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Oscar Photography

မဂၤ လ ာပါက်ြ န ္ ေ တ္ ာ ေကာင္ း ေကာင္ း ပါ။

Oscar was a student and freelance photographer, specializing in people

and landscape photography with a style consisting of colorful and energetic

.. ႕ ႕
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...... ႕ .......... ႕ ႕
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႕ ... ႕ ႕ ႕
... ႕ ႕ ႕
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( ) ။
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( ႕ ) .. ႕
႕ ၉၉
႕ ႕ ။

၁။ ႕ The Art of Portrait .......................................................................... 4

၂။ (၇) ) ( ၁၊ ၁၊ ၊
၂ ၁၂) ............................................................................................................................19

၃။ ႕ Landscape ..................................................24

၄။ ႕ .........................................................41

၅။ ႕ . . . ..................................................................43

၆။ ႕ Long Exposure ..............................................................45

၇။ ႕ Long EXPOSURE 2 .........................................................................49

၈။ Photography Quotes to Inspire You ................................................................................55

၉။ ႕ White Balance (Raw ႕ ) ...................................60

၁ ။ ႕ Night Sky ႕ ႕ ...........................................62

၁၁။ ႕ . . . (၁) SIGMA , CANON, LEICA ...........71

၁၂။ ႕ (၂) Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Pantex 80

၁၃။ ႕ (၃) SONY , Tamron ,Tokina, Samyang ..91

၁။ ႕ The Art of Portrait

Oscar Photography·Monday, 22 February 2016

370 reads

႕ ႕ Portrait ႕
။ ႕ ႕ ၂၁ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
။ ႕ portrait
။ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ။ digital medium ႕ Digital Single Lens Reflex
(DSLR) ႕ ႕ ။ Oscar
Portrait photography ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။

Portrait photography portrait ႕ ။ ႕

Portrait ႕ ။ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
(Egypt) ။
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႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
။ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ Rome ႕ Greek ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။
။ ႕ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ၁၉ ႕
၂ ႕ portrait ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ။၂ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။ ႕
၂၁ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ trend
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
။ ႕
၂၁ ႕ ႕ art work public ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။

႕ ႕ ႕ The History of Portraiture ႕ ။

Ancient Portraiture

Ancient Portraiture

႕ ႕ ႕ public display
႕ ႕ ။ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕
႕ ။ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။ ႕ ႕ decorate ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ။

What is a Portrait?
႕ ႕ museu
။ Portrait ႕ ႕ portrait ႕ portrait

။ ႕portrait ႕ identity
႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕

။ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။ Portraits are artistic representations of people

႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕

Portrait ႕ ???

႕ 70-200mm f2.8 ႕
႕ ။
႕ ႕ ။
portrait ။
႕ ႕

source ။
“ ” ႕ secondary light source (bounce light)
႕ ။ ႕ artificial
။ color temperature
. .. . ။ ။

main light source ႕ ။
႕ ႕ shadow highlight gray area
႕ ႕ ။ Histogram
႕ ႕

Lighting basics

႕ ႕
။ ႕
႕ ။

႕ ႕ ႕ ။
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႕ ႕ ႕ ။ ႕
႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ။

႕ ႕ ႕ “ “ ။
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ။
။ ႕ portrait ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ။

႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕

႕ ။

Cast Shadow ႕ Form Shadow။

႕ ။ Cast Shadow ႕ ။
solid ႕ ႕
႕ ။ ႕
႕ cast shadow ။ Form shadow
႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ form shadow ႕ ။ ႕ ႕

႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕။ ႕ ႕
႕ ။

႕ ႕ ။Shadows add facet and meaning to an image.
႕ ။ ႕
၊ ႕ ။
- ၊ ႕

။ ႕ ႕ ။

႕ ။
႕ ႕
႕ ။

။ ႕ ။
႕ ။

႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
။ ႕ 1DX ႕ ။ D5
႕ ။ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ portrait ။ ႕ HDR color
။ manual ။

႕ ႕
။ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။

။ ႕
႕ ႕ ။ ႕
၊ ။

႕ ။

႕ ”

Credit - Kyaw Swar Hla Kyi

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။ ။
႕ ႕
။ ႕
႕ ႕ ။ ႕ ၁၁
။ fish eye
။ ႕
႕ ။
႕ ႕ ။

႕ ႕

၅ - ႕ ၅ ႕ ။ ၅ -၅ ။
႕ ႕
႕ ႕
chance ။ ႕

႕ ႕

A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in

which the face and its expression is predominant. The intent is to display the likeness,
personality, and even the mood of the person. For this reason, in photography a portrait is
generally not a snapshot, but a composed image of a person in a still position. A portrait often
shows a person looking directly at the painter or photographer, in order to most successfully
engage the subject with the viewer.

။ ႕ ႕
( - ) „ ‟

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( ႕ )

။ ႕ ။

႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕portrait ။ Portrait ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕
႕ ။
(Composition ) ႕

႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
port ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ။
really capture the moment ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ physical likeness ႕ physical relation ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ subject ႕
႕ ။ portitrait ႕
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။ Keep in mind that it is the person who is emphasized in a portrait - not his or her
surroundings. Viewers of the portrait should see more than just a recognizable photograph of
someone. ႕ ။ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ။

႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ portrait


၂။ (၇) ) ( ၁၊

၁၊ ၊ ၂ ၁၂)

Oscar Photography·Friday, 26 February 2016

146 reads

႕ ႕ ။


။ ။
။ ၊ ၊ ၊

၊ ။
၊ ။

။ ႕


။။ (၁)

( )
။ ၊

၊ ၊

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၊ ။

၊ ။

။ ၊

၊ ။

။။ (၂)

။ ႕

။ ႕
။ Leica, Canon,
Nikon Brand ၊


။။ (၃)

။ ႕
။ ။

။ ၊ ၊

။ ။

။။ (၄) ႕ ။
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။။ (၅)

။၄ ။
( )

။ ၊

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႕ (၇) ။

။။ (၆)

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။။ (၇)

။ ႕
၊ ၊

။ ။

႕ ႕
႕ ။

႕ ။
၊ ၊

၊ Pinhole ၊
။ ႕

႕ ။

႕ ။

(Ken Rockwell ႕ The Seven Levels of Photographers


( ၁၊ ၁၊ ၊ ၂ ၁၂)


၃။ ႕ Landscape

Oscar Photography·Tuesday, 1 March 2016

266 reads

႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕
႕ ။

႕ ႕ ။ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ( )
။ focus optio ။

႕ RAW Jpeg ။
။ ႕ ႕

႕ ႕ full advantage ။
႕ ႕ Landscape ႕ ။

Landscape cityscape ။
႕ ။ ႕ ႕ ႕
။ ႕ ႕
။ ႕

The Golden Rule of Landscape Photography

႕ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕
။ Landscape
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။ ႕
႕ ၁၅ ၃ ။
႕ ၁
႕ ။ ႕ ႕
၁၂ ၃ ႕
။ ႕ ။ ၁၅

႕ ႕ ႕ ၃ ။ ႕
႕၁၅ ၃ ႕ ႕ ႕ soft
and warm light ႕ ။ ႕
႕ soft shadow ။ ။
. ႕ ။ photography planner
႕ plan ႕ ။ ႕
႕ landscape ႕ ။
႕ golden rule landscape
။ ႕ ႕ ။

Golden hour

1: Shoot during the golden hour

႕ Landscape ၅ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ check google earth
႕ ႕
႕ ။ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ။ ႕ check ႕ Golden hour blue
hour ႕ ႕ ။ ႕ golden hour
႕ ႕ ။ temperature
႕ ။
႕ ႕
႕ ။
႕ ႕
႕ ။ wide ႕ ႕
႕ wide land scape ႕ ႕ 50 mm crop
35mm wide ႕ ။ 10-22 crop wide lens 16-35
fullframe wide ။ 18-55 mm ႕ 18-135 mm ႕
18-200mm ႕ ႕ ။ sharp
႕ 50mm , 40mm ။
႕ ႕ fix focal length Chromatic aberration
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ chromatic aberration
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ - ။ ႕ ႕

golden hour ႕ ။
Golden Hour

2: Find foreground interest

Landscape ႕ empty
႕ ။ ႕ ႕ ႕
။ ႕ foreground
႕ ။
႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
foreground interaction ႕ ။ ႕

႕ ႕ ။
longexposure ႕
႕ ႕ ႕

2: Find foreground interest

2: Find foreground interest

3: Use a steady tripod and remote release

။ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕
႕ ။ ႕ Remote release ႕
႕ ။ release ႕
႕ ။ mirror lockup
function ။ ႕ ႕ mirror lockup feature delay timer
႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ။ ႕ head head
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕။ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ။
Tripod ႕ ႕ ႕ ။ ႕
႕ ႕။ ႕ ႕ mid pole
shake ႕ ။ ႕ remote release
3: Use a steady tripod and remote release

4: Focus ။

႕ ႕ ။ DSLR
liveview ႕ view finder
႕ ။ DOF ( depth of field ) ။
႕ ။

႕ ။ ႕ ႕
႕ Hyperfocal distance ႕ ႕ DOF ႕
႕ ။ ႕ app
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ။ ႕
႕ ။ ႕ liveview ႕ ႕ zoom
။ ႕ ႕ ။

4: Focus ။
5: Balance the exposure

႕ dynamic range ႕
႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
3D ႕ ႕ ။ ႕
။ ႕
႕ ။ ႕ ႕

႕ ႕ trick ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ exposure ။
႕ ။ ႕ Graduated neutral
density filter ႕ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕ ။

႕ ႕ exposure ၃ ႕
႕ ၃ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕ ။ HDR ႕
႕ ။ ႕ ႕ ႕ ၃
Photomatix ႕ photoshop ႕
photomerge ႕ ႕ ။

5: Balance the exposure

5: Balance the exposure

6: Boost greens and blues

႕ ႕ taste ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ saturation ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ user preset
႕ ႕ ႕ WB shift
။ RAW ႕ ။
႕ ႕ Raw ႕ ႕ ။
6: Boost greens and blues

7: Use a narrow aperture

DOF ႕ ႕ ။
႕ AV mode ႕ Manual ။
႕ Manual ။ ႕ histogram ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ F22 ႕ ။

႕ ႕ ႕

႕ Diffraction ႕ ။ ။
႕ ႕
႕ F22 ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ 2 stop
႕ ႕ F 11 f16 ႕ ။ ႕
႕ ႕ ။

7: Use a narrow aperture

8: Use a low ISO setting

Noise ISO ႕ ႕ ။ ။
႕ ႕ ။
50 ႕ ။ ISO
Longexpos ။
႕ ႕ ႕

႕ ႕
google ။ ႕ 500px ႕ flicker ႕
႕ ႕ ။ ႕
႕ ။

Charge Up ( ႕ ႕ )

။ ႕ ။
။ ႕
။ ႕ ႕

႕ ႕ ။
႕ ။

Check the Weather Report

Weather check ႕ ႕

Weather ႕ ႕ check
႕ ။ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။

Dress Accordingly
Night Sky ႕ shoe ႕
။ ႕ optional
႕ ႕ ။

Landscape ႕
။ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕
႕ ။

။ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
။ ။ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ။

၄။ ႕

29 March 2015 at 10:56

႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕

႕ ႕ ။ ။

႕ (Mono) ႕
႕ ႕ ။
B/W ႕ ႕ ။
Black-White Versatility ( )
BW landscape Portrait still life
။ Street photography ႕ ။
။ Color Photography lighting ႕ ႕
BW ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ BW ႕ ။

No Distractions ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕

။ ႕ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕
BW ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ subject ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ။

Subtlety of Tones ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕
print ႕ ။
႕ ။ BW
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕
။ ။ ႕ ႕။
။ ႕ ။

Strong Message
BW ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
BW landscape ႕ ???
႕ ။ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
Black and white photos have a classy and exquisite feel about them. They have an aesthetic,
artistic look that is hard to produce in color. They definitely look timeless!

‟ ႕
႕ ႕
႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ Mono ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕
။ ။ ႕ BW ႕
composition ။

။ ႕
႕ ။
႕ ။ ။

ISO 250
canon 600D
႕ ႕
႕ ႕။


၅။ ႕ ...

Published by Oscar Kaung · 3 December 2015 at 14:47

soil erosion
႕ ႕ ႕ ..
. ႕
႕ ႕ ႕
... ႕ ႕ ႕
၂ ႕ ႕ ..
. ႕ ႕

႕ ႕ ...
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ..
. ႕ ႕ ႕ .. ႕
၃ ႕ . ႕
႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ... ႕ ႕
... ႕ ႕ ႕ ..
. ႕
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ... ႕

႕ ...
႕ ႕ ...
၊ ၊
႕ ႕

႕ ။

႕ ႕ ႕ ၁၇
:) ႕ ႕

၆။ ႕ Long Exposure

Published by Oscar Kaung · 5 April 2015 at 22:01

Long exposure ႕ ႕ lesns ႕

႕ Shutter
႕ ။ ႕ ႕ shutter ႕ ။ Long exposure
႕ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕
aperture (f2.8 ႕ f3.5 ႕ ႕ ) ႕
႕ ။ Long exposure ႕ -
၁။ Tripod
၂။ cable release
၃။ Lens
၄။ ႕ ။
၅။ ႕ DSLR that allow for long exposure ႕ ႕။
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ metering trick
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။ ႕ Long exposure

႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
။ Long exposure photography

႕ ႕ ။ ႕ Long exposure ႕ Magic

႕ Result
။ ႕ typical ။
။ ႕ ႕long exposure ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
Typical long exposure genres
Long exposure ၅ ။
– ႕ ႕
– ႕
A – ႕ ႕ Cityscape
– ႕ street photography

႕ Long exposure ႕ Long exposure
Unlimited ႕ ႕ ႕။ long exposure
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ။ BULB mode
႕ ။ Bulb mode ႕ Manual mode
shutter speed ႕ ႕ ၃ ႕ BULB
။ ႕
၃ ႕ Long exposure ႕ shake
။ Bulb ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
shutter ႕ ။ ႕ ႕ ။
Shutter ISO Aperture ႕ ႕
႕ ။ ႕
႕ shake
႕ ။ self timer cable release ။ ။
႕ Filter
ND ( Neutral Density ) filter ႕ ႕
႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ။
ND stop
factor of 2 ႕ ။ ၂ ႕။
1 stop = 21 = 2 = ND2
2 stops = 22 = 2 x 2 = 4 = ND4
3 stops = 23 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 = ND8
4 stops = 24 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16 = ND16
10 stops = 210 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 1024 = ND1024
႕ ႕ ႕ 2-stop ND filter ND4 ႕ ။ ND4
၄ ႕ ND8 filter 8 ႕ ။ and so on။
10stop ႕ factor of 1024 ႕ ။
Shutter speed ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕
Filter ႕ ။
Long exposure ႕ ။
၁။ TRI pod ႕ ။ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
BULB ႕ ၁ ႕
႕ ။ ႕ ႕ strap

႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ weight ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ။
၂။ filter focus
႕ ။ Metering ။ (Metering ႕ ႕ )
၃။ M BUlB M ႕ M ႕ ။
၆ ႕ shutter ႕ ႕ ။
၄။ remote release ( aka Cable release) ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ။
၅။ ႕ ။ filter 1/4sec 10stop filter
0.25sec x ~1000 = 250sec ႕ 250sec 250sec/60 =~4
။ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕

႕ ။ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ NDCalc ႕ app
And IOS ။
၆။ compose view finder live view ႕ ႕ compose ။
၇။ ISO ႕ ႕ ။
preview ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
။ noise ႕ ။
၈။RAW ။ ႕ ႕ ။

ISO 800
canon 600D


၇။ ႕ Long EXPOSURE 2

28 April 2015 at 00:29

႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕
Long Exposure ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ LongExposure ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ Long Exposure ။

Longexposure ???

၇ ႕ ။

1/30 sec 10stop ND ႕ ၃ ႕ ။ ႕

႕ ႕ ။
( f3.5 , f5.6 , f8 , f11 ,f14 ,f18 , f22 )
ND9stop ႕ ။

၁။ aperture f22 ႕ ISO ၁ AV mode ။

႕ ႕။ AV mode shutter speed
။ ။
၂။ manual mode ႕ ႕ AV f22
႕ ႕ ႕ fullstop 3 stop f
11 5stop f5.6 ။ ႕ DOF ႕ DOF = Depth
of Field ။
3) lower the shutter speed 6 to 4 stops (1/2 the value = 1 stop) based on theaperture setting.
Combined adjustments of aperture and shutter should equal 9full stops.
၃။ stop 6 ၄ (1/2sec 1stop)
။ ႕ value ႕ shutter ႕ value
၉ ႕ ND 9full stops ။

f22 ၃ ႕ ႕ - - ).
1/30sec 1/60sec ႕
1/60sec 1/30sec (
႕ FullStop shifting ႕ ။ f22
fullstop 5 stop f5.6 ။ 30sec ႕ ႕ 4sec
ND 9 f5.6 ႕ ၄ ႕ correct exposure

၄။ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။HDR
႕ exposure bracket
။ ႕ ၉stop exposure
NDamount ႕ ႕ 9stop ။ ႕
graduate ႕
႕ horizontal line
႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ။ ႕ view finder ႕
Gra ။

Hard and soft graduation

႕ ။ soft grad
။ ႕ LEnight ႕ ႕ UV filter
႕ ႕ ႕ ။Asa rule
‟ -anglelenses. ႕

The minimum kityou'll need

 A camera that offers full manual control over shutter speed, aperture and ISO speeds.

 A sturdy tripod.

remote shutter release LE ။ ႕ ႕

႕ ႕ ႕ ။ ၂ ႕ timer
႕ ။
႕ Mirror lock up function ။When taking a photo, a dSLR's
mirrorhas to physically flip up out of the way to allow light to strike the sensorinstead of being
bounced into the viewfinder. This movement, although tiny, isenough to add a small amount of
blur to long exposure photos. Using mirror lockup moves the mirror out of the way before the
photo starts to be captured.
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕ ႕
။ ႕ Digital Photography school ႕-

Shoot during the golden hour

( ႕ )

focal length mm 10-22mm ႕ 12-24mm

႕16-35 mm coverage area ႕ 18-135mm kit lens
႕ )
Use the Ruleof Thirds( ROT )
Findforeground interest ( )
Use a steadytripod ( ႕LE ႕ landscape
႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။)
Balance theexposure (Exposure edit )
Boost greensand blues( ႕ vivid ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ postprocessing
Use a narrowaperture ( F11 ႕ f16 ႕ f22 ႕ )
Use a low ISO setting( ISO grain noise ႕ )
Always shoot in RAW ႕ ႕ ႕။


၈။ Photography Quotes to Inspire You

Oscar Photography·Monday, 8 February 2016159 reads

႕ ႕ ႕
႕ English
႕ ႕ ႕ ။ Eddie Adams
႕ If it makes you laugh, if it makes you cry, if it rips out your heart, that's a good

႕ ႕ Eddie Adams ႕
႕ ၁၃ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ( Pulitzer Prize ) ၁၉၆၉ ႕ ။
“ " ႕ ႕ Adam ႕

“ ; ' ” Abraham Lincoln

႕ ႕ ႕ ၁၆ ၼ
႕ ။ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ။ ႕
႕ ႕ ။“ ‟
‟ ”―J ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။

:) ။ Joe McNally ႕ ႕
။ ႕ ႕ Joe McNally National Geographic
Society ၁၉၈၇ ႕ ႕ ။ portrait

Joe McNally ႕

Elliott Erwitt ႕ “ ‟
… ‟
and everythi ” ႕
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။ ႕
႕ ။ ႕
႕ ႕ perspective ႕။
႕ ။ Elliott ႕
professional advertising ႕ Documentary ။ ႕ Black
and white
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
Elliott ႕ ။ Marilyn Monroe ႕ ။ ႕

“ ‟ you see, hopefully without preconception. You can find pictures

‟ Y
‟ ”
႕ ။ ။
႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
။ Anonymous - "If the work doesn't speak for itself, I don't care
what the artist has to say." ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
။ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။ "Life is a photograph, take your time to
pause and enjoy it" - Felix Ireland ႕
။ ႕ ႕ set up ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ။ ႕ product ။

႕ ႕

“ ? ‟ ”

Imogen Cunningham Imogen Cunningham ႕

႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕။
႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ botanical photography, nudes,
႕ ။
"Leaf Pattern" ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕

။ ႕
႕ ႕
႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕

၉။ ႕ White Balance (Raw ႕ )

Published by Oscar Kaung · 13 April 2015 at 19:54

႕ White Balance ( Raw ႕ )

White Balance (WB) ႕
႕ ။ WB ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။ WB
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ color
႕ ။ ႕ ႕ ႕ Red Green Blue
။ ႕ ႕ warm
႕ ႕ ႕ ။ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။ Temperature
degrees Kelvin ( K ) ႕ ။ ႕ Value
natural day light ႕ ။ WB
႕ ႕ ။ ႕
႕ Temperature Daylight
႕ Daylight ႕ ႕
။ ႕ RAW ႕ ႕
႕ ႕
႕ ။ ႕ ႕ JPEG WB ႕
။ RAW ႕ ။

႕ RAW ႕ ။

႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။

၁ ။ ႕ Night Sky ႕ ႕

Oscar Photography·Wednesday, 3 February 2016

181 reads

႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕
၆ ႕ ၁၈-၅၅ ႕ ႕

႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။ ႕
႕ ႕

႕ ။ ႕ ႕
႕ ။ ႕ ႕
႕ Light Pollution ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ Light pollution
။ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕

႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ stability ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
composition ႕ ႕ Blur
႕ ႕ ႕ ။ wide lens Kit
Lens ႕ ။ ႕ ။
Cable Release ။ ႕ ႕ ။ ႕
။ ၊ ႕၊ ၊ ။
႕ ႕ ။
႕ calendar ႕
႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ။

႕ ။
႕ ႕ ။ ႕ Foreground

။ Composition
႕ ႕ ။ We take photo We make photo ။

Location ။ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
။ ႕ ။
႕ A
။ Iphone PhotoPills ။ ႕ ႕ ႕
၁ ႕ ။ Android ႕ ‟
႕၈ ။
႕ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕ ႕ Black Market Free down
႕ ။ ႕ ( Biggie Tiger ) ႕
Stellarium ။ ႕ ႕ ႕ Free ။ ႕

။ Location ႕ Light Pollution
႕ ။ ႕ ႕ Light pollution ။ Light pollution
။ ႕ ၃
႕ ႕ ။
႕ ။ ႕ app
plan ႕ ႕ ။

။ ႕
႕ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕
႕ ။ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ။ ႕ ႕

႕ ႕ ႕။
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ Star Trail

႕ ႕ ႕ ။

၁။ Tripod ( )

၂။ ႕Lens ( ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ႕ ႕

႕ ႕ ႕ moisture
႕ ႕ ။)

၃။ ။
႕ ။ ။
၄။ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။

၅။ ။

၆။ ။ ။ ။

၇။ ( ႕ ႕ flash ႕ ႕။

႕ ႕ ႕ )

၈။ ႕ ၁
။ ။

၁ ။ ႕ ႕ ႕ Bluetooth ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
။ ႕ ႕ ။

၁၁။ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ။

႕ ( )။

၁၃။ ႕ Moisture ႕

႕ Focus to infinity ႕
႕ ႕ ။
??? ႕ ႕ Live View ႕ Focus to
႕ Live view Zoom ႕
႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။
႕ ႕
။ ႕ ႕
Foreground Backgrount ၊ Composition
။ Manual Mode ။ ISO Shutter
Speed Cable release ၃ ႕ ႕ ႕ ။ shutter speed ႕
F ။ Kit lens ႕ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ။ F 5.6 ႕ ႕
ISO ၆၄ ႕ ။ ႕ EV ႕ ၄
႕ ISO 100 ၄ ။ ႕ ႕
shutter speed ။ ႕
႕ ႕ ISO ၆၄ ISO 100 stop ။ ISO
6400 3200 , 3200 1600 , 1600 800 , 800 400 , 400 200 , 200
100 ႕ ၆ ။
။ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။

Shutter Speed 4 8,8 16, 16 32 , 32 64 128 , 128

။ ၂၅၆ ၆ ၄ ၂၆
။ ႕
။ F value Fu ႕ f3.5 , f5.6 , f8 ,
f11 ,f14 ,f18 , f22 ။ ႕ ။

f/1.4 and ISO400 = 30s

f/2.8 and ISO1600 = 30s

f/4.0 and ISO3200 = 30s

f/5.6 and ISO6400 = 30s

႕ ။ RAW
႕ ။ ။ ႕ ။
႕ ႕ Canon ႕ View finder ႕
႕ view finder ႕ ။

႕ ။
Knowledge ႕
႕ ႕ MPKE
႕ ႕ ႕ Group ႕ ႕ ။

႕ ႕ Star Trail
၁၁။ ႕ . . . (၁) SIGMA ,


Published by Oscar Kaung · 7 May 2015 at 12:53

႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ႕ ။
႕ ။ photography ႕
႕ ႕ ။

Sigma Lens Abbreviations

 C (Contemporary) – this product line consists mainly of variable aperture zoom lenses for
general use, such as standard and telephoto zoom lenses for APS-C cameras (the Sigma
18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 OS HSM Macro C, for example). The way I see it this is basically
‟ z

 A (Art) – you will find all the fastest Sigma prime lenses to belong to this product line.
Sigma says the Art line “
” -angle, macro, fishey and fast-aperture
zoom lenses will also belong to this category (the 18-35mm f/1.8 HSM A is a good

 S (Sport) – as you might understand, this product line is for telephoto lenses (both zoom
and fixed focal length) designed with sports and wildlife photography in mind. Expect
these lenses to be quite pricey and also feature relatively fast maximum aperture
 EX – Si ‟ - ‟
gold ring series), you can still find a few new and used optics with such designation.

products that would belong to the EX lineup.

SigmaLens Format Abbreviations

Sigma is one of the largestthird-party lens manufacturers and, as such, designs lenses for a
variety ofsensor sizes:

 DG – lenses compatible with full-frame sensor DSLR cameras.

 DC – lenses designed for for APS-C DLSR cameras.

 DN – lenses designed for compact system cameras. Sigma is yet to release lenses for
full-frame mirrorless cameras (the Sony duo), so it is yet unclear if such optics will have
a designation of their own (quite likely), or belong to either DN or DG series.

3)Sigma Lens Technology Abbreviations

 HSM – H ‟
technology. It is a ring-type ultrasonic motor designed to provide quick and silent

 OS – optical image stabilization technology used in Sigma lenses; similar to Canon IS,
Nikon VR and Tamron VC.

 ASP (Aspherical) – lenses with this designation have aspherical glass elements in their
optical design.

 APO (Apochromatic) – apochromatic lenses are designed to correct chromatic and other
sorts of aberrations more effectively. Truly apochromatic lenses feature exotic fluorite
elements and have no chromatic aberrations at all. According to Sigma, their APO lenses
“ z nses which use special optical designs and optical
materials (SLD or ELD glass) to improve their performance. The result is images which
have greater contrast, sharpness and color definition than a comparable non-APO type

 RF – such lenses have rear focusing design, which means that during focusing operation
only a few elements positioned behind the diaphragm blades are moved (rather than all
the elements). This results in potentially faster AF operation and non-rotating front

 IF – internal focusing is similar to RF, but in this case several optical elements in front of
the diaphragm are moved during focusing (rather than all the elements). The size of the
lens remains constant, but the focal length might change slightly as you focus.

 SLD – Special Low Dispersion glass elements are designed to minimize chromatic

 ELD – Extraordinary Low Dispersion glass elements might have a slightly funny name,
but they should perform even better than SLD.

 FLD – “

“ ” ess

 TSC – Thermally Stable Composite is a special material that blends qualities of

polycarbonate and metal and is used in the construction of some lenses. According to
“ % al shrinkage
is low, TSC matches well with metal parts, further contributing to the high-precision


Canon lenses use the following termsto indicate features of each lens:

 Common

o XYZmm: Focal length

o f/x.y: Maximum aperture (or f/a.b-c.d for variable aperture zooms)

 Focus/Mount Type

o EF: Electronic Focus

o EF-S: Short-Back Electronic Focus

o EF-M: Mirrorless Electronic Focus

o TS: Tilt-Shift

 TS-E: Tilt-Shift, Electronic aperture control

o MP-E: Macro-Photography, Electronic aperture control

 Features

o IS: Image Stabilization

o USM: Auto Focus Type: Ultrasonic Motor

o STM: Auto Focus Type: Stepping Motor

o (Mark) N: Version of lens (Mark II = v2, Mark III = v3, etc., word Mark may not
be present)

o DO: Diffractive Optics

o L: Luxury series

o Macro: close focusing, but not necessarily 1:1 magnification

o Softfocus ability to use soft focusing for smooth dreamy look

o PF Power Focus
LeicaRangefinder and SLR Lenses

Leica RF and SLR lenses use thefollowing terms to indicate features of each lens:

 Common

o XYZmm: Focal length

o f/x.y: Maximum aperture

 Lens Mount

o xxx-R: Lens for the R (35mm SLR) system

o xxx-M: Lens for the M (rangefinder) system

o xxx-S: Lens for the S (MF DSLR) system

 Lens Speed

o Noctilux: Fastest lenses with max aperture around 1.0

o Summilux: f/1.4 lens

o Summicron: f/2 lens

o Summarit: f/2.4 or f/2.5 lens

o Elmarit: f/2.8 lens

o Super Elmar, Elmar, Tele-Elmar: f/3.4+ lens

o Telyt: f/3.4 telephoto lens

o Vario-Elmar: Zoom version of Elmar (see above)

 Features

o ASPH: Lens with aspherical elements

o APO: Lens with apochromatic correction

Note: There are sometimes small numbers engraved next to theinfinity symbol on the focusing
scale. These numbers indicate a difference ofthe actual focal length of the lens compared to the
nominal value in tenths ofmillimeter. For example, if the number is 14 and the lens is 50mm,
the actualfocal length is 51.4

၁၂။ ႕ (၂) Nikon, Olympus,

Panasonic, Pantex

7 May 2015 at 13:07

႕ ႕ ႕ ႕ ႕
႕ ။
႕ ။ photography ႕
႕ ႕ ။

NikonF-Mount Lenses

Nikon SLR/DSLR lenses use thefollowing terms to indicate features of each lens:

 Common

o XYZmm: Focal length

o f/x.y: Maximum aperture (or f/a.b-c.d for variable aperture zooms)

 Lens System

o DX: Digital, Short Back, for 23.6mm x 15.6mm sensor.

o FX: Full Frame (film or digital), for 36mm x 24mm sensor.

 Lens Mount

o AI: Automatic Indexing mount (includes metering sensor)

o AI-S: Improved Automatic Indexing mount

o IX: Lenses designed specially for APS film SLR-s; their rear end protrudes too
much to allow using them on a 35mm film camera or a dSLR

o Series E A cheaper series of AI-S where plastic replaced some metal parts. Not
designated as Nikkor but "Nikon Lens Series E"

 Focusing System

o AF: Auto Focus, built into camera

o AF-S: Auto-Focus Silent (Silent Wave Motor, required for bodies without focus
o AF-I: Auto-Focus Internal

o AF-N: Auto-Focus (improved version, rare)

 Features

o Reflex: Catadioptric (mirror) lense.

o D: Distance, communicates focus distance for 3D Matrix metering mode and also
for flash autoexposure. All AF-I, AF-S, and G-type lenses are also D-type.
(Indicated after the f-number in the name, sometimes designated as AF-D).

o SWM: Silent Wave Motor

o N: Nano-Crystal Coating

o NIC: Nikon Integrated Coating (multicoated lenses)

o SIC: Super Integrated Coating (multicoated lenses)

o VR: Vibration Reduction

o ED: Extra-low Dispersion Glass

o FL: Fluorite. Designated a lens with some element in fluorite instead glass.

o ASP: Aspherical Lens Element

o IF: Internal Focusing

o RF: Rear Focusing

o RD: Rounded diaphragm

o Micro: Enable high reproduction ratio. Typically at 1:1 or 1:2.

o G: No aperture ring (automatic aperture only)

o DC: Defocus Control

o PC: Perspective Control. Lenses with shift feature (older) and newer with tilt as

o PF: Phase Fresnel Lens Elements. Lenses which provides superior chromatic
aberration compensation performance when combined with a normal glass lens.

o E: Electronic diaphragm. Some lenses with an electronic diaphragm. Only

supported by bodies from D3 and after.

o P: CPU enabled version of AI-S lenses (Sometimes designated as AI-P)


 Nikon AF 85mm f/1.8

 Nikon AF 85mm f/1.8D

 Nikon AI 500mm f/4.0 P

 Nikon AF-S DX 16-85mm VR f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED

 Nikon AF-I 600mm f/4D IF-ED

 Nikon AF-S VR Micro-NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED

Nikon1 NIKKOR lenses

These lenses are used on Nikon1-series compact systems cameras. The lenses are marked
"Nikon 1NIKKOR". Terms used in names are mostly the same as for F-mount.

 Common

o XYZmm: Focal length

o f/x.y: Maximum aperture (or f/a.b-c.d for variable aperture zooms)

 Lens System
o CX: For use with 1" sensor (13.2mm x 18.8mm).

 Features

o AW: Water-proof to 15m or 20m.

o PD-Zoom: Power drive zoom (primarily for movies, no zoom ring, sometimes
designated PD)

o VR: Vibration Reduction.

o IF: Internal Focus.

o RF: Rear Focus (or Rapid Focus? Marked on 18.5mm f/1.8 lens which has
lightweight/fast AF.)

o ED: Extra-low Dispersion glass.

The last three terms (IF, RF, ED)are marked on lenses but may not appear in Nikons description
of the lens. Manyof these lenses incorporate aspherical elements and will be


 1 NIKKOR VR 10-30MM F/3.5-5.6 PD-ZOOM

 1 NIKKOR VR 70-300MM F/4.5-5.6

 1 NIKKOR AW 10MM F/2.8

 1 NIKKOR AW 11-27.5MM F/3.5-5.6

 1 NIKKOR VR 10-100MM F/4.0-5.6

 1 NIKKOR VR 6.7-13MM F/3.5-5.6

 1 NIKKOR 32MM F/1.2

 1 NIKKOR 18.5MM F/1.8

Olympus4/3 lenses

 Common

o XYZmm: Focal length

o 1:x.y: Maximum aperture (or 1:a.b-c.d for variable aperture zooms)

 Features

o ED: Extra-low dispersion glass elements

o SWD: Auto Focus Type: Supersonic Wave Drive Motor

o N: Version of lens (II = v2, III = v3, etc.)

Panasonic lenses
 Common

o XYZmm: Focal length

o Fx.y: Maximum aperture

 Mount and Design Type

o Lumix: Panasonic design

o Leica: Leica design

o Lumix G, Leica DG: micro four-thirds mount

o Leica D: four-thirds mount

 Leica Nomenclature

o Vario: Zoom lens

o Lens Speed (see also Leica Rangefinder and SLR, above)

 Nocticron: f/1.2

 Summilux: f/1.4 or f/1.7

 Features

o O.I.S: Optical Image Stabilization

o X: "Pro grade" high-end line

o ASPH.: Aspherical elements

o PZ: Power zoom

o HD: HD video features: tracking silent AF

o 3D: 3D lens

 Panasonic Leica D Vario-Elmar 14-150mm F3.5-5.6 ASPH. MEGA O.I.S.

 Panasonic Leica D 25mm F1.4

 Panasonic Leica DG 25mm F1.4

 Panasonic Lumix G Vario 45-200mm F4-5.6 MEGA O.I.S.

 Panasonic Lumix G X Vario PZ 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 ASPH O.I.S.

Pentax lenses

 Common

o XYZmm: Focal length

o 1:x.y: Maximum aperture

 Focus/Mount Type

o K, M: Manual Focus, Manual/Aperture priority metering

o AF: Early AF system with AF motor and electronics in lens that works only with
ME-F body.

o A: Manual Focus, supports Shutter priority and Program exposure metering

o F: Adds Auto Focus to capabilities of A lenses

o FA: Adds ability to communicate MTF to body to capabilities of F lenses

o FAJ: Removes aperture ring from capabilities of FA lenses

o DA: Same capabilities as FAJ, but with reduced imaging circle for digital cameras
with APS-C sized sensor

o DA L: Same capabilities as DA lenses, Lighter construction

o D FA: Same capabilities as FA lenses, usable on both film and digital cameras

 Features

o AL: Aspherical elements

o ED: Extra-low dispersion glass elements

o SMC: Super multi coating lens coating

o HD: Newer "high grade" multi-layer lens coating

o PZ: Power Zoom

o SDM: Auto Focus Type: Supersonic Drive Motor

o DC: Auto Focus Type: direct current motor

o IF: Internal focussing

o WR: Weather Resistant (when matched with weather resistant body)

o AW: All Weather (again when matched with WR body; it's unclear how if at all
this differs from the above)

o ★: High performance, including weather and dust sealing

o Limited: High quality, compact design (primes)

o Macro: 1:1 magnification

o XS: Extra slim, even more compact than Limited

o RE: retractable (compact size in standby mode)


၁၃။ ႕ (၃) SONY , Tamron

,Tokina, Samyang

7 May 2015 at 13:07


Sony lenses, previously Minoltalenses, have similar features to Nikon and Canon. Their notation
is as follows:

 Common

o XYZ/x.y: Focal length/Maximum Aperture (or XYZ/a.b-c.d for variable aperture

 Lens Mount Type

o Alpha: α

o E: E Type Mount

 Focusing System

o SSM: In-Lens Super-sonic Motor

o SAM: In-Lens Micro Motor

 Features

o G: Gold Series (highest quality)

o (D): Distance Encoding (supports ADI feature of some Sony bodies)

o DT: Digital Technology (optimized for digital cameras)

o APO: Apochromatic correction using AD elements

 HS-APO: High-Speed APO

o AD: Anomalous Dispersion

o OSS: Optical Steady Shot (E-mount only)

o T*: High-performance Coating

o M: 1:1 magnification

o Z: optical engineering by Carl Zeiss


 Sony Alpha 70-200/2.8 G

 Sony Alpha 28-75/2.8 SAM

 Sony Alpha DT 18-250/3.5-6.3

 Sony E 18-200/3.5-6.3 OSS

 Sony Alpha 100/2.8 Macro

Tamron lenses use the followingterms to indicate features of each lens. Tamron offers a
considerable degree offunctional features and lens types, particularly lens types that
affectchromatic aberration:

 Common

o XYZmm: Focal length

o F/x.y: Maximum aperture (or F/a.b-c.d for variable aperture zooms)

o AF: Auto-Focus

 Compatible Body Brands

o Nikon

o Canon

o Minolta/Sony

o Pentax

 Features

o Lens Elements

 XR: Extra Refractive Index Glass (lighter, smaller lenses)

 LD: Low Dispersion (chromatic aberration reduction)

 XLD: Extra Low Dispersion (advanced chromatic aberration reduction)

 ASL: Aspherical (improved focal plane convergence)

 LAH: LD + ASL hybrid lens element

 AD: Anomalous Dispersion (improved control over chromatic aberration)

 ADH: AD + ASL hybrid lens element

 HID: High Index, High Dispersion Glass (minimizes lateral chromatic

o Functional Features

 VC: Vibration Compensation

 USD: Ultrasonic Silent Drive

 SP: Super Performance (professional line)

 IF: Internal Focusing System

 Di: Digitally Integrated (optimized for use with full-frame digital cameras)

 Di-II: Digitally Integrated (optimized for use with APS-C digital cameras)

 ZL: Zoom Lock (prevents undesired zoom lens barrel extension)

 A/M: Auto-focus/Manual-focus Switch Mechanism

 FEC: Filter Effect Control (controls filter direction when lens hood
attached, i.e. for Polarizing filters)

 1:1 Macro: 1:1 Magnification


 Tamron SP AF17-35MM F/2.8-4 Di LD Aspherical (IF)

 Tamron AF18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 XR Di II LD Aspherical (IF)

 Tamron SP AF180mm F/3.5 Di LD (IF) 1:1 Macro


Tokina lenses use the followingterms to indicate features of each lens:

 Common
o VW~XYZmm: Focal length

o f/x.y: Maximum aperture (or f/a.b-c.d for variable aperture zooms)

o AF: Auto-Focus

 Compatible Body Brands

o Nikon

o Canon

o Minolta/Sony

o Pentax

 Features

o AT-X Pro professional line (primes and constant aperture zooms)

o AT-X consumer line (variable aperture zooms)

o AS: Aspherical Optics

o F&R: Advanced Aspherical Optics

o SD: Super Low Dispersion

o HLD: High-Refraction, Low Dispersion

o MC: Multi-Coating

o FE: Floating Element System

o IF: Internal Focus System

o IRF: Internal Rear Focus System

o FC: Focus Clutch Mechanism (allows switching between auto & manual focus)

o One Touch FC: One-Touch Focus Clutch Mechanism

o FX: Full frame

o DX: Digital (cropped frame)

Samyang Lenses

Samyang (also sold as Pro-Optic,Rokinon, Bower) lenses use the following terms to indicate
features of eachlens:

 Common

o XYZ mm: Focal length

o f/x.y: Maximum aperture

o Tx.y: maximum light transmittance

 Compatible Body Brands

o Nikon

o Canon

o Minolta/Sony

o Pentax/Samsung

o Olympus

o Panasonic

 Features

o AE: contains electronic chip to allow Automatic Exposure and iTTL flash metering
on a Nikon body

o AS: contains Aspherical element(s)

o Aspherical: contains Aspherical element(s)

o ED: contains extra-low dispersion element(s)

o IF: Internal Focusing

o VDSLR: designed for video use (smooth aperture selection with T-number scale,
toothed aperture and focus rings); can be used for still photography, too

o DH: detachable hood (indicated only if a similar focal length model with fixed
hood exists)

o T-S: tilt-shift

o MC: Multi Coating

o UMC: Ultra Multi Coating

o NCS: nano crystal anti-reflection coating

o CS: crop sensor coverage

o MFT: designed for Micro Four Thirds systems

o VG10 - custom design for Sony Nex-VG10

o Preset: Aperture preset (so you can quickly flick aperture ring between maximum
aperture for focusing and desired aperture for shooting; there's no aperture
linkage on a preset lens)

o Mirror: a mirror lens


 Samyang AE 14 mm f/2.8 ED AS IF UMC

 Samyang 35 mm f/1.4 AS UMC

 Pro-Optic AE 85 mm f/1.4 Aspherical IF

။ ႕ ႕ ။
႕ ။
Steelwool Photography


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