his India-Africa period was a con man, ivory
, poacher, bigamist, and deportee. In “British East”, the A fri­
cans gave him a Sw ahili nickname, M akundu V iazi—
W hite Arse. He began to w rite w hile healing from a skull-
fracture he received under sordid circumstances in N ew
York’s nptorious Gas House d istrict In America he remade
himself, changed his name, put the reprobate career behind
him, and became a best-selling adventure novelist and be­
atific Theosophist
Mundy worked primarily in Kipling-Haggard terri­
to ry -co lo n ia l India, the Northwest Frontier, East Africa.
His best novels in this vein,King—o f the K hyher Rifle^Om,
T h e Devil's Guard (Ramsden in magazine form), were ex-

Left: Ranch-hand-turned-wnter W alt Coburn.

Right: Talbot Mundy in Jerusalem, 1 9 2 0 .

56 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

mused rebuttal. I f nothing else, the scholarly back-and- 'H E A D V E N T U R E PU LPS follow ed the trend
forth illustrated the erudition o f the pulp magazine’s read­ tow ard specialization in the 1 9 2 0 s and 1930s. A t
ership Tros’ exploits w ere also read by fledgling writers one tim e or another, there w ere pulps devoted entirely to
such as Robert Howard and Fritz Leiber and would influ­ tales oP’darkest A frica” (J ungle Stories, Thrills o f the Jungle),
ence the development o f the sword-and-sorcery genre. inscrutable A sia (Far East A dventures),pirates (Pirate Sto­
“The Tros stories made a great impression on me as a young ries), beachcom bers (South Seas Stories), boxing (Fight Sto­
man,’’ recalls Leiber. "I read and re-read them I can still p ic­ ries), the ancient past (Golden Fleece), and the French For­
ture the ship Tros built, called the Liafail, a m agnificent eign Legion (Foreign Legion A dventures). T h e grow th o f
super-galley w ith these huge masts, built to take him aviation, memories o f the spectacular dogfights o f W orld
around the world. It was wonderful, imaginative w riting" W a r I, and the m u ch -p u blicized exp loits o f Charles
Mundy died in 1940, w hile w riting the scripts for the Lindbergh and other celebrated pilots and daredevils made
children’s radio series Ja ck Armstrong, A ll A m erican Boy. a very large im pact on the popular im agination and w ere
His real name (W illiam Lancaster Gribbon) and w ayw ard reflected by a slew o f pulps devoted to the air w ar and
early life were not know n until 4 0 years later and the de­ flying adventures in general: Wings, A ir Stories, W a r Birds,
termined sleuthing o f his biographer, Peter Ellis. Sky Birds, Sky Fighters, Battle Aces, Zoom. T h e public’s
short-lived interest in lighter-than-air craft inspired just
one publication, Zeppelin Stories (by aficionados, the most
cherished o f all absurd pulp titles). There was not much
room for plot or character development in any o f the air
w ar magazines, storylines being largely an excuse for the
inevitable dogfights, w ith passages like the follow ing from
K nee D eep in Krauts by A llan R. Bosworth:

The Fokker rode down the skies, painting a trail of death with
dun, acrid tracer smoke. Her bullets chipped fabric from the
Ark's wings, sent splinters jlying from the sturdy hull.


Floorboards rattled. A slug gashed the pit coaming.

Humpy C am pbell swore betw een clenched teeth and
jerk ed the A r k on over in a h a lf loop. H er load suddenly
lightened—the heavy body of Margo Dubois plunged out,
streaked for earth in a flu tter o f voluminous skirts.

CO N TR A C T was a contract, old about to- make fresh contracts; and' I

A Angus MacMomcs insisted, even

though the Amir Habibullah,
who had hired both of us, had beea dead
kept telling. Angus that’—to hell with the
contracts—we should pull stakes before
it was too late. x

since a bleak day th at February—mur­ Contrary to popular belief, in Ama- A short burst and a bloody one. T racer etched a sky trail
dered somewhere near his winter palace nullah’s early days there was quite a
down at Jalalabad. We never got many non-Moslem population in K a b u l - straight to the pilot’s pit. Screaming slugs found a mark
details; they had a way, in Kabul, of French and Italians and Germans; a few
cutting you off short when you enquired. British, like the Scotch Angus, aud one
Ilabibullali’s sudden demise was not a American— me. Long before the snow deep in cringing flesh. T h e Fokker heeled, went over in a
popular subject. He’d gone the way of had melted off the Paghmans, when the
many Afghan rulers and it was very court would move up to Paghman itself roaring pow er dive, and twisted toward earth.
much a case of “Long live the king, the for the summer, you could literally sec
king is dead/' this European crowd melting away,
AmamiHah Khan, Habibullah’s suc­ melting away. Every day some familiar Crash!
cessor, kept sending us word that he wns face was missing.

T h e most important o f the adventure pulp offshoots,

T he mainstay of adventure pulps: brawling adventurers in
the W estern, became the most popular o f all forms o f pulp
exotic locales.
literature. In the pre-pulp era, there had been tw o strands

o f the genre—the dime-novel hokum o f Ned Buntline and

his ilk, and literary stories by the likes o f M ark T w ain and
Bret Harte. Early in the 2 0th century, the tw o strands coa­
lesced in the rom anticised but adult-oriented novels o f
O w en W ister (The Virginian) and Zane G rey (H eritage of
COMPUre WAR A!ft J the W est, Riders o f the Purple Sage, etc.). G rey was a discov­
ery o f Street & Sm ith editor Charles A gnew MacLean,and
many o f the w riter’s best-selling books w ere serialised in
The Popular and other fam ily and general-fiction pulps. He
w as long-winded and his prose w as often as purple as the
sage, but he did pack a lot o f authentic frontier lore into
his novels and millions sw ore by them G rey’s success was
a crucial influence on the W estern fiction boom that be­
gan ju st after W o rld W a r 1 O ne o f the first o f the special­
ised pulps, Street & Sm ith’s W estern Story M agazine took
the place o f N ew Buffalo Bill, one o f the last o f the 19th-
century weeklies. It appeared on newsstands w ith a July
12, 1 9 1 9 , cover date and the subtitle Big Clean Stories of
Western Life. Indicating the escapist direction the W est­
ern story was taking, an editorial in that first issue empha­
sised not the m agasine’s historical accuracy or range o f
subject matter but its quotient o f wish-fulfillment:

. . . H unched up over a desk, are you? W ell, read about the

life you would like to lead, and the life you w ill lead, just as
soon as you can throw off the bonds that keep you from
making a break for the woods or the rolling plains . . .
By Gilbert Patten
THE TIDE OF DOOM T h e magasine had arrived in time to feed a surging
By H. Bedford-Jonei

interest in the frontier life and legends o f Am erica’s recent

past. Perhaps the movies, w ith their charismatic cow boy
stars and glimpses o f spectacular W estern scenery, had
Top: Artist Rudolph Belarski was
som ething to do w ith i t O r perhaps the nation had come
one of the brilliant workhorses of the to a nostalgic realisation that its vaunted frontier spirit
pulps, painting hundreds of covers now belonged to the history books. In any case, the first
from the 1920s to the '4 os. This W estern pulp was a great com mercial success, quickly
fine example of his work comes from reaching a circulation o f a half-m illion per week. In the
the Spring 19 3 7 issue of W ings. years ahead, the W estern titles w ould become the most
numerous and financially reliable o f all pulps—A ce W est­
A bone: A parachuting pilot was a
ern, Big Book W estern, C ow boy Stories, C rack Shot, Dime
frequent sight on the covers of pulp
W estern (among its subscribers was Franklin Delano
adventure magazines. Another
Roosevelt), Double Action Western, Frontier Stories, Lariat,
aviator takes the plunge in this issue N ickel W estern, Quick Trigger, Pete Rice, Popular Western,
of Rapid Fire Action Stories, from Riders o f the Range, Six-Gun, Spicy W estern, Star W estern,
1931. T exas Rangers, T hrilling Western, Triple-X, W est, W estern
Outlauis,Western Trails, W ild W est W eekly—a comprehen­
sive list would go on for pages. In addition, the general
E A S T OF B O R N E O , W E S T OF T H E P E C O S 59

adventure pulps continued to publish considerable mainstream fiction. H aycox in particular had a talent for
amounts o f W estern fiction and could afford the best o f the subtle characterisation and poetic and vivid descriptions
stories by the top w riters in the genre, an elite group that o f W estern landscape.
included Max Brand, W alt Coburn, W . C. Tuttle, Clarence There w ere many first-rate W estern w riters in the
Mulford, Luke Short, and Ernest H aycox pulps—Harry Olmstead, Thomas Blackburn, W illiam Cox,
Brand w rote m yth-m inded melodramas that did not W alker Tompkins, and others—great storytellers, but most
so much d istort the historic W e st as ignore it, oblivious o f them w orking in the late-pulp style, speed and action at
to specifics o f tim e or place. W . C. T u ttle, lik e W a lt the expense o f character and atmosphere.
Coburn, w as an authentic W esterner, son o f a M ontana As the number o f cheap W estern pulp magazines
lawman, and he spent some o f his younger years p u nch­ grew almost immeasurably in the 1930s, standards de­
ing cow s and rid ing the range. T u ttle derided the glam- clined, and the historically minded or atmospherically cor­
origation o f co w b o y life: “W h a t a jo b ! Forty-a-m onth rect w riters w ere inevitably overwhelmed by the churn-
plus frostbite. O ut o f the sack about five o’clo ck in the 'em-out hacks (“cow boy stories by Manhattan bellhops," as
morning, the tem perature about gero in the bunkhouse; one critic disparaged the typical pulp W esternJ.The W est­
outside ten or tw elve below , and a w ind blow ing. You ern fiction magazines remained in abundance until the
shiver into frogen overalls, fight y our w ay dow n to the very end o f the pulp era, but the final decade was sorely
stable, w here you harness a team o f frosted horses, take lacking in originality or style. The movies remained the
'em out and h itch them to a h ay rick w agon . .. Man, it most expressive canvas for the W estern—capable o f con­
was rom antic!” Tu ttle specialised in the com ic W estern, veying epic grandeur w ith a single lateral pan shot. But it
some w ry and folksy, some outright must be noted that nearly every classic
slapstick. He w as at his best in a long- W estern movie—from Stagecoach to Red
running, non-com ic series about River to T h e Searchers—was adapted
H ashknife H artley and Sleepy from the w ork o f veteran pulp writers.
Stevens, a “range d etective” and his
sidekick, published variously in Ad-
Denture, A rgosy, and Short Stories.
H ashknife and Sleepy w ere a sort o f
cow boy Holmes and W atson, drifting
into assorted frontier tow ns and solv­
ing crimes. T h e amalgam o f m ystery
and W estern m ight sound contrived
but T u ttle’s fu n k ily realistic atm o­
spherics, idiosyncratic dialogue, and
offhand hum or made for im m ensely
enjoyable reading.
Clarence Mulford was another w riter w ho drew an
honest portrait o f the W e st A N ew York civ il servant
w hen he began writing, he took numorous research trips
to the W estern states and kept a 17,000-card file o fW est-
ern data His very popular stories w ere about the w ander­
ing trail boss o f the Bar 2 0 ranch, Hopalong Cassidy. The
fictional Hopalong was a considerably tougher, more vio­ Above: A typical sports pulp of the 1930s. Sports titles were
lent character than the avuncular hero portrayed in the
a humble lot, unable to compete with the more imaginative
movies by Bill Boyd.
and melodramatic genres.
Luke Short (pseudonym for Frederick Glidden) and
Ernest H aycox w ere fine w riters whose stories and nov­ Opposite: T he long-running Fight Stories mixed hard-boiled
els were comparable to any well-crafted, historically sound boxing fiction with factual articles about famous fighters.
Tw enty Bucks a Day
and Expenses

It is not a very fragrant world you live in, and certain writers

with tough minds and a cool spirit o f detachment can make

very interesting and even amusing patterns out o f it.

— R aym o n d C h a n d ler

'W O M EN IN V E N T E D the hard-boiled detective

T story: Carroll John Daly and Dashiell Hammett. Their

inventions w ere published w ithin months o f each other in
1 9 2 3 and in the pages o f the same magazine, Black Mask.
Both men w ere obscure tyros o f uncertain ambition, w rit­
ing for a three-year-old pulp “louse," as M ask’s co-founder,
H. L. Mencken, described it T h ey w ere hardly the sort any­
one would have expected to launch a literary revolution.
Daly had been an usher and projectionist and ow ner o f a
movie theater in A tlantic City, N ew Jersey. He was afraid
o f cold weather and dentists. Hammett, more pertinently,
was an off-and-on operative for the Pinkerton Detective
62 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

Agency, and dying from tuberculosis. He lived, o f course, o f people that commit it for reasons, not ju st to provide a
much to his ow n surprise, for nearly 4 0 more years. The corpse; and w ith the means at hand, not hand-wrought du­
tw o men crossed paths at the Black M ask juncture, and for eling pistols, curare or tropical fish."
a time their careers moved along parallel lines, then moved Chandler was referring to Hammett, but Daly got into
very far apart Hammett became an acclaimed novelist, a print first T h e hard-boiled groundbreaker was his second
world-famous artist traveling in the highest circles o f N ew appearance in Black Mask. T h e False Burton Combs, in D e­
York and H ollywood society. He made a m illion dollars cem ber 1922, featured not a detective but a tough-talking
and spent them all, w ent through one o f the longest cre­ “gentleman adventurer." The anonymous, first-person nar­
ative “dry spells" in literature, was by turns a hedonist and rator is colloquial, wisecracking, violent In the May 1923
an ascetic, w ent to jail, a martyr to M cCarthyism, and be­ issue o f Mask, a similar-sounding hero, this one named
came the posthumous subject o f novels, biographies, and T erry M ack “Private Investigator," would complete the
movies—in short, a legend. Carroll John Daly, much more prototype. T h ree Gun T erry is officially the first detective
popular in their early years, would never leave the pulp story in the new hard-boiled style. The ferocious, trigger-
ghetto, and was still w riting for a few cents a w ord w hen happy hero is familiar w ith both sides o f the law. “I play
the last detective pulps closed shop in the 1950s—a sub­ the game on the level, in my ow n way,” says M ack T m in
urbanite, family man, forgotten hack the center o f a triangle; between the crook and the police
Before Daly and Hammett, the detective story was the and the victim ”—exactly the position to be occupied by the
domain o f tw itty aristos and brainy, eccentric pu ^ le-solv- thousands o f tough detectives that would follow. Indeed,
ers. The w riting was Victorian, the murders emotionally as W illiam F. Nolan points out in T h e Black Mask Boys,
bloodless. The times demanded something new, something “This pioneer private-eye tale is remarkable in that almost
stronger. A m erica in the 1 9 2 0 s was a tough, wised-up every cliche that was to plague the genre from the 1920s
place, w ith its veterans o f the W orld W ar I trenches, its into the 1 98 0 s is evident in T h ree Gun Terry"
flappers and gangsters. The Volstead T w o w eeks later, Daly’s now stan­
A ct gave millions o f upright but thirsty dardised hero was renamed Race W il­
citizens their first unlawful experiences. liams for a story called Knights o f the
Cynicism was in the air, crime in the O pen Palm. M aking his debut in Black
headlines. Someone was bound to take Mask’s incredible Ku Klux Klan special
mystery fiction out o f the vicarage and issue (Daly’s story was, at least, one o f
the country home and drop it down on the anti-Klan entries), Race would go on
the turbulent mean streets, to give mur­ to star in 70-som e magazine stories and
der—Chandler again—“back to the kind eight novels. He was an immediate sen­
sation w ith readers and became the
single most popular detective hero o f
his era. In retrospect, it may be difficult
to understand Daly’s impact His hyper­
active, semi-literate narrations seem
shrill and phony. But compared to the
prose that preceded him Daly comes o ff
as reliably streetwise. Here is dialogue from a pre-Daly
story, The Clue from the Tempest:
Above: T he birthplace of the hard-boiled style was Black
Mask. Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, and Horace ‘ If there is a scintilla o f evidence to verify this extraordi­
McCoy were among the magazine's great discoveries. nary bunch o f mine—well, I shall he at one end o f a

Opposite: G-Men was one of several pulp titles devoted to the thread which has begun to disentangle itself from the

glorification of the F.B.I. Director ]. Edgar Hoover closely whole maze."

monitored the contents of these magazines and occasionally
And here is Race W illiam s speaking:
contributed his byline to them.

A room locked from the inside, a corpse shot in the back,
and three suspects—that's the problem Mike Hanlon faces!

OOTSTEPS padded quickly “Get the police— quickly!"

F along the corridors of the Hotel

Wellinglex. Crystal over-head
lights shafted white beams on the
The man in the hall ran to the
bell captain.
“But— "
red plush carpets. A room door “I've got to stay here,” the hotel
slammed. employee said. “I heard a shot.
A shot! Unless it’s' suicide, there’s a killer in
The bell captain, in the hall on the that room. Hurry now! Get, some­
twentieth floor, turned suddenly. He one!”
rushed to the door of the room from Mike Hanlon, of the Homicide
which the explosion had sounded. He Division, got off the elevator and
tried the knob, reached for his keys; came swinging up the hall. The red:
then remembering his instructions, faced Irish dick had a ragged cigar
hesitated. He waited impatiently jammed in his mouth. His black eyes
until there was someone else in the were glittering.
halL The bell captain was in a nervous
C o p y t - i f fh t . 19SS. by Standard if agazinft, In c.

‘ You’ve had one look at my gun,” I told them as they editor, George Sutton, summoned Daly to his office for
some reluctant praise: “It’s lik e this, Daly, I am editor o f
sneaked out. “T h e next time you have cause to see it you’ll
this m agazine to see it make money. T o see the circula­
see it smoking; now—beat it!’
tion go up. I don’t like these stories—but the readers do. I
W ith his philosophy o f shoot first and gather clues have never received so m any letters about a single char­
later, Race W illiam s, detective, may have had little in com­ acter before. W rite them. I w on’t like them. But Til buy
mon w ith Sherlock Holmes, but he w as a blood relative o f them and print them.”
N atty Bumpo, W yatt Earp, Deadeye Dick, and other rug­ Daly never altered his style much, and by the 1 940s,
ged individualist Americans o f fact and fiction. T h is was his gunslinging Roaring Tw enties detective had finally
a crucial aspect o f the new style—the pulp detective story gone out o f favor. He continued w riting, but mostly for sec­
would henceforth em phasise action over mystery, and ondary titles. A few years after the last pulps died in the
cases would be solved by fists and 45s, not ratiocination. 1950s, so did Carroll John Daly. He was 6 8 . Oddly, while
As W illiam s comments, “There might be a hundred clues Daly w as fading into obscurity after W orld W ar II, a
around and I’d miss them. I’ve got to have a target to shoot young, rabid admirer o f his named M ickey Spillane wrote
at" Daly, in any case, was not the sort o f w riter w ho would a kind o f updated Race W illiam s pastiche, I, T h e Jury,fea­
have been comfortable w ith the elaborate plot-puzzles and turing a sim ilar ignorance-is-bliss vigilante called M ike
logical explications o f the “classical” detective story. His Hammer, and became an international sensation. Daly was
storytelling was crude, repetitive, illogical, and prone to not pleased by his disciple’s success. T m broke," he said,
exaggeration. In fact, for all their fresh, vivid details about “and this guy gets rich w riting about my detective.”
life in gangland, Race W illiam s’ adventures are told w ith For most o f his life, Daly lived quietly in W h ite Plains,
the braggadocio and hyperbole o f 19th-century tall tales: N ew Y o rk T h e houses on his block w ere identical, and
Daly sometimes could not find his w ay home. A trip to
“I tickled his chin with my gat."
Manhattan was a major undertaking, and in w inter he sel­
dom left his carefully temperature-controlled residence. “I
“I handled three o f your breed last night. Come! Ju m p out always felt that he used Race W illiam s as a means o f satis­
o f that night shirt or they’ll bury you in it." fying subconscious impulses w h ich he knew could never
be gratified in real life,” said Daly’s friend Erie Stanley
‘N o laughter in my voice then—w hen I'm gunning I ’m a Gardner. “Daly had never had the slightest experience

bad m an—none worse!" w ith actual crim e or criminals, much less w ith bullet
w o u n d s... Daly him self wanted no part o f the rough and
The colloquial narrative voice o f Daly’s stories was tumble."
artless and inconsistent, full o f bad grammar, arbitrary
paragraphing, and aw kw ard binges o f stream-of-con- A M U E L D A SH IE L L H A M M E T T w as born in
sciousness. Race W illiam s and Daly’s other cardboard he-
men were brutal and ignorant and frequently espoused the
virtues o f vigilantism. “The law,” Daly once wrote, “is too
S Maryland, M ay 2 7 ,1 8 9 4 . He left school at age 14 and
took a series o f railroad and factory jobs until in his 2 0 th
year, he answered a Help W anted ad in a Baltimore new s­
cumbersome, too full o f loopholes to be o f much use " paper and w ent to w ork for Pinkerton’s National Detec­
For some or all o f the above reasons, B lack Mask's edi­ tive Service. For various periods o f time over the next six
tors had little affection for Daly, despite the fact that his years, Hammett w as a Pinkerton operative, crisscrossing
name on the cover meant a guaranteed increase in sales— the country on a variety o f assignments from investiga­
as m uch as 25%. Daly once recalled ho w his initial entry tions to security w ork and strikebreaking. During a stint
into the magazine only came about because the ch ie f edi­ in the arm y during the First W orld W ar, he developed a
tor was on vacation. A fter the stories w ere published, that case o f tuberculosis, the first in a lifelong series o f lung dis­
eases. W h ile living in San Francisco in the early 1920s,
Hammett quit detective w ork for good and began to try

Opposite: Tough stuff from a mid-’j os issue of Thrilling his hand at writing. Hammett did not immediately recog­
nize the potential importance o f his Pinkerton experience
Above: T he December 1 g j 6 Black
Mask featured some of the last
stones bought by former editor
Joseph Shaw, including the second
and final contribution by Lester
Dent. Dent's character, Oscar Sail,
was a seafaring Miami private eye.

Right. Joseph T. Shaw, editor

of Black Mask, the premiere
detective pulp.

as subject matter. His first fictional sale was a vignette to T h e strike lasted eight months. Both sides bled plenty. T h e
T he Smart Set, a snobbishly “aristocratic” magazine created
w obblies had to do their own bleeding. O ld Elihu hired
by Mencken and George Jean Nathan, the founders o f Black
gunmen, strike-breakers, national guardsmen and even
Mask. His first story for M ask, T h e Road Home, credited to
the pseudonym o f Peter Collinson, was atypical, w ith its parts o f the regular army, to do his. W h en the last skull

Conradian situation and Southeast Asian setting. had been cracked, the last rib kicked in, organised labor
It was in his third sale to Black Mask, w ith the story in Personville was a used firecracker.
titled Arson Plus, that Hammett w ould introduce the dis­
As Red Harvest, the novel was published in book form in
tinctive style that changed the face o f Am erican mystery
February 1929. In the next three years, Black M ask would
writing. Arson featured an operative for the Continental
Detective A gency in San Francisco. Like Daly’s Race W Il­ print three more Hammett novels—T h e D ain Curse, T he
M altese Falcon, T h e Glass Key—each one a masterpiece o f
hams, Hammett’s hero was an urban professional detective,
the crim e genre and the artistic summit o f the hard-boiled
tough, street smart, conversant w ith both sides o f the law.
style. Hammett published his last pulp story in Black Mask
Unlike Daly’s trigger-happy Narcissus, Hammett’s middle-
aged, paunchy private eye w as cool-tempered and self-ef­ in N ovem ber 1930. H is fifth and final novel, T h e Thin
Man, was published in 1934. He was 4 0 years old. Royal­
facing—literally anonymous, he came to be know n as the
ties and H ollyw ood money kept him in boozy and hotel
Continental O p for editorial and advertising purposes.
suites for another decade, but his career as a w riter was es­
The nameless protagonist, Hammett w rote to the editor at
Black Mask, was “more or less o f a type: the private detec­ sentially ended.

tive w ho oftenest is successful: neither the derby-hatted

H E T O U G H D E T E C T IV E story caught on and
and broad-toed blockhead o f one school o f fiction, nor the
all-knowing, infallible genius o f another. Tve worked w ith
several o f him ” T he O p’s first recorded case would prove
T o th er w rite rs began fo llo w in g in D a ly ’s or
Hammett’s footsteps—Erie Stanley Gardner, Nels Leroy
Jorgensen, Raoul W hitfield, Frederick Nebel. Gardner was
to be characteristic o f the stories to come: the understated,
a California law yer and ex—traveling salesman in his mid?
first-person narration; the terse, hard sentences; the me­
30s w hen he began trying to augment his income w ith the
thodical investigation. A rson Plus' m ystery is colorful
sale o f short fictio n H is first story for Black M ask was, by
enough—an insurance fraud involving impersonation and
Gardner’s ow n admission, “dreadful... Even the title was
arson—and the story ends in a car chase and shootout, but
d read fu l.. T h e Shrieking Skeleton." Even Gardner’s less
the effect o f the tale is realistic, not fanciful. Hammett’s
w riting had the ring o f truth; this was how a real detec­ dreadful stories w ere closer to Daly’s standards than to
Hammett’s. H is pulp fiction is w ritten in a fast-moving but
tive did his job.
O f course, as it turned out, Hammett had much more slapdash manner (in later years, he was know n to dictate
all his “writings"), w ithout style or resonance. Although,
to offer than a laconic voice o f experience. He was an art­
ist, unique and complex, an innovative prose stylist w ith like Hammett, Gardner had firsthand knowledge o f real
lawmen and criminals, his early crim e-w riting is depen­
a profound vision o f an A m erica driven by violence and
dent on gimm icks and juvenile heroics. H is numerous se­
corruption. Not all o f the Continental O p stories w ere first
ries characters—three dogen in all—for various pulps, in­
rate, and Hammett despaired o f his solidifying identity as
cluded an amateur juggler w ith a pool cue for a weapon
a w riter o f pulp detective fiction, but his artistry contin­
(Bob Larkin), a con-man (Paul Pry) and a skycraper-scaling
ued to grow, and in 1 9 2 7 he w rote a novel featuring the
nameless Op. T h e Cleansing o f Poisonville appeared serially “human fly" (Speed Dash).

in the pages o f Black Mask beginning w ith the November Gardner’s output in the pulp era w as phenomenal,
w ith over five hundred mostly novelette-length stories in
1 9 2 7 issue. As much a gangster epic as a detective story,
the 19 2 0 s and 1 9 30s, as w ell a s —from 1 9 3 3 o n —anaver-
Poisonville tells o f a Montana m ining tow n completely run
age o f three hardcover books per year. Gardner’s first novel,
by criminals and the O p’s attempt to destroy them by pit­
turned dow n for serialization by Black Mask, was pub­
ting one rival gang against another. T he novel contains—
lished by W illiam M orrow in March 1933. T h e C ase of
in the serialised version—26 murders, and w riting as spare
the Velvet Claws featured a tough attorney named Perry
and clear as any in the history o f American fiction:
68 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

Mason and would go on to sell 28 m illion copies in its first ates always called him Cap), he had fought in Europe dur­
15 years in print. Gardner, w hose no-frills, com pulsively ing W orld W ar I, had w on an O lym pic medal for fencing,
readable style o f storytelling was born and bred in the and was the only man in N ew York licensed to carry a
pulps, came to be the most w idely read and translated o f sword cane. A lthough he had never even heard o f Black
all American writers. M ask before he was asked to edit it, he took the jo b seri­
Beginning w ith the Novem ber 1 9 2 6 issue and for the ously, even ponderously. U nlike the many pulp editors
next ten years, Black M ask was edited by Joseph T. Shaw. w ho w ere more interested in quantity than quality, Shaw
Although he did not discover Daly or Hammett or the maintained the highest standards in pulpdom Stories were
other early tough crime w riters mentioned above, Shaw often returned to w riters more than once for revisions, but
was the editor responsible for defining and refining the most o f the regular contributors were inspired by Shaw ’s
new style o f hard-boiled realism, the man most responsible detailed, serious response to their w o rk Raymond Chan­
for establishing hard-boiled as a literary force to be reck­ dler, a Shaw discovery, w rote that Shaw “has a great in­
oned with. In his introduction to a 1 9 4 6 anthology o f early sight into w riting and he can give a man a buck up w hen
stories from the magazine, Shaw described the sort o f mys­ he needs it as nobody else I know can...” And in another
tery story he sought for Black Mask:"W c w anted sim plic­
ity for the sake o f clarity, plausibility and b elief W e
wanted action, but w e held that action is meaningless un­ Below: A photo taken at a Los Angeles gathering of Black

less it involves recognisable human character in three-di­ Mask writers, January 1 1 , t g j 6. Front row: Arthur Barnes,
mensional form” John K. Butler, W . T. Ballard, Horace McCoy, Norhert Davis.
Shaw was as colorful as any o f his writers. A former Back row: Raymond Moffat, Raymond Chandler, Herbert
newspaper reporter and army captain (friends and associ­ Stinson, Dunght Babcock, Eric Taylor, Dashiell Hammett.

tective and crime stories, including tw o action-packed

novels,serialised in Mask Green Ice and Death in a Bowl.
Even better w ere his stories w ritten under the pen name
o f Ramon Dacolta, featuring the exotic adventures o f a
Philippines-based detective named Jo Gar. Having been
brought up in the Far East, W hitfield did a colorful jo b o f
vo lum e cxxvm M ay 13, 1 9 3 9 n um ber 2 transplanting the tough private-eye tales from the mean
Die, Senator!..........................S h ort N o v e l...........................T . T . Flynn 4
The web o f intrigue which it official Washington. A pulic-ltirrhtg mystery streets and speakeasies o f urban A m erica to the muddy
of the strange things sublch never get into the newspapers
Q uicksand....................... S h ort S to r y .........................Edward S. Ronns 36 Pasig and the sw eltering w aterfront o f tropical Manila.
He was up to bis neck In murder, but It was hate squeezing bis heart
How to Entertain B urglars.........S p ecial F e a tu r e ..........Janies H argan 44 W hen W hitfield ’s novels began appearing, critics linked
And bow to be on your best behavior while they're on their worst
T h e N utcracker M urders.................N o v e le tte ..................Richard Sale 50 him w ith Hammett as the best o f the new breed o f crime
Daffy Dill doubles In brats to learn that a little music may lead to a lot o f murder . . .

Illustrated Crim es....................... F e a tu r e ........................ Stookie A llen 66 w riters—one high-minded essay labeled them the Matisse
Pssnisbmcnt Without Crime

Death W ears a N ig h tsh irt............S h o rt S t o r y ............ Lawrence T reat 68

and Cezanne o f modern mystery fiction. And like
. . . And sets a style fo r scientific sleuths

Listen, B roth er................... S h o rt S to r y ....................W illiam Brandon 78

Hammett, W h itfield ’s output ended abruptly. In eight
You ain’t beard nothin’ yet. Just lookit them buzzards fight

Seven D irty D o llars.................. N o v e le t t e ....................Hjugh B. C av e 89

years, he w rote nine books and nearly tw o hundred sto­
Irony and Hatred connive to steal a march on Death
ries, 88 in Black Mask alone. He then married a wealthy
C oPPe r ! .................................F e a tu r e ................................. Stookie A llen 103
Harlem’s Protector
socialite and stopped writing. The socialite was murdered,
T h e C lue o f the Psychological M o tive. T ru e S t o r y .James W . B ooth 104
In which an Intangible Is tbc] only mark o f murder
W hitfield inherited her fortune, Spent every dollar, and
T h e y ’re Swindling Y o u ! .............. F e a tu r e ............... Frank W rentm ore 106
Lucky Stars
died, destitute, at age 46.
Solving Cipher Secrets.............. .. .F e a tu r e ................... M . E . O h a vcr 108
Flashes From Readers ................................. 1 ..................................... ,. n O ther good w riters m imicked the Hammett style, ei­
The Magazine With the Detective Shield on the Cover Is On Sale Every Tuesday ther by natural inclination or in calculated deference to
Cap Shaw ’s buying patterns. Frederick Nebel wrote the
£°UTMMIwnnBMnUHUIU London'"rc T 18' LTD'
popular Kennedy and MacBride series about a reporter and
Esrt is,ifcr— stm£&g a police captain (with a sex change, it became the Torchy
sasrvssur—— .... --
Blaine series at W arner Bros, starring Glenda Farrell and

Detective Fiction Weekly, May ij , 19 3 9 . Barton MacLane) and authored the adventures o f “Tough
Dick" Donahue o f the Inter-State Detective Agency, a p.i.
clearly patterned after Sam Spade. W . T Ballard placed his
letter, “W e wrote better for him than we could have w rit­ hard-boiled hero in the employ o f a movie studio in the
ten for anybody else" fast and entertaining stories about H ollywood trouble­
W ith Cap Shaw at the helm Black Mask’s circulation shooter Bill Lennox. Roger Torrey and John K. Butler wrote
increased throughout the late ’20s and early ’30s, peaking o f various two-fisred gumshoes for M ask and assorted
at 103,000. The Depression and increasing com petition other private eye pulps throughout the ’30s and AOs, both
from a slew o f hard-boiled imitators induced a circulation men masters o f the tough-guy idiom, both now unjustly
slump, and late in 1936, after a decade w ith the magazine, forgotten.
Shaw was fired. He wrote some mystery fiction (w hich Cap Shaw discovered at least three w riters w ho
show ed no sign o f approaching his editorial standards) achieved the.artistic heights o f Dashiell Hammett. Horace
and eventually became a moderately unsuccessful literary M cC oy was a W orld W ar I flier, a w ar hero awarded the
agent, dying at age 7 7 in the elevator o f his Manhattan of­ C roix de Guerre, and a Dallas sports and crime reporter
fice building. before he began w ritin g fictio n for Mask in late 1927. His
Although few would achieve anything like the suc­ stories about the flying Texas lawmen know n as Hell’s
cess or acclaim o f Dashiell Hammett, the w riters in Shaw ’s Stepsons com bined the landscapes and character types o f
stable were by and large a remarkably talented group, cre­ the W estern w ith the detached tone ancTbloodletting of
ating a rich array o f effects and characters w ithin the the hard-boiled detective story A t loose ends in L A. after
bounds o f the hard-boiled style. Raoul W hitfield, a former a f i l l e d attempt to break into the movies, M cC oy took a
silent-film actor and W orld W ar I fighter pilot and even­ jo b as a bouncer at a Santa Monica marathon dance con­
tually a close friend of Hammett’s, w rote ra^or-sharp de­ test, one o f those tawdry, desperate spectacles that were the
70 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

Below: Editor Fanny Ellsworth, “Cap" Shaw ’s replacement, edly living a seedy expatriate’s life on the Spanish island
bought stories with more emotional range. T he high-strung o f Mallorca. U npublished for decades, he died in obscurity

suspense fiction of Cornell W oolrich became a fixture in the on a H ollyw ood backstreet. H is one novel, Fast One, called
b y the N ew York Tim es “a ceaseless w elter o f bloodshed
and frenzy, a sustained bedlam o f killing and fiendishness"
is the enigm atic author’s legacy, frequently republished in
recent years to increasing acclaim—one o f the highlights
o f the entire pulp era
Shaw ’s third great discovery, and the only true success
story, was Raymond Chandler. In 193 3 , Chandler was a
45-year-old failed Bloomsbury poet and fired oil-company
manager w hen he sold his first story to
Black Mask, a detective novelette titled
Blackm ailers D on’t Shoot. From the be­
ginning, Chandler had little in common
Depression-era equivalents o f bear-bait­ w ith the fast churn-’em-out pulp pros.
ing. From this experience, and w riting H is first story took five months to w rite
in the “hard, brittle" style w ell-know n to and in his entire pulp career Chandler
Black Mask readers, M cC oy produced a never sold more than five stories in a
great A m erican novel, T hey Shoot year. But his w o rk w as crafted to last.
Horses, Don't T h ey ? H is w o rk w ent Here is the w ell-know n but never-tire-
largely unnoticed in his ow n country, some opening to his story R ed Wind:
but in France, M cCoy was acclaimed by
T h ere was a hot desert wind blowing
Sartre and Gide as an important novel­
ist and a father o f existentialism that night. It was one o f those hot dry

Fast One w as a cold-hearted, ma­ Santa A nas that come down through
chine gu n -p aced masterpiece, pub­ the mountain passes and curl your hair
lished serially in five issues o f Black Mask. A saga o f gang­
and m ake your nerves jum p and your skin itch. On nights
land violence in Prohibition Los Angeles, it contains the
like that every booge party ends in a fight. M eek little
hardest-boiled w riting o f them all, prose so lean and mean
it makes Hammett’s sentences read like the w o rk o f Rafael wives feel the edge o f the carving knife and study their
Sabatini. T he author o f Fast O ne and 12 short stories for husbands' necks. A nything can happen. You can even get
Black M ask was Paul Cain, otherw ise kn ow n as Peter a full glass o f beer at a cocktail lounge.
Ruric, whose real name was George Sims. Sim s liked to
change his name a lo t He like to change the names o f his Born in America, raised in England, Chandler

w ives and girlfriends, too. He married a cigarette girl from received a classical education and began his adult years

the Mocambo club and changed her name from Virginia w ith effete and grand artistic ambitions. But the aspiring

to Mushel. He convinced a young dancer named M yrna poet had to w ait for experience and middle age and the

W illiam s to call herself M yrna Loy. N ot much more is w earying toll o f life’s disappointments to find his literary

know n about him. T o an anthologist seeking biographi­ voice. Chandler brought a deliberately poetic style and

cal information (Cap Shaw himself, w ho knew no more rueful rom anticism to the tough detective story. In the

about Sims than anyone else), he sent a comical curriculum novels he wrote, T h e Big Sleep-, Farew ell, My Lovely; etc,

vitae in w hich he claimed to be a former Dada painter, some adapted—“cannibalized" he called it—from the pulp

bosun’s mate, and gynecologist. As Ruric, he w orked occa­ stories, Chandler perfected his synthesis o f the lyrical and

sionally in films, scripting the bizarre and brilliant Edgar the hard-boiled. H is distinctive, simile-laden prose, and his

Ulmer—directed version o f T h e Black Cat w ith K arloff and concept o f the private eye as a knight errant in a corrupt

Lugosi. After- the AOs, Sim s dropped out o f sight, report­ world, would influence uncountable numbers o f followers

* Story of
i Sinister Woman
-u jjc n c T h o m a s

* • - ’vS<
A bove and left: A t the peak of their

JjKJBS popularity in the late 1930s, there

were more than 5 0 different pulp
detective magazines.

! ^

in print and on film. Style cannot be copyrighted, or Below: Street & Smith's Detective Story magazine was the
Chandler would have made his fortune in lawsuits. In any first all detective fiction pulp. T he March 5 , 1 9 3 2 , cover
case, a zillion plagiarists, idolators, and satirists later, featured the most common setting for Prohibition-era crime
Chandler’s best w ork remains unsurpassed. fiction, the speakeasy.
Private-eye and crime pulps proliferated throughout
the 19 30s. More than 1 5 0 new titles w ere launched in the Opposite: No figure was more emblematic of the pulp era

years follow ing Black Mask's success. Some lasted only a than the hard-boiled private eye.
few issues, w hile others stayed in business for decades:
A ce-H igh Detective, Action Detective, A ll Star Detective Sto­
ries, A ll Story D etective, Best Detective,
Black’Aces, Candid Detective, Clues, Crack
Detective Stories, Detective Book,Detective
Classics, Detective Tales, D etective Trails,
Dime Detective, Double-Action Detective,
Double Detective, Exciting Detective, Fif­
teen D etective Stories, Fifteen-Story D etec­ Despite many o f them being habitues o f
tive, Five Detective Novels, Gold Seal mob-run speakeasies, the gangster pulp
Detective, Hollywood Detective, N ickel D e­ hacks evidenced little knowledge o f the
tective, Popular Detective, Private Detec­ crim inal m ilieu A n exception was
tive Stories, Red Star Detective, Romantic Armitage T rail. The author o f hundreds
Detective, Speed Detective, Super D etec­ o f underw orld stories, published under
tive, Sure-Fire D etective, T en D etective an assortment o f pseudonyms, T rail—
Aces, Thrilling Detective, T op N otch D e­ real name M aurice Coons—was a gang­
tective, V ariety D etective . . . and so on. ster groupie. For years, he cultivated
W hat had been innovations in Black friendships w ith Chicago’s top rack­
Mask became familiar formula, a pulpwood logjam o f eteers and killers. He eventually w rote a novel about
tough, w isecracking detectives, curvy secretaries, shabby Capone, S carf ace—dedicated, as a matter o f fact, to pulp edi­
offices w ith the requisite bottle o f booze in the desk tor Leo M argulies—and sold the film rights to Howard
drawer, w ary police inspectors, greasy nightclub-ow ning Hughes. Trail/Coons w ent out to California w ith the
mobsters, their sap-wielding gorillas, and a seemingly end­ book, got him self a chauffeur and a butler, put on a lot o f
less supply o f mysterious blonde clients. O nly the weight, and dropped dead in Grauman’s Chinese Theatre
gunslinging cow boy and the W ild W est rivaled the pri­ at age 28. A nyw ay—
vate eye and his urban w orld as the predominant pop- A nother hard-boiled subgenre covered the good
culture mythology o f 1 9 3 0 s America. deeds o f J. Edgar Hoover’s much-publiciged minions at the
Federal Bureau o f Investigation. In 1935, follow ing the
HE A P P E T IT E for stereotypical hard-boiled lead o f a hit Jim m y Cagney movie called G-Men and the

T detective stories may have been inexhaustible, but

in the pulps’ expansive heyday there was always enough
Crashing G-Man stories by D w ight Babcock in Black Mask,
Standard Publications launched G-Men magazine. Sub­
rough paper left to try any and all variations on a theme. titled T h e Federals in Action, it featured not only F B I
Big city gangsters grabbed the headlines during Prohibi­ agents but two-fisted heroes from other—less legendary—
tion,and several pulps, including Gangster Stories, T h e Un­ branches o f the government, such as Rush Blackwell, Postal
derworld,Gang World, and Gun Molls, dealt w ith crime from Inspector. G-M en w as followed by Public Enem y (later
the crim inal’s perspective, although the stories often fea­ changed to Federal Agent), The Feds, and Ace G-Man Sto­
tured the gangster protagonists in a commendable and ries. Although endorsed by Hoover in the form o f letters to
highly unlikely collaboration w ith the police. T h e gang­ the editors and reprints o f his speeches to chambers o f com­
ster pulps produced no w orks comparable to the great merce and the like (“It is my personal opinion that the time
gangster films being made in H ollyw ood in this period. w ill come w hen every honest man w ill be glad to have his
74 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

fingerprints on file"), the G-Man pulps were not big on au­ Barrett’s Dean Culver, author o f a W inchellesque column
thenticity. As Harry Steeger, publisher o f A ce G-M an S to­ on crime, T h e Blue Barrel. The best newspaper-based se­
nes, observed, “I don’t think many real F B I agents ever saw ries featured Joe “Daffy" Dill (with spinoff stories about
the kind o f action w e had in our stories” A n understate­ Dill’s W eegee-like pal, photographer Candid Jones), pub­
ment: Steeger’s most popular G-Men characters belonged lished by Detective Fiction W eekly and w ritten by pulp
to a highly fictional clique called the Suicide Squad wordsmith extraordinaire Richard Sale. “I had some news­
W hile the “classic” hard-boiled PI. never lost his pre­ paper experience on a couple o f papers," he told me. “I knew
cedence, every detective pulp offered variant crim e-fight­ the background and knew some colorful characters. Those
ing types, some o f them believable, some silly, and a few w ere the days w hen you had a dozen or so newspapers in
that were utterly absurd The most frequent—and certainly N ew Y o rk A lot o f the tabloids were pretty wild." The Dill
the most logical—line o f w ork for non-professional sleuths stories are told in a w isecracking, vernacular voice and
was journalism. T he 1920s and 1930s w ere the years o f move at a lightning pace.
the crime-obsessed tabloids, w hen tough reporters rubbed
“Garbo," I snapped, “get a grip on yourself. This is the
elbows w ith big-time gangsters and were frequently in­
vestigating very violent events, and many pulp writers finish. Call an am bulance and get that kid to a hospital.
were themselves former or presently w orking newspaper­ Call Poppa H anley at H.Q. and tell him to come running.
men. Among the popular pulp journalists w ere Theodore W e've got the Pendleton killer. T hen call the Old Man
Tinsley’s creation,“Broadway wiseguy" Jerry Tracy o f the
and break the yarn. I'll be back . . . ." A n d I tore out and
N ew York Daily Planet, George Harmon Coxe’s Flashgun
down the stairs.
Casey, Fred Maclssac’s Rambler Murphy, and W illiam
Up until the final crim e-solving shootouts, nearly all o f
Dill’s narration and dialogue is slangy sarcasm—he even
answers the phone w ith a bantering, “Your nickel!" This
was the sort o f thing that was done to death in the detec­
tive pulps, but Sale’s brash skill kept the Dill stories fresh
and funny. Like many o f the younger pulp veterans, Sale
moved on to Hollywood. His first novel, N ot Too N arrow,
N ot Too Deep, was turned into the M GM Devil’s Island
drama Strange Cargo, starring Clark Gable and Joan
Crawford, and Sale eventually became a successful screen­
w riter and then director o f motion pictures.
If newspapermen w on hands down as the most be­
lievable o f the detective-variants, the competition for least
likely sleuth was stiff Professions represented among the
legion o f amateur pulp detectives included magician, in­
ventor, bookie, acrobat, tattoo artist, and mortician. The lat­
ter tw o were featured in D im e Detective. W illiam E.
Barrett’s Needle M ike was a gray-haired, gold-toothed,
jaundiced sleazeball practicing his tattoo trade in a ratty
office building otherwise occupied by shyster lawyers
and mail-order tricksters. In reality, M ike is young Ken
McNally, the son o f a St. Louis millionaire, w ho occasion­
Writer R ichard Sale, in Hollywood, with actress B arbara
ally drops out o f polite society and, heavily disguised, as­
Bates, 1950. sumes his grubby alternate identity.

H e looked into the mirror . . . T h e fa ce that stared out at

him was the tough, uncompromising fa c e o f N eedle Mike,

Right: Street & Smith’s

Detective Story, the first
detective pulp.


the character that he had created to he his other self—the a ticklish embalming jo b —one with diabetic complications

self that went adventuring into the grim fringes o f the . . . Still later, he skipped supper to do a plastic on a
underworld when life amid luxury becam e too boring to be drunk driver, who otherwise would have to be buried

endured. without a face. H e grabbed a midnight lunch from an owl

wagon and hurried to police headquarters.
Barrett told Dime D etective readers, “I met several
needle wielders and, although I haven’t a single blue mark Perhaps the most unpromising o f the amateur detec­
on my hide, the guild has fascinated me ever since” These tives was a character thought up by w riter Lawrence
low er depths adventures w ere never mentioned on Treat. “He was an advertising agency executive,” Treat re­
Barrett’s resume in later years, w hen he became the ac­ called. W hen I asked him—not having located the stories—
claimed author o f religious-themed w orks such as his b i­ how an advertising exec would possibly become involved
ography o f Pope Paul VI and the novel T h e Lilies of the in solving crimes, Treat took a long, perplexed pause be­
Field. fore answering, “I don’t have any idea1W e tried everything
J.Paul Suter wrote ten stories for Dime Detective about back then” The police in those days, said Treat, “used to
funeral director and reluctant detective Horatio make fun o f a lot o f our stuff They preferred the ‘true crime’
Humberton. The murder cases he w orks on are not nearly magazines, w ith the real murder cases and the photos of
as intriguing as the brief, deadpan glimpses of Humberton the corpses.” Treat’s crim e-w riting became more authentic
practicing his vocation: after he befriended a San Diego homicide cop. “I w ent out
w ith homicide detail for tw o weeks, and found out how
He could not devote all his time to criminology. Some of it
little I knew " Treat would go on to become the “father” o f
had to be spent in earning a living. T hat morning he had
the police procedural novel.
76 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

In the mid-’30s, the hard-as-nails school o f mystery cluding notable and distinctly unformulaic w ork by Day
w riting—a revolution ten years earlier—had become the Keene, Dane G regory (Rob Robbins), and Fredric Brown.
standard, and perhaps a bit passe. C oinciding w ith Cap A nother innovative approach to hard-boiled came from
Shaw ’s dismissal from Black Mask, there came to promi­ N orbert Davis, a skilled, highly entertaining w riter w ho
nence several w riters w ho would take the hard-boiled brought a touch o f screw ball com edy to the tough-detec­
style in new directions. Cornell W oolrich had been a tive story in his D im e D etective series about M ax Latin.
promising young Fitggeraldian novelist in the Jazz Age. Latin’s office is a booth in a noisy restaurant, surrounded
By the time o f the Depression, he was a broke, despairing by rude w aiters and a blustering c h ef
recluse living w ith his mother at the Hotel Marseilles on The ultimate subversion o f Dashiell Hammett’s stan­
103rd Street and Broadway (Absolutely Fireproof was the dard o f realism came in 1938, w ith Dime Mystery’s short­
hotel’s utilitarian motto). In early 1934, he wrote his first lived devotion to the so-called “defective detective.” This
crime story, Death Sits in the Dentist's Chair, and sold it to magagine, previously concerned w ith stories o f “W eird
Detective Fiction W eekly for $ 1 1 0 . It was a clever story Menace” (see chapter 7), suddenly turned itself over to the
about a murderous oral surgeon, and the narrator’s race to exploits o f private eyes suffering from one or another dis­
save him self from the effects o f a deadly cyanide filling. His ease or birth defect Calvin Kane had deformed legs and was
second story, W alls T hat H ear You, w as even better. A forced to crawl along the floor like a crab. Nicholas Street
man's brother is found w ith his tongue and fingers cut o ff was a detective w ho suffered from amnesia—he could solve
The man tracks down the assailant, an insane abortionist, a case for you but don’t ask him where he was bom. The
and the story climaxes in a grueling m ix o f anger, suspense, husband-wife team o f Edith and Ejler Jacobson detailed the
and dread. W oolrich, in these and over a hundred other activities o f Nat Perry, “the Bleeder,” a detective suffering
stories in the next half-decade, gave mystery fiction an in­ from hemophilia w ho could bleed to death from the slight­
tensely emotional and psychological dimension. His typi­ est scratch Journalist and biographer John Kobler wrote
cal stories, set in the grimy, low-rung Manhattan o f about private eye Peter Quest, w ho suffered from incurable
cramped tenement buildings, subways, and dime-a-dance glaucoma and was attacked by seizures o f total blindness
halls, are tales o f torment and dark passion. W oolrich’s during moments o f crisis. Further distinguishing him, Quest
w ord magic could draw a reader so deeply into his had a death w ish and hoped one o f his violent encounters
protagonist’s dilemma that one finished the best o f the sto­ w ith criminals would end his ocular suffering.“I plagiarized
ries in a state o f almost unbearable anxiety. This was a long the idea o f the blind detective from some old stories about
way from the cool toughness o f Hammett an English detective named M ax Carrados,” says Kobler, 50-
Steve Fisher was another w riter at this tim e w ho some years later. “The concept for the magazine was Rog
gave emotions to the hard-boiled style. A young ex-navy Terrill’s, I guess. I really don’t remember a thing about it The
man, Fisher called his style “tough but tender.” He sold whole thing sounds kind o f odd, doesn’t it?”
Black M ask’s new editor, Fanny Ellsw orth, an unusual The detective story managed to survive this aberra­
story titled W ait for Me, about a W h ite Russian w hore tion. As in every other pulp genre there was room for ex­
in Shanghai and the Am erican sailor w ho loves her. T h e cellence and room for ju n k Great crime w riters continued
ending is tragic and haunting. T h e more em otionally to be nurtured by the rough-paper magazines right up
charged style caught on and w as featured in a num ber o f until their demise. Hard-boiled classicists such as W illiam
detective pulps. A Popular Publications title, D etective Campbell Gault and John D. MacDonald w ere among the
Tales, became devoted to non-series and “off-trail” crime first-rate latecomers; they carried the tradition o f Hammett
stories. Steve Fisher com plained that the magazine and Chandler from the pulps into the paperback era to
“missed the w hole point" o f his and W oo lrich ’s innova­ come. A nd before that, pulp genius Cornell W oolrich,
tions. “I suppose w hat [editor Rogers Terrill] heard was moving on to novel-w riting in the 1940s, took mystery
'emotion is in,’ and to him emotion w as having the hero’s fiction to its next creative plateau after hard-boiled—the
sister brutally murdered, or a sw eetheart kidnapped ... shadowy, doom-haunted landscape o f noir.
the w eeping and w ailing ladled on. It was embarrassing.”
Perhaps Terrill didn’t give Fisher enough work. In fact Right: Second only to Black Mask in the quality of its crime
D etective Tales published many outstanding stories, in­ stories was Dime Detective, from Popular Publications.

A typical romance pulp featured
not onfy love stories but a variety
of features from lovelorn columns
to etiquette aduice to "loue
Popular Love


I glued my glims on her blonde loveliness; couldn't help

myself. T h e covers had skidded down from her gorgeous

shoulders; I could see plenty o f delishful shemale epidermis.

Layna had the face of an angel, the curves o f a scenic railway.

— fro m S p ic y D e t e c t iv e S t o r ie s

H E PU LPS W E R E A IM E D at the readers’ emo­
tions. Inevitably, some publishers targeted those emo­
tions emanating from the heart and the groin. The romance
pulps featured tales o f idealised love, and made up the only
rough-paper category aimed specifically at women.The sex—
or “Spicy”—pulps featured... well, idealised sex, and had an
almost exclusively adult male readership, although no accu­
rate statistics were kept on the number o f American boys
w ho sneaked a look at their fathers’ back-drawer stash o f
Spicys. Every big pulp house had its assortment o f sweet
romance titles, and some o f these w ere perpetually top
moneymakers. The major houses could have made a fortune
80 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

on “hot" titles too, but there w ere certain things respectable, Love Story is clean at heart, and its love stories are
even semi-respectable, publishers didn’t do in the 1920s
written around the love o f the one man for the one woman.
and 1930s, and it was left to the fringe, independent outfits
to supply man’s baser magazine needs.
Civilization has been built upon this sort o f love—a ll the
great accomplishments o f mankind have been inspired by

HEN S T R E E T & SM ITH created the first
successful romance pulp, Love Story, in 192 1 , it good women who w ere greatly loved.
had already had great success w ith female-oriented roman­
“She was a sweet woman, Amita Fairgrieve, very
tic fiction. In the 19th century, their novels by the
sweet," recalls w riter Jean Francis W ebb. “She was a kind
unromantically pen-named Bertha M Clay were best-sell­
ers. There were many slick-paper magazines for women, person and looked out for you, and i f you w ere one o f her
favorites she really bought a lot o f stuff from you. But then
but these were generally upper middle-class in orientation
she got to where she didn’t w ant anyone to think they
and more than a little hoity-toity. Publisher Ormond Smith
w ere taking advantage o f her, so she would reject every
believed there was a huge untapped female market for the
third story. It wasn’t that there was something wrong w ith
more egalitarian style o f the pulps. The first attempt,
the third story, but that was her w ay o f show ing she
Woman’s Stories, failed, but in May o f ’21, Street & Smith
wouldn’t accept just anything. It got so I would show her
tried again and this time they had a winner. Under the
each third story ju st to get it over w ith and then take it
editorial guidance o f the ladylike Amita Fairgrieve, Love
Story became a charming m ixture o f beauty tips, poems, right over to sell to another magazine editor."
Under Fairgrieve, Love Story was an immediate suc­
and stories about modern girls—but not too modern—and
cess, w ith a circulation o f over 100,000. In 1929, when an
how they fall in love forever and ever. In an early issue, Ms.
ex-d ress model named Daisy Bacon took the editorial
Fairgrieve printed a boldly bombastic statement o f policy:
helm, it became a phenomenon, w ith
LO VE S T O R Y M A G A ZIN E sales o f more than 600,000, the most
has recently m ade its appearance. popular pulp o f all time. A thoroughly
modern 1920s woman herself Daisy
Its contents are, as its name implies,
Bacon believed her magazine's stories
based on the greatest thing in the
might be sweet and sentimental but
world: Love! they were not “old-fashioned" The hero­
ines o f Love Story represented the eman­
Love Story is not just another o f those cipated females w ho now had the free­
sex'problem magazines, which have dom to seek true love. “She doesn’t have
done incalculable harm. to marry to get somebody to support
her—she can do that herself” Bacon said
in a newspaper interview. “And so she
considers other things besides a man’s
money-making abilities. She looks for
charm, companionship, and other intan­
gibles in marriage today, w here formerly she had to con­
sider w hether or not a man was likely to be a good pro­
vider ... W hy, women are ju st beginning to know what
romance is all about, and how to go out after it”
A successful pulp spawned imitators, and Love Story
was followed by T ru e Love, Real Love, N ew Love, T h rill­
Opposite: Hounded off the newsstands by bluenoses, the Spicy ing Love, Popular Love, Sw eetheart Stories, and Cupid's
line became the ‘speed" line and dropped entirely the erotic Diary, to name but a few. There were, as w ell, the off­
shoots—love pulps w ith a W estern background became
theme that kept the Spicys going.
82 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

August, 1036 Vol. 6, No. 4 Contents page for the August

' 3 6 Spicy Detect! veStories.


Clint Morgan
CRYSTAL CLUES ..................... 16
E. Hoffmann Price
DEAD MAN’S HEAD................. 28
Robert Leslie Bellem
CODE OF VALOR....................... 40
Ellery Watson Calder
Cary Moran
SALLY THE SLEUTH............... 64
MURDER.................................. 66
Curtis Blount
RED BLOT ............ 78
Jerome Severs Perry
BULLETS TO SPARE............... 90
Morton H. Edwards
Colby Quinn
Bncx la publishad by
D rr r c T rr * 8 to * i» i
the 000 Uor-
C U L T D R B 1’ U B I. IC A T IO X S , I f l C . ,
ket Street, Wilmington, Delaware, The
publisher assumes no responsibility for re­
turn of unsolicited manusoripts.

a major romance subdivision, w ith such titles as Range­ some pretty tough crim e w riters w ho didn’t know how
land Love Stories, Romantic Range, Ranch Romances, W est­ to make their crim inals act romantic. I don’t know w ho
ern Romances,and Thrilling Ranch Stories. Less successful the readers for that magazine would have b e e n ... maybe
was an attempt to bring “love’s com pelling call” to, the the w ives o f gangsters "
heartless denigens o f the crim inal underworld. In the Most pulp love-stories w ere formulaic tales o f flirta­
w aning years o f Prohibition, Popular Publications tion and courtship, some light and frothy, some emotion­
launched U nderw orld Romances. Jean M ithoefer was the ally charged and full o f heartbreak (although never con­
very young associate editor o f the magazine, “The pub­ taining the masochistic suffering o f the “confession” story,
lisher ju st thought, love stories w ere doing good and another genre entirely). T h e stories might, depending on
crim e stories w ere doing good, let’s com bine them. But the editor and the year, be provocative, even racy at times—
that magazine lasted ju st three issues, as I remember, be­ a girl might, for instance,fall into the N ew York harbor and
cause w e couldn’t get any good stories. T he wom en love be fished out by a young yachtsman w ho proceeds to strip
story w riters w rote kind o f silly gangsters, and we had: her o f all her w et clothes:

A fain t smile flickered in his eyes. ‘ T h e crew are, natu­ Secure some picture representing romance and place it on

rally, men. Chinks, at that. W h a t would you have had me the night-table . . . A s soon as you settle yourself in bed lie

do? Let you die o f exposure? Besides, I—I didn ’t look. A t several moments on your left side to slow up your heart

least—" his flush m atched her own—“I tried not to . . . ." action. Start taking deep breaths. W ith all your heart
desire a romantic dream. D on’t leave either arm out­
Most often, though, the nature o f pulp love was cloy-
ingly sweet. A nd w hile the heroine could be a debutante stretched . . .
or an heiress or even a movie star, she was likely to be a
Although they w ere enormously popular in their day,
more modestly endowed, middle-class Am erican female,
w hen the love pulps eventually disappeared, they left be­
not unlike the love pulps’ primary readership o f shopgirls
hind no trace o f their existence. No great w riters or con­
and schoolgirls and secretaries and young married women.
tinuing series characters w ere born in their pages, and it
The story formula these readers responded to was a simple
appears likely that no pulp romance story has ever been
one: girl meets boy, girl marries boy. O f course, the road to
reprinted anywhere.
romantic happiness could be a bum py one, full o f obstacles
such as meddling relatives, tempting lotharios w ith pen­
“I did some o f the sexy stuff w hen I was starting out,"
cil-thin moustaches, and even a girl’s ow n foolish pride, but
recalls Jean W ebb. “Breezy Stories and a couple o f others.
nothing is ever allowed to alter the course o f true pulp love,
These w ere stories o f w hat they used to call ‘hot love,’ as
and each and every fictional romance was mandated to end
opposed to the ‘clean love’ stories I did for the romantic
happily, the heroine and her dreamboat pledged to each
pulps. T h ey w ere not at all explicit, you couldn’t use any
other in eternal devotion:
d irty words, but they w ere considered a bit shocking. I
‘ Oh, Kyle! Oh, K y l e - didn’t enjoy w riting them, either. I thought it was sordid. I
remember my grandmother didn’t w ant them anywhere

Gently, he took her in his arms. T enderly he kissed the in her house, she was so afraid someone might see them

tears from her cheeks, kissed the long black lashes closed,
kissed finally her lips.

“Love me?"

“Love you, Kyle!"

A nd so on: 4 ,9 5 0 w ords o f coqu etry and conflict, fol­

lowed by 5 0 o f rapturous climax. Most pulps offered a
short factual colum n or tw o and a page for readers' re­
sponses, but the love pulps gave significant space to back-
of-the-book non-fictional material. These features in­
cluded beauty pointers (“It seems to me that only the slim,
tapering finger can stand the long, pointed nail”), pen-pal
ads (“I am a girl o f fifteen w ho loves to have a good tim e .
..”), advice to the lovelorn (“You are undoubtedly in a very
trying situation, my dear”), advice from astrologists (“June
children are usually filled w ith unrest, and therefore it is
not strange that you are doubtful w hether to begin the
life o f a school teacher or a seed specialist"), and advice
that is ju st not categoriz,able:
Exotic foreign females provided the titillation in the
Before retiring, take a hot bath and a drink o f cold water.
typical Spicy Adventure story.

TV ChaUragr al Crrscnt Peak


A k w and right: W estern- themed \

:^ p.'.Tomance pulps were nearly a
, Cfltogorv unto themselves Most major
rough paper publishers h a j at least 3
one Western-love title

there" W illiam Campbell Gault, best know n for his excel­ Below: French Night Life Stories documented the revelry in
lent detective fiction and juvenile sports stories, made his Gay Paree. It was, in fact, one of many Gallic-set sex pulps.
first pulp sales to a pair o f fringe sex magazines, Paris
Nights and Scarlet Adventuress. The latter was an oversized
pulp devoted to tales o f“the woman adventuress," the sort,
according to the editorial guidelines for contributors,“w ho
has a definite goal—love, money, power, or revenge—to­
ward w hich she steadily forges, using the allure o f her
b o d y ...” Says Gault:“T hey w ere published in Pennsylva­
nia somewhere, and paid a third o f a cent a word. They
bought anything as long as you made all the female char­
acters voluptuous. I guess men read them like they read
Playboy today. T h ey were supposed to be hot stuff, but the
stories were about as sexy as church."
America before W orld W ar II could be a fanatically
puritanical place, and the various local
and state blue laws regarding sexual lit­
erature were strictly enforced in many
areas. For purposes o f decorum and
m inim ising risk, the sexy pulps were issue o f Ginger Stories, the titular char­
rarely displayed openly but sold “un­ acter is a saucy 18-year-old who, as the
der the counter” and had to be re­ story begins, has succumbed to the lat­
quested, even in a supposedly adult est frivolous flapper crage: “H alf o f the
male bastion like the cigar store. Since tw enty-dollar gold piece her father had
many o f the sex pulps came from given her .. had been spent in having
oddball independent publishing com­ her legs, ju st above the knees, painted
panies, they were often irregular in ap­ w ith pictures o f the w orld’s most fa­
pearance compared to the uniform mous bachelors .. .Colonel Bindburgh
product o f the mainstream publishers. [sic] and the Prince o f W ales" Arabelle
The dimensions varied—some sex reveals her thigh-portraits after im bib­
pulps were saddle stitched, and some ing too much “pre-Volstead punch,"
contained slick-paper inserts, six or tw elve pages usually raising her skirt w hile dancing the Charleston on a table-
reserved for black-and-w hite photos o f naked women. top for an assortment o f lascivious men. T h e flapper's un­
W hen the Spicy titles came along, they included comic seem ly behavior leads to tw o rich ly documented spank­
strips as a regular feature—the adventures o f Sally the ings before the story’s ironic conclusion.
Sleuth, Diana Daw, and Polly o f the Plains, tough, luscious A m ericans o f the 19 2 0 s and 1 9 3 0 s —particularly
heroines fighting bad guys and losing their clothes in the those interested in reading “hot” stories—w ere w ell
process. aware that their nation paled by comparison, sexually
The first w ave o f sex pulps w as tied to the Zeitgeist speaking, to la belle France, the global capital o f naughty
o f the Roaring Tw enties, a decade perceived to be made activities. A nd the sex pulps fed this perception w ith a
up o f equal parts joie de vivre and moral turpitude. The slew o f G allic titles: Parisian Life, G ay Parisienne, Paris
stories detailed—or more often teasingly im plied—in ci­ Nights, French N ight Life, and French Scandals, each of­
dents o f premarital sex, extram arital sex, even w ife-sw ap­ fering up a selection o f erotica w ith a continental air. Pulp
ping, all activities fueled by plenitudes o f bootleg gin. Pa-ree w as an insouciant place populated entirely by
Free-spirited young flappers, w ith their short skirts and roues and their mistresses, horny a p ach e dancers, and
open minds, made perfect heroines for prurient literature. hornier rich nymphomaniacs, w here the leading form o f
In T h e Em ancipation o f A rab elle in the N ovem ber 1 9 2 8 employment w as nude figure modeling. I f he could man­
86 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

age to get through the idiom atic dialogue (“Mon Dieu, me, mainstream readership. W h ile the Gay Parisienne-ty p e
I w eel be less decent in one small moment e e f you h af publications affected an ersatz; sophistication and used sex
your way!") the reader o f the French sex pulps could con­ and seduction as subject matter, the Spicys took up the
sider him self a true man o f the world. popular action genres—W estern, private eye, high adven­
ture—and infused them w ith blunt and often highly gra­
PRIL 1 9 3 4 was a significant date in the history o f tuitous passages o f eroticism.

A . under-the-counter literature. It marked the debut

o f the line o f erotic fiction magazines know n to legendtext—a
the Spicys. “I hope nobody minds my m aking love in pub­
In the Spicys, the narrator’s lechery needed no con­
wom an merely bending over to tie her shoe was
sufficient to provoke four or five sentences o f salacious de­
lic," S. J. Perelman effused in the pages o f T h e N ew Yorker, scription. No matter how tense or action-packed a story
“but i f Culture Publications, Inc, o f 9 0 0 M arket Street, might become, there was alw ays time to stop and examine
W ilm ington, Delaware, w ill have me, Pd love to marry the attributes o f every passing female:
th em ... call it a schoolboy crush, puppy love, the senseless
H er cream y legs and sculptured thighs w ere the answer to
infatuation o f a callow youth for a middle-aged, worldly-
w ise publishing hou se... I love them because they are the a celibate's dream. H er hips w ere boyish and yet fem inine:
publishers o f not only Spicy D etective but also Spicy W est- her waist slender and inviting. T h e fla t plateau o f her
ern, Spicy Mystery, and Spicy A dventure" A nd in these feel­ stomach swelled northw ard into two taut, milky-white
ings, Perelman was not alone—well, perhaps at T h e N ew
breasts o f flawless nubility. Ju st to glimpse those cone-
Yorker he was, but not elsewhere in red-blooded America.
shaped hillocks through the brassiere m ade Dan breathe
The Spicys, brain-children o f publishers Harry Donenfeld
and Frank Armer, w ere both daring and innovative, raun­ faster . . .
chier than previous sex pulps, and more accessible to a
# * #

A round her luscious silver-etched hips clings a torn piece of

pale silk scarcely large enough to disguise the loveliness of
her body. O ne arm is doubled under her back in such a
manner that her breasts, large and firm like mounds of
moon-lit snow, lift their proud swells into the cool night . . .

# # #

N aked to the waist, she picked up a longthonged whip

and flex ed it. H er full, tawny breasts undulated and
swayed under their covering as she drew back her arm —

These are w hat w ere know n as the “hot parts," calcu­

lated to quicken the pulse o f impressionable Depression-
era males. Some surviving copies o f the Spicys show that
discrim inating readers often carefully underlined or en­
circled said hot parts for easy reference. Culture Publica­
tions knew w hat they w ere doing: the inclusion o f
concupiscent passages in otherw ise conventional detec­
tive and adventure stories enabled them to charge 15 cents
W riter Hugh Cave in t g j 2. more than the price o f the “decent” competition. And suc-

cess at the higher price allowed them to pay writers top-

of-the-line rates. A lthough most felt the need to adopt
pseudonyms, a number o f notable pulp pros did w rite for
the disreputable Spicys. Norvell Page was a contributor,
as w ere E. Hoffman Price, Henry Kuttner, Steve Fisher, and
Hugh C ave Cave told me, “It was a good m arket T hey paid
three cents a w ord and sometimes more, and anytime I
needed a quick check I could sit down and w rite one o f
those stories in an afternoon. They paid right away, on ac­
ceptance, unlike some o f the more ‘respectable’ magazines.
I never w ent to their offices, never met any editors. It was
all done through my agent, Lurton Blassingame It was fun.
I w rote a series character, a roguish fellow called ‘the Eel’—
he was an imitation o f a Damon Runyon character, told his
ow n stories in the first person. I was reading Runyon at
the time and so was everyone else. I didn’t put my own
name on the Spicy stories because I was trying to sell to
the slick magazines then and it just would not have been a
good idea for my real name to be plastered all over the
cover o f those Spicys. I invented a pen name for m yself
Justin Case”

Top: A S p ic y h e r o in e m a y lose* h e r
clothes hut s h e k e e p s a t i g h t h o l d oj

h e r . 58.

Above: E a r l y s e x p u l p s l i k e th is

is s u e o j Breezy Stories fr o m M a y 2 , Robert E. Howard, famed for his Conan series in Weird

1929, u s u a l ly s u g g e s t e d m u c h m o r e
Tales, wrote at least five pseudonymous stories for Spicy
A dventure—braw ling exploits o f sailor W ild Bill Clanton.
t h a n t h e y d e l iv e r e d .
He discussed the new market in a letter to his pen pal H. P.
Right: The m a le lo v e o b j e c t s in Lovecraft, advising him to take a crack at it: “Just w rite up
romance p u l p i l lu s t r a t i o n s w e r e o f t e n one o f your ow n sex adventures, altered to fit the plot." The
m o r e d e lic a t e ly f e a t u r e d than th e notion o f the sickly, reclusive, and puritanical Lovecraft
fe m a le s . doing an autobiographical “sex adventure” for one o f the
Spicy magazines is more harrow ing than any o f his horror
stories. The great Lovecraft did not follow Howard’s sug­
V i V ] .
5 5

rTT T»
\ fi Li

There may have been other w ell-know n writers in the whatchacallems.” U nlike most o f his Culture Publications
Spicy pages, their pseudonymous bylines never to be ex­ co-workers, w ho tended to merely impose a little sex on
posed. Indeed, it is likely that many a Sp icy detective and an ordinary action plot, Bellem kn ew how to conceive a
adventure story was a reject from the straight markets, re­ story w ith organic erotic content. In T h e Corpse in the
cycled w ith a few hastily added sex scenes. There was re­ Cabinet, for instance, Dan Turner is in a Turkish bathhouse
ally only one distinctive w riter for w hom Culture Publi­ (“having a gallon o f Scotch steamed out o f my carcass...”)
cations was not a quick-buck or shameful secondary mar­ w hen a scream comes from across a partition. Dan bursts
ket—for whom, in fact, Culture provided the only forum in on the crow ded ladies' section o f the bath, finds a dead
for expressing his singular, goofball artistry. T hat w riter body, and for several pages proceeds to interrogate a lineup
was Robert Leslie Bellem, the Shakespeare o f the Spicys. o f sweating, stark-naked female murder suspects.
Bellem, an ex-reporter, had been selling to the pulps for sev­
RO M T H E BEG IN N IN G the Spicys had enemies

eral years w hen the Spicys came into being. He w as one o f
the speed demons, capable o f churning out a roomful o f in high places. The Post O ffice and various local gov­
copy every day o f the week, and he often w rote w hole is­ ernments w ere continually scheming to put them out o f
sues o f minor pulps, using his ow n and an assortment o f business. The Spicys had their editorial offices in Manhat­
pen names. Most o f his w ork was no better than compe­ tan, but the publishers felt the need to use a Delaware mail-
tent and he would be one more obscure hack today i f not drop address on the masthead in order to confuse the
for his creation o f a horny, Hollywood-based private eye bluenosed N ew York authorities. There were plenty o f
named Dan T urner. Turner first appeared in the June 1 9 3 4 problems w ith distribution. In some cities, the Spicys were
issue o f Spicy D etective and qu ickly became the Spicys’ banned or had their front covers removed before sales were
most popular offering. Eventually, the permitted. By the late ’30s, Culture was
character would have his ow n personal forced to scale back the sex content and
pulp, Hollywood Detective, a n d Turner’s eventually gave up the Spicy line alto­
adventures, all penned by Bellem, would gether. The tamer “Speed" line took its
number in the hundreds. place. By then, p u b lish e r H arry
W h at distinguished the T urner D o n en feld had found a m uch less
stories, and earned them the rabid ad­ troublesome and more profitable form
m iration o f readers like Perelman, was o f publishing—comic books. Culture’s
their w acky colloquial voice, a version head man had taken over D C Comics,
o f the sim ile-and-slang-laden hard- the enormously successful home o f Su­
boiled style exaggerated to the point o f perman and Batman.
delirious ridiculousness. A gun, for in­
stance, never fired; rather, a “roscoe”
“belched C how -chow ,” “coughed Ka-
C how ," “sneeged Ker-choob!" I f P. G.
W odehouse had decided to make his
Bertie W ooster a v iolent and salacious hard-boiled
gumshoe, the result night have sounded som ething like
Dan Turner. “W ill you come along w illingly,” the detec­
tive typically says to a guilty party, “or do I bunt you over Above: The Corpse in the Cabinet was the featured story in
the crum pet till your sneeger leaks butterm ilk?” the January 1 9 3 5 issue of Spicy Detective Stories. Author
Turner’s first home being a Spicy, there w ere naturally Robert Leslie Bellem, creator of concupiscent Hollywood
many occasions for lechery, and Bellem was a master o f
detective Dan Turner, was the prolific ’ Shakespeare of the
dippy sex talk. He was particularly creative in his euphe­
misms for a women’s breasts, know n variously as “w hite
woman's melons,” “creamy bon-bons,” “firm little Opposite: T he Spicys owed a good deal of their success to the
tiddlywinks," “perky pretty-pretties," and “gorgeous larger-than-life cover girls painted by H. J. W ard.
T h e S h a d o w w a s t h e fir s t a n d

most successful o f th e p u lp

su p er-h ero es
Shadows and

“W ell," said Doc Savage, ill at ease, “I guess you would

call our profession righting wrongs and punishing evih

doers, going to the fa r corners o f the earth if necessary."

‘ T hat sounds silly," said Fiesta.

T h e bronze man m ade no reply to that.

— “T he F la m in g F a l c o n s ",
D oc S a v a g e M a g a z in e

N T H E FA LL O F 1930, a mentally unstable radio w ri­

I ter named Harry Chariot—murdered a few years later

in a Bowery flophouse—thought up an identity for the pre­
viously anonymous narrator o f “The Detective Story Hour.”
He called him The Shadow. The radio program was a cheap
promotional showcase for Street & Sm ith Publishers' Detec­
tive Story Magazine. Each w eek an actor named James
LaCurto read over the airwaves a story from the magazine’s
92 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

current issue. N ow the programs began w ith LaCurto do­ Gibson, 33 years old, had been a reporter, one o f the first
ing a hammy, scarifying laugh and intoning the words, composers o f crossword puzzles, and a ghostw riter for the
“The Shadow k n o w s. . This new ly characterised narra­ world-famous magician Harry Blackstone. G ibson and
tor became a hit w ith the listeners, and Street & Sm ith be­ Blackw ell decided to toss the N ick Carter manuscript and
gan hearing o f repeated requests for “the magazine w ith start fresh, and G ibson began w riting on the train ride
that Shadow guy ..." There was no such magazine, o f back to Philadelphia—the book-length story had to be
course, only D etective Story w ith its mostly humdrum pri­ completed at once, the premiere issue o f T h e Shadow sched­
vate-eye and mystery fiction. But news o f the public pas­ uled to hit the newsstands in a little over tw o months' time.
sion for the creepily cackling radio Shadow came to the W ith an A pril 1931 cover date, the first issue o f T he
attention o f the S & S circulation chief, H enry Ralston. A Shadow, w ent on sale right on schedule T he novel opens
veteran'of more than 3 0 years in the cheap thrills business, on a scene thick w ith tension, mystery, and despair. O n a
Ralston clung to some old, outmoded enthusiasms. He had N ew York bridge clouded by a black mist, a young man
never forgotten the pleasures—and the profits—once gen­ prepares to commit suicide. He leans above the distant dark
erated by the dime novels w ith their larger-than-life he­ waters and his fingers loosen their hold on the rail. Sud­
roes, N ick Carter, Buffalo Bill, and the rest. T h e response to denly, w hile “balanced betw een life and death," he is
The Shadow gave Ralston the excuse he was looking for gripped by an iron force. Someone drags him back, some­
to revive a single-character publication. It could be done one w ith an irresistible power. The would-be corpse sees
just like in the old days: target a young male audience, cre­ a frightening figure before him, “a tall black,-cloaked fig­
ate a house name byline to retain all creative control. ure that might have represented death itself . . . The
Ralston even found an ancient unpublished N ick Carter stranger’s face was entirely obscured by a broad-brimmed
manuscript that could be rew ritten for the new character. felt hat bent dow nw ard over his features; and the long,
He dumped the project on the desk o f D etective Story edi­ black cloak looked like part o f the thickening fog." Hauled
tor Frank Blackwell and told him to put out a magazine, into the back o f a chauffeured limousine, the daged man
fast, w hile the radio show was still caus­ hears the mysterious stranger’s offer o f
ing excitement. a new lease on life. “I shall improve i t ... I
Blackw ell may not have thought shall make it useful. But I shall risk it,
much o f the idea—after all, even the low-
caste pulps looked down on the embar­
WIZARD too. Perhaps I shall lose it, for I have lost
lives, ju st as I have saved them." A few
rassing dime novels—because he did not paragraphs later, the young man has
give the assignment to one o f his regular sworn his allegiance, a hold-up man has
w riters but instead offered it to a rela­ been shot dead, and the stranger has
tively unknow n Philadelphia magician vanished—“like a shadow!”
and author named W alter Gibson, w ho And so begins the first issue o f the
happened to be stopping by the office first single-character pulp, the begin­
that particular day in December 1930. ning o f the great epoch o f pulp heroes
and superheroes. T h e Shadow was a
sensation, moving quickly from quar­
terly issuance to m onthly to biweekly.
The character would make Street &
Sm ith several fortunes in licensing fees and royalties, and
the magazine w ould last for nearly tw o decades. Old
H enry Ralston had been right, the old dime novel formula
Above: Street & Smith’s The W izard was a short-lived hero
could be repackaged and made to w ork again.
pulp about ‘ Cash’ Gorman, a financier. T he magazine,
The Shadow himself, a Victorian w raith w ith his
subtitled Adventures in Money Making did not catch on.
black cloak and sinister cackle, might have felt right at
Opposite: As this Rudolph Belarski painting for March ’j 8 home in a 1 9th-century story paper. He also owed some­
shows, the streets aren't safe even for a man in a diuing helmet. thing to the flamboyant pulp heroes o f the p re -1920 pe-




94 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

riod, Johnston M cCulley’s masked swordsman o f Old Shadow ’s permanent and most famous characteristic). For
Capistrano, Zorro, and Frank Packard’s Jim m ie Dale, a ka. a time, The Shadow was so mysterious that no one in­
The Gray Seal. The Shadow may have actually seemed volved in his creation had a clear idea w hat he looked like.
startlingly fresh in the 1930s, w hen crim e-fighting hero­ The definitive depiction o f the character was the belated
ics had become the exclusive province o f the hard-boiled, w ork o f cover artist George Roz;en, w ho took over the jo b
bluntly realistic private eye. The setting, too, although os­ when the previous painter, his tw in brother, Jerome, was
tensibly contemporary, had little in common w ith the injured in an auto accident. George had one initial diffi­
mean streets realism o f most pulp crime fiction o f that time. culty, a blind spot about the description o f The Shadow’s
Filtered through W alter Gibson's theatrical imagination, nose as “haw klike” He was finally told to copy the nose o f
The Shadow existed somewhere near the foggy gaslit the assistant art director. As the series w ent on, readers
world o f Sherlock Holmes and Count Dracula gradually came to know more about their hero. The
In the first novels, The Shadow is an almost periph­ Shadow acquired familiar props—his tw in 45s, an
eral character, making sudden, decisive appearances at autogyro—and his true identity was revealed. Known only
critical points in the narrative The Shadow prefers to use to a pair o f close-mouthed Xinca Indians (and, implicitly,
an informal army o f recruits and lieutenants to do his to millions o f trustw orthy readers), The Shadow was Ac­
groundwork, investigating incipient crimes, setting the tually Kent Allard, the famous aviator (Lamont Cranston
traps that w ill thwart the hordes of evil; then, when the was merely one o f The Shadow ’s many impersonations—
time is right, and from some unknown sanctum, he arrives, the revised radio series, starring Orson W elles, got that all
a being in black, striking sw iftly w ith blaming automatics. wrong).
The ending is invariable—the foe vanquished, crime for Street & Sm ith maintained a close proprietary w atch
the time being stilled, and the midnight victory announced over their breadwinner throughout most o f his existence.
by,the creepy peals o f The Shadow’s mighty laugh (that Individual plots and general developments in the series
radio actor’s improvisation becoming the literary had to pass thropgh an unusual committee system. W riter
W alter Gibson would w ork out a detailed synopsis for the
next novel and then take it to overseer Henry Ralston and
new editor John N anovic for approval or amendment.
On Sale F ir s t and T h ir d F rid a y N ew gimmicks, settings, characters vvere kicked around
fo\. X X III $ 2.00 by the three during committee meetings. Gibson w el­
Number 4 Six Months
$ 1.00 comed the guidance since his standing assignment was the
October 15
Single Copy production o f tw o '60,000- to 70,000-w ord novels per
1937 10 Cents
month. It was a grueling task, but Gibson seemed to relish
, ,M, n. |Uln. . r . .roucl*! b , •* *
m m am sm um m c o n t e n t s i it.“T o meet T h e Shadow's scheduled had to hit'5,000 words
or more per day," G ibson once recalled, “I made 10,000
words my goal and found Lcould reach it. Some stories I
wrote in four days e a ch ... O n these occasions, I averaged
QympiaXi SAoJawflovst 15,000 words a day, or nearly 6 0 typew ritten pages, a pace
F k o n tift& S h s r io m T k lu a it o f four to five pages an hour for 12 to 15 hours. By living,
Ga , ix & L to r thinking, even dreaming the story in one continued pro­
cess, I found ideas came faster and faster" Gibson typed so
T H w u ffd t furiously that his fingers bled. Incredibly, he maintained
this pace^and.a generally high standard o f storytelling—
Thrilling Stories and Features
MURDER IN THE CARDS . . Robert Arthur . . . m for more than a decade, producing a total o f 2 8 2 Shadow
F ortu n e tolling w o t m jotoriotto t f J .I H to th e law . S m gotH a g a
a u r d t r t r w isn'tI novels. , —
C O D E S ................................................Henry L jt t a f . . . ts
Iu tt r c tt ie g in io rm ttio a c o n to r t in g C odon, C lg k o n , C rygtogroono tm i Blackwell’s-original, arbitrary choice o f Gibson could
Secret Imho,
DEATH IN THE RAIN . . . Stephen OeaM . . . not, as it turned out, have been more inspired. It was the
S h crid w D oom *, crook H o n ! l o t o l li t o o c o e e e . w aflte th e eereere o t W ood-
perfect matchup o f author and character. A sa magician and
' The Shadow, October 15, 1 g j / . as a historian o f magic, Gibson brought to T he Shadow a

unique perspective. T he stories w ere the literary equiva­

lent o f a master illusionist’s stage act, full o f tricks, threats
o f sudden death, and mysterioso atmospherics. Despite his
output, Gibson w as no h ack He felt an intense dedication
to the series and the character he had largely created. Each
novel had to top the last in plot twists, trickery, surprise
ending. His one frustration w ith the assignment that
would take up so much o f his life was its enforced ano­
nymity. Street & Sm ith never wavered from its policy re­
garding T h e Shadow's byline—all o f G ibson’s novels
would be credited to the house name o f M axw ell Grant.
As the magazine soared to prominence, and the new radio
series and motion picture adaptations followed, Gibson’s
crucial contribution to it all remained unknow n outside
pulp circles. O nly in his old age did G ibson get to enjoy
public acclaim from the legions o f Shadow readers around
the world.

T T O O K M O R E than a year for publishers to try and

I emulate T h e Shadow's great success, but from early

1 9 3 3 the im itators began to arrive, an assortm ent o f
single-character pulps featuring mysterious avengers and
Jimmy Christopher was Operator # 5 , “America’s secret
service ace."
larger-than-life enemies o f evil. The first to hit the stands
was Standard’s T h e Phantom D etective. Created, w ith a
minimum o f ingenuity, by editorial head Leo Margulies, A month after T h e Phantom Detective's debut, Street
The Phantom w as the crim e-fighting alter ego o f R ich ­ & Sm ith issued their ow n follow-ups to T h e Shadow. Not
ard Curtis Van Loan, a Park A venue playboy. T h e Phan­ surprisingly, considering his enthusiasm for the dime
tom w as a master o f disguise, although his most frequent novel heroes o f the past, H enry Ralston decided to put
disguise w as a rather unmasterful Lone R an ger-typ e N ick Carter back on the newsstands. O f course, the char­
mask and a derby hat. T h e cases that caused Van Loan to acter had to be m odernised instead o f the dippy Rover Boy
abandon his polo ponies and don his mask and bow ler o f the 1890s, the new N ick was a tough private investiga­
w ere the ones too big for the entire N ew York police tor, tackling crime syndicates and such. O f course, this be­
force. The Phantom’s foes w ere usually megalomaniacal ing a juvenile hero pulp and not Black Mask, N ick’s inves­
conquerors like T h e Mad Red, a Com munist w ith a fiend­ tigations involved spectacular props such as his bomb-car­
ish plan for w orld domination. Phantom D etective stories rying private airplane w ith a floor that could convert into
tended to be bloody nonsense. Margulies assigned them a giant magnifying glass. The public showed little interest
to a stable o f hacks (Anatole Feldman, D. L. Champion, in the character and the face-lifted N ick was re-retired
Laurence Donovan, Norman Daniels, etc.), all w ritin g The second hero pulp Street & Sm ith launched that
under the house names o f G. W aym on Jones or Robert same month—March 1 9 3 3 —was considerably more suc­
W allace, and through the years there w as little consis­ cessful. Doc Savage Magazine would last for 17 years, 181
tency regarding the tone or the scope o f the series or the issues, and come to be regarded as one o f the supreme
precise personality o f T h e Phantom D etective him self achievements in the history o f the pulps. O nce again, the
W ith no sym pathetic biographer like T h e Shadow ’s initial idea came from Henry Ralston. He conceived o f a
Gibson, the character rem ained lifeless. Still, the series single-character magazine that could be the high-adven­
contained enough outlandish villain y and blood-and- ture equivalent o f T h e Shadow mysteries. John Nanovic,
thunder action to m aintain moderate sales and keep The the young editor w ho had been w orking on T h e Shadow
Phantom in business for 2 0 years. since the fourth issue, took Ralston's rough concept and
96 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

wrote a detailed outline and character genesis for the pro­ a-month “brass pounder"—a telegrapher—at the Associated
posed pulp. Clark Savage, Jr, is a braw ny genius, a surgeon, Press office in Tulsa, Oklahoma, attempting to w rite ad­
mineralogist, engineer, inventor, and master oflanguages, venture stories during the midnight-to-eight graveyard
as well as being the Supreme Adventurer. His skin color shift. In December 1930, he received an amazing, inexpli­
is a glowing bronz,e (“bespeaking o f long years spent be­ cable telegram from Richard Martinsen at Dell Publishing:
neath tropic suns and northern skies"), his hair is a match­ “If you make less than $ 1 0 0 a w eek on your present job,
ing hue, and so are his set-well-apart, magnetic-like gold- advise you to quit. Come to N ew York and be taken under
flake-resembling eyes—not for nothing is he know n as the our w ing w ith a $500-a-m onth draw ing account." Dent
Man o f Bronge. Headquartered in a Manhattan skyscraper, was soon living in Manhattan, w riting the entire contents
Doc is the leader o f an almost equally colorful group o f five o f tw o Dell pulps, Scotland Y ard and Sky Riders. He made
other adventurers: Renny, another braw ny giant and a $ 1,500 the first month.Both pulps folded a few issues later
world-renowned engineer; Long Tom, a skinny electron­ and Dent was left to his ow n devices.
ics genius; Johnny, scrawny, studious-looking, a geologist, O ne o f the stories he sold w hile freelancing was a
and “the greatest physicist o f the land"; Monk, chemist o f gaudy action tale titled T h e Sinister Ray, featuring a bril­
genius w ith the body o f a gorilla; and Ham, sardonic, liant “scientific detective” named Lynn Lash. This was
nattily dressed, Harvard-educated lawyer, w ielding a likely the story that brought Dent to the attention o f Henry
sword cane w ith a drug-laced tip. Financed by gold re­ Ralston. Even more than W alter Gibson and his Shadow,
serves from a hidden Central Am erican mine, Doc and Dent and Doc Savage were the perfect symbiosis o f cre­
gang begin their spectacular task: ator and creation. “He put a lot o f him self into that charac­
ter,” his w idow , Norma, told me. “A lot o f his w riter friends
. . . to go here and there, from one end o f the world to the
used to call him ‘Doc’ because he was so much like Doc
other, looking for excitement and adventure; striving to Savage." Strange but true, the telegrapher/hack from Mis­
help those who need help; to punish those who deserve it souri and the bronze Supreme Adventurer had much in
. . . People, tribes and nations would gain their help when common. Physically, both were prepossessing figures. Dent
was a huge man, six foot tw o and over tw o hundred
sore pressed. Industry would be served by them. A rt and
pounds, and a flamboyant dresser, affecting for a time
science would profit by their daring . . .
needle-point mustachios or full beard. Like Doc, Dent eas­
It was an exciting enough declaration o f intent, but ily mastered a variety o f technical skills. He was a pilot,
there was no initial guarantee that Doc Savage would fare electrician, radio operator, plumber, and architect. “He de­
any better w ith the readers than the reincarnated N ick signed our entire house from scratch," said Norma “Taught
him self how to do it, drew up the blueprints and every­
thing.” And Dent shared w ith Savage a yearning for adven­
ture. He prospected for gold in the Mojave and for three
years sailed the Caribbean on his yacht Albatross, search­
ing for sunken Spanish treasure. “He had a treasure map
he bought from someone,” Mrs. Dent recalled, “and there
was supposed to be a big gold table w orth millions o f dol­
lars sunk out there. W e never found it but someone else did
Carter. The Nanovic-penned outline lacked spirit and its many years later. He would dive for treasure during the
gold-mine plot was plain dull Doc’s future became assured day and then sit on the deck and w rite his Doc Savage
only when Ralston and Nanovic chose as his amanuensis story all night"
a man by the name of Lester Dent, a 28-year-old Missouri Certainly Dent’s productivity as a w riter qualified
w riter w ith a limitless im aginations devious sense o f hu­ him for superhuman status. He could w rite around the
mor, and a flair for gadgetry and science—all hallmarks o f clock, putting him self as much as a year ahead o f schedule
the series to come. w hen he wanted time o ff and he often worked on three
O nly a few years before he was picked for the different stories at once, moving from typew riter to type­
monthly Savage assignment, Lester Dent had been a $ 125- w riter to keep from getting bored.
Above: Lester Dent, author of the
Doc Savage novels.

Opposite: Pictured, the emblem for

the Doc Savage Club. Most of the
single-character "hero pulps,"
aimed at a juvenile readership,
had similar organizations.
Membership dues from the
youngsters were a good source of
income for hero-pulp publishers.

Although Street & Smith required

the use of a house name (Kenneth
Robeson) for all issues of the
magazine, the majority of the Doc
Savage stories were utritten by an
muentioe Missouri wordsmith named
Lester Dent. Seen here, the April
'jg issue made timely use of the
New York World’s Fair.
and other

A firm believer in fiction formulas and “master plots” ter o f Men,”a ruthless crime fighter w ho stamps the corpses
for pulp w riting, Dent referred to the bulk o f his output as o f his numerous victim s w ith a vermilion, spider-shaped
“salable crap," but i f his Savage w o rk w as mechanical, he seal. “W e saw how very successful T h e Shadow was and we
disguised it w ell w ith an endless supply o f dazzling dis­ wanted to do something like it,” said T h e Spider's creator,
tractions. Particularly in the w ild and w ooly early years, H enry Steeger.“And I think w e improved on it."
Dent really delivered the goods: great villains (The M ystic The first tw o issues w ere stodgily w ritten by R. T. M
Mullah; The Sargasso Ogre; the dreadful John Sunlight; the Scott, a Canadian ex-army major. He was replaced by wild-
tittering “Tibetan" M o-Gwei; the piano-playing—“always eyed, hard-boiled hack Norvell Page, using the pen name
a prelude o f unpleasantness for somebody"—sadist Count o f Grant Stockbridge. In this same period, Steeger had be­
Ram.adanoff the speedy 131 -year-old Dan Thunden); great gun his notoriously sadistic “shudder pulps"—to w hich
gadgets (600-shot-per-m inute handgun; oxygen pills for Page contributed numerous lurid stories—and T h e Spider
breathing underwater; rocket-propelled dirigible; hollow would take a sim ilarly intense approach to violence and
false teeth containing explosive chemicals and tiny tools; a sex From the first, Page’s Spider novels have a harsh, vis­
banjo rifle, bullets fired by plucking a string; a platinum ceral power. In Wings o f the Black D eath, Richard
suit for deflecting certain death rays); great threats (geneti­ W en tw o rth battles a cruel, blackm ailing crim inal w ho
cally mutating monsters; exploding “terror falcons”; flesh- threatens N ew York w ith bubonic plague (“ ‘I think it best,’
eating ants; mind-freezing radiation); and great buildings he said, ‘that Ram Singh drive you back to tow n at once.
even (Doc’s icelike A rctic refuge, the Fortress o f Solitude, T h e man w ho ju st phoned declared that he was about to
guarded by a tribe o f Eskimos; his privately ow ned “col­ loose the Black Death upon all o f usf ’’), the effects o f w hich
lege" where evildoers are sent for brainwashing). are described in sickening detail:
Dent was a recklessly generous storyteller, providing
Works’ head sagged forw ard. Breath rasped more harshly
each issue o f Doc Savage w ith enough imaginative mate­
rial to supply a year’s w orth o f competing hero pulps. O ne in his throat. H e belched. Blood poured from his jaws. It
typically over-the-top narrative, Septem ber 1 9 3 3 ’s T h e tore a muffled scream o f agony from him.
Lost Oasis, involves a hijacked zeppelin, a gorgeous English
aviatrix, trained vampire bats in N ew York harbor, a pair “Quick, man!” W entw orth shot at him. “Do you know who
o f Middle Eastern bad guys, a desert prison camp, Doc and
the blackmailer was?"
gang in an autogyro dogfight, jew el-bearing vultures, car
chases, man-eating plants, a slave revolt, and a lost A frican
Suddenly W orks convulsed, reared back in his chair with
diamond mine. Although the inventions and science-fic­
clutching hands digging into his throat.
tional elements w ere a strong part o f the series' appeal, the
stories themselves transcended categorization, roaming
“Speak, man, speak!’ Wentworth cried.
freely from science fiction to supernatural horror to
w hizbang action to lost w orld adventure a la Burroughs
or Rider Haggard. W ith Dent behind the typewriter, Doc T h e purple lips opened, suffocation blackened his face.

Savage M agazine became a crazily exhilarating reading ex­ Blood gushed out. Sound issued from that ghastly mouth.
perience, a monthly ten-cent hallucinogen for 14-year-old But it was sound that was translatable into no word. It
boys o f all ages.
was the death rattle.

A TE IN 1933, that most eventful year for the super- In T h e Spider, for once, the viciousness o f the crim i­

L j hero, Popular Publications weighed in w ith tw o nals was matched b y the hero. None o f Doc Savage’s anes­
memorable titles. T h e Spider reshuffled established ingredi­ thetic “mercy bullets" or reprogramming seminars for the
ents—The Phantom Detective’s mask and day jo b (New opponents o f Richard W entw orth. Justice for them is sud­
York millionaire),old-timer Jim m ie Dale’s calling cards,and den and final:
The Shadow’s black duds. Known only to his girlfriend,
But the S pider’s bullet had sped true. A round blue hole
Nita Van Sloan, and his H indu manservant, Ram Singh,
gaped in the forehead o f John H arper.
Richard W entw orth’s secret identity is T he Spider, “Mas­
•find of Danger And
leath to the Unwary
D fpm plete Wove I

For an instant he sat straight up in his chair, a surprised came increasingly to identify w ith his creation. “Some
have said Norvell Page was a bit eccentric," said Henry
look upon his face. T hen he slumped forw ard, his head
Steeger. “He used to wear a black cape and a large black hat
spilling blood on the stolen jewels over which he had
like The Spider, and he may have thought he was that char­
gloated. His life o f greedy crime was ended. acter. Talented man, though”True. Although lacking Lester
Dent’s relentless inventiveness, Page wrote prose that
* * * grabbed you b y the collar and didn’t let go.
T h e other hero pulp Popular brought out in O ctober
T h e Spider sprang upon him, slammed home his fist. T he 1 9 3 3 w as equally distinguished and captured an imme­
head rolled limply over. T h e larynx had been crushed in, diate and loyal readership. G -8 and His Battle A ces was
closing the windpipe and killing him instantly. the creation o f Robert J. Hogan, a 36-year-old m inister’s
son from Buskirk, N ew York. Hogan had learned to fly
* * # during W orld W ar I, and had been a salesman and air­
craft dem onstrator for C u rtiss-W right at the Syracuse
In the end, the Black D eath was a coward and died a airport. He lost the jo b in the Depression and began w rit­
ing stories for the vast array o f aviation magazines. He
coward's death, with terror in his eyes, with T h e S pider’s
came to Steeger w ith an idea for a hero pulp w ith an air
fingers crushing the life slowly out of him.
w ar background. G -8 w ould be a W o rld W ar I flying
As for sex, both W entw orth and the lovely Nita con­ spy, his persona and experiences inspired by a real-life
tinually encounter the sort o f lasciviousness that would pilot o f Hogan’s acquaintance, Harold Nevin. Steeger
have sent Doc Savage fleeing to his Fortress o f Solitude and w ent for it, but hedged his bet by including the title and
bolting the door. There are orgies, threats o f rape, sexual typeface o f his first successful pulp, B attle Aces. These
torture: w ere not going to be your average air ace stories, as evi­
denced by the first o f Frederick Blakeslee’s many stun­
They lifted her bodily from the floor, stretched arms and
ning G -8 cover paintings, a m oonlit v iew o f tw o Spads
legs to the great thick spokes o f the wheel and bound them chasing a giant bat, the hero strapped to one o f the rodent’s
there, ripped off her clothing with rough hands. Even wings. W ith the outlandishness the pulps had become

before the task was finished, a gnout whistled through the noted for, G -8 com bined flying fiction w ith science fic­
tion and frequent doses o f horror-fantasy.
air to lay its streaks o f torn red across her w hite body.
In the opening adventure, T he Bat Staffel, the young
Temptresses: American spy is cooling his heels in the dungeon o f
Freiburg Castle, stooped over in an old codger disguise and
H er body was alive and warm and urgent and she raised
about to be executed. He wangles a meeting w ith the man
herself up against him, and her lips found his with a kiss w ho would become his most frequent adversary in the is­
so passionately abandoned that it burned like something sues ahead, Der evil H err Doktor Krueger, and in the time-
annealed in a white-hot oven. honored tradition o f criminal masterminds, H err Doktor
feels compelled to reveal his top secret plans to G -8 before
It was another effective innovation from Henry killing him The Germans, it seems, are about to unleash the
Steeger, pulp publishing’s Young Turk: a superhero book “poison breath’’ o f the great bats o f the Jura caves, a breath so
aimed at an adult sensibility. The stories grew larger and deadly that a few canned drops—as Krueger demonstrates—
more fantastic as they w ent on, and author Norvell Page shrink a guinea pig to dust Now, w ith this info to relay, G-
8 must escape, using the doktor as a shield and heaving the
cannister o f bat breath at the guards.
Opposite: T he hero 0 / 1 8 1 issues of Doc Savage Magazine “Gott im H im m el’
was Clark Savage, Jr., surgeon, inventor, aviator, engineer, Aided in his escape by tw o passing fliers—future
brawny punisher of evildoers, the Man of Bronze, the Battle Aces N ippy W eston and Bull Martin—G -8 returns
Supreme Adventurer. to Paris headquarters, gets General Pershing’s new man-
102 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

date (“You may take matters entirely in your ow n hands”) Pearl H arb o r-lik e air attack on N ew York City. Street &
and sets o ff to destroy the Bat Staffel, and a total o f 109 Sm ith’s Bill Barnes A ir Adventure, had a contemporary
other gaudy opponents to come. M ercifully, few o f our setting and was aimed at very young boys o f an earnest
fighting men in W orld W ar I knew o f the terrifying ex­ disposition. It resembled a hobbyist publication, w ith its
perimental w eaponry in the hands o f the German enemy: non-violent covers depicting custom ised aircraft (su­
the bat halitosis, the skeleton ray, the dragon, the lightning perbly rendered by Frank Tinsley, an aviation specialist),
machine, the chemical that turns men into mummies, the and pages o f model airplane diagrams. T h e novels were
Zombies, robots, wolf-men, hawk-men, tiger-men, Martians, credited to George L. Eaton, a house name, but most were
and more. But superspy G -8 knew and each month he and w ritten by a young Canadian named Charles Spain Verral.
his devil-may-care flying buddies, N ippy and Bull, did “The editor, F. O rlin Tremaine, offered him the jo b after
w hat it took to intercept the Kaiser’s bizarre arsenal. the first w riter didn't w ork out,” recalls his w ife, Jean
Fora time, the air was crowded w ith flying hero pulps. M ithoefer Verral. “W e w ere in a little trouble, very broke,
T h e Lone E agle from Better Publications featured conven­ and I had been quite ill and confined to b e d ... we didn’t
tional heroics, w hile another Popular title, Dusty Ayres and kn ow w hat w e w ere going to do. T hen Street & Sm ith
His Battle Birds, was even more fanciful than G-8 . Dreamed accepted the Bill Barnes story and gave him a check for
up during a possibly liquid lunch betw een H enry Steeger $50 0 . He cashed it in all small bills and he came home and
and w riter Robert Sidney Bow en (a W orld W ar I vet and threw them all over me in the bed. Oh, it rained money!"
former Royal A ir Force ace), Dusty w as to take place in the T eren ce X. O ’Leary's W a r Birds, from Dell, was an
near-future, during a spectacular w ar betw een the U.S. and obvious derivative o f both G -8 and Dusty Ayres. There
an imaginary Central A sian country ruled b y a merciless, w ere futuristic air ships, ray guns, and invasions o f
masked dictator know n as Fire Eyes, Em peror o f the Am erica by imaginary evil empires. T h e magazine’s titu­
World. Having conquered all o f A sia and Europe, Fire lar character had taken a peculiar route to superherodom
Eyes’ fierce armies invade Am erica—one cover shows a O riginally, in the pages o f W ar Stories in the early ’20s, he
was a low ly W orld W ar I trench soldier and a caricature
o f a vaudeville Irishman. A few years later, he had become
slightly less obnoxious in Faw cett’s Battle Stories. Then,
w ithout w arning in M arch 193 3 , he resurfaced as “the
w orld’s greatest hero” and the “dyno-blasting" star o f his
ow n magazine. T erence X. O ’L eary ’s W a r Birds lasted for
three issues. A uthor A rthur Em pey w as a dreadful w riter
and a radical right-winger. A w orld w ar vet and author o f
the best-seller Over the Top, Em pey lived in Hollywood
in the 1 9 3 0 s and co-founded—w ith movie star Gary Coo­
per—a blackshirts-type private army, the Hollywood
Hussars, w h ich aspired to m ilitary political power in the
name o f “Am ericanism "
Perhaps Empey w ould have enjoyed reading O pera­
tor # 5 , the righteous and xenophobic adventures o f Jim m y
Christopher, “ace undercover agent o f the United States
Government,” and ch ie f opponent o f various hordes o f
rampaging, blood-maddened foreigners. T h e paintings by
BOOK ONE OF cover artist John H ow itt w ere often feverish, Goyaesque
KA-ZAR OF THE BEASTS images o f desperate, anguished A m ericans manning the
barricades. Far from escapist entertainment, O perator # 5
had an ugly timeliness, exploiting the lingering air o f an­
ger and social upheaval caused b y the Depression and the
increasingly bellicose atmosphere in Europe and Asia.

A nother creation o f H enry Steeger, O perator # 5 was ini­

tially w ritten by talented workhorse Frederick C. Davis.
The magazine reached its apogee in the issues devoted
to the “Purple Invasion" In these stories, a “w oefully unpre­
pared” America is invaded by the powerful, multi-national
armies o f Rudolph I, Emperor o f the Purple Empire. Every­
w here is devastation, death, torture, Purple encampments
protected w ith living w alls o f Am erican youths hung
upon crosses. It is a violent, paranoid pulp, and amazingly
prem onitory o f the holocaustic w orld that lay ju st a few
years away.
N ew single-character hero pulps appeared through­
out the decade. A few thrived; many expired after the first
sales figures w h eeled in. Among the characters featured
in homonymous magazines there w ere cow boys (Pete
Rice, The Masked Rider, T h e Rio Kid), secret agents (Se­
cret A gent X), aspiring T artan s (Ka-Zar), and, o f course,
many more masked, cowled, costumed, dual-identity
crime-fighters (The Ghost, The W hisperer, The Avenger,
A Captain Satan). Some oddities came and went. Street &
Sm ith’s T h e W iz ard was about a superhero o f finance,
* c o v u rtr m
“Cash" Gorman. Plots dealt w ith corporate takeovers and
..i. . f 1
- -cl.
i*,U It, 4,1-4,.! h,*4i' 1
union beefs. Actually, it was an intelligent, interestingly
l »«#»: 11061* «(,,!. «,
"»» ttttnt mviiiei) 1
detailed magazine; it lasted four issues. There w ere even a
few super-villain pulps. F o ra few months Dell offered Doc­
tor Death, about a white-haired mad scientist Popular came
up w ith T h e Mysterious W u Fang, concerning the mis­
deeds o f a Fu Manchu type as reported by the industrious
Robert Hogan. A fter seven appearances, W u Fang myste­
riously disappeared, replaced on the newsstands by the re­
markably similar Dr. Yen Sin. T w o other madmen, The
Octopus and The Scorpion, completed the very short-lived
Top: E ach cover of Bill Barnes, A ir
super-villain cycle.
Adventurer f e a t u r e d a d iffe r e n t,
The heyday o f the hero pulps ended as the 194 0 s be­
c u s to m iz e d a ir c r a ft, c r e a te d b y
gan. Many titles w ere canceled, w hile others such as T he
il lu s t r a t o r F r a n k T i n s l e y .
Shadow and Doc Savage w ere toned down, losing much o f
A bove: Operator #5 w as a violent, the ripe melodrama and outrageousness that had distin­

a p o c a ly p tic p u lp . T h e Purple guished them. Tastes w ere changing. The juvenile readers
had turned to comic books, and to the science-fiction maga­
Invasion is s u e s d e t a i l e d t h e t a k e o v e r
zines. The first generation o f hero pulp readers, the devoted
of America by brutal f o r e i g n a r m ie s .
teenagers w ho had know n irrational jo y w ith the arrival
Opposite: Ka-Zar, O c t o b e r 1 936. o f each new adventure o f Doc and G -8 and the rest, were
young men in the 1940s, going into uniform and having
their ow n dangerous adventures in exotic places.
But the great pulp heroes did not die, despite w hat the
publishers’ ledgers said to the contrary. T h ey lived on in
the memories o f boys grown old, stars in a lost adolescent
M S C /M M G L V D /FF£R EN r
*r S r £ *Y -T £ *M * NOVELETTE B Y

m m

ftk , ■
0 ,

Hooded robes were a favorite j

rm m ■
item of apparel for W eird
Menace villains. This Jun e '40
Dime Mystery featured a cover
m iIP
story by Harrison Storm and a
novella by Russel! Gray; both
names were pseudonyms for
Bruno Fischer.
f a WYA

W h en the
Blood-God Ruled

T hey say there is nothing more ghastly than to witness the

torturing o f a fellow human being. I say there is! I say it is a

thousand times more ghastly to know that such horror is

going on and yet b e blinded to it, seeing it only through the

lurid workings o f a fever-w arped imagination!

—“D eath T olls the B ell"

T error T ales, 1935

' h E O C T O B E R 1 9 3 3 ISS U E o f Dime M ystery

T M agazine launched w hat w ould prove to be the most

depraved and blood-soaked chapter in the annals o f A m eri­
can publishing. It was in the O ctober issue that Popular Pub­
lications premiered the new format for its faltering, year-old
magazine. Dime Detective had been a huge hit for Popular,
but the mystery companion had never found an audience
In those days, new pulps w ere quickly dispatched i f they
106 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

didn’t turn a fast profit. Easier to tempt the consumer w ith feet this more involving perspective, the horrific elements
a brand-new title than to tinker w ith a lemon. But Popular o f each story were described w ith an unprecedented sav­
was committed to its Dime generic titles and so they de­ agery, an attention to detail that, as the genre developed, in­
cided to try a revised format, something sufficiently star­ cluded heavy dollops o f Sadean sexuality.
tling to give Mystery a second chance. Instead o f crim e de­
Like a flash, it batten ed itself upon the corpse's breasts,
tection, the magazine would now offer an odd m ixture o f
Gothic atmosphere,grotesque threats, and vicious villains. clinging with all four clawing hands, the sharp nails

From here on, stories would address w hat an early edito­ digging demoniacally into dead pliant flesh. . . . Its fanged
rial called “a primitive, age-old urge in the heart o f every slash o f a mouth fastened on the girl's gory, tom throat.
red-blooded human, the keen desire to know fear.. . . ”
Then, w hile Travis Brant w atched in nauseated
T h e “Terror” or “W eird Menace” stories, as they came
fascination, it began to suck the dead woman's clotting,
to be known, had many o f the trappings o f the horror genre,
but there were distinct differences. U nlike the traditional congealing blood.
scary story, the new form eschewed the supernatural. All
activities, no matter how bizarre, w ould be given a natu­
ral—i f not necessarily logical—explanation by story’s end.
This self-imposed restriction meant that new concepts and I stopped to spin around as Helen's moans rang again.
faces o f horror had to be invented. No ghosts or vampires Someone had brought a bridle and jam m ed the steel bar
or black magicians, but equally creepy types out o f real life, betw een her teeth. T hey forced her down on her hands
the mutilated and the psychotic, renegade scientists and
and knees and they w ere driving her like a horse, flogging
crackpot cult leaders. Plots would revolve around earthly
her and sawing her reins till the foam
motivations like greed, revenge, or in­
sanity. on her lips dripped crimson.
The other distinguishing aspect o f
T h e creator o f W eird Menace was
the new form was its intensity, a calcu­
Popular’s resourceful president, Henry
lated assault on the reader’s nervous sys­
Steeger. “I got the idea during a trip to
tem Editor Roger Terrill defined the dif­
Paris. T h ey had the Grand Guignol
ference between terror and the older
Theatre there, w ith these violent situa­
fright style: “Horror is what a girl would
tions, and the audience w as very enthu­
feel if, from a safe distance, she watched
siastic. I thought, ‘W e could do a maga­
the ghoul practice diabolical rites upon
zine like that, w ith the same sort o f em­
a victim Terror is what the girl would
phasis.’ ” T h e theatre was a notorious Pa­
feel if, on a dark night, she . . . knew she
risian nightspot w here audiences w ere
was marked for the next victim ” T o ef-
treated to the sight o f on-stage w h ip ­
pings, gougings, and all variety o f simu­
lated gore. Steeger may also have had an
eye on such contemporaneous movies
as Island o f Lost Souls, Mystery o f the W a x Museum, and
Freaks, each offering similar modern-dress horrors—vivi-
sectionists, deformed maniacs, denizens o f the carnival

Above: Dime Mystery Magazine inaugurated the strange sideshow, all staples o f the W eird Menace world.
D im e M ystery’s metamorphosis w as a success, and as
and bloody pulp subgenre known to infamy as W eird Menace.
reader interest grew, Steeger started tw o more gory pulps,
Opposite: No matter how far-fetched the activities depicted T error Tales, debuting in Septem ber 193 4 , and H orror
km a W eird Menace story, they were all expected to have a Stories, four months later. For these two, readers had to pay
‘ logical" explanation. This scene is from the Dime Mystery 15 cents, a nickel prem ium for an increased dosage o f
for July 1 9 3 8 : blood, no doubt. T h e new titles also did well, and by 19 3 5

108 D A N G E R f S MY B U S I N E S S

other pulp houses w ere ju m ping on the Terror band­ 'Usually, the out-of-control tone was entirely justified
wagon. Subsequent titles included T hrilling Mastery, fie­ by the,events unfolding, as in this passage from Corpses
ri c M ysteries, E erie Stories, Sinister Stories, A ce Mystery, on Parade:'
Spicy Mystery, Strange D etective Masteries, Startling Mys­
In hideous nudity she advanced one step toward me. H er
tery, an d Uncanny Tales.
< A t their most effective, W eird Menace stories had ^ breasts, her hips, seemed half-decomposed. A n d the smell!

visceral power and nihilistic sensibility that anticipates It was like the fumes that might arise from a city’s garbage
T h e T exas Chainsaw M assacre and other “splatter” films lying for hours under an August sun . . . . T h en —I ’ve
and books o f the 197 0 s and 1980s. W eird Menace was a
read about lips melting in an em brace, but I ’ll never read
negative utopia o f non-stop unpleasantness. The thrills
it again without being sick. For that was exactly what
these tales induced w ere o f the sort one might obtain from
an upside-down roller coaster ride through a slaughter­ T h ea ’s lips did. T hey squashed, with the same plosh of
house—fine, i f you like that sort o f thing. T he titles alone rotten fruit that had m arked the disintegration o f K itty’s
were enough to set the stom ach-churning Flesh fo r the hand . . . I didn’t turn to look. I ran. My mouth felt
Swamp Men, T h e Tongueless Horror, Coming o f the Rat Men,
gfioulishfy filthy, as though I w ere a cannibal epicure.
Revolt of the Circus Freaks, Hosts o f the Leper King, M eat
for Satan's Locker, fiach story could be depended on for its A t other times, the unrelentingly oppressive atmo­
share o f blood-letting and putrefaction, told in a sensuous, sphere could make a narrator a tad-jumpy, as in the hero’s
hothouse prose on the verge o f hysteria from .the very first hopped-up reaction to a vague, shadovyy figure he notices
paragraph. in a scene from Satan’s W orkshop:


«// » »■/ U 1 ^ '
By A r t-------
hur (Author
(Authoro ef f"Soto*
"Satan Calls His Children;' tie.)
A P u lse -J o ltin g
N o v e l o f M y s te r y wards of a whirpoo! o f dust that drifted
past her gate in the grey and brooding
an d M e n ac e
dusk. Such a miniature cyclone it was.
she said, as a fitful wind sometimes sucks
up. or as dances in the wake o f a speeding
truck. She was puzzled by it because not
the slightest breeze relieved the sultry In­
dian Summer heat, and there was no
truck. For this reason she watched the
whirling dust jet as it whispered between
the slattern fences of her millworker
neighbors, breasting the little rise in the
road there, till it vanished over the crest
where the Turnpike becomes Galeton's
Main Street.

Death, Famine, and destructive Lust

came, that hot summer, to the little
town o f Galeton—came in the forms o f a sightless, cadav■ _
erous old man, a starved child o f Satan, and an evilly
voluptuous, blood-thirsting woman. N o man could say w hence cam e this
hell-spawned trio; but their arrival turned a peaceful village into a town
o f terror and sudden, aw ful death. the company houses,
that line B o s to n
Turnpike at each end
O O N E ever discovered how the layoff had extended through that Monday.

N first of the terrible three came to In consequence there were more than the
Galeton. usual number of loungers at the depot, but
The Raunt Silk Mill, where seven- none of them saw the grey man alight
o f Galeton, recalled his
entering the village.
Someone else might have passed
eighths of the town worked, had been shut from a passenger train or come up out the loungers or the women unobserved, Sonia swore
down for a week-end overhaul, and the o f tile freight yard bv the onlv feasible but not Asians. Not unless they were all slope hid it, it took on
Right: Bruno Fischer in 1 9 4 0 .

Opposite: The horror stories in the W eird

Menace magazines took place in ordinary,
contemporary settings.

For all I knew, it might he a bloated, rotting corpse risen w ere reserved for beautiful, helpless young women. Once
captured, the leading ladies w ere quickly reduced to a
from an unhallowed tomb, a fiend from H ell sent hy the
wardrobe o f tattered lingerie or less, then hung from base­
Devil on some unholy errand! If I had been certain that it
ment rafters, strapped to a surgeon’s table, dipped in boil­
had a material body like my own, I would have gone out ing chemicals, or put through some other equally uncom­
and fought with it. I would have gloried in battering it to fortable regimen.
a crimson pulp with my fists, in letting its blood spray M otivation for all this villain y was not the T error
pulps’ strong suit. Very often a couple—usually on their
over me in a scarlet torrent! But I wasn’t sure . . .
honeym oon—has the m isfortune to stum ble into the
Villains, w hen they did materialise, w ere a m ix o f w rong Old Dark House. I f the hom eow ner is o f a scien­
scheming psychopaths—mad scientists, religious cultists, tific bent, he w ill undoubtedly need the heroine’s naked
vengeful old crones—and their repellant assistants— body for his latest crackpot experiment:
gnarled dwarves, brainless mutants, horny hunchbacks.
“I ’m going to transfer your w ife’s personality—soul—will—
They invariably came equipped w ith a panoply o f elabo­
rate devices for torture and slow death, bubbling vats, bugz; whatever you call it, to one o f these fish. Which shall it
saws, iron maidens, branding irons, or flame throwers. Both be? T hat slimy eel? T h e sting ray? No, I think the octopus
male and female protagonists suffered from the villains’ would m ake you a better wife. Think o f being em braced
bloodlust, but the worst sort o f unsavory endurance tests
110 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

by eight sucking arms and nibbled, perhaps by that huge domain is m ine by r ig h t. ..ju s prim ae noctis—the law o f
the first night.” M uch w eird m enacing was done by
greedy or vengeful relatives or business partners, desir­
Even w hen the mad doctor's goals are less grotesque, ing a greater share o f an inheritance or com pany profits,
his methods remain painful in the extreme. In Beauty Born or paying back some crushing insult from years past.
in Hell, he turns ordinary-looking wom en into literally These m otives usually became evident only in the final
raving beauties w ith a caustic program o f beatings, cos­ paragraphs o f the story after pages o f elaboration and
metic surgery, and mind control. “You see, it makes very un likely action, and the w riters sometimes had a lot o f
little difference to me w hether I get good raw material to explaining to do in a few sentences:
start with,” says the ow ner o f the w orld’s strangest salon.
“I've got the w hole story," snapped Purcell, ‘ if you're man
“Let them be fat or thin—as ugly as you please, Til turn out
beauties in the end—and as alike as tw o peas in a p o d ..." enough to listen. T h e C alder girl spilled it. C handra Lai
Once the women have undergone their excruciating saw Elise on the street once, desired her, checked up on
makeover, the doctor puts them all on stage in a dancing
her, found you, bribed the C alder girl to help him. T hey
chorus line.
took their time. T h e C alder girl practised until she could
W hen not compelled b y science or aesthetics, T error
villains fell back on more selfish motives. Sim ple lust was imitate the voice o f your wife. She was well paid, but not

often enough to get the ball rolling. The vicious antago­ enough to justify the murder o f Bergstrom, for which she
nist would feel an instant passion for the passing hero­ must pay the penalty as an accomplice. E dna C alder
ine, or have an outdated attachment to le droit de seigneur:
suggested C handra Lai to Elise. H e wasn't a Hindu. H e
T am the law here!" snarls the lord o f the manor in D eath ’s
just m ade up fo r the part. H e has a record at headqu ar­
Bridal N ight, “and the first night o f every bride in my
ters a mile long. For crimes, and attem pted crimes, of

Many times the reader was left feeling like the hero at the
conclusion o f The H orror in His Bed:

"I know it was some kind o f fam ily grudge," Peters said,
“but I still don’t understand just what his motive was."

T error w riters seemed to take the attitude (not un­

know n throughout the pulp field) that the thrill was in the
ride, not in the destination. So w hat if the ending was lame
or made no sense, as long as everything up to then scared
the hell out o f you The proscription against the supernatu­
ral explanation was supposed to intensify plot credibility,
but it often w orked the other w ay around.
Nevertheless, there w ere any number o f stories that
met the W eird Menace ideal o f a naturalistic horror story,
making creative use o f terrors to be found in modern
1930s A m erica C hildren o f M urder takes a honeymoon­
ing couple slumming on N ew York C ity’s Lower East Side.
There, they find twisted, “leprous-looking” tenements
Joseph W ilson knew the boundless horror o f those who are b elo v ed by
the dead. . . . where the sunlight never penetrates, an “overpowering
smell o f decay, o f stagnant bilge," and horrid street urchins
H E MAN who stumbled into the

which the lieutenant sat and just stood
police station looked as if he had there, saying nothing. He dropped his “w ith weakened faces and all-know ing eyes" w ho go on a
just come from a slaughter house. eyes to his right hand, and we noticed that
Blood spattered lus trousers and streaked it was tightly clenched. T he hand wa- pyromaniacal rampage, setting fire to derelicts. In Nat
his face. The front of his shirt looked as covercd with blood and hits of gore.

Schachner’s Lash o f the Living D ead, hell on earth is the

Stygian depths o f a Pennsylvania coal mine, w here en­
tombed immigrant miners become the “legions o f the
damned.” Even better is Furnaces o f the Damned, by Francis
James (one o f his 40-odd contributions to the genre).
Dubbed a “Novelette o f Horrible Revolt,” Furnaces was set
in and around a tow n’s nightmarish steel mill, know n
unaffectionately as Little Hell, and not merely for the
“tongues o f crimson” leaping from the roaring furnaces:

Every steel mill has its quota o f unfortunate occurrences,

men burned or caught and mangled in whirling machines.
But H alstead had many more such cases than it should
normally have had, ghastly catastrophes, unparalleled in
their hideous tortures.

Up and down the streets o f the little village, they were

never out o f one’s sight—misshapen and crippled forms of
men whose arms or legs had been crushed in gears or
trapped in spewing molten masses from a tapped cupola

No w alk through the tow n o f Halstead is complete

w ithout a startling encounter w ith a maimed ex—steel
worker. N ew lyw eds Tom and Margaret stumble upon one
during an evening stroll. In the light o f a flaming chimney
mouth they see “a face—half o f a face, for one side o f the
man’s countenance had been sw ept clean from the grin­
ning bones as though torn by the raking o f giant hooks.
A nd his bloated torso waddled on legs that had been cut
o ff at the knees. Revulsion stabbing me, I turned back to
Top and Above: Terror Tales u>as
Margaret. ‘It’s only another one o f those cripples out o f the
Popular Publications' second W eird
works,’ I muttered. ‘ ... T h e place is full o f them ’”
Menace title. It debuted in Septem­ T h e young bride comes to believe that the swarms o f
ber ' and four months later was maimed mill workers are follow ing her, “ ... dogging my
joined by Horror Stories. steps on my w ay home. Trailing me everywhere, trying to
touch me!” The husband scoffs, but does concede a recent
Opposite: Gruesome doings in Death
rash o f strange disappearances from the village, half a
Came Calling by Russell Gray,
do^en girls missing in the last few weeks. Could it be that
a.k.a. Bruno Fischer.
the tow n’s half-human creatures w ere making aw ay w ith
the girls, “taking them where and for w hat heinous pur­
pose no one could guess’? In a word, yes. W h en Margaret
is inevitably abducted, the horrified husband trails her
kidnappers to the steel mill, w here a fiendish, mutilated
mob has gathered for a fiery ceremony. There, among tow ­
ering vats and “gaudy-hued vapors,” the narrator sees his
me M rsrtur-rvutoa m/m.


w ife and a dogen other missing young women. “Stark na­ Bruno Fischer, author o f such sociopathic classics as
ked they were, and w ith them the cripples w ere playing. School for Satan's Show Girls, Models for the Pain Sculpture,
Playing—God!” and W h ite Flesh Must Rot, published all o f his 55 Terror
In a scene out o f American management's worst night­ stories under his pen names, Russell Gray and Harrison
mares, the crowd o f vicious laborers listen to rabble-rous­ Storm. “I was a little ... I wouldn’t say em barrassed,” he re­
ing speeches by Hans, a renegade foreman, and his myste­ called for me, “but it was the thing to do, to use a pseud­
rious masked partner. Stirred into a frengy o f hate and de­ onym for these m agazines...” Fischer is a notable figure in
struction, the mob begins tossing sacrifices into rivers o f the W eird Menace saga, not only for being one o f the most
lavalike liquid. The hero can take no more, and springs into popular and productive writers, but because he made his
action:“Into the midst o f those creatures I stormed, jabbing pulp debut in W eird Menace and specialised in it almost
and slashing, and I took them by surprise. Satanic, hate- exclusively until the genre’s demise. “A t the time I started
knotted faces whipped around in ama^e." The “creatures" selling to the pulps I was the editor o f the Socialist Call, the
disperse; the hero pushes Hans into the furnace and un­ official w eekly magazine o f the Socialist party. I was get­
masks the masked man. Hardly the satanic union organiser ting $ 2 5 a w eek—w hen I got it. I'd been married for about
he pretends to be, it is none other than Rodney Halstead, a year, and even then, 1 9 3 5 - 1 9 3 6 , in the midst o f the De­
wastrel son o f the mill’s owner. Desperate for cash, Rodney pression, you could ju st get along on $25. So —I was think­
had inspired the wounded w orkers’ “horrible revolt" to ing about ways to make some money on the side. And I was
make his family sell the steel mill to his creditors “for a talking to another guy over some drinks and he told me
song." Young Halstead is arrested, and the furnaces get back that he had w ritten pulp stories in Chicago. I don’t think I
on schedule, but the newlyweds have had enough.“W e got had ever read a pulp at that time. So, on the w ay home I
out o f that town," concludes the narrator, “and I found a jo b bought a few o f them and read them. A nd when my wife
elsewhere.” got home I told her, ‘All our troubles are overf”
Attracted to the Terror titles—“I thought that was

VER A H U N D RED W R IT E R S contributed to right up my alley"—Fischer turned out a six-thousand-
the two-hundred-odd issues w ord story that weekend and sent it
com prising the entire T error oeuvre, al­ to Rogers Terrill at Popular Publica­
though the great m ajority o f the stories tions, home o f the “Big 3" terror pulps.
were w ritten by a mere handful o f highly “About ten days or tw o weeks later I
productive pros. Men such as A rthur J got a check for $60. W ow ! That was
Burks, Hugh Cave, A rthur Leo Zagat, real money. A cent a word. So I sat
Paul Ernst, and a few others practically dow n and wrote a ten-thousand-
cornered the market in W eird Menace, w ord story. I got a raise to a cent-and-
each one selling dozens o f stories. Some a-quarter for that one, $ 125. W ell, that
would have tw o or three stories in a would be like getting a couple thou­
single issue. W hen publishers used more sand dollars today. So I kept w riting
than one o f a w riter’s stories at a time, it pulp, and after aw hile I dropped my
was common practice to put a different
byline on each contribution—readers de­
manded a fair complement o f authors for
their dime. Among W eird Menace w rit­
ers, pseudonyms were sometimes adopted for more per­
sonal reasons. Baynard Kendrick, mystery novelist and co­
founder o f the Mystery W riters o f America, explaining his Opposite: Suspense master Cornell Woolrich wrote only a few
ow n W eird Menace modesty, said, “O ne o f my stories that W eird Menace tales, although his ability to convey terror and
made quite a hit was one w here they burned the panties paranoia was perfectly suited to the genre. His brilliant short
o ff the girls w ith a blo w to rch ... Hell, you don’t think I’d novel, Dark Melody o f Madness was printed in the July ’3 5
put my ow n name on a thing like that?” Dime Mystery.
114 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

Left: Brides and newlyweds

were frequently the subjects

The Pain M aster’s Bride of painful scientific experi­

ments in the W eird Menace
Edmund Neymores fell chill horror at sight of Fulton
Xavier’s sensational statue of a man in pain. But Neu- Opposite: W eird Menace
mores did not know real horror until he saw the villains were always having
ghastly torment of a helpless girl as she posed for a "mad desires’ of one sort or
another, and most had easy
access to a blowtorch.

jo b at the Socialist Call and became a full-time w riter” w ith the monsters and the naked women on the cover and
Fischer became one o f Popular’s most reliable produc­ show them to people
ers. Many o f the stories were written to order, on the basis o f O ne w riter whose style and temperament would seem
artwork that was already in-house “The covers were sup­ to have been perfectly suited for the Terrors, Cornell
posed to illustrate a story; however, the covers were some­ W oolrich—literature’s future master o f suspense and
times printed in advance, before there was a story. So what founding father o f the noir sensibility w ith such w orks as
the editor did was show me the cover or a drawing—it was Phantom Lady, T h e Bride W ore Black, and Rear Window,
usually a picture o f a half-naked woman and someone strip­ and a prodigious story salesman in this period—contrib­
ping the rest o f the clothes o ff her. And on that basis I wrote uted only four stories to these pulps. Vampire's Honeymoon,
dogens o f stories." W hen family and friends found out what written for Horror Stories, is a straight supernatural tale, and
Fischer was writing, the reaction was mixed." A few people poorly told Baal's Daughter, published in the January 1936
would go, ‘O h myT you know,” he remembers. “O r to my Thrilling Mystery, is unadulterated W eird Menace, w ith
wife, ‘W oo, what Bruno wrote! H ow can you let him write whippings, strippings, torture by fire and hot oil in jec­
something like that? And it was such mild stuff, believe me. tions, and a tongueless goon. It is also, in the words o f
But my father was so proud that he used to carry these pulps W oolrich scholar Francis M Nevins, “so overloaded w ith

stupid inconsistencies and grotesque twaddle, that to claw he finds they are an unforgiving and omniscient bunch, evil
one’s w ay through its pages is an act o f masochism" The minions wherever he turns. In dramatizing the state o f para­
tw o other W oolrich stories in this style, however, are noia, W oolrich has no peers. Graves ends after a gut-wrench-
among the few genuine masterpieces o f the genre. ing race against time, the hero’s fiancee buried alive while
D ark M elody o f Madness (Dime Mystery, Ju ly 1935), is he frantically searches for her grave, exhuming coffin after
a poetic and intricately structured evocation o f fear and coffin w ith his bare hands.
fate. A t four in the morning, a man staggers dazedly into a
N ew Orleans police station and confesses a murder. It is

H E O C T O B E R 1 9 3 8 IS S U E o f Dime Mystery
Eddie Bloch, celebrated jaz,^ bandleader. Cops listen to his signaled the beginning o f the end for W eird Menace
weird confession. In need o f a new musical direction for Exactly five years after it inaugurated the Terror format, Mys­
his band, Eddie finds it at a bloody secret voodoo cer­ tery went in a new and even more eccentric direction Instead
emony. He steals the ceremonial rhythms for a hit record, o f W eird Menace, all stories would now feature weird heroes,
and the voodoo high priest, Papa Benjamin, puts a curse on crime fighters w ith strange quirks and afflictions—the so-
him W h en his drummer dies, Eddie begins to take the called defective detectives It was an idea that had actually been
curse seriously, loses lots o f weight, and becomes a hysteri­ hatched in one o f Popular’s minor weird publications, Strange
cal w reck Ultimately, he is driven to insanity by the ha­ Detective Mysteries, and now the weird flagship would be
rassment o f the voodoo cult and feels compelled to com­ given over entirely to private eyes w ith deformities.
mit murder. There are a half-dozen clim actic tw ists before Mystery’s sister publications at Popular and the rivals
the last haunting lin e “A ll she says is: ‘Stand close to me, at other houses continued to offer terror and torture as be­
boys—real close to me, I’m afraid o f the d ark’" fore. If anything, stories, titles, and cover illustrations hit a
Graves for the Living (Dime Mystery, June 1937), is typi­ new peak o f depravity. Cover girls showed an increase in
cally W eird Menace in its outrageous plot and tone o f hys­ voluptuousness and a decrease in wardrobe. As the decade
teria, but otherwise avoids the standard sex and torture spec­ ended, an inevitable backlash set in. A rticles and editori­
tacle for a more psychological brand o f terror, a tour de force als attacking the W eird Menace pulps had been coming for
o f sustained anxiety. W oolrich’s hero is haunted by an un­ some time. T yp ical w ere the fulminations in an issue o f
derstandable fear o f premature burial. As a child, he w it­ Am erican Mercury“Thism onth,asevery month, 1,508,000
nessed the disinterment o f his father's corpse, the gruesome copies o f terror magazines, know n to the trade as the shud­
occupant o f the coffin show ing obvious signs o f post- der group, w ill be sold throughout the nation. T hey w ill
funerary life: “The eyes were open and staring, dilated w ith contain enough illustrated sex perversion to give Krafft-
Ebing the unholy jitters.”
As would happen to com ic books and Communists in
the 1950s, the T error pulps became the object o f disaffec­
tion and w itch-hunts by outraged moralists and political
opportunists such as N ew York’s M ayor LaGuardia Maga­
zines w ere threatened w ith confiscation. Popular toned
dow n the sex and sadism in its Terror titles, sales began to
sink, and the magazines limped through the first year o f
the new decade. Bruno Fischer, w hose sole income at the
horror, stretched to their uttermost w idth ... There were time came from the W eird Menace pulps, recalls,“In 1940
dried brown spots all about the w hite quilting that lined I was living in Florida w ith my fam ily w hen the whole
the lower half o f the coffin, that had been blood-spots flung terror-horror market collapsed. There w as a lot o f govern­
from his flailing, gashed fingertips.” W ith this image never ment pressure, Congress w as investigating and all th a t...
far from the hero’s mind, he becomes a habitue o f graveyards And one day I got a letter saying the magazines had folded,
and during one such visit, stumbles upon a strange religious and all my unpublished stories w ere returned. T hey just
cult, the Friends o f Death The cult purports to bring the dead stopped, ju st like that. It was a shock. Just one day the mar­
back to life, but it is actually a scam involving poisons and ket was gone.”
aerated gravesites. W hen the hero betrays the sacred order, Pulp’s bloody reign o f terror w as over.
Thrilling Wonder Stories was
home to countless alien villains,
(mown affectionately as bug-eyed
monsters or BEMs. T h ese classic
specimens are from the Ju n e
1 q iQ issue.
W orlds o f Tom orrow


Both my w ife and m yself a re regular readers o f your

W ond er Stories, and naturally there are lots o f stories we

read that call for discussion. I contend that it is impossible

that in the fu tu re ‘ time traveling’ m achines will be invented

that will transport one through time to the future, say

1,000 years—and my w ife says that it will be possible to do

so. W h o is correct?

—Letter to the E ditor, 1931

E P E N D IN G O N y o u r d e fin itio n o f term s,
the science fictio n story can be traced back to
Homer’s Odyssey, and prototypical S-F themes w ere ex­
plored centuries ago in such w orks as Thom as More’s Uto­
pia (published in 1515), C yrano de Bergerac’s Voyage to the
Moon (1 6 5 0 ),and M ary W . Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818). In
the late 19th century, Jules Verne and H, G. W ells w ere
brilliant populari 7,ers o f scientific and speculative fiction,
118 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

as was “the A m erican Jules Verne,” Luis Senarens, author riodical M odern Electronics and so he w rote the initial in­
o f hundreds o f “invention stories” for the cheap w eeklies stallment o f a serial titled Ralph 1 2 4 C 4 1 + . . . A Romance
and dime novels. T h e “scientific romances" o f Edgar R ice o f the Y ear 2 660. W ritten w ith all the style and verve o f a
Burroughs and A. M erritt electrified readers o f the early technical manual, the serial was a remarkable feat o f proph­
general-interest pulps in the teens o f the 2 0th century. But ecy, describing such inventions-to-be as tape recorders,
all these efforts w ere haphazardly produced and pub­ synthetics, radar, fluorescent lighting, plastics, microfilm,
lished, belonging to no clearly defined category or tradi- night baseball, and jukeboxes. Gernsback’s magazine—the
tio n ltaw aited th esp ecialty p u lp so fth e 1 9 2 0 s and 1 9 3 0 s title changed to Electrical E xperim enter and then Science
to give the various strands o f S-F material a common name, and Invention—began to publish more and more futuristic
a home, and a set o f guiding principles that w ould mark stories grounded in science. T h e response to these was
the foundation o f a distinguished and enduring form o f strong enough that G ernsback decided to launch a nearly
literature. The pulps alone discovered and nurtured the all fiction magazine, and A m azing Stories made its debut
entire generation o f w riters responsible for the matura­ w ith an A pril 1 9 2 6 cover date. It was an immediate suc­
tion and so-called golden age o f science fiction, and it all cess, selling over 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 copies per issue. Gernsback had
happened in less than 2 0 years. tapped into a kind o f underground o f science-oriented-fic-
The first magazine devoted to science fiction—Amaz­ tion enthusiasts, readers delighted to find a single source
ing Stones—was the creation o f a Luxem bourg emigrant for material they previously had had to search for in ran­
named Hugo G ernsback W hen he was nine, Gernsback dom issues o f Argosy, All-Story, W eird Tales, and others.
read a German translation o f a book by an Am erican as­ T h ere had not even been a generally accepted name for
tronomer, Mars as the A b od e o f Life. Reading the book af­ these types o f stories. Publishers variously referred
fected young Hugo so strongly that he to them as “off-trail,” “im possible,”
developed a fever and became delirious. “pseudo-scientific," “w eird-scientific,"
The boy had found a calling. He came “science fantasy," “scientific romance,"
to the United States in 1 904, w hen he and “different.” G ernsback once again
was 2 0 , an expert in telephonies and took the matter in hand. He first created
electronics and a fledgling inventor. In the term scientifiction, tinkered w ith it,
the next decade, he would invent and and finally settled on a less w him sical
market the w orld’s first home radio set, tw o-w ord term, science fiction.
the Telim eo W ireless, begin publishing The A m azing staffhad little in com­
the w orld’s first radio magazine, open mon w ith that o f any other pulp maga­
the first store to sell radios, and coin the zine. Besides G ernsback himself, the
term television. In 192 2 , he had some monocle-wearing Luxem bourger ge­
blank pages to fill in an issue o f his pe- nius and prophet, there was assistant
editor C. A. Brandt (a German chemist
and the man w ho introduced the calcu­
lating machine to America) and manag­
Above: Astounding Stories, from Clayton, was the first ing editor Dr. T. O ’Conor Sloane (a 75-year-old inventor,
science-fiction magazine to be published by a major pulp author o f the 1 8 9 2 tome Electric Toy M aking for Amateurs,

publisher. When Clayton went bankrupt, the title was and the son-in-law o f Thom as A. Edison). Even Amazing's
regular cover artist, Austrian-born Frank R Paul (brilliant
revived by Street & Smith and tbrived in one form or
on m achinery and architecture, but his human figures all
another for several decades.
looked like ancient Mughals) apparently had an appropri­
Opposite: Starting in 1 9 4 5 , Amazing Stories courted ate gift for scientific prophecy. A ccording to A rthur C.
controversy by publishing the ‘ non-fiction’ of Richard Shaver, Clarke, Paul’s depiction o f Jupiter, for example, had fine
a Pennsylvania welder who believed the earth had been details that w ere supposedly not know n to earthlings be­
invaded by a race of malevolent creatures turning humans fore the Voyager space-probes o f a half-century later. W ith

into degenerate zombies. w ise staff and eager audience in place, the only thing left
By Anthony Pdchcr

OiHai Selnca FictionSlorWi

leiTKii lime
By 0. D. Sharp
By Frill] Nawton
"Th. OUTPOST .nth. MOON"
By Joilyn Ma.wall

Above and left: Austrian-born

Frank R. Paul, the regular cover
artist for Wonder Stories and other
Gernsback publications, was
excellent with machines and aliens
but his renderings of human beings
often left something to be desired.

was to find enough good stories. T he scientific standards Below: In the pulps, fem ale space-women generally dressed
and extrem ely low pay scale at A m azing pretty much ex­ more like showgirls, as in this September 1 5 4 8 issue of
cluded the participation o f the usual pulp pros-for-hire. Startling Stories.
Gernsback filled the early issues w ith reprints by the old
masters—Verne, W ells, Poe—and new fiction by fledgling
young writers, many w ith a strong, even obsessive inter­
est in the brave new w orld o f scientific possibilities.
“I grew up secluded, poor, on a ranch in N ew Mexico,
and w ithout many prospects," says Jack W illiam son, one
o f Hugo Gernsback’s earliest “discoveries." “I became fasci­
nated w ith science, the prospects that seemed unlimited.
For people o f school age in the 1920s,
science seemed like a sort o f wonderland
that would be a means o f changing the
world and m aking things perfect. And sive novel and another eight years un­
this w as a feeling shared by many o f us successfully marketing it before
w ho w ere draw n to w riting science fic­ Gernsback bought it for Am azing. T he
tion in that period. I was fascinated w ith Skylark o f S pace caused a sensation
these stories and w ith the first issue o f among science fiction readers and w rit­
Am azing that I read. W hen my first story ers.
was printed in the magazine, I was T h e prototype for w hat w ould be
thrilled and delighted." W illiam son’s know n as “space opera,” Sm ith’s novel
first sale, T h e M etal Man, appeared in the was an action epic o f genuinely cosmic
Decem ber 1 9 2 8 issue. A blurb com­ scope and jaw -droppingly spectacular
pared it to M erritt’s T h e Moon Pool and technology. Skylark's characterisations
raved: “Unless w e are very much mis­ w ere prim itive, the love triangle was
taken, this story w ill be hailed w ith de­ laughable (Mrs. G arby had failed in her
light by every scientifiction fan. W e hope Mr. W illiam son appointed task), and the plot was in essence a very long
can be induced to w rite a num ber o f stories in a similar chase scene as noble scientist Richard Seaton pursued the
vein." As it happened, W illiam son could be induced, and evil space pirate “Blacky" Duquesne across the galaxies. But
was still w riting distinguished science fiction 6 3 years i f Sm ith lacked subtlety and com plexity, he had a
later. O ther Gernsback discoveries included the satirical com pensatingly abundant im agination and audacity.
Stanton Coblentz; Philip Francis Nowlan, creator o f Buck Sm ith’s dynam ic use o f scientific principles, his vivid,
Rogers, a pulp hero long before he became a star in comic sw eeping action scenes, and his breathtakingly spacious
strips; David H. Keller, M D , w ho made his debut w ith the canvas at once made all the previous forms o f outer-space
intriguing Revolt o f the Pedestrians, about a future w here fiction seem paltry and old-fashioned by comparison.
humans are the abused playthings o f the ruling automo­ Smith, w ith his epic-scientific style, w ould become for a
biles; Raymond Z. Gallun, a pioneer in the “modern" phase time the m ajor influence on younger S-F writers, replac­
o f SF; and E. E. “Doc” Smith, the most popular and influen­ ing M erritt and Edgar Rice Burroughs. Gernsback, how ­
tial o f all A m azing writers. ever, understood Burroughs’ continuing popularity w ith
Possessor o f a doctorate in chemical engineering readers and for a special A m azing Stories A nnual he com­
(“PhD " was proudly attached to all his pulp bylines), Sm ith missioned the pulp superstar to w rite a new novel, T h e
was a chemist in a M ichigan donut factory w hen he be­ M aster M ind o f Mars. A t a hefty and unprecedented cover
gan w orking on a novel o f outer space adventure. Unsure price o f 5 0 cents, the magazine was a near-sellout.
o f him self w ith characterisations and “love interest,” he By 1929, G ernsback had a grow ing media empire.
asked for assistance from a woman named Mrs. Lee Besides Am azing and A m azing Annual, he had technical,
H aw kins Garby. Sm ith spent four years w riting his mas- health, and risque-joke magazines, a radio station, and pos-
122 D A N G E R ES MY B U S I N E S S

sibly the w orld’s first regularly transmitting television sta­ between the tw o periodicals. Gernsback followed Science
tion. Then, apparently as a result o f an opaque feud w ith W on der w ith A ir W on der Stories, Scientific D etective
the far more powerful publishing mogul Bernarr Monthly, and Science W on der Quarterly. T h e Great Depres­
Macfadden—the tw o lived in the same apartment build­ sion had a grave impact on sales, and the various wondrous
ing at 5 2 7 Riverside Drive—Gernsback was forced info magazines had to be merged as a single S-F publication,
bankruptcy. A nother company took over Amazing', w hile W on der Stories. Sales never picked up, and in 1 9 3 6
Gernsback immediately established a new company and G ernsback unloaded the title on Ned Pines.
a new S-F magazine, Science Wonder Stories. Since he had Hugo Gernsback is seen tqday as a Moses-like figure
illicitly grabbed most o f the manuscripts that had been in the history o f science fiction, the great visionary and
submitted to Amazing, there was a good deal o f continuity virtual founder o f the formal genre. But he did have his

Left: A n ad for the upcoming issue of

Amazing Stories.
THE HOUSE OF Opposite: Pictured here are participants

M IR A C L E S at one of the first science-fiction conven­

tions. Front row: Otto Binder, Manly
T T Y W ad e Wellman,'Julius Schwartz. Back

T R A N G E things came out of Laboratory

row: Ja ck Williamson, L. Sprague de
S Eleven. A n d stranger still was Head
Chemist, Borden Keohanc. “ Human life is
Camp, Dr. John Clark, Frank Belknap
cheapl" he said. A n d somehow these grim Long, Mort Weisinger, .Edmond
words linked up with a strange pit of utter
cold, far beneath the Laboratory Eleven. Hamilton, and Otis A delbert Kline.
What strange horror lay in that place no
eyes had ever seen? Blaine Rising thought
he knew, but he couldn’t prove it. Then
when the trapdoor opened beneath lovely
Marcella Kingman, Blaine Rising went mad,
but even in madness, he could not have
dreamed of the retribution that was to come
to Borden Keohane. Don’t fail to read this
sensational story of scientific miracles illu ttr a tto n Iro m T h « f i t o f A b*olu to Z»ro



E D W I N K C I O A T u k ** you lo the country W H E R E T IM E S T O O D S T IL L . H e r e 1!

▼T 1 1 ^ l \ « J L r V n I a story that w j|| r c a ||y thrill you Q 0 w|th Kent Rider into a
weird timeless valley, while beyond its confines a world floes mad with war. Escape with him in a desperate
attempt to halt the slaughter of helpless women and children. Then stand aghast at an Incredible revelation,
and a cruel deception.


T k
« .I. M
<•» imejinetron »i»
e rtr.n se hidden crypt .n d .
deadly menace beneath the famous pyramid of G izeh .

RALPH MILNE FARLEY !v<f,,you*c'°“ t),e,ivKol m

u<J- oi
..................nd hidden deep in 7 ^ ,t,,0 “ 3h '* , ,n in “


six ON
flaws, including a notable—even for pulp publishers—pen­ W illiamson: “I ow e Gernsback a great debt o f gratitude for
chant for exploiting his writers. Although he was taking a printing my work, accepting me as a writer, and so forth,
salary o f around $ 1 ,0 0 0 a w eek from his magazines, but I became disappointed w ith h im He was slow and
Gernsback paid writers as little—and as seldom—as pos­ reluctant in the matter o f payment for material w hen it was
sible. He gave Lovecraft $ 2 5 for the brilliant T h e Colour unnecessary. He w ould print a story w ithout even telling
Out o f Space. “Doc" Sm ith earned a less-than-whopping the w riter he was using it. I finally got an attorney to col­
$ 125 for his huge Skylark noveL Many writers were finally lect for various stories, and paid a 20% commission. But
forced to get lawyers and sue Gernsback for the meager you couldn’t cross him o ff the list because he was one o f
amounts he owed them but refused to pay. It has left de­ the few available markets for science fiction.”
cidedly m ixed feelings about the great pioneer among the The first non-Gernsback-created science fiction maga­
survivors w ho actually w rote for h im “I w as not particu­ zine—and the first to be produced by a large, mainstream
larly impressed by him,” says Raymond Z. Gallun, whose pulp publisher—was Clayton’s im posingly named A s­
first tw o stories, T h e Crystal Ray and T h e Space Dwellers, tounding Stories o f Super-Science, arriving on newsstands
appeared respectively in the November 1 9 2 9 issues o f A ir late in 1 9 2 9 w ith a January 1 9 3 0 cover date. A luridly ex­
W on der Stories and Science W on der Stories. “He was pretty citing scene from a Victor Rousseau story, T h e Beetle Horde,
much o f a crank and would revise your story w ithout rea­ was depicted on the cover—somewhere in Antarctica, a
son or permission. And he hung onto a nickel like no one crashed aviator and a distressed damsel in a fur coat battle
else and he knew it. He once sent out a Christmas card re­ a sharp-toothed giant insect. Inside, the magazine’s inten­
ferring to him self as ‘The Deadbeat Philanthropist.’ He tions w ere trumpeted by editor H arry Bates:
wouldn’t pay for the stories he published and I was living
To-morrow . . . astounding things are going to happen.
in W isconsin and had to find an attorney in N ew York.
Ultimately she got the money out o f him.” Says Jack Your children—or their children—are going to take a trip
i al'i *T jT T B o

Hugo C e r n s b a c k f«

& %


to t h e m o o n . T h e y w ill b e a b le to r e n d e r th e m s e lv e s Bates w as a talented and amusing man. “He had a cy n i­

cal sense o f humor,” recalls Jack W illiamson. “He sent me a
i n v i s i b l e — a p r o b l e m t h a t h a s a l r e a d y b e e n p a r t l y s o lv e d .
check for a story and attached a three-word message: ‘God
T h e y w ill b e a b le to d is in t e g r a t e t h e ir b o d ie s in N e w Y ork
Is Love.’ He thought Gernsback’s fiction w as boring. He
a n d r e in te g r a te th e m in C h i n a — a n d in a matter of w anted believable science but it had to support a good,
secon d s. entertaining story. He didn’t give a lot o f advice but w hat
he did tell yo u made sense. I learned a lot from him. Bates
A s to u n d in g ? I n d e e d , y es. has been neglected in the histories o f science fiction, but I
think he made a genuine contribution in those early days.”
I m p o s s ib le ? W e l l — te le v is io n w o u ld h a v e b e e n im p o s s ib le , W h en the w hole Clayton chain folded in P933, Bates was
out o f a job. Street & Smith bought the Astounding title and
a lm o s t u n t h i n k a b l e , t e n y e a r s a g o .
revived it after a seven-month coma, but a n ew editor was
hired. Bates turned to w ritin g full-time and sold a number
N o w y o u w i l l s e e t h e k i n d o f m a g a z i n e t h a t i t is o u r
o f science fiction stories to the magazine he had helped
p le a s u r e to o ffe r y o u b e g in n in g w it h th is , t h e f i r s t n u m b e r
create. His novelette F a r e w e l l t o t h e M a s t e r {A s t o u n d i n g ,
of A stounding Stories. October 1940), about the arrival o f an alien spaceship in
W ashington, D.C, w as turned into the classic 19 5 1 film
I t is a m a g a z i n e w h o s e s t o r i e s w i l l a n t i c i p a t e t h e s u p e r - T h e D a y th e E a r t h S to o d S till. The m ovie version altered
s c ie n t if ic a c h ie v e m e n t s o f T o - m o r r o w — w h o s e s to r ie s w ill the original ending, losing the surprise and stunning im­
pact o f the final line o f dialogue, spoken b y Gnut, the giant
not o n ly b e s tr ic tly a c c u r a te in th e ir s c ie n c e b u t w ill h e
robot: “You m isunderstand. . . I am the Master.”
v iv id ly , d r a m a t ic a lly a n d t h r illin g ly to ld .
Harry Bates’ fortunes declined in the 1 940s. He lived
Bates’ claims o f strict accuracy w ere not strictly fol- b y him self in a tin y room near the Street &t Smith build­
lowed, as evidenced b y that first cover story. A crash- ing on 7th A ven u e and 14th Street. “He w as a loner and
landed expedition at the South Pole is captured b y tran­ just gradually w en t to seed,” says a w riter acquaintance.
sited beetles and taken to Submundia, a civilisation be­ “He didn’t take care o f him self at all and there w ere emo­
neath the earth’s crust ruled b y a drug-craz,ed archaeolo­ tional problems." He died in 19 8 1, his final years spent in
gist. The madman plans to turn his human-devouring destitution on the streets o f low er Manhattan.
beetles loose on the outside world, vengeance on those A t S & S, the man chosen to edit the revived A sto u n d ­

w h o once ridiculed his radical scientific theories. The he­ in g w as F. O rlin Tremaine. A journeym an editor, he had
roes destroy the bugs w ith incendiary bombs, but the d y ­ w orked on all sorts o f magazines, and the hardcore science
ing villain confesses his back-up plan:“ Invasion b y — n ew fiction readers m ay not have been expecting much from
species of— monotremes,’ he croaked.'Deep dow n in the— him But Tremaine w as inspired b y the job. He deliberately
Earth.’ Monotremes— egg-laying platypus as big as an el­ sought science fiction stories that w ere utterly n ew in con­
e p h an t-ex istin g long before the Pleistocene E p o ch ...” cept and treatment— he called them “thought variant."
A sto u n d mg offered escapist entertainment in the clas­ T ypical o f his exciting purchases for the magazine were
sic pulp tradition. Editor Bates w as not averse to intrigu­ R e b ir th b y Thomas Calvert M cClary, a story o f the results
ing scientific premises or technical data, so long as they o f universal amnesia; Ancestral V o ic e s b y Nathan
didn't interfere w ith a steady flo w o f pulse-racing action. Schachner, in w h ich a man travels back in time, kills an
“Doc” Smith—style space opera predominated, intergalac- ancestor, and thereby destroys his o w n future; and
tic adventures full o f ray guns, fiendish aliens, and dueling Raym ond G allun’s O ld F a ith fu l, about a “sensitive”
spaceships. Martian’s doomed attempt to make contact w ith Earth.
Says Gallun, “Sloane at Amazing S to r ie s had rejected it. I
mentioned it in passing to O rlin Tremaine and said that
no editor w o u ld w an t it— it didn’t fo llo w the formulas.
O p p o s ite : W onder Stories w a s t h e la s t m a jo r s c i e n c e - f i c t i o n A n d he sent me a note right a w a y telling me about the n ew

p u lp c r e a te d b y H u g o G e r n s b a c k .
'thought variant’ p olicy and that he didn’t w ant to see any

H G W e lls
J u le s V ern e
Geotirey Hewek ke

Right: Christmas in Ganymede in

th e J a n u a r y '4 2 Startling Stories,
w a s a n e a r ly w o r k b y I s a a c

Asimov w a s a lr e a d y selling
r e g u l a r ly
to t h e

p u lp s a t th e a g e o f 2 2 .

A lt h o u g h it w a s n o t
r e a d ily a p p a r e n t what w a s g o in g o n
in this cover p a i n t i n g b y P a u l, i t w a s

c e r ta in ly amazing. E d ito r / p u b lis h e r

H u g o G e r n s b a c k g a v e h is r a d io

s ta tio n WR N Y a r a th e r gratuitous
plug at the center-top of this cover
fr o m M a r c h 1 9 2 8 .

“ H e re , p u ssy , p u ssy , p u ssy , p u ssy , p u s s y l" urged Jo h n so n h o p e fu lly . “ H e re , F id o l"

The Yuletide Season Brings Turmoil on Jupiter's Moon and III

Will Toward Everybody When Olaf Johnson Gets Sentimental!

formula stories" Published in the Decem ber 19 3 4 A s­ W einbaum w as w id e ly regarded as the most innovative
to u n d in g ,O l d F a it h f u l w as one o f the first stories to present science fiction w riter in the world. But Stanley
a sympathetic alien, not anthropomorphized exactly, but W einbaum ’s career proved to be meteoric, lasting just 15
a thinking and feeling creature. months. In Decem ber 1935, at the age o f 33, he died o f
A nother approach w as taken b y a M ilw aukee w riter throat cancer.
w hose first published story, A M a r tia n O d y sse y (Wonder O ne o f the most memorable o f the “thought-variant”
Stories, July 1934), created a nearly unprecedented sensa­ stories Trem aine bought for Astounding w as T w ilig h t , a
tion in the science fiction community. Stanley plotless, elegiac rumination on the jaded, passive state o f
W einbaum ’s extra-terrestrials w ere truly a lie n aliens, con­ the human race some seven million years in the future. The
ceived w ith ou t any reference to humankind, but so bril­ story w as bylined “Don A. Stuart,” but this w as a pseud­
liantly delineated that entirely imagined life-forms became onym for John W . Campbell, an S-F w riter o f grow in g re­
“real" W einbaum follow ed O d yssey w ith V a lle y o f D r e a m s , pute in the mid-’30s. In 1938, he replaced F. O rlin
and then Wonder Stories lost him to A s t o u n d i n g . By the time Tremaine as the editor o f Astounding Stories, a move that
P a r a s ite P la n e t appeared in the March 19 35 Astounding, w ou ld usher science fiction into its mature and intellectu­
128 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

ally rigorous golden age. w ith the “top brass.” A ccordin g to Hubbard, he and Burks,
Born in N ew ark, N e w Jersey, in 19 10 , Cam pbell at­ tw o o f the pulps’ top-line professionals— “either o f our
tended M IT , but failed to graduate due to an in ability to names w o u ld send the circulation rates skyrocketing"—
master a foreign language Even as a w riter and editor, his w ere asked to contribute science fiction stories to A s t o u n d ­
prim ary interest w as science, not literature. A lth ough in g . Initially ignorant o f the genre, Hubbard q u ick ly be­
Campbell-the-writer had been responsible for some o f the came one o f the stars o f both A s to u n d in g and its compan­
best action-packed space operas, Campbell-the-editor had ion fantasy magazine, U nknow n.
no interest in buyin g any more o f these shallow adventure In the late AOs, after a decade o f w ritin g often brilliant
stories. He made Astounding a vehicle for his vision o f a science fiction and fantasy, H ubbard came up w ith some­
technological, philosophical, iconoclastic, and idea-ob­ thing different— a treatise for a brand-new form o f men­
sessed science fiction. Cam pbell consciously tried to take tal-health therapy he called “Dianetics,” and he convinced
his magazine out o f the pulp orbit. W ith the March 1938 Cam pbell to publish it in Astounding. Cam pbell became,
issue, he changed the title to A s to u n d in g S c ie n c e - F ic tio n , for a time, a convert to H ubbard’s “mental health m ove­
dropping “Stories,” a w ord supposedly stigm atised b y ment” after Dianetic therapy relieved him o f a chronic si­
pulpy associations. He w ou ld eventually get rid o f“garish” nus condition T he A sto u n d m g editor joined the board o f
cover art in favor o f more “mature” illustrations. More criti­ directors o f the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation
cal w as his determination to make A s t o u n d i n g off-limits to established in Elizabeth, N ew Jersey. Eventually,
the journeym en professionals w h o supplied materials to H ubbard’s movement developed into the C hurch o f
all the other pulp magazines. Instead, Cam pbell filled the Scientology, w ith tens o f thousands o f follow ers and esti­
m agazines pages w ith the w o rk o f n e w w riters w h o had mated assets o f $ 1 billion, and the one-time hack w riter o f
a serious understanding o f technology and hard science. Foreign Legion and co w b o y stories became a figure o f in­
A m ong Cam pbell’s discoveries w ere such S-F luminaries ternational notoriety— certainly the only pulp w riter to be
as Isaac A sim ov, Robert Heinlein, Theodore Sturgeon, L. the subject o f a biography w ith the subtitle M e s s ia h or
Sprague de Camp, A. E. van Vogt, A rthur C. Clarke, and M adm an? Sam M oskow itg, the ca p o d i tu tti o f science fic­
many more. tion historians, tells o f the time in 19 4 7 w hen L. Ron spoke
Cam pbell encouraged w riters— n ew and estab­ to a gathering o f the Eastern Science Fiction Association:
lished— w ith an enthusiasm that bordered on the fanati­
H u b b a r d sp oke ... I d o n 't r e c a ll h is e x a c t w o r d s , b u t , in
cal. “He w as a superb and provocative teacher o f science
and o f fiction,” w rote Theodore Sturgeon “He w ou ld re­ e ffe c t, h e to ld u s th a t w r it in g s c ie n c e f ic t io n fo r a p e n n y a

turn a story because it turned upon the fission o f light w o r d w a s n o w a y t o m a k e a l i v i n g . I f y o u r e a l l y w a n t to

metals or a compound o f argon, and w ou ld explain to you m a k e a m i l l i o n , h e s a i d t h e q u i c k e s t w a y is t o s t a r t y o u r
in five or six or seven single-spaced pages w h y this was
o w n r e lig io n .
not possible— and give yo u something w h ich w ou ld re­
ally w ork, and w h ich in some cases, as w ith our nuclear W h ile A s to u n d in g cornered the market in adult, intel­
energy technology, ultim ately did.” lectual science fiction, other magazines thrived w ith offer­
O ne o f the few pulp “pros” w h o made the grade w ith ings o f more juven ile or fanciful S-F— rocketships, ray
Cam pbell w as L. Ron Hubbard. H ubbard had been a guns, and bug-eyed monsters (know n affectionately as
highly successful author o f W estern and adventure fiction BEMs) aplenty. The late 1930s w ere the boom years for
from the age o f 20. He w as a w ell-kn ow n figure in the N e w science-fiction periodicals. In ’37, there w ere just three
York pulp com m unity in the late ’30s— w ell-kn ow n but magazines specialising in science fiction. By 1939, that
not necessarily well-loved. Some o f his fello w w riters number had quadrupled. N ed Pines, w ith editorial ch ief
found him to be an egomaniac and a liar. “It w as part o f his Leo Margulies, had taken over Gernsback’s W o n d e r S to r ie s

character," says Jack W illiamson. “He w as a liar but a cre­ and changed the title— not unexpectedly— to T h r illin g

ative and successful one. W h en one lie w as exposed, he W o n d e r S to r ie s . O ther Standard Publications S-F pulps fol-
could invent another one right away.” A fast and skilled
writet', Hubbard, along w ith A rth ur J. Burks, w as sum­
moned to the Street & Smith headquarters for a meeting Opposite; C o n te n ts p a g e, Startling Stories, January 1942.

V o l. 7 , N o . I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C O N T E N T S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J a n u a r y , 1942

A C o m p le te B o o k -L e n g th S c i e n t i f ic t io n Novel

F r e s h fr o m E a r th , Y o u n g D i llo n S t o v e r is
P lu n g e d in to a M y s t e r y on M a r s ! T o u r P u -
lam b ar, th e M a r tia n P le a s u r e C i t y , w ith t h is
I n t r e p i d E a r th m a n as Y o u r G u i d e .................. 15

O th e r U n u su a l S to r ie s

CHRISTM AS O N G A N Y M E D E ........................................ Isaac Asimov 83

The Yuletide S e a s o n Brings Turmoil on Jupiter’s Moon
THE FITZG ERA LD C O N T R A C T IO N Dr. Miles J. Breuer 94
An Outstanding Classic from Scientihction’s Hall of Fame
G EA R S FOR N EM ESIS.......................................... Raymond Z. Gallun 106
There Was Only One Way to Save the Day for the Trail Blazer's Passengers

S p e c ia l F e a tu re s

THE ETHER VIBRATES............................. Announcements and Letters 10

THRILLS IN S C IE N C E ......................................................Oscar J. Friend 78
S C IEN C E QUESTION B O X ....................................Answers to Queries 93
REVIEW O F FAN PU B LIC A TIO N S............................. Sergeant Saturn 126
C o v e r P a in tin g b y R u d o lp h B elarski— Illu s tra tin g D E V I L 'S P L A N E T
STARTLING ST O R IES, published every other month by B ettor Publications, In c., N. L. Pines, President, at 4800 D lrer-
M-y Ave (Tilenso, 111 Kdltorlal and executive offices, 10 E ast 40th S t.. New York, N. Y. Entered as second class
&TV,*ml f r 2P‘, 103Kv at thV 0H| ? nlco ,lt Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 8. 1870. Copyright 1041, by
L*n ™ J . i .rR l0l“ ' 1,,c- , YraTly (iPplt:a * 1!l ; forcl*n * nrt Canadian postage oxtra. Manuscripts wOl not to
returned H ide* accomijanled by self-addressed stamtwd enrelopo and are Rubtnlltotl at tho author’* risk. Names of all
h uacd'Tt j'»Ca coincidence*11*1 *CI" ' llcl on *irttcles » r« fictitious. I f a namo of any living person or oxlstlug institution
?h!!im,,li0no T , ®*zlno* : Thrilling Wonder Stories, Captain Future. Popular W eitern, Thrilling Mystery, Thrilling Woitern.
Thrilling Dotrctlve. Thrilling Adventures. Thrilling Love, The Phantom Detective, Tho Amerloan Eagle, RAF Aces Skv
Fighters. I npular Dotective. Thrilling Ranch Stories, Thrilling Sports, Popular Sports Maoazlnc, Range Rider* Western
L u i l d ni ! w?‘ G.*M#" P eUci ,v#' OatKtlve Novel* Magazine’ Black Bock DelVcflve Ro^ular Lo^ :
, asked Rider Western, Rio Kid Western, Air War, The Masked Detective, Exciting Detective, Excitlna Western E x e lt.
Ing Lovo, Popular Football, Thrilling Football. Exciting Football and West. PRINTED IN THE U. S a

T o p : T h i s is s u e o f Thrilling Wonder
Stories, f r o m t h e t a il e n d o f t h e p u l p

era (A u g u s t 1g 4g ), c o n ta in e d stories
b y p a s t a n d f u t u r e m a ste r s o f s c ie n c e

fic tio n . J o h n D . M a c D o n a ld , a

d a b b le r in S F , w o u ld achieoe f a m e in

th e c r im e g e n r e .

A bove: Planet Stories s p e c ia liz e d in

s p a c e o p e r a a n d in te r p la n e ta r y

a d v e n tu r e .

Right: Ray B radbury in Los

Angeles, 1940.

low ed— S t a r t l i n g S to r ie s , featuring a full-length novel per T h e C o m p a n y d ic k s w e r e g oo d . T h e y w e r e p le n t y g oo d .

issue (there w as virtually no book publication o f n e w sci­
H u g h S ta r k e b eg a n to t h i n k m a y b e t h i s t i m e h e w a s n 't
ence fiction in this period), and C a p ta in F u tu r e , the first S-
g o in g to g e t a w a y w it h it.
F hero pulp. The juven ile but h igh ly entertaining adven­
tures o f the Captain w ere w ritten b y Edmond “W o rld
H is s m a ll s tr in g y b o d y h u n c h e d o v e r t h e c o n tr o l b a n k ,
Saver” Hamilton, nickname derived from his penchant for
saving entire planets in each o f his stories. W h en C a p ta in n u r s in g t h e la s t o u n c e o f p o w e r o u t o f t h e K a llm a n . T h e

F u tu r e made its first appearance w ith a Fall 19 3 9 cover hot night sky o f Venus f l e d p a s t t h e p o r t s in t a t t e r e d v e ils
date, Hamilton w as one o f the big names in science fiction, o f in d ig o . S t a r k e w a s n 't s u r e w h e r e h e w a s a n y m o r e .
still a youn g man but a ranking veteran in the field, his
V e n u s w a s a fr o n tie r p la n e t, a n d s till mostly a b ig X ,
Interstellar Patrol series i n W e ir d T a le s havin g done much
e x c e p t to t h e Venutians— w h o w e r e n ’t sending out any
to popularise the genre back in the 1920s. Captain Fu­
ture— real name C urt N ew to n — w as a kin d o f 21st-cen­ maps.
tury Doc Savage, w ith colorful sidekicks and exotic gad­
Brackett’s hard-boiled w ritin g caught the eye o f pro­
gets, chasing evil super-villains back and forth across the
ducer-director H ow ard H awks, and he hired her to w ork
solar system.
on a screen adaptation o f Chandler’s The Big S le e p . Her
Other n ew titles to appear in that booming 1938—
collaborator on the script w as W illiam Faulkner. T he w ife
1939 period included Red Circle’s spiced-up M a r v e l S c ie n c e
o f Edm und Hamilton, Brackett in the years ahead divided
S to r ie s , Fiction House’s P la n e t S to r ie s , Blue Ribbon’s S c i e n c e
her time betw een w ritin g science fiction and fantasy n ov­
Fiction and Future Fiction. In 1940, Fictioneers (the budget
els and screenplays, most o f them for H aw ks (Rio B ravo,
division o f Popular) w eighed in w ith Astonishing S t o r i e s and
H a ta r i, E l D o r a d o , etc.). Her last film w o rk before she died
S u p e r S c ie n c e Stories, w h ile H-K Publications’ Comet S to r ie s
in 19 7 7 w as the script for George Lucas’ The E m p ir e
marked the return o f F. O rlin Tremaine to S-F editing. The
S tr ik e s B a ck .
latter magazine didn’t last long,Tremaine quitting in the face
Born in 1920, R ay Bradbury made his first pulp sale,
o f the company’s shifty business practices.
P e n d u lu m , t o S u p e r S c ie n c e Stories in 19 4 l.In the pages o f
P la n e t S to r ie s w as devoted exclu sively to stories o f
P la n e t S to r ie s , he began to develop his characteristic themes
interplanetary adventure. It became the regular home for
and poetic prose style. P la n e t published such early
the w o rk o f tw o o f the best non-“hard” science fiction w rit­
Bradbury classics as Morgue Ship and L a z a r u s , C o m e F o rth ,
ers, Leigh Brackett and R ay Bradbury. Most o f Brackett’s
and in the Summer 1946 issue, The Million Year Picnic,
stories w ere exuberant sword-and-sorcery swashbucklers,
the first o f the stories that w o u ld make up the acclaimed
influenced b y Edgar Rice Burroughs, Robert H ow ard, and
and h igh ly successful collection The Martian C h r o n ic le s .
C. L. Moore. She set them on familiar planets but these w ere
Bradbury, unlike so many o f the science-obsessed S-F w rit­
fantasy locales, w ith ou t atmospheric or geographic reali­
ers, expressed a rueful, anti-technology view p o in t in his
ties. T he editors at P la n e t didn’t care m uch about such
story o f an ordinary fam ily that has fled to Mars just be­
things. One time they found they had put a Brackett story,
fore Earth’s inevitable self-destruction:
The Dragon Q ueen of Venus, in the same issue w ith another
Venutian piece. Some q uick copy-editing saved the day, S c i e n c e r a n to o f a r a h e a d o f us too quickly, a n d th e p e o p le

turning Brackett’s story into The D r a g o n Q u e e n o f J u p ite r . got lost in a m e c h a n ic a l w ild e r n e s s , lik e c h ild r e n making
Unfortunately, it w as sloppily edited and not all the origi­
o v e r p r e t t y t h in g s , g a d g e ts , h e lic o p te r s , r o c k e ts , e m p h a s is
nal Martian references w ere removed, m aking the pub­
in g t h e w r o n g ite m s, e m p h a s iz in g m a c h in e s in s te a d o f h o w
lished story appear to be happening on tw o planets sim ul­
taneously. to r u n t h e m a c h in e s . W a r s got b ig g e r a n d bigger and

Brackett also w rote tough private detective novels and f in a lly k ille d E a r t h . . . th a t w a y o f life p r o v e d w r o n g a n d
some o f her science fiction echoes this hard-boiled style, as s tr a n g le d it s e lf w it h its ow n hands . . .
in the Raym ond Chandler—like opening paragraphs o f
L o r e le i o f t h e Mist (P l a n e t S to r ie s , Summer 1946): Before he began selling his w o rk to professional pub­
lications, Bradbury had been a science fiction fan and an
132 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

L e f t : ‘ S c i e n c e f i c t i o n ’ in t h e p u l p s

c o v e r e d e v e r y th in g fr o m “ h a r d

Beings of the Ooze s c ie n c e ' a n d s p e c u la tiv e stories to

‘ sp a ce o p e r a ’ a d v e n tu r e s a n d

in t e r p la n e t a r y fa n ta s ie s .
B) JO H N M . T A Y I-O R

O p p o s ite : Leigh B r a c k e t t , c ir c a

!9 3 9 -

Scream ing, th e y g lo w e d with a p h osp h o teico n f blue llgh tl

Spence B urkly d orcd to e n ter th e fo rbid d en c ity o f th e o n cie n t fro g m e n -

dared to d e s e c ra te th e sacred groun d o f M o u n t D u k a i! From o u t o f th e
past com es th e a w fu l v e n g e o n c e o f a ra ce lo n g d ead — on u n s p e a k ­
a b le doom to th o se w ho w ould bold ly d isrega rd th e C u rse !

acquaintance o f many established w riters in the field, and devoted readers, but only science fiction inspired such an
for a time he published his o w n amateur S-F magazine. In all-consuming passion. Pulp hack Frank G ruber’s nasty
this, he w as representative o f a phenomenon that w as claim that he could pick out a science fiction fan in a crow d
unique in the history o f commercial publishing, the close (it mostly in volved the presence o f eyeglasses and buck
interrelationship between the readers and the w riters o f teeth) w as an exaggeration, but there is no doubt that the
science fiction. From the beginning, the genre inspired S-F fans w ere a breed apart.
cultlike devotion from its fans, and their numbers in­ M any readers o f A m a z in g and succeeding magazines
creased w ith the arrival o f each n ew magazine and land­ became science fiction writers, and Gernsback further
mark story Gernsback had started it all b y encouraging closed the gap betw een professional and amateur when, in
netw orking among readers, printing full names and ad­ 1933, he hired 17-year-old Charles Hornig, publisher o f
dresses in Amazing’s letter-to-the-editor pages. Fan clubs the mimeographed F a n ta sy F a n , to be editor o f W onder

and organisations, such as the Science Fiction League and S to r ie s . T w enty-year-old fan and science fiction activist
the feuding Futurian Society and N e w Fandom, prolifer­ Mort W eisinger w as hired b y Leo Margulies as editor o f
ated in the 1930s, and on July 2, 1939, hundreds o f fans Standard’s S-F titles, T h r illin g Wonder, S ta r tlin g , C a p t a in
met in N e w York for a historic gathering, the First W orld F u tu r e . W h en Ziff-D avis bought A m a z in g S to r ie s from
Science Fiction Convention. Other pulp genres had their T eck Publications (and fired 8 6 -year-old editor T. O ’Conor

Sloane), they handed the editorial post to another active cious dero legions. Amazing became the house organ for
fan, Raymond A. Palmer, w h o had once w ritten a pri^e- occult conspiracy theorists, mental patients, and other dis­
w in n in g essay on the topic “W h at I H ave Done to Spread tinctive fans. W h ile circulation w as boosted b y the erupt­
Science Fiction,’’ ing controversy, the coherent S-F fans w ere alienated or
Hunchbacked and the siz,e o f a child as a result o f be­ repulsed. M any thought the concept o f a prehuman race o f
ing hit b y a truck w hen he w as seven, Palmer had a hard evil gods w aiting to grab pow er on Earth w as suspiciously
shell and a sardonic v ie w o f humanity. He exploited sci­ similar to the fictional Cthulhu Mythos o f H. P. Lovecraft.
ence fiction's lunatic fringe w ith a series o f “non-fiction” Palmer’s m otive in all this w as pretty clear— he had also
stories kn ow n collectively as T h e S h a v e r M y stery . Rich­ endorsed the veracity o f a geriatric hoaxer w h o claimed
ard S. Shaver w as a Pennsylvania w elder and long-time to be a 1 20-year-old Jesse James. But Richard Shaver w as a
science fiction fan w h o began sending long, crackpot let­ true believer, genuinely disturbed. Shortly before his death
ters to the Amazing editors. Beginning w ith I R em em ber in 1975, long after the controversy had faded, Shaver
L e m u r ia in the June 1945 issue, Shaver w arned the w orld w rote to science fiction historian M ike A sh ley that “ S-F
o f a race o f malevolent creatures livin g in caverns beneath fans never seemed to get the point because o f mind-con­
the Earth, using their occult powers to turn human beings trol from dero sources, I believe ... the fans only saw the
into degenerate zom bies kn ow n as “deros" Palmer empha­ stim and the sex orgy and the sensationalism in the Am az­
sised that this w as a true story and expected to drum up a ing magazine set-up, never w hat I w anted them to see and
little excitement, but L e m u r ia sparked a phenomenon. Not absorb... the nature o f evil and h o w to do something about
only did many o f Amazing’s readers believe Shaver's sto­ it w ith magnetic control devices w h ich alter the flo w o f
ries, many sent in breathless accounts o f their o w n encoun­ thought into a better pattern than the ‘norm’ ...”
ters w ith the same cavern-dw elling monster race and v i­
N 1944, some U.S. m ilitary intelligence agents burst

I into the office o f

D e a d lin e
A s t o u n d in g S c ie n c e - F ic tio n

John Campbell. T h e y carried w ith them a copy o f the story

b y C leve Cartmill, published in the March issue,,

and demanded to kn o w the source for atomic energy “se­

crets" revealed in the story. Cam pbell patriotically ex­
plained that, far from indicating a leak at the Manhattan
Project, the ideas in the story belonged to a t r a d it io n of sci­
entific prophecy practiced in the science fiction pulps
since their inception. The encounter w ou ld prove to be il­
lustrative o f the greater attention and respect science fic­
tion w ou ld receive in the post-war w orld.
In the 20 years betw een the first issue o f A m a z in g S to ­

nes and the end o f W orld W ar II, science fiction had come
a long w ay, steadily increasing in size, quality, and impact.
For those first 20 years, the pulps alone had supported this
growth. Science fiction in book form, in the slick maga­
zines, on the radio, or in the movies w as virtually nonex­
istent. T he w ar— w ith its rockets, high-tech genocide,
atomic bombs, the revealed potential for total global de­
struction— w ou ld change this situation, provoking w id e ­
spread interest in the literature o f technological and socio­
logical speculation. Science fiction w ou ld thereafter reach
a mass audience beyond the far-sighted readership o f the
pulps, an audience eager to comprehend its fragile and dan­
gerous future
B a tts ms ncau siowty an a
his fee
sighed. Jerking his mind back t o
Ibusiness, he darted to the bureau,
“ Nailii
slipped the ca r key, the license folder
from t
Iand the moncy-c ram m ed pocketbook
into his pockets.
I hate
A t any m om ent M abel o r Bessie
is busi
might wake up. Irene might recover
her senses and pound on the bath­
room floor.
guns c
M oving swiftly, silently, the de­
tective cased to the side o f the bed doorkn
and slipped the autom atic from
Bessie’s pillow. H is own forty-five I t * * * * * *

automatic was jam m ed into his co at R \

pocket. H e left the bed, started
across the floor, and Irene cam e to
[life in the bathroom , banged on the
Bessie and M abel shot erect in
[the bed, M abel staring a t him with
green, sleep-dulled eyes. T h e big
|blonde took one look a t the gun in
jhis hand, then clawed frantically
[through the bed covers, hunting her
: automatic. •,
‘*! ve got it, Bessie, darling,”
•« r-i

said grimly. “ Irene’s locked

iroom and her banging

f; J ■


W fk d

, '
t, backed tow ard the
ig three escaped pri
he A tlanta pen w ill gn
Agency some n ifty pul
to turn you in, but bv
less and pleasure is—
I. “ W ell, the three o
► have killed me event
ir no guns, so— ” P
ve H ubert Bates grasps
ob behind him.

e s e r v e y o u r c o p j Final Issue

I t is i n t h e v e r y n a t u r e o f e p h e m e r a l l i t e r a t u r e t h a t t h e

Jollywood p e o p le w ill w e a r y o f it in time, that th e y w ill d e m a n d a n e w

th in g , a t le a s t in a p p e a r a n c e i f n o t in s u b s t a n c e .

— M a ry N o el

cD e t e £ liv i
S T H E 1940S B E G A N , no one could have guessed

A that the pulps w ere dying. Indeed, it w as not until

the follow ing decade that the last rites w ou ld be performed.
But b y 1940, the seeds o f destruction w ere in place O n ly five
years before, original-material comic books had been only an
idea in the mind o f pulp-adventure-writer Major Malcolm
W heeler-Nicholson By the early’40s, the combined monthly
sales o f comic books w as in the tens of millions. T w o titles
alone — A c t i o n C o m ic s and S u p e r m a n — sold over tw o million
copies per month. By the end o f the war, the circulation o f
comic books w as four times that o f the pulps. A n d it w as late

A b o v e : F r e d e r ic k F a u s t, b e tte r k n o w n a s M a x B r a n d , in th e

1 9 4 0 s.
136 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

in 1938 that a man named Robert DeGrafFand three execu­

tives from the publishing firm o f Simon & Schuster test- face and lay still with the knife driven
marketed a two-thousand-copy softcover, “pocket-siz;ed” up to its very hilt. She had been slain
edition o f Pearl Buck’s T h e G ood Earth. W ith copies placed accidentally by one of her own brutal
at random in stores in m idtow n Manhattan, the edition w as allies.
a near sellout on the first day. Pocket Books, the first A m eri­ Monty took advantage of these few
can com pany to publish paperback books on a large scale, tense seconds to reclaim his automatic
w as officially launched in 1939 w ith the release o f ten from the floor. He swung its muzzle
titles, each printed in an edition o f ten thousand copies. By toward the man who had thrown the
the mid-’40s, dozens o f companies had entered the paper­ knife.
back field, and editions o f one million w ere not uncommon. "You see what you’ve done,” he
Paperbacks as a format had been given a huge boost b y the said harshly. "Make another move
coming o f war. T h e y w ere popular w ith the troops over­ and I’ll fire.”
seas, and fam ily members w ere encouraged to send the The man stayed still now, cowed by
conveniently packaged books to the relatives in uniforms. the threat in Monty Wills’ voice and
Pocket Books even set up a Prisoner-of-War Service just for by the sight of that unwavering gun.
people w h o w anted to send books to captured Americans. Monty flung a question at the girl. He
The Red Cross and various other do-gooders organised felt he had a right to now.
drives for the purchase o f paperback books for soldiers. N o "What’s it all about?” he said.
such groups w ere likely to encourage the sending o f “sor­ The girl was staring at the dead
did” pulp magazines. By the end o f the w ar, a large number woman with fascinated eyes. Then
o f Americans had become used to b u yin g and reading soft- words came to her pale lips.
cover books. In post-war America, paperbacks, along w ith “ It’s terrible, but she deserved it.
comic books, w ou ld be grabbing much o f the newsstand She would have stood by and seen us
space that had previously belonged to the pulps. A n d then both murdered if there had been no
there w as television— in its infancy,-of course, in the early other way. She was like that always
AOs, but b y the end o f the decade, w ell on its w a y to chang­ — full of greed and brutality. Those
ing America's habits forever.
T he w ar w as a m ixed blessing for the publishers o f M any o f the notables had already moved on. Lovecraft,
pulp magazines. A n x ie ty on the home front meant an in ­ Robert H ow ard, and Talbot M un dy w ere dead. Dashiell
creased demand for escape reading, but market expansion Hammett, Erie Stanley Gardner, Raym ond Chandler, and
w as curtailed b y restricted resources. “W e sold e v e ry ­ Cornell W oolrich w ere successful and acclaimed novelists.
thing w e put out,” H enry Steeger o f Popular recalls. “The Fred N ebel and others had “graduated" to the slicks, w here
percentages for most o f our titles w ere the highest they they earned ten and tw e n ty times the w ord rate at the
had ever been. W e could have sold even more but it w as pulps. Q uite a number o f pulp w riters— Horace M cCoy,
im possible to get more paper because o f the war.” The Steve Fisher, Leigh Brackett, Borden Chase, Richard Sale,
w artim e paper restrictions w o u ld do more than just put Frank G ruber— found more remunerative w o rk as screen­
a cap on overall circulation. Pulp publishers responded w riters in H ollyw ood. Robert Leslie Bellem, the man o f a
to the shortage b y canceling all o f the marginal magazines thousand pseudonym s and kin g o f the Spicys, became a
so as to give more o f their paper allotment to the proven television writer, scripting numerous series including The
moneymakers. T h is meant the end for the q u irky, fringe- F .B .I . and Superman. Jack W illiam son took a lengthy leave
appeal titles that had giv e the pulps o f the 1920s and o f absence from w ritin g and became a un iversity profes­
1 930s so much o f their dazzle and crackpot charm. A n d sor, teaching one o f the first academic courses in the art of
few er magazines meant, o f course, few er stories w o u ld be science fiction. N orvell Page, the man w h o used to dress
bought and few er w riters w o u ld be needed to w rite up like his avenging character, The Spider, w en t into m ys­
them T he colorful subspecies kn o w n as Pulp W riter w as terious governm ent w o rk in W ashington. A rthur Burks,
on its w a y tow ard extinction. the pulps’ legendary “speed merchant,” author o f thousands

o f pulp stories o f all sorts, finally got tired o f w riting. He pened slo w ly and then all at once. Detective story w riter
disappeared from N e w York, and his pulp pals lost track Richard Dem ing once told o f a visit he made to N e w York
o f him. O ne evening m any years later, an old pro and in late 1950, pickin g up assignments from a half-doz;en
former friend o f Burks named Ryerson Johnson ran into different pulp editors. A month later all six w ere out o f jobs
him in Chicago. T he ex-Marine, ex—pulp hack w as n o w a and their magazines w ere out o f business.“W e tried to hold
spiritualist called “Professor" Burks and g iv in g psychic on," says H enry Steeger,“and thought the conditions might
“life readings" for a substantial fee. Under his breath, he change. But b y 19 5 4 it w as all over. T he readers had gone
asked Johnson not to give him aw ay, for old time’s sake. A on to other things. T h e y looked at the pulps as something
lot o f w riters w hose bylines had meant something once from the ‘old days,’ y ou know?"
sim ply faded from the scene, never to be heard from again. The w riters mostly had m ixed feelings about the pass­
And'there w ere w riters w h o had done good w o rk in the ing o f the pulps. M any felt that those days w ere best for­
pulps, made names for themselves, and then burnt out or gotten. T h e y had outgrow n the pulps, gone on to more
lost their touch. The publishers stopped b u yin g from Fred mature w ork. The pulps seemed like a youthful indiscre­
Maclsaac, a one-time very popular and successful contribu­ tion. Some w riters could only remember the hard work,
tor to countless magazines, and one day in his Chelsea the endless days hunched over the Remington, pounding
Hotel room he killed him self Norbert Davis, h ig h ly tal­ w ords onto paper until the clanging o f the metal keys w as
ented contributor to B la c k M a s k , Argosy, D im e D e te c tiv e , ringing in the ears. But there had been good w ork, too, and
and others, had a similar streak o f bad luck and despair and the camaraderie, and the creative challenge. M ixed feelings.
took his o w n life; he w as 40 years old. “I had gotten a w a y from the pulps and w as w ritin g for the
A s W orld W a r II raged, a curious thing occurred. T w o slicks and w ritin g books," says Hugh Cave. “A n d I didn’t
men w h o w ere both w ell along in years and had little or really think about the pulps anymore But I kept copies o f
no experience w ith w ar or w ith w ar reporting pulled the every pulp in w h ich I had stories printed, hundreds o f
necessary strings and got themselves accredited as combat them. I kept them stow ed a w a y in boxes in the garden
correspondents. T h e y w ere Frederick Faust, better kn ow n house because there w asn’t any room in m y office. A n d one
as M ax Brand, and Edgar Rice Burroughs, tw o men w ho, day the garden house caught fire and the boxes w ith all
more than any others, w ere responsible for setting the stan­ m y stories burned. I lost all traces o f m y w o rk from that
dards for excitement and color in popular fiction in this period in m y life. G one up in smoke. A n d that w as w hat
century. It w as as if in old age, the tw o famous w riters had happened to the pulps. N o bo d y cared about them, they
finally determined to experience firsthand the adventure w eren’t reprinted, they w ere a totally dead thing. It w as as
and danger they had w ritten about for so m any years. if that w hole era had never happened”
Burroughs came home from his adventure and died o f a A n d so the pulps died. A huge, unprecedented out­
heart condition at the age o f 7 5. Faust, the “titan o f popular pouring o f stories— good, bad, terrible, and brilliant— had
literature," w as assigned to cover the Italian campaign. A c ­ disappeared, q u ick ly forgotten. Copies o f older pulps, in­
com panying a platoon o f infantrymen into battle against cluding the most popular titles, w ere already scarce even
an enem y stronghold, facing a heavy artillery barrage, in the early ’50s. T he cheaply made magazines carried a
Faust w as hit in the chest w ith shell fragments and died gene o f self-destruction— they disintegrated after a time
on the battlefield. under normal conditions— and, an yw ay, most had been
In the post-war years, the pulps declined steadily in throw n a w a y a w ee k or tw o after their purchase. Gone up
sales and in quality. By the end o f the decade, nearly all the in sm oke It w as as it had been intended.
remaining publications w ere detective, science fiction, or “W e just tried to entertain people," said H enry Steeger,
Western. N e w titles in these categories w ere still appear­ w hose Popular Publications had been the liveliest and
ing but w ith ou t impact or distinction. Forces w ith in and busiest pulp house o f them all, “to make them forget their
w ith ou t w ere plotting the pulps’ destruction. O ne o f the troubles for a w h ile ... to get lost for an hour in a good story
major periodical distributors decided it did not w an t to or two. That w as all w e w ere tryin g to do . . . But, you
handle any more o f the cheap fiction magazines. Street & know , in those days, the Depression, terrible conditions, a
Smith decided to fold all o f its pulps w ith the exception o f lot o f people w ere dow n, and to give people some good sto­
A s to u n d in g , w h ich continued in digest form. Thin gs hap­ ries to read w as not such a bad thing. . . ."
fT- was some time later when I said: pression that Mrs. Sanston suspected
1“Okay, baby. Now you know I'm your her husband of being in love with Miss
fiend. Maybe you’ll answer ,a couple Calvert. Of course I wasn’t iurc. Now
questions, huh?”
[ “Such as what I1” she asked me.
! I said: "Well, for one thing, how long
lad Billy Sanston been intimate with

She went white

and damned if she
didn’t faint.

our mistress, Kitty Calvert? How long

Khad he been coming to visit her?" please let me get away— before the police
“A—a long time. Almost a year. come!”
jN-now let me go, please— !” Outside, in the distance, I heard
"Not yet. Tell me something else. Did sirens moaning. I said: “Sure, kiddo.
[Kitty know Billy’s wife?" Put on a coat to cover yourself. Then
"Y-yes. Just slightly. They weren’t scram out the window.”
od friends. .Sometimes I got the im- She got a coat and I held it for, her.

m any more boxed caches o f “virgin" editions in attics and

Appendix basements— Grandpa’s forgotten collections o f Doc Savage

or G-8 a n d H is B a ttle A c e s . W h en pulps are found these

days in vintage magazine stores or flea markets they tend
C O L L E C T IN G PU LPS to be the less-collectable w estern and romance titles, or
copies from the v e ry tail end o f the pulp era, and in poor
condition, selling for an average o f $ 1 to $5. More select
A safe— if unscientific— guess w o u ld be that only
material is often found for sale in specialty bookstores de­
a tin y fraction o f one percent o f all the pulps ever pub­
voted to science fiction, mysteries, or comic books. Such a
lished still exist in any form today. The number o f these
store might offer a high-priced ($ 50 or more), one-of-a-kind
in very good or better condition is even smaller. For the
item featuring a story b y a popular or collected author—
various reasons cited elsewhere in this volume, the pulps
Raym ond Chandler or Cornell W oolrich in D im e D e te c ­
w ere never intended to outlast the dates on their front co v­
tiv e , L. Ron Hubbard in A s to u n d in g , and so forth. W h ile
ers. T heir ephemeral nature consigned the m ajority to the
these shops may put a fair price on truly scarce items, they
trash can, and unstable physical ingredients eliminated
tend to overprice m any o f the less valuable magazines.
most o f the rest. In their o w n day, the lo w ly pulp maga­
T he best selection and fairest prices for pulps are
zines w ere not likely to be collected b y any conventional
found am ong those dealers w h o sp ecialize in this genre.
archive, and b y the time libraries and universities w ok e
Most p ulp dealers are them selves dedicated collectors
up to the literary and historical importance o f certain pulp
and fans. T h e y regu larly b u y from one another for their
titles, such as B la c k M a s k and W e ir d T a le s , it w as already
o w n collections and so have a vested interest in a v o id ­
too late. Even the narrow ly specialized academic collec­
ing p rice gouging.
tions, like the B l a c k M a sk file at U C L A , remain incomplete.
T he value o f a particular pulp depends, as w ith any
The survival o f pulps in good condition is in large part due
collectable, on a variety of factors. Certain titles continue to
to the enthusiasm and care o f the private collectors.
be much in demand, including the most legendary pulps
Because o f the pulps’ relative scarcity, they have
such as B la c k M a s k , W e ir d T a le s , and the major science fic­
never attracted the kin d o f mass, frenzied attention visited
tion titles, Astounding and A m a z i n g S to r ie s . The so-called
upon comic books, baseball cards, and other twentieth-cen­
“hero pulps” have perhaps the greatest number o f serious
tury Am erican artifacts. W h ile certain golden age comic
collectors. T h e Shadow and D oc Savage are the traditional
books have sold for upw ards o f $20,000 in recent years,
favorites, and G-8 and T h e S p id e r have their rabid adher­
the scarcest or most-sought-after pulps have seldom traded
ents, but all hero pulps are collected and valuable. Am ong
hands for more than three figures. T he pulps have re­
pulpophiles, there is a great demand for esoterica, those titles
mained m ercifully free o f the “corrupting", price-raising
and categories peculiar— in every sense— to the pulps alone.
influence o f price guides and auction houses, and free o f
High prices are paid for prime examples o f the “w eird men­
the mirthless speculators w h o lock their paper treasures
ace" subgenre o f the 1930s, featured in D im e M y ster y , T e r ­
a w a y in bank vaults, k n o w in g more about price than
r o r T a le s , H o r r o r S to r ie s , and a number o f other titles offer­
about value. T he typical pulp collector is a reader and
ing outrageous crimes and painful punishments. Similarly
dreamer, not an investor.
“outre” and in demand are the notorious “Spicys” w ith their
It is still not difficult to start a pulp collection, but
voluptuous cover girls and titillating prose. A lso highly
one must k n o w w here to look. T he days w h en stacks o f
sought-after are the pulp obscurities and oddities, one-shots
medium condition pulps filled a back shelf at every used
or short-lived titles w hose strange specificity o f subject
book and magazine store, and sold for a dime apiece, are
matter tends to make the ja w drop, such as Z e p p e l i n S to r ie s ,
over. N early all such copies have been scooped up b y col­
O z a r k S to r ie s , U n d e r w o r ld Romances, or Dr. Y e n S in .
lectors or dealers, or have crumbled into oblivion on the
The value o f a particular co p y o f any pulp is further
shelf A n d time is increasingly against the odds o f finding
affected b y the content. A n issue featuring a story b y the
most collected authors— Burroughs, Lovecraft, Chandler,
Hammett, and another couple dozen others— can double
Opposite: S e e n h e r e , a n in te r io r illu s tr a tio n fo r o n e o f R . L .
to sextuple the price o f that magazine. Some people col­
B e lle m ’ s m a n y Spicy Adventure s to r ie s .
140 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

lect the w orks o f a particular cover artist, such as

Baumhofer, Roz,en, or Tinsley, and notable cover art w ill
raise the selling price.
Condition, particularly in the case o f the poorly
manufactured pulp, is a crucial factor in pricing. The
brightest intact covers, and whitest, least brittle pages com­
mand the highest prices w ith in a category. M any pulps
had their covers removed long ago b y used-magagine deal­
ers, and these “reading copies” are sold for a fraction o f the
price o f an intact copy. Most dealers and collectors n ow
tend to keep all pulps in special plastic bags and a w a y from
light and moisture, hoping to forestall any further deterio­
ration o f the venerable magazines.
W h ile any information about prices is subject to
change, an idea o f the current range may be o f interest.
Generally, an average generic pulp from the 1930s, w ith
no outstanding cover art or contributor, can be found for
$ 5 to $ 10. Better examples o f the same m ay sell for around
$20. The hotly collected titles are available for anyw here
from $30 to several hundred dollars for important and
mint condition copies. S p ic y D e t e c t iv e , H o r r o r S to r ie s , and
other esoterica begin in the $50 range and go up from there.
A s in any field o f collecting, the value o f an item depends
on how much someone is w illin g to pay for it. If someone
has a copy of, say, V i c e S q u a d D e te c tiv e , and someone else
cannot live w ithout it, the sky is the limit.
More information about pulp collecting, and deal­
ers in pulp magazines, can be found in the fo llo w in g pub­
lications: Pulp R e v ie w , 4704 Colonel E w ell Court, U p ­
per Marlboro, MD 20772; E ch oes, 504 East M orris St,
S eym ou r.T X 76380; G o ld e n P e r ils , 5 M illiken Mills Rd,
Scarboro, ME 04074; and Pulp Vault, 6942 N. Oleander
A v e , Chicago, IL 60631. T he greatest gathering o f pulps
and pulp fans and dealers is at Pulpcon, a small, amiable,
annual convention held each summer, usually in Dayton,
O hio (write to Pulpcon, Box 1332, Dayton, O H 454 0 1
for information).

Carr, N ick T h e Flying Spy. Mercer Island, W A: Starmont

Acknowledgments House, 1989.

Chapdelaine, Perry A , ed. T h e J o h n W . Campbell L e tte r s.

Franklin,TN: A C Projects, 1985.
I am v e ry grateful to the fo llo w in g individuals for
their generous contributions to the material in this b ook Clarke, Arthur C. A s t o u n d i n g D ay s. N ew York Bantam,
Richard Sale, H ugh Cave, Lawrence Treat, Robert Bloch,
Jack W illiam son, Jack Scott, FritT; Leiber, Mrs. Charles Corydon,Bent and L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. L. Ron H u b b a r d :
Madman? N ew Y ork Lyle Stuart, 1987.
M e s s ia h or
Spain Verral, Theodore Roscoe, John Kobler, Jean Francis
W ebb, W illiam Cam pbell Gault, Mrs. Lester Dent, Davis, Norbert. T h e A d v e n t u r e s of M ax Latin. N ew York
H ow ard Browne, Raymond Z. Gallun, T edd Thom ey, the Mysterious Press, 1988.

late Bruno Fischer, and the late H enry Steeger. De Camp, L. Sprague, Catherine Crook de Camp, and Jane
For editorial assistance I w ish to thank Terri Hardin, Whittington Griffin. D a r k V a l l e y D e s t i n y . N ew York:
Bluejay Books, 1983.
Dean Server, and A rlene Hellerman. Thanks also to the
Mysterious Bookshop, N e w Y o r k Cellar Stories, Provi­ Easton, Robert. Max B r a n d : T h e B i g Westerner. Norman,
OK: University o f Oklahoma Press, 1970.
dence, Rhode Island; Science Fiction Bookshop, N e w Y o rk
Donato’s Fine Books, Las Vegas, Nevada; T L C Custom Labs, Ellis, Peter Berresford. T h e L a s t A d v e n t u r e r : T h e L i f e o f
T a l b o t M u n d y . W est Kingston, RI: Donald Grant, 1984
N e w Y o rk Duggal Color Projects, N e w Y o rk Collectable
Books, Upper Marlboro, Maryland. Farmer, Philip Jose. Doc S a v a g e : H i s A p o c a l y p t i c L if e . N e w
York Doubleday, 197 3
For photographs and archival research m y thanks also
to the follow in g individuals and establishments: Glenn Gallun, Raymond Z. Starclimber. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo
Press, 1991.
Lord; George M cW horter, U n iversity o f Louisville L i­
brary, Kentucky; Teresa Salazar, Special Collection, U ni­ Goodstone, Tony, ed. T h e P u lp s . N ew York Chelsea House,
versity o f A rizona, Tuscon; O ctavio Olvera, U n iversity 1970.

Research Library,U CLA , Los Angeles;Jennifer Lee, Brown Goulart, Ron, ed. The H a r d h o i l e d Dicks. Los Angeles:
University, Rhode Island; M ary J W alker, Eastern N e w Sherbourne Press, 1965
M exico University, Portales, N e w Mexico; Diane Boucher Goulart, Ron. Cheap T h r ills . N ew York: Arlington House,
Ayotte, W estern Historical Manuscript Collection, U n i­ 1972.
versity o f Missouri, Colum bia, Missouri; Carolyn Davis, Goulart, Ron. The D im e D e te c tiv e s . N ew York Mysterious
George Arents Research Library, Syracuse U niversity, Press, 1988.
N e w York; Manuscript Department, L illy Library, Indiana Grant, Donald M Talbot M u n d y : Messenger of Destiny. West
University, Bloomington, Indiana; U n iversity o f C alifor­ Kingston, R l Donald Grant, 1983
nia, Berkeley; Roy Campbell, Colum bia University; N e w Gruber, Frank The P u lp Jungle. Los Angeles: Sherbourne
York Public Library, Rare Manuscripts Collection. Press, 1967.
A n d a final thank you to Robert and Elizabeth Server. Holdstock Robert, ed. E n c y c l o p e d i a o f S c ie n c e Fiction. N ew
York Octopus Books, 1978.

Hubbard, L. Ron. B a t t l e f i e l d Earth. Los Angeles: Bridge,

Bibliography Hutchison, Don, ed. The Super F ed s. Mercer Island, W A:
Starmont House, 1988.

Jacobi, Carl. E a s t o f S a m a r in d a . Bowling Green, OH: Popular

BOOKS: Press, 1989.

Bleiler, Richard. The A n n o t a t e d I n d e x to t h e T h r ill B ook. Johnson, Diane. Dashiell H a m m e tt: A Li/e. N ew York:
Mercer Island, W A: Starmont House, 1991 Random House, 1983.

Cain, Paul (introduction by David Bowman). Fast O ne. Jones, Robert Kenneth. The S h u d d e r P u lp s . W est Linn, OR:
Berkeley, C A: Black Lizard, 1987. FAX, 1975.

Cannaday, Marilyn B i g g e r T h a n L if e . Bowling Green, OH: Laymon, Richard. S h a d o w M an. N ew York Harcourt Brace
Popular Press, 1990. Jovanovich, 1981.
142 D A N G E R I S MY B U S I N E S S

Lord, Glenn. T h e L ast C e lt West Kingston, R1 Donald Nevins, Francis M C o r n e l l Woolrich: F i r s t Y o u D r e a m ,

Grant, 1976. T h e n Y o u Did N ew York Mysterious Press, 1988.

Lovecraft, H. P. T h e D o o m T h a t C a m e to S a r n a t h and Other Noel, Mary. Villains G a lo r e . N ew York Macmillan, 1954.

N ew York Ballantine Books, 1971.
S to r ie s .
Nolan, W illiam F, ed. T h e B la c k M a s k B oys. N ew York
MacShane, Frank, ed. S e l e c t e d L e t t e r s o f R a y m o n d C h a n d le r . W illiam Morrow, 1985.
N ew York Columbia University Press, 1981.
Parente, Audrey. Pulp M a n 's O d y s s e y . Mercer Island, W A:
Moskowitz;, Sam. E x p l o r e r s o f th e I n fin ite . Cleveland, OH: Starmont House, 1988.
W orld Publishing, 1963.
Perelman, S. J. T h e Most o f S . ] . P e r e lm a n . N ew York Simon
Murray, Will. The D u e n d e H i s t o r y o f t h e S h a d o w M a g a z in e . and Schuster, 1958.
Greenwood, MA: Odyssey, 1980.
Price, E. Hoffman. F a r L a n d s O th e r D ay s. Chapel Hill, NC:
Carcosa, 1975.

Pron^ini, Bill. G u n In C h eek . N ew York: Coward McCann &

Geoghegan, 1982.

Robbins, Leanard A. T h e P u l p M a g a z i n e In d ex . Mercer

Island, W A: Starmont House, 1989.

Roscoe, Theodore. T o u g h e s t in th e Legion. Mercer Island,

W A: Starmont House, 1989.
Reoalvnd radio and H
work* tin* . . .
Sampson, Robert. Yesterday's Faces. Bowling Green, OH:
C n t l Nothin* to
Oporata! Guarantoatfl . . . Ana wall plaaaad Popular Press, 1984.
w ith It Inavarr rcapact.
I r•command tha l i t t l e
Giant to any proepao- Sampson, Robert. D e a d l y E x c ite m e n ts . Bowling Green, OH:
tivn nurohaaar wtio
w lnhaaloat nuch a little Popular Press, 1989.
radio for paraonal o re.
Coat nothing to operate.
, . . K a ra triad It and Shaw, Joseph T , ed. The H a r d - B o i l e d Omnibus. N ew York
It work* *plaodfc!.

Racatved Mldwat Radio
—I am pUaawT Ktodly
Simon and Schuster, 1946.
yoa! CornbiDM p*rfortn*nc« ami eoonurny. G«t room mall two morn . . . *
tod ay. T a y pooOnan on arrival <®ljr and poatar* (Latter* an Ffl*>. Smith, Clark Ashton. The B l a c k B o o k o f C la r k Ashton Smith.
L I T T L k 6*1Af,i + “ilA '6‘r 6 PC O 3 0 5 9 Uncotn A v*.. 0 # p t. 6401, Chicago Sauk City, WI: Arkham House, 1979.
For M O R E P A Y L e ai r n 0 m Smith, R Dixon. Lost in the Rentharpian Hills.Bowling
N Green, OH: Popular Press, 1985.
Traylor, James L,ed. Hollywood T r o u b le s h o o t e r : W . T.
Get ready for B ETTER PAY prosperity. I'll train you by tnai
B a ll a r d 's B i l l L e n n o x S t o r ie s . Popular Press, 1985.

l on Practical Drafting until IN POSITION, drawiaj BETTEH

fA T m o , All tool. Urd labia fuml«h«l to yoo. W rlu toC.r for n t u HOOK
CNOINEER DOBE Dir. 4175 Ubortyvltl*, llllnoli Traylor, James L, ed. Dime Detective
MD: Pulp Collector Press, 1986.
In d ex. N ew Carrollton,

Start at Home! Market Waiting!
Ujw small pond to begin. Expand
Wagner, Karl Edward, ed. Echoes
o f V a l o r II. N ew York: Tor,

with the Increase. Easy to ship. WE Weinberg, Robert. The W e ir d T a le s S to r y . West Linn, O R
BUY1 Otlmirmarkota waltlux also. Urt FAX, 1977.
I the facta on our unusual offer nowl
Men &. Women atarting In every state.
See what others already doing. Send Williamson, Jack W o n d e r ’ s Child: My L i f e in S c i e n c e
for Illustrated free frog book today I
AMERICAN FROG CANNING CO.. F i c t io n . N ew York: Bluejay Books, 1984.
Dept. (I0 B .E ), New Orleans, La.


POPULAR Various Issues: The A r m c h a i r D e t e c t i v e (New York); The

P u l p Collector (Upper Marlboro, Maryland); Pulp Vault

(Chicago); Mystery Scene (Cedar Rapids, Iowa).

Particularly noteworthy are the articles and interviews—

printed in an array o f fanzines and small press publica­
tions— by pulp historians N ick Carr, Bernard Drew, Link
NOW I Q C STANDS Hullar, Sam Moskcwit^, W ill Murray, Albert T o n ik and
Robert Weinberg.

Brandt, C .A , 118 1 4 ,3 1 ,7 4 ,7 5 ,1 0 5 ,
D im e D e te c tiv e , G i n g e r S t o r ie s , 8 5

B r e e z y S t o r ie s , 8 3 ,8 7 137 G la s s K e y , T h e , 6 7

B r id e W o r e B la c k , T h e , 114 D im e M y stery , 3 1 , 7 6 , 1 0 4 ,1 0 5 ,1 0 6 , Glenister.Jack, 30

Brown, Fredric, 76 115 Golden Fleece, 11
Abdullah, Achmed, 51 Browne, Howard, 133 D im e W e s te r n , 57 Goldsmith, Harold, 31
Ace G - M a n S to r ie s , 7 3
Burks, Arthur J, 11, 1 4 ,3 6 ,1 1 3 , D oc S avage, 2 2 ,9 1 ,9 5 ,9 9 ,1 0 1 ,1 0 3 Green Ice, 69
A c e H ig h D e te c tiv e , 7 0
1 2 8 .1 3 6 .1 3 7 Doctor Death, 2 9 ,1 0 3 Gregory, Dane, 7 6
Ace High, 11 Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1 5 ,23,24, Donenfeld, Harry, 8 6 ,8 9 Grey, Zane, 57
Ace Magazines, 30 3 6 .4 3 .5 1 .9 9 .1 1 8 .1 2 1 .1 3 7 Donovan, Laurence, 95 Gruber, Frank, 132, 136
A c e M y stery , 108 Butler, John K, 69 Doubleday, 22 Gun Molls, 1 0,73
A c e W estern , 57 By me, Jack, 14 Dr. Yen Sin, 103 H-K Publications, 131
Action D e te c tiv e , 7 0
Cain, Paul, 70 Dunsany, Lord, 38,4 1 Hamilton, Edmond, 131
A c t io n S to r ie s , 11 ,3 0 Campbell,John, 14,46, 127, 128 Dusty Ayres, 102 Hammett, Dashiell, 13, 1 5 ,6 1 ,6 2 ,
A d v en tu re, 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 3 ,2 2 ,3 1 ,5 0 ,5 1 , C a n d id D etec tiv e, 7 0 Dwyer, Bernard, 41 6 5 ,6 7 ,6 8 ,6 9 ,7 0 ,1 3 6
52,5*4,55,59 Capone, Al, 13,73 Dyalhis, Nictz,in, 36 Harte, Bret, 57
A i r S to r ie s , 3 0 ,5 6 Captain Future, 3 1 ,1 3 1 Eddy, C. M, 34 Hatari, 131
A ir W o n d er Stories, 1 2 2 ,1 2 3 Cartmill, Cleve, 133 E e r ie Stories, 30, 108 Hawks, Howard, 131
Alger, Horatio, Jr, 19 67 El Dorado, 131
C a s e o f th e V e lv e t C la w s , T h e , Haycox, Ernest, 59
A l l S t a r D e t e c t iv e S to r ie s , 7 0
Cave, Hugh, 1 1 ,1 3 ,4 6 ,8 6 ,8 7 ,1 1 3 , Ellsworth, Fanny, 7 0 ,7 6 Heinlein, Robert, 15,47, 128
All-Story, 2 0 ,2 2 ,2 3 ,2 4 Empey, Arthur G, 102 Henneberger, Jacob Clark, 34
A m a z in g S to r ie s , 1 1 8 ,1 2 1 ,1 3 2 ,1 3 3 Chambers, Robert W , 41 131
E m p ir e S tr ik e s B a c k , T h e , Hersey, Harold, 3 0 ,3 1 ,3 3
A rg o sy , 1 1 ,1 3 ,1 7 ,1 8 ,1 9 ,2 0 ,2 2 , Champion, D. L, 95 Ernst, Paul, 113 H ir e d G u n s, 2 6
2 4 .2 7 .3 1 .5 0 .5 9 .1 3 7 Chandler, Raymond, 15, 61,62, 68, F a c e in t h e A b y s s , T h e , 2 6 Hoffman, Arthur S, 2 2 ,5 2 ,5 5
Armer, Frank, 86 7 0 ,1 3 1 ,1 3 6 Fairgrieve, Amita, 80 Hogan, Robert J, 101
Ashley, Mike, 133 Chariot, Harry, 91 F a r E a st A d v en tu res, 5 6 H o lly w o o d D etec tiv e, 8 9
Asimov, Isaac, 128 Chase, Borden, 1 3 ,1 3 6 F a r e w e ll, M y L o v ely , 7 0 Hoover, J. Edgar, 7 3
A s t o u n d in g S to r ie s , 1 0 ,1 4 ,2 2 ,3 0 , Clarke, Arthur C, 1 1 8 ,1 2 8 Farley, Ralph Milne, 46 Hornig, Charles, 132
1 2 3 ^ 1 2 5 ,1 2 7 ,1 2 8 ,1 3 1 ,1 3 3 ,1 3 7 Clayton Publicatons, 14,46 Fast One, 70 H o r r o r S t o r ie s , 3 1 , 106, 114
Babcock, Dwight, 73 Clayton, W illiam, 29 Faulkner, William, 131 Houdini, Harry, 38
Baird, Edwin, 34 ,3 8 Clues, 3 0 ,7 0 Faust, Frederick (a.ka Max Brand), Howard, Robert E, 1 5 ,3 8 ,4 1 ,4 3 ,
Ballard, W .T , 69 Coblentz* Stanton, 121 1 1 ,1 3 ,1 6 ,1 7 ,2 6 ,2 9 ,5 1 ,5 9 ,1 3 7 , 4 5 ,4 6 ,8 7
Barrett, William, 74 ,7 5 Cobum, Walt, 5 4 ,5 5 ,5 9 135 Howitt,John, 102
Bates, Harry, 1 2 3 ,125 Cody, W illiam Frederick, 19 Fawcett Publications, 30 Hubbard, L. Ron, 47, 128
B a ttle A ces, 31 ,5 6 College Humor, 34 Feds, The, 73 Hughes, Howard, 7 3
B a t t l e S to r ie s , 30 C o m e t S t o r ie s , 131 Feldman, Anatole, 95 Ingerman, Charles, 14
Bayley, Donovan, 34 Cooper, Gary, 102 Fiction House, 1 4 ,1 3 1 Ingraham, Joseph Holt, 19
Bedford-Jones, H, 34 ,5 1 Counselman, Mary Elizabeth, 36 1 0 ,3 0 ,5 6 ,5 8
F i g h t S t o r ie s , Jacobi, Carl, 50,5 1
Bellem, Robert Leslie, 89, 136 C o u r t r o o m S t o r ie s , 10 ,3 0 ,3 1 Finley, Virgil, 36 Jacobson, Edith and Ejler, 76
B est D e te c tiv e , 7 0
C o w b o y S to ries, 30 ,5 7 F i r e F ig h t e r s , 3 0 James, Francis, 111
Bester, Alfred, 47 Cox, William, 59 Fischer,Bruno, 13,109, 111, 113, Johnson, Ryerson, 137
Better Publications, 102 Coxe, George Harmon, 74 115 Jorgensen, Nels Leroy, 67
Big Book Western, 57 Culture Publications, 1 4 ,8 6 ,8 9 Fisher, Steve, 7 6 ,8 7 ,1 3 6 Judson, Edward Zane Carroll (a.lca.
B ig S le e p , T h e , 7 0 , 131 C u p id 's D ia r y , 2 9 ,80 F o r e i g n L e g io n A d v e n t u r e s , 5 6 Ned Buntline), 19
Bill Barnes Air Adventurer, 102, D a in C u r s e , T h e , 6 7 F r e n c h N i g h t L if e , 8 5 J u n g l e S t o r ie s , 10,5 6
103 Daly, Carroll John, 6 1 ,6 2 ,6 5 ,6 7 ,6 8 F r e n c h S c a n d a ls, 8 5 Karloff, Boris, 70
B la c k A c es, 7 0
Davis, Frederick C, 102 Friel, Arthur 0 , 5 2 Keene, Day, 7 6
B la c k C a t, T h e , 7 0
Davis Norbert, 7 6 ,1 3 7 F r o n tie r Stories, 5 7 Kelley, Thomas, 36
B la c k M a sk , 1 4 ,3 1 ,6 1 ,6 2 ,6 5 ,6 6 , Davis, Robert H, 22, 26 G - 8 a n d H is B a t t le A c e s , 101 Kelly, Jack, 30
6 7 .6 8 .6 9 .7 0 .7 3 .7 6 .9 5 .1 3 7 D a y t h e E a r t h S t o o d S t i ll , T h e , 125 G-Men, 73 Kline, Otis Adelbert, 36,5 1
Blackburn, Thomas, 59 de Camp, L. Sprague, 128 Gallun, Raymond Z, 121, 1 2 3 ,1 2 5 Kobler,John, 76
Blackwell, Frank, 9 2 ,9 4 in a 69 31
D ea th B o w l, G a n g W o r ld , Kofoed, J. C, 34
Blakeslee, Frederick, 101 DeGraff, Robert, 136 G a n g s t e r S t o r ie s , 7 3 Kuttner, Henry, 3 7 ,5 0 ,8 7
Blassingame, Lurton, 87 Delacorte, George, Jr, 29 Gardner, Erie Stanley, 1 5 ,6 5 ,6 7 L’Amour, Louis, 15
Bloch, Robert, 3 8 ,4 1 ,4 6 Dell Publishing, 13, 2 9 ,9 6 Gault, W illiam Campbell, 7 6 ,8 3 ,8 5 LaCurto, James, 9 1 ,9 2
B lu e B ook, 2 4 ,5 0 ,5 1 Dent, Lester, 1 5 ,9 6 ,9 7 ,9 8 ,9 9 ,1 0 1 G a y L ov e, 10 Lamb, Harold, 4 3 ,5 2
Bodin, Ed, 14 Derleth, August, 4 1 ,4 7 G a y P a r is ie n n e , 8 5 , 8 6 Lariat, 57
Bosworth, Allan R, 56 D e te c tiv e Action S t o r ie s , 31 Gernsback, Hugo, 118, 121, 122, LaSpina, Greye, 34
Bowen, Robert Sidney, 102 D e te c tiv e Fiction Weekly, 1 4 ,7 4 ,7 6 1 2 3 ,1 2 5 ,1 2 8 ,1 3 2 L e a d in g Western, 10
Brackett, Leigh, 1 3 1 ,1 3 6 D e t e c t i v e S t o r y , 2 2 , 9 1 ,9 2 G h o s t S t o r ie s , 3 3 , 4 6 Leiber, Fritz* 4 6 ,5 6
Bradbury, Ray, 1 5 ,4 3 ,1 3 1 D e te c tiv e T a le s , 7 3 , 7 6 Gibson, Walter, 1 3 ,9 2 ,9 4 ,9 5 ,9 6 Leinster, Murray, 34

Lewis, Sinclair, 52 N ick e l W estern , 5 7 R etu rn o f T a r z a n , The, 24 S p e e d S to ries, 30

Lone Eagle, The, 102 N ot T oo N arrow , N ot T oo D eep, 7 4 R io B r a v o , 131 S p ic y A d v e n t u r e , 86
L o v e S to ry , 8 0 Nowlan, Philip Francis, 121 Robbins, Tod, 34 S p ic y D e te c tiv e , 9, 1 0 ,7 9 ,8 2 ,8 6 ,8 7 ,
Lovecraft, H. P, 1 5 ,3 8 ,4 1 ,4 7 ,8 7 , Olmstead, Harry, 59 R o m a n tic D e te c tiv e , 10 89
1 3 3 ,1 3 6 O p era to r # 5 ,3 1 ,9 5 ,1 0 2 ,1 0 3 Romantic Range, 8 0 S p ic y Mystery, 86, 108
Lucas, George, 131 O r ie n t a l S to ries, 1 0 ,4 6 ,4 7 Roscoe, Theodore, 5 0,51 S p ic y Western, 8 6
Lucky Stories, 30 O z a r k S t o r ie s , 10 Rousseau, Victor, 123 Spider, The, 3 1 ,9 9
Lugosi, Bela, 70 Packard, Frank L, 2 4 ,9 4 Roz;en, George, 94 Spillane, Mickey, 65
MacDonald, John D, 76 Page, Norvell, 8 7 ,9 9 ,1 0 1 ,1 3 6 Roz;en, Jerome, 94 Sport S to ry , 19
Macfadden Publicatons, 46 Palmer, Raymond A, 133 Sabatini, Rafael, 5 4 ,7 0 Sprenger, Bill, 45
Macfadden, Bernarr, 122 P a r is N i g h t s , 8 5 Sale, Richard, 1 2 ,1 3 ,1 4 ,1 5 ,7 4 , 136 St.John, J. Allen, 3 6 ,4 5
Machen, Arthur, 41 Parisian Life, 85 Sampson, Robert, 24 Standard Publications, 1 4 ,3 1 ,9 5
Maclssac, Bred, 7 4 ,1 3 7 Paul, Frank R, 118 S c a r face, 7 3 S t a r t lin g D e t e c t iv e A d v e n t u r e s , 3 0

MacLean, Charles Agnew, 57 Perelman, S .J,8 6 Scarlet Adventuress, 85 Startling M y stery , 108
M a g ic C a r p e t , 46 Pete Rice, 57 Schachner, Nat, 1 1 0 ,1 2 5 S t a r t lin g S to ries, 31, 128
M a lte s e F a lc o n , T h e , 67 P h a n to m D e te c tiv e , T h e , 3 1 ,9 5 Science Fiction, 131 Steeger, Henry, 14, 1 5 ,3 1 ,7 4 , 101,
Margulies, Leo, 3 1 ,7 3 ,9 5 , 128, 132 Phantom Lady, 114 S c i e n c e W o n d e r S t o r i e s , 1 2 2 , 123 1 0 2 .1 0 6 .1 3 6 .1 3 7
M a r t ia n C h r o n ic le s , T h e , 131 Pillar Mountain, 26 S c i e n t i f i c D e t e c t i v e M o n t h ly , 122 S t r a n g e D e t e c t iv e M y steries, 108
Martinsen, Richard, 96 Pines, Ned L, 31 S c o t l a n d Y a r d , 2 9 , 96 S t r a n g e S u ic id es , 30
M a r v e l S c i e n c e S to r ie s , 131 P la n e t S to ries, 131 Scott, Jack, 45 S tr a n g e T a le s , 3 0 ,4 0
McClary, Thomas Calvert, 125 Pluck and Luck, 22 Scott, R T .M , 99 Street & Smith, 1 3 ,2 0 ,2 2 ,3 1 ,6 0 ,
McCoy, Horace, 69,70, 136 Pocket Books, 136 Secret Agent X, 30 9 1 .9 5 .1 3 7
McCulley, Johnston, 2 4 ,5 1 ,9 4 P ock et L ov e, 10 Senarens, Luis, 118 Sturgeon, Theodore, 4 7 ,1 2 8
M e d ic a l H o r r o r Stories, 30 Poe, Edgar Allan, 1 8 ,3 4 ,3 8 ,4 1 S h a d o w , T h e , 2 2 , 9 2 , 9 4 ,9 5 ,1 0 3 Super Detectioe, 6 0 ,6 1
Mencken, H L, 67 P o p u la r L ov e, 8 0 Shaver, Richard S, 133 S u perm an , 135
Merritt, Abraham, 2 6 ,3 6 ,4 6 ,1 1 8 P o p u l a r M a g a z in e , T h e , 2 0 ,2 2 ,3 4 Shaw, Joseph, 1 4 ,6 8 ,6 9 ,7 0 Suter,J. Paul, 75
Moon Pool, The, 26 Popular Publications, 13, 14, 31,80, Shea,J. Vernon, 41 Sutton, George, 65
Moore, C. L, 3 7 ,4 6 ,1 3 1 9 9 ,1 0 1 ,1 0 2 ,1 0 5 ,1 1 3 ,1 3 6 ,1 3 7 S h ip o f I s h t a r , T h e , 26 S w e e t h e a r t S to ries, 8 0

Moskowitz* Sam, 128 Price, E. Hoffmann, 36 ,4 1 , 50 ,8 7 Short Stories, 2 2 ,5 0 ,5 1 ,5 9 Symes Edith, 31

Mulfrod, Clarence, 59 P r iv a te D e t e c t iv e S to ries, 7 3 Short, Luke, 5 1 ,5 9 T a r z a n o f th e A p e s , 2 3

Mundy, Talbot, 4 3 ,5 5 ,5 6 ,1 3 6 Public Enemy, 2 9 ,7 3 Simpson, Robert, 22 Teck Publications, 132

Munro, H. Warner, 36 Quinn^Seabury, 3 6 ,4 6 Sinister S to ries, 108 Ten D e te c tiv e A c es, 3 0 , 7 3

Munsey, Frank A, 1 3 ,1 7 ,2 0 R A F Aces, 10 S k y B ir d s , 56 Terence X. O’Leary’s W ar Birds,

Mysterious W u Fang, 103 R a i l r o a d S t o r ie s , 1 0 ,2 2 ,2 8 ,2 9 S k y F ig h t e r s , 56 102
Nanovic, John, 9 5 ,9 6 Ralston, Henry, 9 2 ,9 5 S k y R id e r s , 96 Terrill, Rogers, 7 6 ,1 0 6 ,1 1 3
Nathan, George Jean, 67 R a n ch R om an ces, 1 0 ,30 Sloane, T. O’Conor, 1 1 8 ,1 3 2 T error Tales, 3 1 ,1 0 6
Nebel, Frederick, 6 7 ,6 9 ,1 3 6 Rangeland Love, 80 Smith, Clark Ashton, 3 8 ,4 1 ,4 2 ,4 3 T h in Man, T h e, 6 7

Nevins, Francis M, 114 R a p id F ir e Action Stories, 57 Smith, E.E, 1 2 1 ,1 2 3 T h r ill B ook, T h e , 3 3 ,3 4 ,4 6

New Love, 80 Real Love, 80 Smith, Ormond, 8 0 T h r illin g A d v e n tu r e , 24,3 1
New Story M a g a z in e , 2 4 R e a r W in d o w , 114 S o u th S e a s Stories, 56 T h r illin g D etec tiv e, 3 1 , 7 3

Nick Carter, 22 R ed H a rv est, 67 T h r illin g L ov e, 3 1 ,8 0

T h r illin g Mystery, 31, 108, 114
T h r illin g R a n c h S to ries, 3 1 , 8 0

NEW— DIFFERENT— W a s it a n in s a n e f a c u l t y m e m ­ T h r illin g Western, 31

b er, a m o n e y -m a d to w n s m a n ,
THRILLING! o r t h a t g h a s t l y f ig m e n t o f t h e
T h r illin g Wonder Stones, 3 1 ,1 1 6
A M agazin e of T h r ills o f t h e J u n g le , 56
B iz a r re . E x c itin g to m b — th e D e a th M a id e n —
D etective M yatcriea w h o c a s t a c lo a k o f h o r r o r Tinsley, Frank, 102
o v e r p e a c e fu l C a r r o l to n C o l­
R ead W H EN TH E D E A T H -B A T le g e , a n d s e n t B o b H o w l a n d , w r a c k e d A
Tinsley, Theodore, 74
^ F L I E S , b y N o r v o ll W . P a g e , T H E w i t h p a in a n d d e s p a ir , t o t h e s i n - i n f e s t e d Tompkins, Walker, 59
M IR A C L E M URDER CASE, by o r g y w h e r e h e f o u n d h is b e s t f r i e n d s
Top Notch, 1 5 ,2 0 ,2 2
G e o r g e A r m in S h a f le l, a n d th e m oBt w ere
n o v e l o f m y s t e r y A c tio n b y A r t h u r Torrey, Roger, 13,6 9
Leo Z a g a t, W a y n e R o g ers, Paul M ATES F O R TIIE M U R D ER GIRLS
Trail, Armitage, 73
E r n s t a n d N o rb c rt D a v is l Don*t Miss This Eerie , Fascinating
Treat, Lawrence, 14,7 5
N ovelette by JOHN H. K N O X

Tremaine, F.Orl in, 1 2 5 ,1 3 1
101 S T R A N G E ® T r ip le X , 30

niTicnvE m trme&g
True L ov e, 8 0

Tuttle, W .C , 5 2 ,5 9
T w ic e a M o n th L ov e,

Ulmer, Edgar, 7 0

First Issue Out Now Ten Cents Oct.-Nov, Issue — O ut S ept. 10th!
U n c a n n y T a le s , 108
L e e Server is an avid collector o f pulp
magazines and other pop-culture paraphernalia
A graduate o f N e w York U niversity Film School,
he has written numerous articles and several
books, including Screenwriter: Words Become
Pictures. He lives in Brooklyn, N e w York

B o o k design by
Tom Morgan at Blue Design

Printed in Hong Kong.

“ D a n g e r Is M y B u s in e s s is pure gold. It is so
much fun to read! Lee Server’s enthusiasm
is well-matched to a w ritin g style so w itty
and a know ledge o f the subject so w ide-
ranging that D a n g e r Is M y B u s in e s s is a total
page-turner, as involvin g as any o f the maga­
zines he’s opened for us"
— D o n a l d E. W e s t l a k e
(a u t h o r o f H u m a n s )

“If you w ish to learn about the development o f hard-boiled w riting, give your days and nights to
D a n g e r Is M y Business by Lee Server T his is surely the definitive study."
— R o b e r t B. P a r k e r (a u t h o r o f t h e

“Lee Server is m y kind o f historian— picky, opinionated, eccentric, colorful Like his previous
classic, S c r e e n w r ite r , Mr. Server’s Danger Is M y B u s in e s s puts a perfect spin on the subject."

— B a r r y G if f o r d ( a u t h o r of W ild a t H eart)

“Danger Is M y B u s in e s s is a fascinating, w itty, and evocative history o f the

lurid/innocent w orld o f Am erican pulp magazines. A great read!"

—A n drew B e r g m a n ( W r it e r -D ir e c t o r
o f H o n e y m o o n in V e g a s )

“The pulps may have crumbled, but the writers, artists, editors, and publishers
w h o filled their pages are lovin gly preserved in Lee Server’s account o f the
fabulous magazines w hich once entertained America.”

— R o b e r t B l o c h (a u t h o r of Psy c h o )

Danger Is M y B u s in e s s is a fascinating, in-depth look at the most outrageous literary phenomenon

o f all time: the pulp magazines. Dazz;lingly illustrated, Danger Is M y B u s in e s s documents the
birth o f American pop fiction, from horror and science-fiction to mysteries, Westerns, and
romance— genres that have n ow permeated virtually every form o f mass media
in America. Edgar Rice Burroughs, Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, and ISBN □ - a i i f i - O l l S - S

Ray Bradbury all got their start w ritin g for the pulps, and, although these publi­
cations have long disappeared from newsstands, their legacy is captured here in
these colorful pages.
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