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Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion Rules Reference

Start of Scenario
● Read the scenario Introduction and note any special rules.
● Place monster stat cards in sleeves, showing stats level = scenario level.
● Shuffle the monster ability decks that correspond to monster types in the room.
● Shuffle the monster attack modifier deck (all monsters use the same deck).
● Each player chooses one of two battle goal cards in secret. Discard unchosen card.
● Each player may equip owned items below their character mat.
● Shuffle attack modifier deck for each player.
● Each player builds their hand from their active card pool with the number of cards = to the
hand size listed on the character mat.
● Place 6 element tokens on the “Inert” column of the elemental infusion table.
● Split curse cards into two decks of 10 cards each (one for monsters, one for characters).
● Players place characters in 1st room positions and start the 1st round.

Start of Round
● Each player must declare either a long rest or two actions.
● A player cannot do two actions if they have less than 2 cards in their hand.
● A player cannot do a long rest if they have less than 2 cards in their discard pile (cards in
active area may be moved to discard pile to meet condition).
● If a character can’t do two actions nor a long rest, the character is exhausted and removed.

End of Round
● If a shuffle symbol was revealed in an attack modifier deck, reassemble and shuffle that deck.
● If a shuffle symbol was revealed for a monster ability deck, reassemble and shuffle that deck.
● Move all elemental infusion tokens one space toward "Inert".
● Move active ability cards which expire into either the discard or lost pile.
● Take a short rest if desired.
● Move the round tracker forward one number (if required by the scenario).

End of Scenario
● If the scenario was completed successfully, read the scenario conclusion text.
● Remove attack modifier cards created by a scenario or item effect.
● Calculate gold collected from loot and write it in the "Gold Notes" section of character sheet.
● Add experience from scenario completion and XP dial, and write it in the “XP Notes” section of
character sheet. Scenario completion XP = 4 + (2 x Scenario Level).
● If the scenario was completed successfully, mark checkmark for successfully completed battle
goal cards. If a set of three checkmarks is completed, choose a new perk.
● Reveal city event card.
● Purchase items from shop.
Level Up
● Choose 1 ability card with level <= character level, add to active card pool.
● Choose and mark 1 new perk on the character sheet, gaining any benefits.
● Increase HP on the character’s damage dial.

Short Rest
● Characters may perform a short rest if >= 2 cards in discard pile even in last round of scenario.
● Move one random discard pile card into lost pile OR may keep that card, take 1 HP of damage
and lose a different random card (once per rest).
● Return remaining cards from discard pile to hand.

Long Rest
● You must have at least two cards in your discard pile to perform a long rest.
● Player takes turn on Initiative 99 (can use items).
● Choose and lose 1 card from discard pile (reminder: you can move cards from active area to
discard at any time, as long as they do not have the “lost” symbol).
● Return the rest of the discard pile to your hand.
● May perform “heal 2 self”.
● May refresh all spent (not consumed) item cards.

Negating Damage
● Player must choose ONE of the following to resolve the damage:
○ Take HP damage, tracking it on the damage dial.
○ Pick 1 card to lose from hand (can’t pick un-played two action cards).
○ Pick 2 cards to lose from discard pile.

Common Mistakes
● You can sell items for half their gold (rounded up).
● You can only equip one head, body, and foot item in each scenario. You can equip two hand
items. You can equip a number of small items equal to half your character level (rounded up).
● You can immediately equip an item found during a scenario even if you exceed the slot cap.
● The amount of damage on a damage trap is equal to scenario level + 2.
● Damage traps created from abilities do not use scenario level scaling.
● Some condition tokens only last for one character turn. That turn could be in the same round
as when the token was applied, or it could be in the following round. If a character applies a
condition to themself mid-round, that condition will last until the end of their following turn.
● Elements are infused at the end of your turn. You can’t create and consume an element on
your turn, but you can consume an existing element and then re-infuse it on the same turn.
● A character cannot equip two of the same item.
● Elites act before normal monsters of the same type, even if the elite standee number is higher.
● If player and monster tie on initiative, player goes first. If 2 players tie, second card breaks tie.
● If you are stunned, you can’t activate items. You can long rest if you are stunned. You must still
play two cards, but have to ignore their effects.
● Monsters always consume elements if available. All monsters of same type gain the benefit.
Monster Focus and Movement AI Flowchart

Scenario Level Table: Scenario Level = Average Level of Characters / 2 (Rounded Up)

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