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LASTENIA REJAS DE CASTANON Lets Activity 3: Do it yourself! LEAD IN: Classity the activities. 1. Usually, | get up at 6 in the morning. \ 4.1 unplug the telephone when | finish. 2.1 wear recycled clothing. WM 5. attend my online classes in the morning, 3. Generally, | have a plant-based breakfast. 6. Generally, | watch TV at night. Daily routine activities Eco- friendly routine activities bs rssams ons ‘Actions: ‘a. have dinner. 2 'b..g0to bed. ‘e:| chat with my friends. 4. have lunch. ‘el take a shower, # Igetup 1g. watch TY, ‘n thave breakfast 1. Lattend my online classes. |. Lash the dishes. ES | atin theafternoea ‘the evening S6LIVEWORKSHEETS ‘What peo ting you wer ry nave te sts ‘Lnatepe easier so ys? aA~ /V- 2) Luo apa tothonsh 2 wnattpectstamove de yous? ab eae cing bln 0 SW aly etn yatta? a) use apastetree sampoo ‘ident uses psteee shampoo. <)ithkn day eine exh {inate eat Soyo et? : & tytn dare ab ced Qik daly secre exponent avout by lestpecace trad Ihe ‘sero rosaaeiee sre Step 3: ‘Complete the e-mail to your friend. Use the actions in steps 1 and 2 Hi How are you? | think protecting the environment is important. This is my daily routine. Generally, Finally, J think my daily routine is. - Let's go green! Bye- bye! LET’S REFLECT! z a err 1 | mi rutina diana indicando sto: cco-amigablo, of cual sors 410 adapto para completar un correo electrénice y describs Ieido per una amiga o amigo? 2Organizo mis ideas en oraciones sencillas con coherencia 2 | y cohesion para deseribir mi rutina diaria, indicando | asta 2s eco-amigable? 2Uso el presente simple en primera persona correctamente, 3 | para describir mi rutina diana y acciones que son eco: amigabies? Revise el texto para reflexionar y revisar, si las actividades 4 | descritas sobre mi rutina diaria son eco amigables y si he Utilizado correctamente el vocabulario y la estructura del presente simple? Finalmente: 1. éUsaste el diccionario en esta EdA? écon que frecuencia? ¢Por qué? 2, éAlguien te ayudo en casa? éPara qué seccién de las Actividades? ¢Por qué? 3. Si tuvieras que calificarte en autonomia, éestarias en inicio, en proceso, logrado o destacado?

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