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8/9/23, 12:06 PM Command Model Use Case Patterns


JUN 27, 2023

Command Model Use Case Patterns

We’ll go through several broad use case categories for the Command model.




Cohere’s Command model is an instruction-following text generation model

trained to follow user commands. It is trained to be instantly useful in practical
applications, covering a wide range of use cases. 1/16
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Having said that, if you are a developer just starting with this technology, it can be
daunting to try to comprehend what’s possible. Large language models (LLMs) like
the Command model are general-purpose and can be applied in infinite ways, but if
one can’t recognize the patterns where they can be useful, it can feel

In this blog post, we’ll go through several broad use case categories for the
Command model. Though they won’t cover all the possible ways that you can use
the model, they are good starting points for understanding the patterns of tasks
where the model works well.

We’ll go through the following use cases:

1. Writing
2. Question Answering
3. Brainstorming
4. Transforming
5. Summarizing
6. Rewriting

7. Extracting
8. Classifying

Setting Up
The examples in this post will be shown in Python. For each use case, we’ll look at
some ideas on how a prompt can be constructed and the associated model
settings. This blog post comes with a Google Colaboratory notebook that lets you
get hands-on with the code.

First, let’s install the Cohere package, get the Cohere API key, and set up the client.

! pip install cohere

import cohere
co = cohere.Client("COHERE_API_KEY") # Your Cohere API key 2/16
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Let’s also define a function to take a prompt and a temperature value and then call
the Generate endpoint, which is how we can access the Command model.​​Here, we
select the model to be command . We set a default temperature value of 0, which
nudges the response to be more predictable and less random. This function
returns the text response generated by the model.

def generate_text(prompt, temp=0):

response = co.generate(
return response.generations[0].text

Our examples will revolve around a company’s activities for launching a new
wireless headphone product, such as getting the word out, managing customer
interactions, and so on. For this, let’s define a text snippet containing the product
description. We’ll be utilizing this snippet in several examples throughout this

product="""The CO-1T is a wireless headphone product that uses Bluetooth

It has a long battery life and can be quickly charged using the included
lightweight and comfortable, ideal for long periods of use. It has a bui
and a button to control the volume. The CO-1T is a great choice for anyo
product with great battery life."""

We’ll start with the most general type of use case, which is writing.

Here we can ask the model to write freeform text, for example, with this prompt:
“Create an email about the launch of the wireless headphone product”. But that
alone might not be very useful in practical applications because the generated
text can go in very different directions. We may want to add more context and
specificity to the prompt. 3/16
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Here’s how we can do that. Let’s say we’re building an application for users to enter
some bullet points and get a complete email written. We can set up the prompt in
the following way: create a variable for the user to input some text and merge that,
together with the product description, into the main prompt.

user_input ="""
- announce product launch
- creat a call to action
- mention live chat for support

prompt = f"""{product}
Create an email about the product above mentioning the following:

response = generate_text(prompt, temp=0.5)


Adding this context helps to guide the model in the direction we want it to go. Here
is a sample response:


We are excited to announce the launch of our new wir

We are offering a special discount for the first 100

Don't miss out on this opportunity to try out our ne

If you have any questions about the CO-1T, please fe

Thank you,
[Your Name] 4/16
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In this example, we changed the temperature value to 0.5. And throughout this
article, you’ll see different temperature values being used in different situations.
Increasing the temperature value tells the model to generate less predictable
responses and instead be more “creative”. And since this task does require some
form of creativity (expanding brief keywords into a full passage), we increased the
temperature value. There is no one right value for a use case, so this is a setting
you should try and iterate to get the best outcome for your task.

We have looked at one example, but writing as a use case can mean many different
things. So instead of beginning your prompt with “Create,” you can try other ways to
extract different forms of content and formats that your application needs, such as
using “Explain,” “Generate,” “Write,” “Provide,” “Design,” “Describe,” and so on.

Question Answering
This use case is about answering a question that a user asks, be it in a single-turn,
question answering scenario or a multi-turn, chatbot setting.

Question answering can take place in either a closed or open setting. In a closed-
book question answering setting, we rely on the model to answer questions based
on the general knowledge from which it has been trained. Here’s one example:

user_input ="What features should I consider when choosing a wireless he

prompt = user_input

response = generate_text(prompt, temp=0.5)


Sample response:

There are a few features to consider when choosing a

1. Sound quality: It is important to choose a headph

2. Comfort: It is important to choose a headphone th 5/16
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3. Battery life: It is important to choose a headpho

4. Price: It is important to choose a headphone that

This works well for a question that is open-ended and doesn’t have one correct
answer. But let’s say we have a customer asking for specific information about the
wireless headphone, such as its feature set. For this, we need to turn to an
extractive question answering setting.

In this setting, we can get the model to refer to specific knowledge bases to help it
do its job well. This way, we can design a system that can handle questions that
require factual responses.

Here, a customer asks a product question. We can append the customer’s question
and the product description to the prompt, as follows.

user_input ="How do I control the sound levels"

prompt = f"""{product}
Given the product description above, answer this question: {user_input}"

response = generate_text(prompt, temp=0)


And the model picks up the relevant information from the prompt to provide the
correct answer.

Sample response:

The sound levels can be controlled by using the butt

Another form of writing is brainstorming, where we want the model to generate a
list of options based on a given prompt. This can be for writing outlines, generating 6/16
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ideas, providing critical analysis, and so on. This use case forces the model to go
broad and cover different perspectives of a situation.

In this example, we want the model to act as an assistant to a customer support

agent in identifying possible ways to troubleshoot a technical problem that a
customer is facing.

user_input = "I can't get the Bluetooth connection working"

prompt = f"""{product}
A customer provided the following complaint about this product: {user_in
Provide a bulleted list of possible ways to troubleshoot so we can advis

response = generate_text(prompt, temp=0.9)


Sample response:

- Check to see if the headphones are fully charged

- Try resetting the headphones by holding the power
- Make sure that your device is within range of the
- Try restarting your device
- Check to see if the headphones are properly paired
- If you are still having trouble connecting, please

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about generative models is their
ability to write a fresh piece of text, but one aspect that is rather understated is
their ability to synthesize an existing piece of text.

One example is transforming a passage of text into a different form, making it

reusable for different purposes. 7/16
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For example, creating a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about wireless
headphones is crucial, but it requires some effort to create. We can cut short this
process by getting the model to generate a list of FAQs based on the product
description, as follows:

prompt =f"""Turn the following product description into a list of freque

Product description: {product}

response = generate_text(prompt, temp=0)

Sample response:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the CO-1T?

The CO-1T is a wireless headphone product that uses

How long does the battery last?

The battery life of the CO-1T is long, and it can be

Is the CO-1T comfortable to wear?

The CO-1T is designed to be lightweight and comforta

Does the CO-1T have a built-in microphone?

Yes, the CO-1T has a built-in microphone for making

Does the CO-1T have a button to control the volume?

Yes, the CO-1T has a button to control the volume. 8/16
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One popular use case for synthesizing text is summarization. Here we take a long
passage of text and summarize it to its essence. These can be articles,
conversation transcripts, reports, meeting notes, and so on.

In this example, we create a prompt to summarize a list of customer reviews about

the wireless headphone.

user_input ="""Customer reviews of the CO-1T wireless headphones:

"The CO-1T is a great pair of headphones! The design is sleek and modern
very comfortable to wear. The sound quality is excellent, and I can hear
The built-in microphone means I can make calls without having to take my
highly recommend the CO-1T to anyone looking for a great pair of wireles

"I'm very disappointed with the CO-1T. The design is nice, but the batte
only use them for a few hours before they need to be recharged. This is
not sure if I can recommend them to anyone."

"The CO-1T is a mixed bag. The speaker quality is great, but the built-i
poor. I can hear every detail of my music, but my voice sounds distorted
design is nice, and the headphones are comfortable to wear, but the batt
I'm not sure if I can recommend them to anyone."

prompt = f"""Summarize the following.


response = generate_text(prompt, temp=0)


Example response:

The CO-1T wireless headphones have mixed reviews. So 9/16
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Alternatively, there is a more streamlined way to generate quality summaries, and

that is via the Summarize endpoint. It builds upon the Command model and is
designed specifically to perform summarization. It supports a much longer
context length than the Generate endpoint at 100,000 characters maximum. It also
provides a much easier way to define the types of summaries, such as long vs.
short, or paragraphs vs. bullets, without having to define the prompts.

Here’s how to call the Summarize endpoint to summarize the customer reviews:

response = co.summarize(
additional_command="analyzing these customer reviews"

Sample response:

The CO-1T wireless headphones have received mixed re

Rewriting text is another useful use case where you need to modify some aspects
of the text while maintaining its overall meaning. One example is changing the tone
of a piece of text to tailor it to a specific audience. Here we want to rewrite the
product description so it’s more relatable to students.

user_input = "college students"

prompt = f"""Create a version of this product description that's tailore

{product}""" 10/16
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response = generate_text(prompt, temp=0.5)


Sample response:

The CO-1T is a great wireless headphone option for c

Another extremely useful way of looking at text synthesis is information extraction.
Here we leverage the model’s ability to capture the context of a piece of text to
extract the right information as specified by the prompt.

Here is an example of an email that a customer is, unfortunately, asking for a

refund for the wireless headphone. We can have the model process this email by
getting it to extract information, such as the product name, refund reason, and
pick-up address.

user_input ="""I am writing to request a refund for a recent CO-1T purch

Unfortunately, the produce has not met my expectations due to its poor b
Please arrange for the pick-up at this address: to 171 John Street, Toro

prompt =f"""Extract the product, refund reason and pick-up address from


response = generate_text(prompt, temp=0)


Sample response:

Product: CO-1T
Refund reason: Poor battery life 11/16
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Pick-up address: 171 John Street, Toronto ON, M5T 1

One of the most widely deployed use cases in NLP is text classification. Here, the
task is to classify a piece of text into one of a few predefined classes. In this
example, we want to classify incoming customer messages into one of three
categories: Order, Support, or Refunds.

We can create the prompt as follows.

user_input ="""The battery drains fast"""

prompt = f"""The following is a user message to a customer support agent

Classify the message into one of the following categories: Order, Suppor


response = generate_text(prompt, temp=0)


Here’s a sample response where the generative model correctly classifies the text
into the right category:


Alternatively, the Classify endpoint provides a simple API for running text
classification. The endpoint leverages Cohere’s embeddings models and makes it
easy to add training examples and even create custom models that are specifically
tailored to your task.

Here’s how we can use the Classify endpoint. It requires a minimum of two
examples per class, which is passed as an argument to the API call. We have six
examples altogether – two for each class. 12/16
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from cohere.responses.classify import Example

response = co.classify(
examples=[Example("I can\'t connect to the bluetooth", "Support"),
Example("Why is max volume so low", "Support"),
Example("When will my order arrive", "Order"),
Example("How much is the shipping cost", "Order"),
Example("What is your refund policy", "Refunds"),
Example("How do I return my product", "Refunds")])


Sample response:


We hope that this blog post has given you a starting point for understanding the
range of use cases that you can build with the Cohere Command model. Take these
use cases as the initial set of examples from which you can further experiment on
what’s possible.

To get started with the Command model, you can either try it on the Playground or
access it via the API.

8/9/23, 12:06 PM Command Model Use Case Patterns

MEOR AMER — AUG 08, 2023

Chaining Prompts for the Command Model



BRITTAWNYA PRINCE — JUL 31, 2023 14/16
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Cohere For AI Scholars Program: Your Research Journey Starts




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