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The Google Teachable Machine is an online open-source environment which is used

to develop and train machine learning and deep learning supervised models without
using any programming language.
Step-by-step approach on how to use the Teachable Machine to develop and train
machine learning models:
Step 1:
Go to
Step 2:
Click on Get Started and choose whether to open an existing project or create a new

In-order to create a new project we have three options i.e. Image Project, Audio Project,
or Pose Project. Click on the Image project.

Step 3
After clicking on Image Project, the below web page will be displayed.

Add a number of classes, rename them, and upload sample images for each class. You
can also use your webcame to record different images of each class
For example: You want to classify a book, a pen or a micro. You need to upload a bunch
of images of every type of data. Every class can be renamed and you shold add more than
30 images per class.
Step 4
Click on Advanced and adjust Epochs, Batch Size, and Learning Rate

One epoch = one forward pass and one backward pass of all the training examples
Batch size = the number of training examples in one forward/backward pass. The higher
the batch size, the more memory space you'll need.
Number of iterations = number of passes, each pass using [batch size] number of
For example: if you have 1000 training examples, and your batch size is 500, then it will
take 2 iterations to complete 1 epoch.
Step 5
Click on Train Model, it will require some time to process. After the model is trained,
click on under the hood to get accuracy and other details.

Step 6
You can test the model by uploading a sample input image.

Step 7
Click on Export Model and follow the below steps to save your trained model:
First, click on the ‘Download’ radio button. Copy the code generated and save it on your
computer into a file name, ex: myproject.html
Second, click on ‘Upload (shareable link) radio button and then select ‘Upload my
model’. Give it some time to upload.
Copy the link under ‘Your shareable link’ and keep it aside for use later

Step 8
Change the value of const URL in myproject.html file to the shareable link you copied in
the last step

Step 9
Open myproject.html in a browser and you should be able to see it work

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