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Chesterton's The White Horse Chesterton's book was first published in 1911, but it was set
during the early years of the Catholic Church. The story takes place in England during the Danes'
invasion at the Battle of Ethandun. King Alfred is the King of the English people and is also
attempting to spread Christianity and end paganism. The intention is to place more emphasis on
tradition than history; he will examine King Alfred's mythical traits rather than just the known facts
about him. The strategy is described as a form of the crusade, that is, the eternal struggle of
Christianity on earth to withstand the assault of forces hostile to God and His Church. Mary assists
him in this process and struggles with him throughout the novel. Alfred is attempting to protect
England from the Danes attempting to conquer the country, but they are also attempting to propagate
their paganism faith. Alfred's goal is to prevent them from doing either. Although the uncared for
and ignored will soon be handled, a benevolent monarch does not aim to increase his territory, and
one will extend help without the intention of gaining something.

Alfred's first visitation from Mary was more of a religious awakening for him. Alfred was interested
in the outcome of the fights he and his soldiers would be fighting. Being a king, he stood firmly with
his role. When he questions Mary about this, she immediately reminds him that asking about the
future is inappropriate because it is not part of the church to know the future but rather to have faith
in God and his plan for you. Mary remains beside him, helping him and guiding him. Mary continues
by pointing out that fortune-telling is a type of sorcery and that the joy of the Christian life lies in
embracing the unknowable. Alfred alerts the chiefs after he witnesses the first apparition. His entire
life can be compared to the profession of a warrior-knight who is continually looking for fresh
dragons who are pleading to be killed by his pen.

When Alfred told the chiefs about his experiences, they were taken aback and skeptical at first, but
when he told them everything, they trusted him. The struggle between good and evil will endure
forever. Every generation of Christians will deal with its own complex set of problems. They were
more faithful and confident with God on their side, watching over them after they believed. "For I go
gathering Christian men From sunken paving and ford and fen, To die in a war, God knows when, by
God, but I know why" (Book II: the Gathering of the Chiefs - 15th stanza). Mary informed Alfred in
her speech. Once they recognized the Holy Spirit was with them, they were brave and battled with
everything they had for England and God. Mary is the head of all humanity and the mother of Jesus.

Mary plays a crucial part in the poem; by assisting Alfred in overcoming his fear, she strengthens
him as a leader and Christian. Mary also helps Alfred's army and chiefs by showing up at the
appropriate times. Mary reappears on the battlefield in the last Battle of Ethandune. Alfred's army
was losing so badly that the Danes would win the war if they surrendered. They did not, however,
give up. Strong and bold as they are, they continue fighting. When Alfred looked up, Mary could be
seen off in the distance, which gave him the confidence and drives to make one last push. He is
surrounded by Danish warriors as this charge abruptly stops, but Mary is by his side. When one of
the Danes throws his spear and misses, Alfred replies by killing him with his ax before blowing the
battle horn. His men are anxious for one last shot once they hear the horn. This last accusation
resolved the struggle with the Danes, and the Danish leader afterward embraced Catholicism. If you
think Mary will always be there for us when we need her, it shows how strong and influential she is
in our lives. This last accusation resolved the struggle with the Danes, and the Danish leader
afterward embraced Catholicism. If you think Mary will always be there for us when we need her, it
shows how strong and influential she is in our lives.

This shows us that Mary keeps an eye on us and is always ready to help. The first time she meets
Alfred is when he tells his troops and chiefs, and when she shows up during the Battle of Ethandune
are the times where this is most obvious. Alfred's first apparition in the river changed the course of
Catholicism in England forever; it provided him with the truth and motivation to continue and
motivate all of his warriors. The vision at the Battle of Ethandune demonstrates Mary's power and
what she can accomplish for us all if we trust and believe in her. Christians must continue to be
obedient and battle until the last end, but they must never expect their efforts on earth to bear fruit
that will last. Humanity cannot see the final victory before death because of human mortality.

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