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Unit 1: humans and animals

What do you know about your body’s organs?

An organ is a structure (part) of the human body that…………………………


External organs: example ………………………, ………………………………………

Internal organs: like ………………………………, ……………………………………….

In the following write the function of each organ to the body.

Kidney: remove ……………………………….. from the blood.

Stomach: break down of ………………………………..

Heart: ……………………………………..

Intestine: …………………………………….. nutrient from food.

Brain: …………………………………………………………………………...

Lungs: taking in …………………………………………..

Circulatory system

When two or more organs in our bodies work together to carry out a
function is called a ………………… ……………………………………….

Circulatory system is made up of the …………………………….. and


The heart ………………………………. the blood.

The blood delivers water, …………………… and …………………….. to the cells

of the body.

Blood is also used to remove away …………………… products from the


You can feel your heart beat as a ………………………. under skin on some
parts of your body.


Heart is a muscular organ in the left side of your chest. It has a size of
your hands ………………...

The heart contracts and relaxes to pump the blood without ………………...
This is happening in these four stages.

1. The heart pumps blood to the ………………… to pick up oxygen from

the air that you breathe in.
2. …………………………………….. blood enters back to heart.
3. Then the heart pushes and pumps the blood to all ……………………….
……………………. of the body.
4. Then the blood travels back to …………………, and the process
begins again.

Blood vessels

Blood vessels are part of the circulatory system.

There are …………………. types of blood vessels.

The blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
The blood vessels that carry blood back to heart
The tinny blood vessels that deliver water, oxygen and
nutrients to the body cells and helps to pick up blood wastes
from the cells ……………………………………….
The respiratory system

The respiratory system is made up of organs that work together:

These organs include

 ……………………………………………

 ……………………………………………

 ……………………………………………

 ……………………………………………

 ……………………………………………

The two stages of breathing are:

………………………………………….. and ……………………………………………….

As you …………………………………… the oxygen gets in to the lungs.

As you ………………………………….... the carbon dioxide leaves out the


The following events happen during ………………………………

o Diaphragm flattens and moves down

o Ribs expand

The following events happen during ………………………………

o Diaphragm moves up
o Ribs moves in

Your ……………………….……….. …………… is the number of complete

breathers you take in one minute.

Nervous system

The nervous system is made up of:



The brain

The brain is inside your skull. Label the parts of the brain.

Write the parts of the brain to their respective functions in the


a. Controls body’s automatic functions ………………………………………..

b. It helps for balance and coordination ……………………………………….
c. Controls your thinking, solving problem etc ……………………………..

The automatic actions taken by the body without thinking are

Digestive system

Digestion is ………………………………………………..................................


Digestion starts in the ………………………………….

When the food is swallowed from the mouth it goes down to the
tube called …………………………………………

This muscular tube takes the food to ……………………

The food is mixed with juices and turn into soup like liquid form in

Where most of the food is digested and nutrients taken to blood

steam in …………………….. …………………………………….

Water, minerals and salt are removed in ………………………………………….

The wastes removed from digestion via anus are called …………………..

What are the most important things you should do to keep your
body healthy?

 ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

 ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

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