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August-2022 Supplementary Eligible Students list

2 3 2 1 1 2 6 5 3 9 1 5 4 4 5 3 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 4 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 1
UC002 UC003 UC004 UC007 UC008 UC009 ME001 ME002 ME003 ME004 ME005 ME006 ME007 ME008 ME009 ME011 ME012 ME013 ME014 ME016 ME017 ME018 ME019 ME020 ME021 ME022 ME023 ME025 ME026 MEE02 MEE09 MEE10 MEE12 MEE22
Basic Fundamenta Industrial
Advanced Chemistry Problem Fluid Machining Modern Quality
Engineering Engineering Engineering Electrical Engineering Statistics Engineering ls of Dynamics Heat and Design of Finite Design of Engineering Internal
Engineering Ethics for English Environmen Material for Engineering Solving Mechanics Numerical Thermal Strength of Processes CAD / Manufacturi Industrial Control and Power Plant Electrical
Mathematic Chemistry – Mathematic and Graphics and Fourier Thermodyna Manufacturi of Mass Machine Element Transmissio and Combustion
Physics-I Engineers Communica tal Science Physics Mechanical Mechanics using “C” & and Methods Engineering Materials and CAM / CIM ng robotics Reliability Engineering Technology
s-I I s - II Electronics and Drafting Analysis mics ng Machinery Transfer Elements Analysis n Systems Managemen Engines
tion Lab Engineering MATLAB Machinery Metrology Techniques Engineering
Engineering Processes t
191614083 191714007 191614083 191614042 191714013 191714004 191614066 191614042 191614042 191714007 191714158 191614042 191614042 191614042 191714007 191614083 191614083 191714158 191614042 191614042 191614042 191714013 191614042 191614033 191714158 191614042 191614083 191714062 191714158 191614042 191614042 191714062 191614033 191714062
191714086 191714158 191714158 191714062 191614083 191614066 191614083 191714013 191614057 191614057 191714018 191714013 191714158 191714158 191614083 191614083 191614083 191614042 191914051 191614083 191714100 191714158 191614062
191714160 191714013 191714018 191714013 191714066 191614083 191714013 191714062 191714100 191714165L 191714013 191714013 191714165L 191714013 191914067L 191714158 191614083
191714080 191714100 191714090 191714013 191714165L 191714158 191714158 191714158
191714100 191714158 191714097 191714100 191714165L
191714133 191714100

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