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1. Write in English the following parts of the body:
Tobillo………………. Espalda…………………
Sangre……………… sangre…………………..
Hueso………………. Pecho……………………
Cerebro……………… dedo pie…………………..
Corazón………………….. rodilla…………………
Músculo……………….. cuello……………………….
Hombro……………… pie…………………….
Dedo mano…………………. Pulgar……………….
2. Vocabulary : Reading 1
Look like:………………….. stay fit and healthy:…………………….
Predictions:………………... size:…………………
Lifestyle:…………… average human………………..
More and more………………. Fitness:……………………………..
Weaker:……………………… stronger:…………………..
Fit:………………………… unfit:……………………….
Get fit…………………….. measure:……………………..
Heartbeat………………….. while…………………….
However:……………………. Thanks to:…………………….
Ill:……………………. Perform operations……………………..
Replace………………… broken bones……………….
Print…………………….. happen……………………
3. Vocabulary: Reading 2
Match the words to their defintions and synonyms
Crops get bigger
Decrease contamination
Increase get smaller
Pollution create or make something
Produce plants that farmers grow for food
4. Translate into English:
Amigo del medio ambiente………………………..
Combustibles fósiles…………………………
Calentamiento global…………………………..
Gas de efecto invernadero………………………
Terminarse, acabarse…………………………
Ahora completa estas oraciones:
- Oil, coal and carbon are………………………..
- ……………………….. products aren’t bad for the environment
- Carbon dioxide is a ……………………………
- If we don’t use less fresh water, it will…………………………….
- The Earth’s temperature is increasing. This is
5. Other words:
Population…………………… absorb…………………..
Cheap………………. How much……………………………
The same as ………………………. More than………………………..
Less than………………………. Sea level………………………..
Rise………………………. Increase………………….
Burn……………………… get dry………………………
Source of energy………………. Nuts………………….
Heat water…………………… pick the nuts…………………..


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